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Vol. 0, No. 0, xxxx–xxxx 2020, pp. 1–22 DOI 10.1111/poms.

ISSN 1059-1478|EISSN 1937-5956|20|00|0001 © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects

of Managerial and Organizational Task Experience
Juan Pablo Madiedo*
Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, PO Box 1738—3000 DR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands,

Aravind Chandrasekaran
Fisher College of Business The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA,

Fabrizio Salvador
IE Business School, IE University, Calle Maria de Molina, 12-5, 28006, Madrid, Spain,

earning by doing is a fundamental driver of productivity among knowledge workers. As workers accumulate experi-
L ence working on certain types of tasks (i.e., they become specialized), they also develop proficiency in executing these
tasks. However, previous research suggests that organizations may struggle to leverage the knowledge workers accrue
through specialization because specialized workers tend to lose interest and reduce effort during task execution. This
study investigates how organizations can improve specialized workers’ performance by mitigating the dysfunctional
effects of specialization. In particular, we study how other sources of task experiences from the worker’s immediate man-
ager as well as the organization itself help manage the relationship between worker specialization and performance. We
do so by analyzing a proprietary dataset that comprises of 39,162 software service tasks that 310 employees in a Fortune
100 organization executed under the supervision of 92 managers. Results suggest that the manager role experience (i.e.,
the manager’s experience supervising workers) is instrumental in mitigating the potential negative effect of worker spe-
cialization on performance, measured as task execution time. Such influence, however, is contingent on cases in which
organizational task experience (i.e., the organization’s experience in executing tasks of the same substantive content as the
focal task) is limited. Taken together, our research contributes to multiple streams of research and unearths important
insights on how multiple sources of experience beyond the workers themselves can help capture the elusive benefits of
worker specialization.
Key words: learning curve; knowledge work; worker productivity; management control; empirical research
History: Received: January 2018; Accepted: November 2019 by Enno Siemsen, after 3 revisions

marginally diminishing improvements in worker

1. Introduction performance, a phenomenon the literature commonly
Learning by doing is a fundamental driver of pro- labels the individual learning curve (e.g., Avolio
ductivity for knowledge workers in settings such as et al. 1990).
legal process outsourcing, information technology The concept of the individual learning curve has
(IT), medical diagnostics, banking, and tax services faced some criticism among scholars. Prior studies
(Clark et al. 2013, Regan and Heenan 2010, Srikanth have reported the existence of diseconomies of spe-
and Puranam 2011, Staats and Gino 2012). In these cialization, which can reduce the marginal positive
settings, workers accrue technical and organizational effect of specialization on worker performance (see
expertise by repetitively performing similar tasks Fisher 1993, Loukidou et al. 2009). These disec-
(Gupta and Govindarajan 1984, KC and Staats 2012, onomies occur because high levels of specialization
Smith 1766, Vickers et al. 2007). This accumulation of can induce worker boredom and disengagement (Bru-
task experience (hereafter referred to as specializa- ursema et al. 2011, Skowronski 2012). In extreme
tion) has been associated with progressive but cases, the costs of specialization can override its bene-
fits, as seen in a study conducted by Staats and Gino
This is an open access article under the terms of the Crea
(2012). Investigating back-office bank processes, the
tive Commons Attribution License, which permits use, authors found that when workers had limited experi-
distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided ence in performing other tasks, a U-shaped relation-
the original work is properly cited. ship emerged between worker’s focal experience and

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
2 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

task execution time. As such, organizations may Alpha tracks worker activities in detail and evaluates
struggle to realize the full potential of their workers’ worker performance individually; this allows investi-
specialization, a critical concern in knowledge-inten- gating more precisely the association between special-
sive environments that rely on employee know-how ization and performance. Third, Alpha supports its
for competing. This problem is particularly salient for operations with a state-of-the-art workflow system,
first-line managers, who are responsible for ensuring allowing us to collect important covariates of worker
workers’ productivity by keeping them engaged and performance (e.g., task priority, worker breadth of
motivated (Hales 2005). Despite abundant literature experience). Specifically, we used data covering
on worker engagement and motivation (see e.g., 39,162 software service tasks that 310 employees exe-
Christian and Slaughter 2011, Louis et al. 2010), a gap cuted under the supervision of 92 managers over a
still exists in research on how to derive benefits of nearly 4-year time span. Our estimation approach uti-
worker specialization. In fact, Huckman and Pisano lized a selection model to mitigate possible biases
(2006) call for more research to study how organiza- originating from non-randomness during worker
tions and first-line managers, beyond the workers selection. We further leveraged insights from qualita-
themselves, affect the daily execution of tasks. This tive data collected from over 30 field interviews with
requires studying interactions among different types Alpha managers and workers to ground our hypothe-
of experiences within an organization. More than a sis and interpret our results.
decade after this call, we find very limited research on Findings suggest that manager role experience is
this topic. instrumental in fostering specialized workers’ perfor-
In this study, we address this gap by building on mance, but this effect is stronger when an organiza-
arguments from the organizational learning litera- tion has limited task experience. In other words, a
ture. Specifically, we contend that first-line managers substitution effect exists between manager role expe-
benefit from two types of experience when seeking rience and organizational task experience. Specifi-
to better motivate and control worker behaviors, cally, we find that when organizational task
thereby mitigating the potential negative effect of experience is low (10th percentile, or 1464 tasks),
worker specialization on performance. The first type increasing manager role experience from low (10th
of experience is manager role experience, or the experi- percentile, or 85 tasks) to high (90th percentile, or
ence a manager accumulates by supervising subordi- 3300 tasks) levels is associated with a 26% reduction
nates’ task execution. This type of experience helps in highly specialized workers’ task execution time.
managers mitigate the negative effects of high spe- This compares to a (not statistically significant) reduc-
cialization by improving their ability to motivate tion of only 9% when organizational task experience
and control workers (Graen and Uhl-Bein 1995). The is high (90th percentile, or 25,584 tasks). These results
second type is organizational task experience, or the are robust to different model specifications, opera-
cumulative experience in the organization in the con- tionalization, and values of manager and organiza-
tent domain of a worker’s assigned focal task. This tional task experience.
type of experience provides managers with knowl- Through these insights, we make multiple contribu-
edge about process standards and performance tions to organizational learning theory and practice.
benchmarks that also helps to better lead workers To begin with, our study addresses the call from
(Cardinal et al. 2004, Fortado 1994, Kirsch et al. Lapre and Nembhard (2011) for research on multi-
2010, Kirsch 2014, Snell and Dean 1992). We investi- level learning curves, showing that just studying
gate the interactions among these types of experi- worker-level learning curve models may result in
ence by asking the following question: How do under specification issues if they do not account for
manager role experience and organizational task experi- the contingent effects of manager and organizational
ence affect the relationship between worker specialization experience. Second, we extend the sociotechnical sys-
and worker performance? tems literature (Cherns 1987, Loukidou et al. 2009)
We develop our empirical investigation in the con- and more recent empirical research on worker pro-
text of a large software services organization, which ductivity (Staats and Gino 2012), both of which pro-
we refer to as Alpha. Part of a multinational Fortune pose that diseconomies of specialization can be
100 technology and consulting company, Alpha offers limited by increasing task variety. These studies do
an appropriate context for our inquiry for a number not, however, consider managerial experience, a fur-
of reasons. First, worker specialization matters for ther actionable factor to capitalize the potential bene-
Alpha: As workers acquire experience maintaining a fits of worker specialization. Third, we advance
specific enterprise resource planning (ERP) software research on the worker-level effects of managerial
module (e.g., sales, finance, etc.), they learn about experience (e.g., Easton and Rosenzweig 2012, 2015,
unique characteristics that are instrumental to effec- Huckman et al. 2009) showing that manager role
tive module servicing (see Boh et al. 2007). Second, experience asymmetrically affects the performance of

