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14-3-26 Chapter 1.

Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix

Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix

Patrick Ben Koetter

tri ck

Mark Martinec

License: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 2, June 1991

Revision History
Revision 122 15. Jun 2007 PK
Added Section on Advanced Configuration
Revision 108 22. Apr 2007 PK
Initial publication

Table of Contents

1. Requirements

1.1. Which Postfix version is required?

1.2. Catching errors during integration

2. Basic Postfix and amavisd-new configuration

2.1. Configuring amavisd-new for Postfix

2.2. Configuring the transport from Postfix to amavisd-new
2.3. Configuring a dedicated SMTP-server for message reinjection
2.4. Testing basic configuration

3. Message filtering examples

3.1. Filtering E-mail globally

3.2. Filtering E-mail by Postfix service
3.3. Filtering E-Mails per Recipient Domain
3.4. Filtering E-Mails by Sender-Domain
3.5. Filtering E-mail per Content

4. Advanced Postfix and amavisd-new configuration

4.1. Multiple cleanup service architecture

4.2. Configuring two cleanup services

5. Tuning

5.1. Maximum Number of Concurrent Processes

5.2. Additional Tips for Tuning


This document describes how amavisd-new can be integrated into the Postfix SMTP delivery process. It lists the necessary requirements, explains how Postfix
and amavisd-new need to be configured to basically work together and it gives filter-examples to show how amavisd-new can be called from Postfix.

1. Requirements

The following requirements must be met before integration can begin:

1. amavisd-new has already been installed and successfully tested.

2. Postfix has been installed, configured for basic operations and tested successfully.

Independently of the configuration examples shown in this document, it is advisable to set strict_rfc821_envelopes= yesin
/ma Postfix will reject any message from envelope-senders, whose address can't be used to send a reply to.

This avoids accepting e-mails from erroneous envelope-senders that can't be informed of problems, which finally would result in deleting
the message - even if Postfix claimed successful delivery in the first.

1.1. Which Postfix version is required?

Integrating amavisd-new into the Postfix delivery process requires that Postfix is able to delegate messages to external content filters. The minimum version
that provides content filtering is Postfix release-20010228.

1.2. Catching errors during integration

Chances are that configuration errors during implementation cause Postfix to bounce legitimate messages. Setting the soft_bounceparameter during integration
and reloading the Postfix configuration afterwards prevents Postfix from bouncing legitimate mail during that time:

# postconf -e "soft_bounce = yes"

# postfix reload

As soon as soft_bouncehas been activated Postfix will treat all delivery errors as temporary errors - any client that wants to send messages to Postfix will keep
mail in the mailqueue and it will suspend delivery until the soft_bounceparameter has been removed or set to no.

Once the integration of amavisd-new into the Postfix delivery process has been completed successfully soft_bouncemust be removed or Postfix will not
generate bounce messages for legitimate mail.

2. Basic Postfix and amavisd-new configuration

There are several moments at which Postfix can hand over messages over to amavisd-new (before it accepts a message from a client or after) and there are
different filter approaches (globally, per recipient (domain), per network interface, etc.) that can trigger Postfix to transport a message to amavisd-new. 1/9
14-3-26 Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix
The transport methods - transporting a message from Postfix to amavisd-new and backwards - however always remain the same. They will be described in
this section first. The section that follows will deal with different filter approaches.

Integration procedure
The following examples have been structured to cause minimum trouble on an online mail system. The order of steps ensures that
filtering will be enabled at the very last moment. Several tests will have been conducted to verify the delivery chain works before the
filter is enabled. Once enabled the complete system should work at once.

2.1. Configuring amavisd-new for Postfix

Configuring amavisd-new to work with Postfix answers the following two questions:

1. Which port should the amavisd-new daemon listen to for incoming connections from Postfix?
2. Which IP-address and port should the amavisd-new SMTP client use to (re)inject filtered messages (and notifications about message statuses) into the
Postfix SMTP delivery system?

2.1.1. Configuring amavisd-new for incoming connections

The $inet_socket_portin /etc/amavisd.confparameter sets the port number amavisd-new will listen for incoming (E)SMTP connections. The following example
explicitly configures amavisd-new to bind to port 10024(default setting undef):

$inet_socket_port = 10024;

2.1.2. Configuring the reinjection path

Two parameters, $forward_methodand $notify_method, need to be configured (usually identically) to reinject messages into the Postfix mail system.

