Report Maam Donna

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- Good day everyone, this is Avigail I,

Cipillo and I’ll be the 1st reporter from

Group 9.
- before anything else let’s have a brief
discussion about the History of
- There have been people living in
Korea since at least 8000 BC, but
they are not Korean people though.
According to a legend, the 1st Korean
was born in 2300 BC.
- So to start the story, A long long time
ago, a tiger and a bear wanted to be a
- so the God’s son told them to live in a
cave and eat mugwort and garlic for
100 days,
- the Tiger give up because the tiger
thinks its nasty. But the bear did it
and become a human,
- the bear get married with the God’s
son and live happily ever after in
Pyeon Yang in North Korea. They had
a kid named Dan Gun Wang Geom
who is the father of all Koreans today,
but ofcourse Historian didn’t believe
this story at all. According to them,
there was an actual Kingdom in
Korea by at least 7th century BC
known as
- “Gojoseon” they know this because
China have a record of it. But in the
2nd century BC the Han Dynasty in
China invaded Gojoseon and it broke
in a several smaller states. Here the
what we call
- “Three Kingdoms Period” begin, these
three separate major kingdoms that
made up Korea are “Go-gu-ryeo”
“Baek-je” And “Shil-la”. Each one was
ruled by rather a King or sometimes a
Queen but they don’t really get along
and there are a lot of fighting between
the Kingdom.
- 1st the Goguryeo Kingdom was ruled
by a guy named “Ju-mong” and it was
famous for its military horses which
they use to defend themselves from
the invasion of Tang Dynasty in
China. They also expanded Korea’s
border up into the southern and
central parts of Northeast China.
- The Kingdom of Baek-je was founded
by On-jo who was a son of Jumong,
this Kingdom was famous in
Agriculture, and they grow a lot of
rice there, but baekje have a good
relationship with China and Japan,
so they imported and exported a lot of
their culture.
- Finally the Shilla Kingdom by a guy
named Bak-Hyeok-Geo-Se, the Shilla
Kingdom is an Aristocratic Society
and was governed by Royalty but
Shilla is more famous for its gold,
they have some pretty incredible gold
jewelry. They are also famous for their
class of lit and extremely skilled
warriors called Hwarang, Hwarang is
translated as Flower Boys.
- But shilla didn’t stop there they
wanted to control all the Korea so
they took over both Goguryeo and
Baekje, and also the small Kingdom
named Gaya, this unified Korea as
one Kingdom and a lot of people died.
The Shilla covered Korea until 935 AD
when they broke apart due the
constance of a war and also because
by then there is already a much
better and cooler Kingdom that was
emerging called Koryo.
- Koryo is where Korea originally got its
name. the Koryo was founded by a
guy name Tae-jo Wang-geon and it
cover all the Korea, and this become a
big period of Growth in South Korea.

- Korean Literature

- Korean literature is usually divided

chronologically into a classical and a
modern period. But the basis for such
a division is still being questioned.
Great reforms swept Korea after the
mid-19th century as its society
actively absorbed Western things.

- Korea's classical literature developed

against the backdrop of traditional
folk beliefs of the Korean people; it
was also influenced by Taoism,
Confucianism, and Buddhism. Among
these, Buddhist influence held the
greatest sway, followed by enormous
influences from Confucianism -
especially Song Confucianism -
during the Choson period.

- Modern literature of Korea, on the

other hand, developed out of its
contact with Western culture,
following the course of modernization.
Not only Christian thought, but also
various artistic trends and influences
were imported from the West. As the
"New Education" and the "National
Language and Literature Movement"
developed, the Chinese writing
system, which had traditionally
represented the culture of the
dominant class, lost the socio-
cultural function it had previously
enjoyed. At the same time, the Korean
script, Han-gul was being used more
and more frequently, resulting in the
growth and development of Korean
language and literature studies.

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