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society 3

workers with different levels of specialization when increasing disengagement and boredom (Hackman
organizational task experience is low. Finally, the 1969, McCauley and Ruderman 1994, McCauley et al.
results of this study have important practical implica- 1995). Scholars have argued that under these circum-
tions in suggesting that managers with high role stances, workers may display negative attitudes
experience, likely a scarce resource for many organi- toward their job (Stout et al. 1988), reduce their effort
zations, are not always more effective at leading (Staw 1980), and engage in counterproductive behav-
workers than managers with low role experience. iors such as leaving the post or engaging in conversa-
They are only effective when workers are highly spe- tion and horseplay (Scott 1966). All of these effects
cialized and the organization has not accumulated ultimately worsen task execution outcomes
substantial experience in a focal task domain. When (O’Hanlon 1981, Smith 1981). For example, Dyer-
these conditions are not met, reliance on managers Smith and Wesson (1995) in a study of seafaring
with low role experience, who are plausibly less watch-keepers and data entry clerks found that exper-
expensive than those with high role experience, does tise developed on the basis of repetitive task execu-
not entail a loss of worker performance. tion was associated with progressive disengagement
from work and more time elapsed before noticing and
correcting errors. Bruursema et al. (2011)found in a
2. Background more recent study of over 200 workers in multiple
Numerous researchers from disciplines such as oper- industries that job boredom was significantly related
ations, organizational learning, and labor economics to counterproductive work behaviors such as abuse,
have studied the influence of experience gathered by sabotage, withdrawal, production deviance, and
means of task repetition on performance (Anzai and theft.
Simon 1979, Lapre and Tsikriktsis 2006, Lapre et al. Although these studies are mostly based on work-
2000, Larkin et al. 1980). At the individual level, ers in industrial and manufacturing settings, similar
worker specialization has been argued to improve issues have been found among employees in knowl-
individual performance (Drazin and Rao 2002, edge-work settings (Costas and K€arreman 2015, Harju
Qui~ nones et al. 1995, Tesluk and Jacobs 1998). By per- and Hakanen 2016, van der Heijden et al. 2012). For
forming tasks of similar characteristics, workers instance, Staats and Gino (2012) empirically investi-
accrue knowledge and expertise regarding technical gated the effects of worker specialization in the con-
and organizational issues (Gupta and Govindarajan text of back-office banking activities, where worker
1984, KC and Staats 2012, Smith 1766, Vickers et al. performance was measured using task execution
2007). This knowledge, in turn, can increase workers’ time. Their study is unique in identifying situations
proficiency using relevant tools during task execution where the marginal costs of specialization out-
(Argote 2013, Easton and Rosenzweig 2012, Huckman weighed the marginal benefits. This was evidenced in
and Pisano 2006). Kim et al. (2012), for instance, a U-shaped association between worker experience in
found that every time front-line workers in a univer- a focal task and task execution time, though only for
sity IT services center doubled their problem-solving workers with limited breadth of experience prior to
experience, they reduced problem resolution times by task assignment. While a monotonically decreasing
6.7%. Similarly, Staats and Gino (2012) found that (i.e., tapering) learning curve can be explained by just
bank clerks improved the execution of a specific task invoking decreasing marginal returns from experi-
by 3.7% above the average for each 100 repetitions in ence, this U-shaped pattern (a special case) confirms
a single day. Comparable results are found in studies the existence of negative consequences of worker spe-
that focus on other types of problem-solving activi- cialization.
ties, such as cardiothoracic surgery (KC and Staats Given these findings, it remains an open question
2012), computing services (Kim et al. 2012), and soft- how organizations can reduce the costs of overspe-
ware services (Boh et al. 2007). cialization and better leverage the tacit knowledge
Despite the appeal of specialization, recent studies workers accumulate through experience. Staats and
have questioned its benefits on theoretical and empir- Gino (2012), in line with sociotechnical systems theory
ical grounds. For instance, high specialization has (Fried and Ferris 1987) and the job characteristics
been found to cause workers to lose motivation and model (Hackman and Oldham 1976), suggested
interest in their jobs, which, in turn, can harm perfor- exposing workers to a broader set of tasks as one
mance (Loukidou et al. 2009). Compared to working countermeasure. Doing so, however, also may have
on new tasks, the repetitive execution of similar tasks unintended consequences such as switching costs due
can cause workers to achieve a level of expertise in to time delays (Bendoly et al. 2014), task interruptions
which no conscious effort is necessary for task com- (Adler et al. 1999), and opportunity costs associated
pletion (Fisher 1993). This, in turn, tends to reduce with workers learning multiple tasks (Adler and Cole
worker arousal and motivation levels while 1993). Furthermore, it is not always possible for

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
4 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

managers to assign workers to diverse tasks due to to foster performance (Borman et al. 1993, Easton and
demand characteristics or other organizational con- Rosenzweig 2012, Huckman et al. 2009, McEnrue
straints. As a result, organizations must rely upon 1988). With increased role experience, managers
other means to ensure that workers, particularly spe- develop a finer appreciation for the difference between
cialists, achieve their performance potential. their supervisory role and what used to be their opera-
Management scholars have also proposed alterna- tional role as workers (Huckman et al. 2009). They
tive approaches to foster worker performance (Huck- also learn about exercising power and control (Hill
man and Pisano 2006, Lapre and Nembhard 2011). 2007), realizing the benefits of delegating and trusting
For instance, in a study of cardiac surgeons, Huckman workers while taking responsibility for subordinates’
and Pisano (2006) find that organizational experience, performance (Charan et al. 2011, Henderson and Lee
measured as the time surgeons spend in a given hos- 1992). At Alpha, multiple managers stressed how role
pital affects quality, measured as patient mortality. experience was the key to learning to lead workers.
This effect, however, does not transfer across hospi- Newly appointed managers struggled to detach them-
tals. Similarly, Easton and Rosenzweig (2012) found a selves from the operational details of software analy-
strong relationship between team leader experience sis, parametrization, and programming. Several Alpha
and project success in the context of Six Sigma pro- managers acknowledged that after moving to supervi-
jects. While these studies point to the presence of sory roles, they tended to micromanage subordinates’
direct effects of other sources of experience, they fail activities, driving excessive stress and conflict. Only
to investigate how some of these sources interact with by accumulating role experience, did managers aban-
the worker specialization experience to affect out- don these dysfunctional behaviors and learn the “soft
comes—an important relationship studied in our skills” needed for, subtly, inducing workers to per-
work. form to their full potential.
Building on these ideas, we argue that manager role
experience can help mitigate the potential negative
3. Hypotheses Development effects of worker specialization on worker execution
Based on the existing literature, we now know that performance. First, by means of role experience, man-
with increasing specialization workers tend to lose agers can improve their ability to identify and employ
interest in their job and engage in counterproductive influential tactics (e.g., inspirational appeal, consulta-
behaviors. Ensuring that a specialized workers tion, rational persuasion, pressure, legitimation) that
achieve their full performance potential, therefore, promote or deter specific worker behaviors (Falbe
represents a motivational and monitoring challenge and Yukl 1992, Higgins et al. 2003). Simply put, they
for first-line managers, who must keep workers become better at motivating workers as they accumu-
engaged with the focal task and not entangled in late experience. Knowledge gathered through experi-
counterproductive activities. While this ability may ence allows managers to recognize the best influential
partially originate from a manager’s intrinsic tactic for individual situations along with whether,
strengths, it also depends upon the manager’s knowl- and to what extent, each subordinate is susceptible to
edge of effective employee engagement and over- its application (Sparrowe et al. 2006, Yukl and Tracey
sight. One such source of knowledge is a manager0 s 1992). In the case of Alpha, we found that managers
own role experience (Easton and Rosenzweig 2012, with high role experience grew aware of subtle moti-
Huckman et al. 2009). Likewise, organizational expe- vational tactics and workers’ reactions to them. In one
rience in the execution of a focal task can offer man- instance, a manager at Alpha found that she could
agers information about task performance encourage highly specialized workers to put more
benchmarks and process execution standards (Choo effort into executing a “boring” task by publicly
2014, Clark et al. 2013) that could prove useful in acknowledging their effort in front of their peers.
leading these workers. In the next section, we hypoth- Other workers, instead, were motivated by more
esize how a manager’s role experience moderates the leniency with special licenses, flexibility in arrival
effect of worker specialization on worker perfor- times, or the prospect of being assigned other interest-
mance, and how this moderation effect is conditional ing or challenging tasks.
on the level of organizational task experience. Second, as managers accumulate role experience,
they learn to spot and tackle the counterproductive
3.1. The Effect of Manager Role Experience behaviors that highly specialized workers exhibit dur-
Supervising workers and gaining manager role experi- ing task execution, effectively improving their moni-
ence (Huckman et al. 2009) typically entails acquiring toring ability (Hill 2003). Developing this skill is no
knowledge on assigning tasks, providing feedback, trivial matter; drawing the boundary that separates
and monitoring, motivating, coaching, and helping deviant from non-deviant workplace behaviors can
workers (Plakhotnik et al. 2010, Sias 2009) in an effort be difficult for inexperienced managers (Robinson