The first parameter, $forward_method, specifies where amavisd-new should transport scanned messages to, while the second parameter, $notify_method, specifies
where notifications about scanned messages should be transported to.

By default amavisd uses port 10025to contact a SMTP server for reinjection of filtered messages. Unless a different IP address or port should be
used, no modifications must be applied and this section can be skipped.

In case a different IP address or port should be used, the parameters $notify_methodand $forward_methodneed to be adjusted to reflect these requirements. The
following example edits these parameters in /etc/amavisd.confand uses IP address and port 20025:

$notify_method = 'smtp:[]:20025';
$forward_method = 'smtp:[]:20025';

2.2. Configuring the transport from Postfix to amavisd-new

Both, amavisd-new and Postfix, are able to use either SMTP- or LMTP-communication to transport a message from Postfix to amavisd-new. Both variants will
be described in this section.

Why configure a dedicated service?

Theoretically it's possible to transport messages from Postfix to amavisd-new using the existing smtp-, lmtp, or even the relay-service in /etc/postfix/

In practice transporting messages to amavisd-new requires imposing transport limits on the transporting service. Imposing such limits on a globally available
service would impose these limits on the complete Postfix mail system - it would slow down the system significantly and should be avoided.

The number of Postfix clients that may connect simultaneously to amavisd-new instances must be limited to the maximum number of
daemon child processes amavisd-new starts.

If the Postfix transport client was allowed to open more connections amavisd-new can handle, amavisd-new would start to queue
incoming Postfix connections. Postfix in turn would interpret such behaviour as “unresponsive remote MTA” and would itself begin to
queue mail that should be filtered. All this would possibly throttle down the complete system and all further filtering attempts would

2.2.1. Configuring a dedicated lmtp-client

The following example creates a new, dedicated lmtp-transport named amavisfeedin /etc/postfix/ Its configuration details are explained following the

# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================


amavisfeed unix - - n - 2 lmtp

-o lmtp_data_done_timeout=1200
-o lmtp_send_xforward_command=yes
-o disable_dns_lookups=yes
-o max_use=20

A noteworthy quote from the Postfix documentation: “ not specify whitespace around the ‘=’. In parameter values, either avoid
whitespace altogether, ...”. Further details on master.cfconfiguration syntax can be found in master.cfor master(5).

Here's a quick rundown on the settings that differ from other services defaults:

The maximum number of concurrent Postfix amavis-service processes has been limited to 2(default: default_process_limit= 100). This value reflects the
default of 2amavisd-daemon children processes and is a good setting to start from. The value may be raised later, when the system works stable and
still can take a higher load. It should not exceed the number of simultaneous amavisd child processes. 2/9
14-3-26 Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix
ou t
Setting lmtp_data_done_timeoutto 1200(seconds) doubles the default time span a regular Postfix client waits after message delivery for the server to reply
DONEto claim successful delivery. It must be larger than amavisd setting $child_t
imeout(default 8 * 60seconds) and should add a sufficient safety margin,
for example to cater for periods of automatic database maintenance (e.g. bayes database on non-SQL database types) which can take a long time in
some cases.
If the server does not reply within the configured time span, the Postfix client will quit the connection, put the message into the deferred queue, log a
delivery failure and retry later to transport the message to amavisd-new.

Raising this value serves a trick amavisd uses to avoid message loss in case of power outage etc. The trick consists in keeping the
incoming connection as long open as it takes to filter the message and take appropriate action (reinjection, notification,
quarantine, etc.).
Only when the message (or notifications etc.) has been reinjected amavisd will send DONEto the client and the client will close the
connection. This way Postfix will always keep the message in its own mail queue, where it can be reactivated after a system

rd _
co mmand
Enabling lmtp_send_xforward_commandconfigures the Postfix lmtp-client to forward the original clients HELO name and IP address to amavisd-new. amavisd-
new in turn can use these informations for

logging and notifications (macro %a)

switching policy banks (MYNETS, @mynetworks_maps)
pen pals functionality
p0f fingerprinting

The transport route from Postfix to amavisd-new, it will be configured later in Section 3, “Message filtering examples”, will probably never change. It will
- probably - only change when the whole mail system is being reconfigured. The target host may therefore be specified as IP address instead of using a
DNS hostname. This saves “expensive” DNS-request (3 lookups) and improves performance.

