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1. How does the personality of the person affects his penmanship?

Personality of a person affects penmanship by the distinct style his fingers produce like the sharpness of
letters; the pressure; the slopes; the size; and alignments. A penmanship reveals an indicative personality of
a person, and an example of which is one who has a weird handwriting mirrors a weird a personality.
Logically, penmanship confirms personality because in real life, you are not asking about someone’s
personality directly. You do observation instead, so one of the ways to confirm personality is through his
penmanship. Finally, you can say that a person is indeed optimistic, pessimistic, shy, meticulous, slow, and

2. Differentiate the different blood types


A type blood Has only A antigen on red blood cells

B type blood B antigen on red blood cells
AB type blood Has both A and B antigens on red blood cells
O type blood Neither A or B antigens on red blood cells

3. How is fingerprint developed

Fingerprint is developed in a mother’s womb where the pressure of amniotic fluid across the surface of the
hands’ friction ridges influences its patterns. The fingerprint becomes unique pattern of arches and loops by
the end of the nine months which means this stays the same from cradle to grave.

4. In the crime documentary you watched, how did the investigators identify the real perpetrator?
The real perpetrator was identified through a series of investigation which led to search the things around
the house until navigating a computer finding a file of pornographic videos. This case was described as
challenging by the investigators because they find no lead, no suspect, the crime is clearly done, the
circumstances were strange, so their career has been put into test. The collection of the porn videos found
indicates that the fairytale marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Blagg was in trouble. This addiction might flame an
argument between the two which resulted to killing.

Additionally, during the interview, Mr. Blagg’s personally was strange. It was concluded that he was an
expert in counterintelligence. One of the circumstances also that convinced the investigators that he killed
his wife and daughter was the suicide commission of the former, to conclude that he has a guilty
conscience. Five months after the crime, a team went to search the body of the victims in possible places
they might be. The search was in 10 days to no avail. Finally, Mr. Blagg has seen, on the day the victims
were disappeared, gathering trash putting into the dumpster. The investigators now pursue the case, then
seven months of excavating the landfill where the trash of Mr. Blagg was dump, the wife’s decomposed
body was wretchedly found.

The investigators concluded that she was shot during sleep by Mr. Blagg because of the humiliation the
latter felt towards his churchmates in his issue on porn addiction. On the 52nd day of search, the
investigators were forced to end their mission in searching the 6-year-old daughter digging 19 ft deep. To
end the case, Mr. Blagg, was sentenced to life imprisonment.
Submitted: September 23, 2021

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