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society 5

and Greenberg 1998). Managers with increasing role limited role experience) a substitute for their lack of
experience tend to accrue important cues from subor- experience in motivating and monitoring workers.
dinates’ behaviors, allowing them to exert the right Accumulating task experience within the organiza-
kind of leadership style (Gabarro 2007, Hill 2003). tion allows for the development of performance stan-
One manager at Alpha noted that it took time to learn dards and benchmarks (Kerr and Slocum 2005). This
to tell whether a worker was attempting to find a bet- information is especially useful for managers with
ter way to execute a task or deriving entertainment lower role experience, who tend to be more uncertain
from an unproductive challenge. Other managers about the potential and expected performance level of
observed that detecting weak signals of workers dis- an experienced worker (Eisenhardt 1985). In particu-
tress that required more in-depth checks was a subtle lar, organizational task experience provides inexper-
skill that they honed though accumulation of supervi- ienced managers evidence of expected performance
sory experience. Reprimanding a worker in the first for a certain type of task. With this information, man-
case would be akin to micromanagement and might agers can set fact-based task performance goals for
cause greater performance deterioration, while doing highly specialized workers, pushing them to deploy
so in the second would be a proper urge to conformity their experience in task execution (Latham 2004).
that should improve task execution time. Alpha’s informants in both supervisory and execu-
In summary, as managers accumulate role experi- tional roles observed that when a manager could tell
ence, they are better able to motivate and monitor the worker, “You did a very similar task in six hours
workers upon assigning them specific tasks, possibly last month” or “your colleagues have been able to
limiting the negative effects of worker specialization. execute similar tasks in no more than seven hours,”
Hence, manager role experience influences the rela- the worker found difficulty in justifying slower per-
tionship between worker specialization and perfor- formance. Managers’ motivational skills, therefore,
mance, such that role experience attenuates the become less critical in extracting specialized workers’
negative effect of the former on the latter. That is, we full performance potential when such performance
expect increasing manager role experience levels to standards were available within the organization.
increase the positive marginal effects of worker spe- Additionally, as organizations accumulate task
cialization on worker performance. As such, we pro- experience, they also create process templates and
pose the following hypothesis: other formal documents that capture best practices
for task execution (Bjørnson and Dingsøyr 2008, Staats
H1. Manager role experience increases the positive mar- et al. 2011), mitigating inexperienced managers’
ginal effect of worker specialization on worker perfor- inability to properly monitor workers. Knowledge of
mance. when and which controls are needed can reduce inex-
perienced managers’ well-known tendency to inter-
3.2. The Effect of Organizational Task Experience fere with worker activities (Bendoly et al. 2014), a
When a task of specific substantive content is exe- particularly problematic phenomenon with experi-
cuted numerous times within an organization—that enced workers who have a stronger need for task
is, when high organizational task experience exists— autonomy (Chang et al. 2012, Langfred and Moye
the organization tends to accumulate knowledge that 2004). Additionally, process templates can allow inex-
supports task execution (Clark et al. 2013). In particu- perienced managers to identify specialized workers’
lar, as organizations “gain more experience, each indi- deviating behaviors (e.g., non-standard coding
vidual has more opportunities to benefit from the approaches, excessive testing) in a timely manner,
knowledge accumulated by others” (Reagans et al. detecting potentially wasteful, non-productive activ-
2005, p. 871). That is, individuals gain insights from ities (April and Abran 2012). Conversely, organiza-
how previous tasks were administered and how col- tional task experience is comparatively less useful for
leagues performed on them. The information regard- managers with high role experience because they
ing the tasks and the prior performance can be useful have a better sense of how workers’ activities can be
in reducing uncertainty and the difficulties workers controlled and know how to detect counterproductive
may experience in executing tasks (KC et al. 2014). In behaviors (Burney and Widener 2007, Luft 2010).
other words, knowledge derived from organizational In summary, organizational task experience can
task experience can serve as an effective benchmark, provide information on both performance bench-
providing guidance for members’ behavior and per- marks and process standards that is particularly use-
formance (Fulmer and Gelfand 2012, Gardner et al. ful in helping managers with low role experience
2011, Hofmann et al. 2009). As part of the organiza- prevent specialized workers from engaging in perfor-
tion, managers are no exception. mance-undermining behaviors. Managers with high
We argue that organizational task experience can role experience, by comparison, may rely more upon
offer inexperienced managers (i.e., managers with the knowledge they have accumulated in their own

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
6 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

experience. We therefore propose the following et al. 2009). By assigning tasks to individual workers
hypothesis: and not to teams as a whole, managers could track
each worker’s performance, a key metric being the
H2 . The moderation effect of manager role experience time taken to execute the task. Empirical studies of
on the relationship between worker specialization and productivity in software services have reported this
worker performance is stronger at low levels of organiza- same metric for measuring worker performance (Kim
tional task experience when compared to high levels of et al. 2012, Narayanan et al. 2009, Pendharkar and
organizational task experience. Subramanian 2007).
Close worker–manager interaction spanned differ-
ent activities and was a key to ensuring proper task
4. Methods execution. An average Alpha worker was assigned to
4.1. Research Context and completed four tasks per day, a task’s average
The research setting for our study is Alpha, a technol- throughput time being about 7 days. Each of these
ogy and consulting multinational that offers ERP ser- tasks involved multiple interactions with the man-
vices (maintenance, upgrading, and modification) to ager, who began the process by allocating responsibil-
large clients in diverse industrial sectors (e.g., bank- ities to workers, explaining the nature of the task, and
ing, construction, consumer electronics, health care, clarifying how it addressed a customer request. Man-
home services, oil and gas). Schematically, software agers also exercised control over worker activities and
services require workers to engage in problem-sol- performance, ensuring they scheduled their workday
ving activities to fix malfunctions (corrective mainte- and channeled their efforts to meeting service-level
nance) or modify the software to meet evolving client agreements. Upon service request completion,
customer needs (Ramesh and Bhattiprolu 2006). managers authorized workers to submit the modifica-
While these activities are less creative and uncertain tion or bug fix for final client approval. Rejected
than software development, they are nonetheless requests would be re-processed to find and fix any
knowledge intensive. Workers must customize solu- problem, though this was an exceedingly rare event
tions based on the problem and implement them by in our setting (<3% of the service requirements).
re-parameterizing or reprogramming affected ERP
functionalities (see Appendix A for information on 4.2. Data Source
different tasks executed at Alpha). Previous software We used information extracted from Alpha’s software
services research has shown that accumulated experi- services workflow-support system to test our hypoth-
ence is an important predictor of worker performance eses. This system included data on 39,162 ERP software
(Banker and Slaughter 1997). service tasks that 310 workers performed under the
Work at Alpha was organized in a fluid fashion supervision of 92 different managers. The unit of analy-
(Huckman and Staats 2011), in which each worker for- sis in our study is a task a given worker performs under
mally reported to a “module” manager but also exe- a given manager’s supervision. The workflow system
cuted tasks pertaining to other ERP modules. Hence archives provided data on the characteristics of all ser-
workers could work under the supervision of differ- vice requests that Alpha received (e.g., serviced mod-
ent module managers and, eventually, of their depu- ule, priority level, type of service request), the timing of
ties. In any case, workers usually focused on a limited different activities executed in response to the service
number of modules, with 88.5% of Alpha workers request (e.g., task reception time, task execution time),
executing tasks in fewer than four modules. Workers as well as details about personnel involved in task
were located in five different countries: 76% in the execution (i.e., manager and worker). The years of data
focal country, and 9%, 7%, 7%, and 1%, respectively, in our sample began shortly after Alpha was founded,
in the other four countries where Alpha maintained allowing us to reconstruct reliable measures of speciali-
operations. Workers in the focal country took on tasks zation for workers and managers’ role experience.
related to all modules, while those in other countries We conducted 30 semi-structured interviews with
executed tasks in about half of the modules. various Alpha personnel to better understand the
Most service requests at Alpha required more than work context, interpret the workflow system data,
one worker (84.56%). In these cases, managers split and gather additional insights from data analysis.
the required work into tasks and assigned each task These interviews focused on Alpha’s organizational
to a worker who became accountable for the task and structure, types of worker–manager–organization
associated testing activities. To the extent possible, interactions, and worker selection decisions.
managers avoided assigning interdependent activities
to different workers, instead attempted lumping these 4.3. Measures
into a single task. That is, work was modularized, a 4.3.1. Dependent Variable. Task execution time.
common practice in white-collar operations (Hopp We used task execution time Ln(Task Timeijk) as a