By default Postfix reuses a service instance 100 times (max_use= 100), before the instance terminates. The master daemon will reinvoke such a service if
required. There's no need for the amavisfeed-service to have such a long life-span. Best practice has it to set max_useto 20.

2.2.2. Configuring a dedicated smtp-client

Configuring a dedicated smtp-client is almost identical to configuring a dedicated lmtp-client. The syntax differences in detail are that the names of
parameters start with smtp_instead of lmtp_and that the command at the end of the service invokes the smtp- and not lmtp-client. The same reasons given
for differing lmtp client options apply to the dedicated smtp client configuration.

Here's an example of a dedicated smtp client given the service name amavisfeed:

# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================


amavisfeed unix - - n - 2 smtp

-o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
-o disable_dns_lookups=yes
-o max_use=20

2.3. Configuring a dedicated SMTP-server for message reinjection

The second service that needs to be added to the Postfix mail system is a dedicated SMTP-server. It will exist only to accept filtered messages and
notifications from amavisd-new to transported them closer to their final destination.

This dedicated smtpd server will differ in many aspects from the default smtpd daemon. The most important difference is that it configures an empty
t en
t_filterparameter, thus overriding any global external content filtering settings in Postfix.

Delegating messages to an external content filter in Postfix is done using the content_filterparameter. If the dedicated smtpd-daemon
would not override any global content_filtersettings, the reinjected message would be sent of to the external content filter again - the
mail would end in an endless loop.

The following Postfix example uses amavisd-new default settings taken from the $forward_methodand $notify_methodparameters. These settings configure
amavisd-new to forward filtered messages and notifications to port 10025; the Postfix smtpd daemon will be configured to bind to that IP address
and listen on the specified port for incoming connections:

# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================

... inet n - n - - smtpd

-o content_filter=
-o smtpd_delay_reject=no
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o smtpd_data_restrictions=reject_unauth_pipelining
-o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions=
-o smtpd_restriction_classes=
-o mynetworks=
-o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0 3/9
14-3-26 Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix
-o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001
-o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1000
-o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=0
-o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=0
-o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_milters
-o local_header_rewrite_clients=

Here's a quick rundown on the settings that differ from smtpd defaults:

The empty content_filteroverrides other, globally set content_filterdelegations.

Empty ..._mapsoverride any other globally set map lookups. Procedures to enforce settings specified in such maps have already taken place when Postfix
accepted the message from the external client. Doing them again will not produce new results but only waste resources.

There's no need to apply any already enforced ..._restrictions_...another time. It would also only waste resources.

To avoid abuse from remote hosts, the dedicated smtpd-daemon will only allow clients from relay messages.

By default this option would “rewrite message header addresses in mail from these clients and update incomplete addresses with the domain name”. If
such action has already been taken by Postfix before the message went off to amavis, it should not be done a second time when it reenters the Postfix
mail system. Leaving this option empty disables local header rewrites and saves resources.

remaining options
All remaining options either configure the dedicated smtpd-daemon to be more failure tolerant or exist to avoid unnecessary use of resources.

Running the postfix reload will activate the new transports (Postfix will not yet send regular mail to amavisd). Combined with the tail command problems can
easily be detected:

# postfix reload && tail -f /var/log/maillog

If there are no problems reported, basic configuration can be tested.

2.4. Testing basic configuration

Testing basic configuration consists of three separate tests, starting at the end of the new delivery chain and working to it's beginning. Their goal is to
answer the following questions:

1. Will amavisd-new accept connections at the specified IP address and port?

2. Will the new dedicated smtpd-daemon accept connections at the specified IP address and port?
3. Will a test message, injected into amavisd-new, be filtered, sent to Postfix and delivered into a mailbox?

2.4.1. Testing amavisd's host and port

A test, using the telnet command, serves to verify that amavisd listens on the specified IP address and port. A successful connection looks like this:

$ telnet localhost 10024

220 [] ESMTP amavisd-new service ready
EHLO localhost
221 2.0.0 [] amavisd-new closing transmission channel

If the test fails, the following questions may help to debug the problem:

Is the amavisd-new daemon running?

Does amavisd-new write an error to the log?
Do the IP address and port number specified in the amavisd-new configuration match the values used during the test?
Does a firewall intercept connections?