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society 7

measure of performance, with shorter times indicat- specialization beyond a certain level. We removed
ing better performance. Consistent with previous stu- from the sample observations of workers whose over-
dies, we computed this variable as the logarithm of all experience (i.e., cumulative number of tasks in all
the number of hours that worker (i) reported having modules) and specialization level at the end of the 4-
spent to complete task (k) under the supervision of year period were lower than the fifth percentile of the
manager (j). Specifically, we applied a logarithmic entire sample (60 tasks and 9 tasks, respectively). This
transformation to account for the skewness in the eliminated from the dataset workers that did not pass
data. Measuring task execution time using this their probation period and other unusual situations
approach is consistent with other studies in similar pertaining to sporadic task assignments and coding
settings (Boh et al. 2007, Kim et al. 2012, Narayanan errors.
et al. 2011, Reagans et al. 2005, Staats and Gino 2012) Manager role experience. We measured manager role
and with Alpha’s own measurement criteria. Workers experience (MgrXpj) as the cumulative number of
had no incentive in reporting inflated task execution tasks the manager (j) led prior to the beginning of the
times because they usually were busy (average focal task (Huckman et al. 2009). To test our hypoth-
worker backlog = 4 tasks) and were not allowed to eses, we then created interaction terms between man-
report overtime hours, as in many project settings.1 ager experience and worker specialization, namely
Furthermore, task execution time included time allo- (WkrSpik) 9 (MgrXpj) and (WkrSpik)2 9 (MgrXpj).
cated for quality checks and associated rework. As Similar to the worker specialization variable, we
such, any corners workers cut to the detriment of mean-centered the values for ease of interpretation
quality (Oliva and Sterman 2001) would be reflected and we removed certain outlier observations to avoid
in higher task execution time, as in Espinosa et al. bias in the results, driven by cases in which managers
(2007). A task was deemed complete when the work- temporarily supervised module tasks outside the
er’s intervention generated a fully functional element scope of their regular responsibility. Specifically, we
that served either as the basis for another worker’s removed from the sample observations in which the
task or completed a service request, making it avail- manager’s level of role experience and experience
able for customer approval. For instance, in the case leading tasks in the module of the focal task at the
of a request for creating a controlling report, the first end of the 4-year period were lower than the fifth per-
task would be complete when the worker finished centile of the entire sample (83 tasks and 22 tasks,
developing and testing the algorithm that extracts the respectively).
data from the ERP system and computes the calcu- Organizational task experience. We measured organi-
lated fields as requested. The second task would be zational task experience (OrgXpk) as the cumulative
complete when the report that includes the calculated number of tasks related to the module of focal task
fields is available in the ERP’s test environment and (k) executed in the organization prior to the begin-
ready for customer assessment and approval. Task ning of the focal task (Clark et al. 2013). As in the
execution time reflected Alpha’s key order winners: case of the other two focal predictors, we mean-cen-
cost and speed. Lower task execution time means tered the values to ease interpretation of parameter
fewer workers are required to execute service estimates.
requests, thus they are more likely to meet service-
level client agreements (Mitchell 2006). 4.3.3. Control Variables. We incorporated several
variables to avoid omitted variable bias in our ana-
4.3.2. Independent Variables. Worker specializa- lyses. They include:
tion. We operationalize worker specialization as Worker and organizational experience in other func-
worker task experience (WkrSpik). This variable is cal- tional domains. While differences may exist in the per-
culated as the cumulative number of tasks that formance of two substantively dissimilar tasks, some
worker (i) executed in the same module of the focal experience-based benefits might be common to all
task (k) prior to being assigned the focal task (Naraya- tasks (Staats and Gino 2012). As such, we controlled
nan et al. 2009). Following similar studies, we mean- for worker and organization experience in other func-
centered the variable to ease interpretation of para- tional domains. We measured the worker’s experi-
meter estimates (Dalal and Zickar 2012). In line with ence in other functional domains (Wkr_other_xpi) as
Staats (2012), we argue that the marginal costs of high the cumulative number of tasks the worker (i) exe-
specialization can outweigh its marginal benefits. Fol- cuted in modules different to that of the focal task (k)
lowing Narayanan et al. (2009) and Lapre and Tsik- prior to being assigned the focal task. The organiza-
riktsis (2006), we thus computed and included in our tion’s experience in other functional domains
model the quadratic term of worker specialization (Org_other_xp) is the total number of module tasks
(WkrSpik)2. Doing so allowed us to capture not just different from that of the focal task (k) executed prior
diminishing but negative returns of increasing to the beginning of the focal task.

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
8 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

Worker’s experience with the type of customer-requested the worker’s capability to perform a specific type of
service. Depending on the type of activities required in task compared to other workers.
a service request, Alpha categorized each customer Manager’s experience as a worker. The manager and
request into one of five existing types: corrective worker roles are different in terms of focus and
maintenance, major or minor modification request, responsibilities, but the knowledge managers develop
and major or minor support service. While the while in a technical role may help as they allocate
required work for each request is contingent on the tasks, coach subordinates, and set goals. Thus, we
parameterization of each module, workers may obtain controlled for managers’ experience executing tasks
knowledge in similar tasks that can be applied to the in the worker role. We measured the manager’s expe-
focal task. We measured the worker’s experience with rience as a worker (Mgr_Xp_Wkrk) as the cumulative
the type of customer-requested service (WkrXpType) number of tasks the manager (j) executed as a worker
as the cumulative number of tasks the worker (i) exe- in the module of the focal task (k) prior to focal task
cuted of the same type of the focal task (k) prior to allocation.
being assigned the focal task. Task characteristics. We included several controls to
Worker–manager familiarity. Prior literature has account for focal task characteristics that may influ-
shown that the degree to which people have worked ence execution performance. First, we controlled for
with one another in the past influences performance the year (Year) of task execution by using a dummy
(Huckman et al. 2009, Staats 2012). Thus, we con- variable for each year between 2006 and 2009. Second,
trolled for the degree of familiarity between the we controlled for the type of customer-requested ser-
worker and the manager by adding a variable (Famil- vice (Type), which Alpha categorized into the correc-
iarityij), which captures the number of times that tive, modification request, and support categories (see
worker (i) has performed a task under the supervision Appendix A for additional information on the type of
of manager (j). task). Third, we controlled for the requirement’s pri-
Worker tenure. Longer-tenured workers may be bet- ority (Priority), or importance, as agreed upon
ter adjusted and have an easier time adopting estab- between the client and manager and relayed to work-
lished routines. Therefore, we controlled for worker ers through the workflow system. This score (as
tenure (WkrTenurei) to account for any potential effi- coded in the unit’s workflow system) ranged from 1
ciency rooted in longer tenures. The measurement to 3, where 1 represented top priority and 3 repre-
corresponds to the number of days the worker was sented low priority. A higher-priority requirement
employed at the organization prior to the day the would receive precedence in scheduling, meaning it
focal task was allocated. would be allocated and executed before any lower-
Worker utilization. We controlled for worker utiliza- level requests. Inclusion of this control is motivated
tion in order to capture the potential effect that differ- by previous research, which found that task priority
ent workloads may have on task allocation and improved task execution time (Kerstholt 1994).
performance. We measured utilization (WkrUt) as the Finally, we controlled for the level of task complexity
number of hours the worker took to complete (ReqTasks). Following previous work in software ser-
assigned tasks that remained open (i.e., incomplete) vices (Bonet and Salvador 2017, Espinosa et al. 2007),
at the beginning of the day the focal task was allo- we operationalized task complexity as the number of
cated. A greater number of hours represents more subtasks contained in the service request that gener-
time spent executing the open tasks, thus a greater ated the focal task. Depending on its complexity,
utilization level. breaking tasks into subtasks and allocating those to
Worker relative prior performance. We also controlled the worker allows the manager to better track task
for the worker’s prior performance. To do so, we com- execution. Organizing and allocating work by sub-
puted the ratio between the worker’s prior perfor- tasks allows for breaking otherwise difficult-to-define
mance and the performance of the entire organization task outcomes into clearer goals and achievable paths
on a task similar to the focal task. The worker’s prior of action. This, in turn, facilitates the control and mon-
performance corresponds to the execution time for itoring of task execution performance. Table 1 sum-
the most recent task of the same module and custo- marizes the independent variables and controls used
mer-requested service type as the focal task. The per- in the model.
formance of the entire organization corresponds to
the average execution time of all the workers for a 4.4. Estimation Approach
task with the same characteristics in the month of Our hypotheses investigate how manager role experi-
focal task execution: WkrRelPrPfmcik ¼ Wkr Prior ence influences the relationship between worker spe-
Pfmcik =Avg Org Pfmck . Using a relative measure cialization and individual performance, contingent on
instead of an absolute execution time measure organizational task experience. To investigate these
allowed us to use prior performance as indicative of relationships, we controlled for worker, manager, and

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society 9

Table 1 Independent Variables in the Model worker selection. Such a match also is an appropriate
Main independent variables exclusion restriction because gender homogeneity has
Worker Specialization WkrSp not been found to affect performance (Erickson et al.
Manager Role Experience MgrXp 2000, Rogelberg and Rumery 1996).2 This exclusion
Organizational Task Experience OrgXp restriction also is feasible in our sample, in which 32%
Control variables
Worker Experience Other Modules Wkr_other_xp
of workers and 38% of managers are female. The
Organization Experience Other Modules Org_other_xp selection model also included other characteristics of
Worker Experience Type of Request WkrXpType workers who could potentially execute the task that
Worker–Manager Familiarity Familiarity may affect their individual selection probability.
Worker Tenure WkrTenure These variables include the following, the worker’s:
Worker Utilization WkrUt
Worker Relative Prior Performance WkrRelPrPfmc
(1) familiarity with the manager making the selection
Manager Experience as Worker Mgr_Xp_Wkr decision (Familiaritylj), (2) utilization level at the time
Task Priority Priority of task allocation (WkrUtl), (3) relative prior perfor-
Worker Subtasks in Requirement ReqTasks mance with similar tasks (WkrRelPrPfmclk), (4) experi-
Year (Fixed effect) Year ence with the type of customer-requested service
Type (Fixed effect) Type
Worker (Fixed effect) Worker
(WkrXpTypelk), (5) fraction of total experience in the
Manager (Fixed effect) Manager focal task-related module (Wkr_Mod_Emphasislk), and
ERP Module (Fixed effect) Module (6) experience in other functional domains
After estimating the Stage 1 conditional logit
model, we specified the selection correction function
module fixed-effects. Furthermore, our sample may Lambda—k(.). Lambda is a worker selection function
suffer from selection bias because workers are not that depends on the probability that manager j selects
randomly assigned to tasks. Therefore, we used worker i to perform task k, (Prijk). We followed Dahl
Dahl’s (2002) multiple-choice, two-stage selection (2002), Bourguignon et al. (2007), and Wu et al.
models to address endogeneity concerns caused by (2017), specifying k(Prijk) as a second-order polyno-
the effect of non-observed factors on worker selection mial series expansion of Prijk. [k(Prijk) = /1 9 Prijk +
for task execution (Bourguignon et al. 2007, Dahl /2 9 Prijk2]. We calculated Prijk on the basis of the Stage 1
2002). Stage 1 accounts for the worker-selection deci- estimation results and entered k(Prijk) in the Stage 2 model
sion process, while Stage 2 corresponds to the perfor- for estimating the selection-corrected performance equation.
mance model after adjusting for staffing decisions. We used a log-linear specification in our model to
We implemented Dahl’s (2002) correction method- account for the worker specialization variable’s long
ology following the procedure Wu et al. (2017) put tail on the right side of the distribution (Steenland
forth. We estimated the selection equation in Stage 1 and Deddens 2004). This specifications is consistent
by means of a conditional logit model, using the task with prior research on learning curves that rely on a
as grouping variable. The conditional logit model second-order term to capture how high levels of
allowed us to factor in worker characteristics for mod- worker experience may compromise worker perfor-
eling the selection of one worker over another for a mance (Narayanan et al. 2009, Staats and Gino 2012).
specific task. The worker choice set, l(l = 1, . . ., z), Additionally, log-linear models can eliminate poten-
comprised each worker that had executed a task of tial biases in the estimates of the worker’s learning
the same module and in the month of focal task exe- rate associated with any missing information of prior
cution. The set also included the worker (i) that exe- accumulated experience (Lapre and Tsikriktsis (2006).
cuted the focal task. In order to identify the system of We estimated the performance equation in Stage 2 by
equations, we entered in the first-stage selection means of a bootstrap procedure (biased corrected;
model an additional variable that served the purpose 2000 iterations), clustering errors by worker to correct
of exclusion restriction. We identified an adequate for heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation. We rely on
exclusion restriction as a variable that captures bootstrap estimation to reduce concerns regarding
whether the gender of the worker matches that of the potential issues associated with (1) skewness in our
manager supervising the focal task. This variable independent variables and (2) the functional dimen-
(Manager–Worker Gender Match) takes a value of one sionality of our model. Bootstrap procedures are
when both manager and worker are of the same gen- appropriate when parametric assumptions are not
der. Based on arguments in homophily research that viable (Carte and Russell 2017, Wood 2005). More
suggest managers tend to develop closer relationships importantly, estimates obtained using bootstrapping
with workers of the same gender (Ertug and Gargiulo are shown to be robust to potential violations of nor-
2012, Reagans 2005, Tsui and O’Reilly 1989), we mality assumptions associated with skewed datasets.
expect a manager–worker gender match to predict For example, using moderated regression procedures

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
10 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

in a Monte Carlo simulation, Russell and Dean (2000, time of task k, by worker i under the supervision of
p. 182) found evidence indicating that “bootstrapping manager j; rijk represents a disturbance term assumed
procedures provide a viable alternative to traditional, to be independent and identically distributed.3
parametric statistical procedures for detecting moder-
ator effects regardless of how X1, X2 and e [the inde-
pendent variables and the error] are distributed.” On
5. Results
a similar note, Becker et al. (2018, p. 14) argue, “non- Table 2 gives the means, standard deviations, and
normally distributed predictors may result in nonnor- pairwise correlations for the variables used in the
mality in the sampling distributions of parameter analysis. Table 3 gives the results for the selection
estimates. Thus, if nonlinearity in the distributions of (Stage 1) model and Table 4 for the performance
continuous predictors is present, the robustness of (Stage 2) model. Regarding the selection decision, the
results should be evaluated using the appropriate model estimation results suggest that worker special-
procedures (e.g., by reanalyzing data using a robust ization is associated with worker selection (see
estimator or bootstrapped standard errors).” Finally, Table 3). Specifically, the analysis of first- and sec-
bootstrap procedures reduce concerns regarding the ond-order terms shows that worker specialization has
precision of estimates (Russell and Dean 2000), which a positive (h1 = 7.96 9 104; CI [7.10 9 104;
may arise when, as a consequence of estimating 8.82 9 104]), marginally diminishing (h2 = 4.45 9
higher order (interaction) models, as in our case, func- 107; CI [5.18 9 107; 3.72 9 107]) effect on the
tional dimensionality increases and the amount of probability a worker is selected for the focal task.4
data required to achieve the same levels of estimation Hypothesis 1 posits that manager role experience
accuracy upsurges (Thornton and Thompson 2001). helps mitigate the potential negative effect of high
In summary, our selection (Stage 1) equation, which levels of worker specialization, increasing the posi-
represents the probability that manager j selects tive marginal effect of worker specialization on per-
worker i to execute task k over any other worker in formance. To capture not just diminishing but
the worker choice set l is as follows: negative returns of increased specialization beyond
  a particular level, we included in our model the
  exp: Zijk quadratic term of worker specialization (WkrSpik)2
Pr ljk ¼ i ¼ P  
l exp Zljk (Narayanan et al. 2009). To investigate Hypothesis
1, we allow the moderating variable, manager role
Zljk ¼ h1 WkrSplk þ h2 WkrSplk 2 þ h3 Wkr other Xpl experience, to interact with both linear and quadra-
þ h4 WkrXpTypelk þ h5 Familiaritylj þ h6 WkrTenurei tic worker specialization terms in the regression
þ h7 WkrUtl þ h8 WkrRelPrPfmcik Model 2 in Table 4 shows the coefficient estimates
þ h9 Mgr  Wkr genderlj þ h10 Wkr Mod Emphasislk of the model that includes interactions between man-
ager role experience and worker specialization. The
Our model’s performance (Stage 2) equation is as results of the model suggest that manager role experi-
follows: ence indeed influences the relationship between
  worker specialization and execution time. To better
LN TaskTimeijk interpret these findings, we plot the relationship at
¼ b0 þ b1 WkrSpik þ b2 WkrSpik 2 þ b3 MgrXpjk low (10th percentile, 85 tasks5 ) and high (90th per-
þ b4 WkrSpik  MgrXpjk þ b5 WkrSpik 2  MgrXpjk centile, 3300 tasks) levels of manager role experience,
keeping all control variables at their mean level (see
þ b6 OrgXpk þ b7 WkrSpik  OrgXpk þ b8 WkrSpik 2  OrgXpk
Figure 1). A 95% bias-corrected bootstrap confidence
þ b9 MgrXpjk  OrgXpk þ b10 WkrSpik  MgrXpjk  OrgXpk interval analysis shows that, when evaluated at low
þ b11 WkrSpik 2  MgrXpjk  OrgXpk þ b12 Wkr other Xpk levels of worker specialization (10th percentile—13
þ b13 Org other Xpk þ b14 WkrXpTypeik þ b15 Familiarityij tasks), the difference between execution time predic-
þ b16 WkrTenurei þ b17 WkrUti þ b18 WkrRelPrPfmcik tions at low and high levels of manager role experi-
þ b19 MgrXpWkrjk þ b20 Yeark þ b21 Typek þ b22 Priorityk ence is not significantly different from zero. The
average difference is positive (0.05), with a confidence
þ b23 ReqTaskk þ b24 Workeri þ b25 Managerj þ b26 Modulek
interval running from 0.05 to 0.15. Conversely,
þ /1  Prijk þ /2  Prijk 2 þ rijk when evaluated at high levels of worker specializa-
tion (90th percentile—470 tasks), the average differ-
where i represents the worker who executed the task, ence is positive (0.17), with a confidence interval
j represents the manager leading the task, k represents running from 0.09 and 0.20. Similar results to these
the focal task; l represents the worker who could exe- low- and high-specialization analyses are obtained
cute task k; LN(Task Timeijk) is the log of the execution when assessing the difference at the 25th (avg.

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Table 2 Descriptive Statistics and Pairwise Correlations

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 LN (Task Time) 1
2 Worker Specialization 0.26 1
3 Manager Role Experience 0.09 0.15 1
4 Organizational Task Experience 0.07 0.24 0.33 1
5 Worker Experience Other Modules 0.28 0.19 0.01 0.02 1
6 Organization Experience Other Modules 0.03 0.18 0.34 0.42 0.07 1
7 Worker Experience Type Request 0.31 0.67 0.12 0.15 0.51 0.22 1
8 Worker–Manager Familiarity 0.1 0.25 0.57 0.01 0.03 0.23 0.27 1
9 Worker Tenure 0.17 0.39 0.06 0.11 0.41 0.29 0.46 0.19 1
10 Worker Utilization 0.06 0.15 0.15 0.04 0.05 0.01† 0.13 0.05 0.27 1
11 Worker Relative Prior Performance 0.17 0.09 0.01† 0.01† 0.1 0.01† 0.11 0.02 0.08 0.05 1
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12 Manager Experience as Worker 0.13 0.09 0.33 0.06 0.17 0.11 0.2 0.48 0.07 0.05 0.04 1
13 Requirement Priority 0.06 0.04 0.03 0.01† 0.06 0.01† 0.07 0.04 0.04 0.11 0.01† 0.08 1
14 Worker Subtasks in Requirement 0.5 0.07 0.03 0.01† 0.08 0.06 0.09 0.03 0.01† 0.09 0.1 0.04 0.01† 1
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits

Mean 0.9 199.2* 1230.3* 11,131.8* 171 62,880 142 65 586.1 297 1.2 1160.2 2.5 1.4
Median 0.7 92 696 7926 48 66,153 69 28 512 0.1 0.51 249 3 1
Min 0.7 0 0 0 0 228 0 0 1 167.8 0.01 0 1 1
Max 6.86 2903 7722 32,617 4018 126,342 2051 1509 2168 3677 7.22 39,617 3 33
25th percentile 0.0 35 235 3476 12 38,773 25 8 265 81.5 0.19 87 2 1
75th percentile 1.8 232 1705 17,337 173 109,011 173 78 802 332.5 1.23 1822 3 2
SD 1.3 314.1 1351.1 9022 350.1 30,437.8 211.5 99.9 418.2 402.2 2.8 4919.1 0.7 1.2