2.4.2. Testing the dedicated Postfix smtpd-daemon

When Postfix was reloaded, the new, dedicated smtpd-daemon ( should have been activated. A successful connection looks like this:

$ telnet 10025

220 ESMTP Postfix (2.3.2)
EHLO localhost
250-SIZE 40960000
250 DSN
221 2.0.0 Bye

If the test fails, the following questions may help to debug the problem:

Is the Postfix master daemon running? 4/9
14-3-26 Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix
Does Postfix write an error to the log?
Do the IP address and port number specified in the new services configuration match the values used during the test?
Does a firewall intercept connections?

2.4.3. Testing the new transport chain

This test proves amavisd accepts e-mail as specified in Section 2.1, “Configuring amavisd-new for Postfix”, filters it and finally hands it over to Postfix'
dedicated smtpd-daemon as specified in Section 2.3, “Configuring a dedicated SMTP-server for message reinjection”.

The following example uses the content of test-messages/sample-nonspam.txtfrom the amavisd test-messages to send an e-mail:

$ telnet localhost 10024

220 [] ESMTP amavisd-new service ready
HELO localhost
250 []
250 2.1.0 Sender OK
RCPT TO: <postmaster>
250 2.1.5 Recipient postmaster OK
354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>
From: virus-tester
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: amavisd test - simple - no spam test pattern

This is a simple test message from the amavisd-new test-messages.

250 2.6.0 Ok, id=30897-02, from MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 079474CE44
221 2.0.0 [] amavisd-new closing transmission channel

The maillog shows the delivery path. Here's an excerpt from a successful delivery process:

Nov 1 11:28:10 mail postfix/smtpd[30986]: connect from localhost[]

Nov 1 11:28:10 mail postfix/smtpd[30986]: 079474CE44: client=localhost[]
Nov 1 11:28:10 mail postfix/cleanup[30980]: 079474CE44: message-id=<>
Nov 1 11:28:10 mail postfix/qmgr[20432]: 079474CE44: from=<>, size=822, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Nov 1 11:28:10 mail amavis[30897]: (30897-02) Passed BAD-HEADER, <> -> <postmaster>, quarantine: badh-le5gjszxowBk, mail_id: le5gjszxowBk,
Nov 1 11:28:10 mail postfix/smtpd[30986]: disconnect from localhost[]
Nov 1 11:28:10 mail postfix/local[30987]: 079474CE44: to=<>, relay=local, delay=0.27, delays=0.14/0.05/0/0.08, dsn=2.
Nov 1 11:28:10 mail postfix/qmgr[20432]: 079474CE44: removed

amavisd connects with Postfix dedicated smtpd-daemon and hands over the e-mail that had been sent during the telnet session. smtpd gives a
queue-id of 079474CE44 that can be tracked throughout the maillog.
amavisd notices it has checked and sent an e-mail to <postmaster>.
Postfix' local-service logs it successfully delivered an e-mail with queue-id 079474CE44 to the mailbox of postmaster.

If the test fails, the following questions may help to debug the problem:

Does amavisd-new log errors?

Does running amavisd-new in debug-mode report errors?

3. Message filtering examples

Postfix can use various criteria to decide whether a message should be sent to amavisd-new for examination. Combinations of criteria may serve to create
different configurations. The following section describes the following configurations:

Filtering e-mail globally

Filtering e-mail globally by service
Filtering e-mail per recipient domain
Filtering e-mail per sender domain
Filtering e-mail by content

3.1. Filtering E-mail globally

In most cases email policies require global filtering - every inbound and every outbound e-mail must be filtered by amavisd-new - before it may be sent closer
to its final destination.

Why check outgoing mail traffic?

Some reasons for checking mail coming from internal networks or from authenticated roaming users are:

detect an internal infected PC which is sending viruses

detect an internal zombiized PC (or an internal open relay or proxy) which is sending or relaying spam
let the SpamAssassin Bayes autolearning feature see a balanced view of all mail, including useful samples of non-spam originating
from inside
make it possible for pen pals feature to function (if enabled)

In Postfix global settings for its services are written to The content_filterparameter, the parameter configuring that messages are sent to amavisd-
new, must therefore be placed in

The content_filterparameter requires a triplet, consisting of the transport service's name (here: amavisfeed, given in Section 2.2.1, “Configuring a dedicated
lmtp-client”), the target hosts IP address and the port where amavisd-new listens for incoming connections. Following the values used in this documents
examples the content_filterconfiguration results in this:


The new external content filter will be activated once Postfix has been reloaded. Sending a test-mail verifies the system works.