Note. All correlations in the table are significant at the p < 0.05 level, except for those marked with †; *The values in the table correspond to the variables in their original scale, before mean centering.
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by

Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
12 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

Table 3 Selection Model Estimation Results

Worker selection

Estimate SE 95% CI
Worker Specialization (WkrSp) 7.96E04*** 4.38E05 7.10E04 8.82E04
WkrSp2 4.45E07*** 3.73E08 5.18E07 3.72E07
Worker Experience Other Modules 1.60E03*** 4.59E05 1.69E03 1.51E03
Worker Experience Type of Request 1.70E03*** 5.74E05 1.59E03 1.81E03
Worker–Manager Familiarity 2.76E03*** 7.43E05 2.61E03 2.90E03
Worker Tenure 1.78E04*** 1.62E05 1.46E04 2.10E04
Worker Utilization 8.53E05*** 1.82E05 1.21E04 4.96E05
Worker Relative Prior Performance 1.28E02*** 2.64E03 7.62E03 1.80E02
Worker Emphasis on Module 1.27E+00*** 2.47E02 1.22E+00 1.32E+00
Manager–Worker Gender Match 1.32E01*** 1.32E02 1.06E01 1.58E01
n 745,367

Note. *** represents that zero is not contained in the 99.9% bootstrap confidence intervals.

dif. = 0.05; CI [0.03, 0.13]) and 75th (avg. dif. = 0.13; substantial changes in highly specialized workers’
CI [0.05, 0.21]) percentiles of worker specialization, task execution time. For instance, an analysis of the
respectively. These findings suggest that, as expected, predicted values of the performance model shows a
variations in manager role experience have a significant difference between task execution time at
statistically significant influence on the relationship the 90th percentile of worker specialization. This dif-
between worker specialization and task execution time. ference between predicted Ln(Task Timeijk) values is,
An increase in manager role experience translates into on average, positive (0.32) and significant, with a 95%
substantial changes in highly specialized workers’ per- bootstrap confidence interval extending from 0.18 to
formance. Therefore, we find support for Hypothesis 1. 0.46.6 Such a difference translates into an execution
In Hypothesis 2, we contend that the influence of time reduction of about 26% when a manager super-
manager role experience on the relationship between vises the worker with high role experience compared
worker specialization and performance is contingent to a manager with low role experience. Similar results
on the level of organizational task experience. To are obtained when assessing the difference between
investigate this hypothesis, we include additional the two curves at the 75th percentile of worker spe-
interaction terms among worker specialization, man- cialization (avg. dif. = 0.16; CI [0.05, 0.27]; 16% faster
ager role experience, and organizational task experi- avg. execution time). Conversely, at low levels of
ence in the model. Model 2 in Table 4 gives the worker specialization (10th and 25th percentile), the
estimation results for the performance model, includ- difference between predicted values is not significant.
ing the organizational task experience contingency. Taken together, these results support the idea that
The coefficients of the interaction terms that include manager role experience at low levels of organiza-
organizational task experience are significant (i.e., tional task experience attenuates the potential nega-
confidence intervals do not include zero), suggesting tive effect of high worker specialization, which
that organizational task experience is a significant increases the positive marginal effect of worker spe-
contingency factor. To better understand these results, cialization on performance.
we plotted the relationship between worker special- Figure 3 depicts a similar pattern in the relation-
ization and performance at low (10th percentile) and ship between worker specialization and task execu-
high levels (90th percentile) of manager role experi- tion time at low and high levels of manager role
ence, and at low (10th percentile—1464 tasks) and experience. We find, however, that the average differ-
high levels (90th percentile—25,584 tasks) of organi- ence between the predicted values of Ln(Task Timeijk),
zational task experience, keeping all control variables calculated at 90th and 75th percentiles of worker spe-
at their mean level (see Figures 2 and 3). Figure 2 sug- cialization, is positive (0.10 and 0.07) but not signifi-
gests that varying manager role experience leads to cant, with 95% bootstrap confidence intervals running

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society 13

Table 4 Performance Model Results

Log task duration

(1) (2)

Estimate SE 95% CI Estimate SE 95% CI

Worker Specialization (WkrSp) 5.02E04*** 1.33E04 7.63E04 2.41E04 5.50E04** 1.49E04 8.94E04 2.06E04
Manager Role Experience (MgrXp) 2.00E05 3.03E05 7.95E05 3.94E05 3.30E05 3.22E05 9.65E05 3.01E05
Org Task Experience (OrgXp) 8.47E07 5.77E06 1.05E05 1.22E05 7.29E07 5.55E06 1.02E05 1.16E05
WkrSp2 2.35E07*** 5.02E08 1.36E07 3.33E07 3.10E07** 8.80E08 1.37E07 4.83E07
WkrSp 9 MgrXp 9.55E08 6.09E08 2.15E07 2.39E08 1.94E07** 7.58E08 3.43E07 4.54E08
WkrSp 9 OrgXp 3.53E09 1.42E08 3.13E08 2.43E08
MgrXp 9 OrgXp 9.53E10 1.27E09 1.54E09 3.45E09
WkrSp2 9 MgrXp 4.71E11 3.66E11 2.47E11 1.19E10 1.63E10* 6.36E11 3.81E11 2.88E10
WkrSp2 9 OrgXp 1.99E12 8.75E12 1.91E11 1.52E11
WkrSp 9 MgrXp 9 OrgXp 9.40E12* 4.35E12 8.80E13 1.79E11
WkrSp2 9 MgrXp 9 OrgXp 9.30E15* 4.27E15 1.77E14 9.31E16
Worker Experience Other Modules 7.26E05 9.91E05 1.21E04 2.69E04 7.89E05 9.81E05 1.13E04 2.71E04
Org Experience Other Modules 1.60E05** 5.91E06 2.76E05 4.42E06 1.51E05** 5.83E06 2.73E05 3.65E06
Worker Experience Type of 1.32E04 7.47E05 2.78E04 1.48E05 1.20E04 7.52E05 2.67E04 2.73E05
Worker–Manager Familiarity 1.70E04 3.44E04 8.46E04 5.05E04 7.62E06 3.56E04 7.04E04 6.89E04
Worker Tenure 1.05E03+ 5.99E04 1.25E04 2.22E03 9.45E04+ 4.68E04 1.68E04 2.06E03
Worker Utilization 7.53E05 6.92E05 6.04E05 2.11E04 6.98E05 7.00E05 6.74E05 2.07E04
Worker Relative Prior Performance 9.49E03 7.25E03 4.71E03 2.37E02 9.49E03 7.26E03 4.72E03 2.38E02
Manager Experience as Worker 2.21E05 5.31E05 8.20E05 1.26E04 3.03E05 5.45E05 7.64E05 1.37E04
Task Priority 7.12E03 1.06E02 2.80E02 1.37E02 6.30E03 1.06E02 2.75E02 1.45E02
Worker Subtasks in Requirement 4.52E01*** 1.87E02 4.16E01 4.89E01 4.53E01*** 1.87E02 4.16E01 4.89E01
Worker Emphasis on Module
Manager–Worker Gender Match
Prijk (Based on Dahl 2002) 2.41E+00*** 5.96E01 1.24E+06 3.58E+00 2.38E+00*** 5.99E01 1.15E+00 3.61E+00
Prijk2(Based on Dahl 2002) 3.21E+00*** 8.89E01 4.95E+00 1.47E+00 3.18E+00*** 8.92E01 4.92E+00 1.44E+00
Worker (Fixed effect) Significant Significant
Manager (Fixed effect) Significant Significant
ERP Module (Fixed effect) Significant Significant
Year (Fixed effect) Not Significant Not Significant
Type (Fixed effect) Significant Significant
Constant 5.06E01 4.52E01 3.81E+00 1.39E+00 5.21E01 4.65E01 5.40E01 1.58E+00
n 39,162 39,162

Note. +, *, **, *** represent whether zero is not contained in the 90%, the 95%, the 99% or the 99.9% bootstrap confidence intervals, respectively.

from 0.01 to 0.22 and 0.02 to 0.16, respectively. We also analyzed whether the differences in the
Similar results are obtained when assessing the differ- predicted values at different manager role experience
ence between the two curves at low worker special- levels differ from each other at different levels of
ization values (10th and 25th percentiles). In contrast organizational task experience. Our results show that
to our findings in the low organizational task experi- at high levels of organizational task experience and
ence case, these findings suggest that, all things equal, worker specialization (both at the 90th percentile), the
increasing manager role experience when organiza- average difference between the predicted values at
tional task experience is high does not further high (90th percentile) and low (10th percentile) levels
increase the positive marginal effect of worker spe- of manager role experience differs significantly from
cialization on performance. that obtained at a low level of organizational task

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
14 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

Figure 1 Conditional Effect of Worker Specialization on Task Execution Time at Different Levels of Manager Role Experience