3.2. Filtering E-mail by Postfix service 5/9
14-3-26 Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix
Postfix is able to filter messages per service. Such configuration requires the content_filternot to be applied globally to all services in Section 3.1,
“Filtering E-mail globally”), but selectively, per service in

The following example presumes Postfix runs on a system offering three IP addresses. In this example these are:, and
0.0.2 54(LAN). The goal is to filter only e-mail that enters from the WAN interface.

This requires to create three dedicated smtpd-daemon instances, each binding to one of the given IP addresses and deactivating the global smtp service
calling the smtpd command.

Additionally the WAN interface (here: is configured to use content_filter=amavisfeed:[]:10024- it will delegate any message that enters the
Postfix mail system at this service to the external amavisd content filter.

# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
# smtp inet n - n - - smtpd

... inet n - n - - smtpd

-o content_filter=amavisfeed:[]:10024
-o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings inet n - n - - smtpd inet n - n - - smtpd

-o content_filter=
-o smtpd_delay_reject=no
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o smtpd_data_restrictions=reject_unauth_pipelining
-o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions=
-o smtpd_restriction_classes=
-o mynetworks=
-o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0
-o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001
-o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1000
-o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=0
-o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=0
-o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks,no_milters
-o local_header_rewrite_clients=

3.3. Filtering E-Mails per Recipient Domain

Postfix is able to filter e-mails per recipient domain. In order to do this the content_filterparameter must not be set globally (see: Section 3.1, “Filtering E-mail
globally”). Instead the content_filterparameter has to be associated with one or more recipient domains listed in a lookup table (map).

This filter method is not selective! It will send any mail with a recipient domain listed in the lookup table to amavis even if the mail contains
another recipient that should not be examined by the amavis framework.

If fully selective rules are required all mail should be sent to amavis and amavis' own rule sets should be configured to decide whether a
message for a given recipient should be examined or not.

When Postfix searches the lookup table and finds the recipients domain listed as key, it will take the action associated with that domain. The action will send
the message to a FILTERamavisfeed:[]:10024.

The following map /etc/postfix/filter_recipient_domainsspecifies to send messages to the FILTERamavisfeedwhenever a message for any recipient at
enters the Postfix mailqueues: FILTER amavisfeed:[]:10024

Once the table has been created the postmap command must be used to create an indexed map Postfix can read:

# postmap /etc/postfix/filter_recipient_domains

Once the map has been indexed, the postmap command is used to test the map. In the following example the postmap command queries for the domain and returns the associated action:

# postmap -q "" /etc/postfix/filter_recipient_domains

FILTER amavisfeed:[]:10024

The tested map must be added to, before Postfix can make use of the new filter policy. Setting the check_recipient_accessparameter in the list of
trictinstriggers evaluation of entries in the map - c
o heck_r
ent_accessis triggered by the envelope-recipient(s) given by a SMTP-client in a
SMTP-session with Postfix.

The following example puts the check_recipient_accessrule before permit_mynetworks- all clients envelope-recipient(s) will be filtered:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/filter_recipient_domains

Filtering E-Mails per Recipient Domain only from External Clients 6/9
14-3-26 Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix
This example puts the check_recipient_accessrule after permit_mynetworks- only messages sent from clients that are not in Postfix $mynetworkslist (external or
untrusted clients) will be filtered:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_recipient_access hash:/etc/postfix/filter_recipient_domains

3.4. Filtering E-Mails by Sender-Domain

In general it doesn't make sense to filter e-mails by sender-domain, as anyone can fake a sender-domain during a SMTP-session. Filtering by sender-domain
will probably only make sense, if messages are not filtered globally, but e-mails from ones own domain should be checked for spam or viruses before they leave
the network.