Figure 2 Conditional Effect of Worker Specialization on Task Execution Time at Different Levels of Manager Role Experience (Low levels of organi-
zational task experience sample)

experience (10th percentile). The difference in differ- bootstrap confidence interval extending between 0.10
ences of the predicted values of Ln(Task Timeijk) is, on and 0.33. Similar results are obtained when assessing
average, positive (0.21) and significant, with a 95% the difference in differences at the 75th percentile

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society 15

Figure 3 Conditional Effect of Worker Specialization on Task Execution Time at Different Levels of Manager Role Experience (High levels of organi-
zational task experience sample)

value of worker specialization (avg. dif. = 0.09; CI experience (i.e., 5th, 20th, 80th, and 95th percentiles of
[0.02, 0.20]). In line with prior results, we found no MgrXpj). Results of these models were consistent with
significant differences in the differences of the pre- those in our main analyses. That is, for models in
dicted values when running the analyses for low which organizational task experience was low (10th
worker specialization values (10th and 25th per- and 25th percentiles of OrgXpk), the differences
centiles). Our analysis also reveals that there is no sig- between predicted values at low and high levels of
nificant difference between the predicted execution manager experience were significant. In contrast, we
time values at high levels of worker specialization failed to find evidence of such differences for models
and manager role experience when comparing the in which organizational task experience was high
predictions at low and high levels of organizational (75th and 90th percentile of OrgXpk), regardless of
task experience. The same comparison yields signifi- manager experience level.
cant results, however, when manager experience is Second, we repeated our analysis defining low and
low. In other words, our analysis suggests that at high high levels of organizational experience using differ-
levels of worker specialization, the difference in dif- ent levels of the organizational task experience vari-
ferences of the predicted values of Ln(Task Timeijk) is able. We computed differences in predictions for low
driven by reduced execution time of tasks supervised organizational task experience at the 25th and the
by inexperienced managers, not an increase in execu- 40th percentiles of OrgXpk and high organizational
tion time of tasks supervised by managers with high task experience at the 60th and the 75th percentile of
role experience. Taken together, these results support OrgXpk. Results were consistent with those of our
our hypothesis that the moderation effect of manager original models.
role experience on the worker specialization-perfor- Third, limitations exist related to the experience
mance relationship is stronger at low levels of organi- information we can derive from our data. Though
zational task experience compared with high levels. these data began shortly after the organization began
operating, we do not have information on the experi-
5.1. Robustness Checks ence of workers or managers prior to this time. As
We conducted several tests to check the robustness of such, we acknowledge that our data are limited and
our estimated results. First, we analyzed the relation- the missing data may influence our results. To check
ship between worker specialization and task execu- for any potential effect of truncated experience mea-
tion performance at different levels of manager role sures, we followed Avgerinos and Gokpinar (2018)

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
16 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

and included the following two robustness checks in specialization variable are consistent with those using
the revision: The first one involves running our mod- the original worker specialization variable.
els after excluding the first 12 months of each worker Sixth, we ran our models using manager task experi-
and manager’s experience. For example, for a worker ence in exchange for manager role experience. Manager
that joined Alpha in June 2007, we removed all obser- task experience captures the supervisory experience of
vations until June 2008. Afterward, we recalculated the manager that is specific to the focal task module.
all the experience, familiarity, and tenure variables. We measured this variable as the number of tasks in
Post-truncation, all results were consistent with those the focal task module that the manager supervised
of our original models. We found that, at high levels prior to focal task allocation. The results of these mod-
of organizational task experience and worker special- els were consistent with those in our main analyses.
ization, the average difference between the predicted Seventh, to rule alternative functional relationships
values at high and low levels of manager role experi- between sources of experience and execution times,
ence is smaller than the difference obtained at low we ran our models using log-log and log-log2 and
levels of organizational task experience. In line with compared the goodness of fits (AIC and BIC) with the
our hypothesis, no significant differences in the differ- model used in our study. The goodness of fit mea-
ences of the predicted values were found when run- sures (AIC and BIC) for the model used in our study
ning the analyses for low worker specialization were lower than the log-log or log-log2 models sug-
values. The second one involves dropping observa- gesting that our approach fits the empirical data used
tions of employees who joined Alpha before the in the study.
beginning of our data set, including the 78 workers Finally, in our dataset, serial correlation might
who worked for Alpha’s parent company before it arise between tasks of the same module performed
came into existence. Dropping these workers from the by the same worker. The Wooldridge test (Drukker
analyses did not alter the results. As in the prior two 2003, Wooldridge 2010) for serial correlation suggests
checks, we found that at high levels of organizational the likely existence of first-order autocorrelation (i.e.,
task experience and worker specialization, the aver- AR(1)). As such, we estimated our model’s Stage 2
age difference between the predicted values at high (performance) equation based on a worker fixed-
and low levels of manager role experience is lesser effects panel regression with AR(1) disturbances
than the difference obtained at low levels of organiza- (Avgerinos and Gokpinar 2018, Baltagi and Wu
tional task experience. Furthermore, no significant 1999). We defined the panels in the data structure fol-
differences in the differences of the predicted values lowing our worker specialization variable. The time
were found at low values of worker specialization. variable corresponds to the sequence of tasks that
Taken together, these results suggest that the missing worker (i) executed in the module of the focal task
information on experience from the dataset does not (k). Overall, estimates of this model are consistent
pose a threat to our main findings. with those of the core model. For instance, we found
Fourth, beyond worker specialization in a module, that at high levels of organizational task experience
experience with the type of service requirement (e.g., (90th percentile) and worker specialization (90th per-
corrective, modification request, and support) also centile), the average difference between the predicted
may contribute to worker performance. To check values at high (90th percentile) and low (10th per-
whether specialization on task type impacts our centile) levels of manager role experience differs sig-
results, we split the sample into subsamples by task nificantly from the average difference obtained at
type and re-estimated the models in each subsample. low levels of organizational task experience (10th
The results of the analysis on each of the subsamples percentile). The difference in differences of the pre-
reveal patterns consistent with those in the original dicted values of Ln(Task Timeijk) is, on average, posi-
analysis. That is, the type of tasks where specializa- tive (0.16) and significant, with a 95% bootstrap
tion is accrued does not influence the effect of special- confidence interval extending between 0.01 and 0.32.
ization on worker performance. In line with our hypothesis, we found no significant
Fifth, even though we capture worker fixed effects, differences in the differences of the predicted values
better workers may be assigned more complex tasks when running the analyses for low values of worker
over time and be less prone to lose motivation and specialization (10th percentile). Results from this and
become disengaged. Were this the case, estimation of the previous robustness checks are available upon
specialization effects could be biased. We therefore request from the authors.
computed a new specialization variable as the cumu-
lative number of tasks that worker (i) executed in the
same module of the focal task (k), with a complexity
6. Discussion and Conclusions
level (ReqTasks) greater than or equal to the focal task. Repeating similar tasks can allow workers to acquire
Statistical conclusions from the analysis with the new the knowledge and skills required to satisfactorily

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society 17

execute their work (Gupta and Govindarajan 1984, specialization. While the existence of beneficial effects
Smith 1766, Vickers et al. 2007). Over time, however, of specialization is an established fact in the learning-
too much repetition can breed disengagement and the curve literature (Gaimon et al. 2017, Jaber 2016, Lapre
adoption of behaviors that thwart workers’ execution et al. 2000), different literature streams warn that
performance (Bruursema et al. 2011, Skowronski these benefits can be reduced when specialization
2012). In this study, we empirically investigate the becomes too high. Both the classic job characteristics
factors beyond individual worker traits that can allow model (Fried and Ferris 1987, Hackman and Oldham
firms to extract the full potential of worker specializa- 1976) and sociotechnical systems theory (Cherns
tion while limiting its costs. This effort also responds 1976) suggest that workers should not be exclusively
to the calls in the organizational learning literature to specialized in one task; instead, some degree of task
study the interactions between multiple sources of variety is essential for worker engagement. Staats and
experience within an organization (Lapre and Nemb- Gino (2012) developed this idea and found that task
hard 2011). Results indicate the existence of complex variety, understood as breadth of experience, can mit-
relationships among organizational task experience, igate the costs of specialization. To date, however, no
manager role experience, and worker specialization prior research exists regarding what firms can do to
when affecting task execution time. When organiza- maximize the performance potential of worker spe-
tional task experience is sufficiently high, the relation- cialization, besides ensuring that workers are exposed
ship between worker specialization and task to a variety of tasks. We fill this gap and extend the
execution time does not depend on manager role findings of Staats and Gino (2012) by providing two
experience. Conversely, when organizational task additional moderating factors that can explain how to
experience is low, managerial role experience moder- counter potential negative effects and leverage
ates the relationship between worker specialization worker specialization.
and execution times, such that increasing the level of This study also advances the understanding of the
manager role experience magnifies the positive mar- effects of managerial role experience. Recent studies
ginal effect of worker specialization on performance. have begun to examine the main effect of a man-
The main contribution of this research is to illustrate ager’s experience on subordinate performance (e.g.,
the relationships among the three sources of experi- Easton and Rosenzweig 2012, 2015, Huckman et al.
ence, offering new theoretical and practical insights 2009). We advance this line of research by theorizing
as outlined below. and empirically showing that manager role experi-
ence can asymmetrically affect the performance of
6.1. Theoretical and Practical Implications workers with different levels of specialization when
This study is the one of the few to investigate the inter- the organization has relatively low levels of task
actions between multiple learning curves that can be at experience. More precisely, specialized workers per-
various levels within the organization (Lapre and form better when supervised by managers with high
Nembhard 2011). A recent study by Clark et al. (2013) role experience, while inexperienced workers do not.
found a moderating effect of organizational task expe- Conversely, when organizational task experience is
rience on the relationship between worker experience high, this effect is not present. This finding extends
and performance. In our study, we go a step further by the insights from Easton and Rosenzweig (2015),
integrating the role experience variable with the indi- who found in a study of Six Sigma projects that
vidual learning curve model. Support for the postu- organizational experience moderates the relationship
lated interaction between worker specialization, between project success and a manager’s experience
manager role experience, and organizational task leading similar projects. We add to this emerging
experience ultimately suggests that individual learning line of research by suggesting an interplay among
curve models that link worker specialization with per- individual, managerial, and organizational experi-
formance are underspecified. We recommend more ence. A broader implication of our findings to the
research on this topic in the future to account for the manager experience literature is that worker perfor-
moderating factors presented in this study. One partic- mance does not necessarily improve under the guid-
ular avenue for future research would be to extend our ance of the most experienced manager. This finding
model to capture how other dimensions of organiza- also contributes to the debate about the performance
tional, manager, or peer knowledge interact with effects of managers on their subordinates and orga-
worker specialization to drive not only worker perfor- nizations (Cho et al. 2016, Greening and Johnson
mance but worker selection as well—a topic that so far 1996).
received very limited attention in the learning curve Our work has several important practical implica-
literature. tions for staffing decisions. We find that if the organi-
Second, our study contributes to the debate over zation were to optimize worker performance, staffing
factors that can offset possible diseconomies of decisions must account for the nuanced relationships