Most of the configuration steps are identical with the ones noted in Section 3.3, “Filtering E-Mails per Recipient Domain”, except for the parameter that
triggers evaluation of the indexed map. In this scenario envelope-senders should trigger map evaluation. The map, named /etc/postfix/filter_sender_domainsthis
time, contains the sender domain ( and associates it with the required FILTER: FILTER amavisfeed:[]:10024

Once the map has been converted and tested with the postmap command (see: Section 3.3, “Filtering E-Mails per Recipient Domain”) it must be added to
the list of smtpd_recipient_restrictionsusing the check_sender_accessparameter:

smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_sender_access hash:/etc/postfix/filter_sender_domains

The map must be listed before permit_mynetworks, because only then it will be applied to all clients - even the ones Postfix trusts, which
are very likely the ones from

3.5. Filtering E-mail per Content

Postfix is able - with deliberate limitations (see: BUILTIN_FILTER_README) - to search for strings in headers, the body and MIME-headers. If a string matches,
Postfix may call appropriate action.

The following example configures Postfix to look for the string offerin Subject:-headers and delegate the message to an external content filter if if finds a
matching string.

A map, consisting of the search string noted as regexp-expression, associates the search pattern with a FILTER action:

/^Subject:.*offer/ FILTER amavisfeed:[]:10024

Indexing regexp- or pcre-maps?

regexp- or pcre-maps are and must be plaintext files. They must not and cannot be converted to an indexed map using the postmap
command. They can be tested using the postmap command using the -qcommand line option.

Once the map has been created, Postfix must be configured to use it. The following example uses the header_checksparameter (not body_checksor
hecksas they apply to other message parts) to implement the map into the Postfix delivery process:

header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/filter_header

Once Postfix has been reloaded it will send every e-mail that contains the word offerin the Subject:-header off to the external amavisd content filter.

4. Advanced Postfix and amavisd-new configuration

In a post-queue content filtering setup, a mail message passes through smtpdand cleanupPostfix services twice, once before a content filter, and the second
time when an approved message is reinjected from a content filter into the Postfix mail system. This is because checks and transformations that have been
configured in main.cfare globally active and will be loaded and run by any instance of these two services. To avoid wasting resources, options that control
runtime behavior of these services should not be applied globally in, but selectively to separate instances of these services in

Checks and transformations which are performed by a smtpdPostfix service itself, e.g. access controls, recipient validation, milters etc., can be controlled by
adding options (-o) to appropriate smtpdservices. This has been shown in the basic configuration examples (see: Section 2.3, “Configuring a dedicated SMTP-
server for message reinjection”).

Checks and transformations which are performed by a cleanupPostfix service are trickier because in a normal Postfix setup there is only one cleanupservice,
unlike smtpdservices of which there are many. Some of the more important cleanupsettings are dynamically controllable by a smtpdservice through the use of its
ide_opti soption.

Transformations and checks

Any transformation should preferably only be performed once, either before or after content filtering. When to transform depends on the
desired effect, for example whether a content filter should see unchanged or modified mail messages. Typical transformations are:

rewrite addresses
add BCC recipients
modify mail header.

Most checks should also be performed only once, preferably only on the first passage, when the mail enters the Postfix mail system the
first time. This way messages can be rejected early - if needed - and will not tie up downstream resources. Checking early also avoids
bounces in case of negative check results on a second passage after content filtering. 7/9
14-3-26 Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix
4.1. Multiple cleanup service architecture

To gain more control over a cleanupservice than offered by receive_override_options, two (or more) cleanupservices, each with its own set of options, must be
run. A Postfix setup with more than one cleanupservice is possible either with two separate Postfix instances, or through a specification of services and their
options in master.cffile of a single Postfix instance.

The following diagram illustrates a setup with two cleanup services in a single Postfix instance:

.. ..
.. .
... ....
: Po s
tfix :
-->smtpd\ :
: -pr
e- cl
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->pickup/ -queue
- :
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: f orwar
ded s mt p
d amavisf
eed :
: me ssa
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av is
d- n
ew :
.. ..
.. .
... ....

Procedure 1.1. Message flow with two cleanup services

1. Messages enter the Postfix system at the regular smtpdor pickupservice.

2. The pre-cleanupcleanup service performs transformations and checks on these messages.
3. The qmgrservice schedules the messages to be sent to the amavisd-new content filter.
4. amavisd-ewperforms various tests on the messages.
5. Messages are re-injected into the Postfix mail system, sending them to a dedicated, local smtpdservice.
6. The cleanupcleanup service performs transformations and checks that must be done at this stage, but omits the ones that have already been carried out
in step 2.