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
18 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

among worker specialization, manager role experi- 6.3. Limitations and Conclusion
ence, and organizational task experience. To illustrate As for any non-experimental study, claims of causal-
the importance of these contingencies, we quantified ity must be taken with caution and are mostly based
the effect of worker specialization on performance on logic, theoretical explanations, and qualitative
using the coefficients in Model 2 of Table 4. Results insights captured from personnel at the research set-
suggest that when organizations lack necessary task ting. Ideally, causal links would have been better
experience, manager role experience plays a key role probed with a field experiment where workers are
in leveraging the performance potential workers randomly assigned to managers in situations of both
derive from their levels of specialization. For instance, high and low organizational task experience. Clearly,
in the case of low levels of organizational task experi- such an experiment would have entailed non-trivial
ence, increasing levels of worker specialization from risks to the operational core of the studied organiza-
low (10th percentile) to high (90th percentile) yields a tion. Nevertheless, the rich data we accessed allowed
decrease of nearly 37% in task execution times under us to model worker selection decision, allaying con-
a highly experienced manager’s supervision. Under a cerns about the possibility that non-randomness in
manager with average levels of role experience (1230 worker selection drives the results.
tasks), the execution time reduction nears 21%. Such Second, while we controlled for differences
benefits are limited to 8% when workers are under across workers and managers, we lack data to set
the supervision of a manager with limited role experi- up controls for the effect of the education and
ence. In contrast, when organizational task experience training individuals have received. These are com-
is high, the benefits of increasing the worker special- mon personnel development tools and their effect
ization level from low to high do not significantly dif- on performance may be, to a certain extent, con-
fer regardless of a manager’s role experience. For founded with that of work experience. We par-
instance, in cases in which managers have high role tially mitigate this problem by accounting for
experience (90th percentile), execution time drops worker and manager fixed effects, which at least
about 26%, compared with 24% with average role capture all training and education effects that pre-
experience and 21% with low role experience (10th cede the observational period the data cover.
percentile). Third, even though our dataset included rich, indi-
Furthermore, organizations can benefit from vidual-level experience information, we did not have
understanding the conditions in which relying on information about workers’ and managers’ prior job
potentially costly resources such as highly experi- experience. We performed different robustness
enced managers adds value to daily operations. Our checks to investigate the sensitivity of the results to
results show that the benefits on task execution truncation in experience variables, finding that the
from manager role experience become limited as the results did not substantially change. Additionally,
organization accumulates experience. A sensitivity most workers came from other departments within
analysis reveals that in cases involving limited orga- the same organization. That is, they did not necessar-
nizational task experience (10th percentile), having ily have previous experience in software services.
an experienced manager (90th percentile) supervise Lastly, the observational period covered by the data
tasks compared to one with limited experience (10th (3.5 years) began less than 1 year after establishment
percentile) drives significant reductions in execution of the unit, thereby limiting the extent to which trun-
times only if the worker has substantial specializa- cation might be considered problematic.
tion (65th percentile). Under other conditions, hav- Finally, we could not explicitly investigate the effect
ing experienced managers lead workers entails an of the independent variables on the quality of work-
opportunity cost, because the same worker perfor- ers’ output. We do so indirectly, because the depen-
mance can be achieved relying on managers with dent variable “task execution time” includes the time
low role experience. In summary, we find that staff- the worker had to spend fixing problems when the
ing tasks with workers possessing high levels of task did not pass quality checks. However, aspects of
specialization, even when they are available, is nei- software service quality (e.g., appropriately annotat-
ther necessary nor valuable. In fact, such a decision ing changes made to the code) exist that task execu-
would be detrimental to performance if the experi- tion time does not capture. Future research could
ences of both the task-supervising supervising man- investigate the effects of the studied independent
ager and organization were limited. Therefore, it is variables on different quality metrics to provide a
important for the organization to recognize that the more nuanced picture of the consequence of these
individual value of personnel specialization is lim- variables on worker performance. We do acknowl-
ited and depends on the availability of additional edge that no estimation procedure is perfect and that
sources of experience. we believe in our study conclusions to be valid given

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society 19

the robustness of our multiple estimation procedures substantially mitigated when organizational task
along with field observations during and after data experience is sufficiently high. Conversely, when
collection. We are confident that the results arrived organizational task experience is low, managers’ role
are the most accurate to obtain for the type of empiri- experience plays an instrumental role in capitalize on
cal data used in the study. Nevertheless, we urge specialized workers’ deep experience.
future scholars to look at these relationships in other
settings to validate and extend our study findings.
Notwithstanding these limitations, this study offers Acknowledgments
novel insights into the relationship between worker
The authors thank the department editor Enno Siemsen, the
specialization and performance. The existence of dis- senior editor and the reviewers, whose comments and sug-
economies of specialization has been known since gestions improved the paper, significantly, throughout the
early critiques of Taylorism, but little is known about entire review process. All errors and omissions remain the
how they can be managed. We show that the occur- responsibility of the authors. The second and third authors
rence of diseconomies of worker specialization is not contributed equally to the paper.
a universal phenomenon; instead, they can be

Appendix A. Characterization of core of Alpha’s services relates to ERP Systems

based on SAP products, most of the service require-
Different Service Tasks at Alpha
ments that require coding are implemented by
means of applications developed in ABAP. The fol-
Categorization of service requirements at Alpha is lowing table depicts some examples of each type of
similar to that advanced by prior literature (see Nah requirement.
et al. 2001 for an extended review). Because of the

Type of task Example

Corrective Resolving anomalies reported by users (e.g., bug fixing on forms and reports)
Major modification Developing APIs for linking the customer ERP system with other organization’s systems or those of other organizations
Minor modification Customization of the ERP system standard by means of ABAP developments (e.g., including additional fields for data collection
request on activities specific of the organization’s processes)
Major support ERP system version upgrade
Minor support Incorporating objects (lines of code) sent by ERP vendor to solve problems (e.g., include new database structures, programs,
and new reports)

Percentage in Average Ln(Task Standard dev Ln(Task Average Average number of tasks per
Type of task sample Execution Time) Execution Time) priority requirement
Corrective 35.13 0.64 1.14 2.55 2.85
Major modification 15.48 1.27 1.37 2.30 4.50
Minor modification 17.15 0.84 1.29 2.44 3.34
Support—Major 3.51 2.51 1.60 2.28 6.45
Support—Minor 28.73 0.87 1.20 2.66 2.67

2006-I 2006-II 2007-I 2007-II 2008-I 2008-II 2009-I 2009-II*

Number of tasks 1719 2329 3921 3311 7028 8557 7911 4386
Corrective 725 947 1330 1234 2435 2665 2526 1894
Major modification request 185 351 526 560 1357 1451 1202 431
Minor modification request 418 334 608 499 1372 1430 1313 741
Support—Major 25 111 223 200 254 200 291 72
Support—Minor 366 586 1234 818 1610 2811 2579 1248
Workers 68 104 132 171 213 210 184 125

Note. *July to October.

Please Cite this article in press as: Madiedo, J. P., et al. Capturing the Benefits of Worker Specialization: Effects of Managerial and
Organizational Task Experience. Production and Operations Management (2020),
Madiedo, Chandrasekaran, and Salvador: Capturing Worker Specialization Benefits
Production and Operations Management 0(0), pp. 1–22, © 2019 The Authors. Production and Operations Management published by
20 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of Production and Operations Management Society

Notes concepts, findings and research methods used. Inf. Softw.

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