4.2. Configuring two cleanup services

Configuring Postfix smtpdservices to use two separate, dedicated cleanupservices requires the following steps:

1. Create a second cleanupinstance

2. Modify the existing cleanupservice
3. Configure smtpdservices to use either of the two cleanupservices.

4.2.1. Creating a second cleanup instance

The following example adds a cleanup daemon named pre-cleanup. It will handle messages before a content filter.

# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
# smtp inet n - n - - smtpd


pre-cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup

-o virtual_alias_maps=

The above leaves canonicalization address rewriting enabled so that a content filter will see canonicalized (external) sender mail addresses, but it disables
globally configured virtual alias transformations.

Such transformations will be done later by the second cleanupservice, so that a content filter will see original (external) recipient mail addresses. Other options
may also be used as needed.

4.2.2. Modifying the existing cleanup service

The already existing cleanup service - having the service name cleanup- will be used to process messages that re-enter the Postfix mail system (also for
delivery notifications and forwarding as generated internally by Postfix).

Cleanup jobs that already have been performed by the pre-cleanupservice should not be run again. The following example disables typical checks that have
been run before or are not needed for internally generated notifications:

# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
# smtp inet n - n - - smtpd


cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup

-o mime_header_checks=
-o nested_header_checks=
-o body_checks=
-o header_checks=

The specified options disable header and body checks as these would already be performed by a pre-cleanupservice.

This cleanupservice would also be the appropriate one for specifying always_bccoption - doing it globally would apply to both cleanup
services and would result in two copies of each message to be sent to the specified address. 8/9
14-3-26 Chapter 1. Integrating amavisd-new in Postfix

4.2.3. Configuring smtpd services

Finally existing smtpdservices on ports 25 and 587 (submission), and the pickupservice must be configured to send messages to the new pre-cleanupservice
instead of a default cleanupservice:

# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
# smtp inet n - n - - smtpd


pickup fifo n - n 60 1 pickup

-o cleanup_service_name=pre-cleanup
smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
-o cleanup_service_name=pre-cleanup
submission inet n - n - - smtpd
-o cleanup_service_name=pre-cleanup

5. Tuning

5.1. Maximum Number of Concurrent Processes

The most important settings to tune and optimize in Postfix and amavisd workflow are the maximum number of concurrent processes. The maximum number of
concurrent processes on both sides must be chosen with care.

If the number is too low, hardware resources aren't used efficiently and delivery time will be unnecessarily prolonged. Experience tells that raising the number
of processes a little, will not raise the overall throughput in the same proportion.

As the system resources are nearing saturation with each increase of the number of processes, an increase in throughput becomes marginal, and eventually
even negative when the number of processes exceeds its near-optimum value. E-mail throughput will decrease, because processes need to wait for each
other. At worst e-mail delivery stalls.

Best practice is to start with a (conservative) maximum number of 2 concurrent processes. Everyday use has shown that this value may be raised to a value
between 10 and 30 concurrent Postfix client and amavisd server processes. This also depends on the overall resources the system may provide, how amavisd
has been integrated into the Postfix delivery process and on the anti-virus and anti-spam software being loaded and used by amavisd-new.

Regardless of the maximum number of concurrent processes, both sides - Postfix and amavisd - should be synchronized. To synchronize both sides edit, the
x_serversparameter for amavisd-new (see: amavis
d.c ) and the number of processes in master.cflisted in the dedicated transports maxproccolumn for Postfix.

Both values should be identical for two reasons: If amavisd-new offers more processes than Postfix will ever use, amavisd-new wastes resources. On the
other hand, if Postfix starts more dedicated transports than amavisd can handle simultaneously, e-mail transport will be refused and logged as error.

Controlling the maximum number of concurrent processes in

Instead of controlling the maximum number of concurrent processes of Postfix' dedicated transport in master.cfit is also possible to keep
the default setting -in master.cfand set the following parameter and option in

amavisfeed_destination_concurrency_limit = 2

The name of the parameter starts with the service in amavisfeed) that should be controlled and goes on with the suffix
ncy_ t. Here also 2is set as initial (conservative) value.

5.2. Additional Tips for Tuning

Further Tuning-Tips can be found in README.performanceand the slides from amavisd-new, advanced configuration and management. 9/9

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