Cultural Content - Tutorial Week 2 TSLB3093

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Prepared by : Farah Nazirah, Ainul, Imanina, Syasya.

What is culture ?
Culture can be defined as
all the ways of life
including arts, beliefs and
institutions of a
population that are
passed down from
generation to generation.

of activity
Activity 1 : Greeting
Teacher teaches pupils how to say ‘thank
you’ in multiple languages.
Teacher shows flashcards of ‘thank you‘ in
multiple languages ( eg : Spanish - gracias)
Teacher teaches pupils how to pronounce
the words correctly
Teacher gives worksheet to the pupils.

Examples :

Phrases Language

Gracias ………………..
Activity 2 :
Cultural Fashion Show
The fashion show featured student models
displaying cultural wear from around the
world. The goal of this event was to educate
people on different cultures as well as
culture appropriation.
Activity 3:
Cultural Show and Tell
Set up days where students can bring
items from family traditions and
cultures to share with classmates. This
could be clothing, instruments,
jewelry, etc. as long as parents are
comfortable with students taking
responsibility for these important
items when it is their turn to share.
Activity 3:
Craft Activity
Japanese Koinobori Fish Kite Craft
Activity 3:
Craft Activity
Korean Lunar New Year Fan and Drum
Criteria to Consider

When Selecting and

Adapting the


1. Pupils' cultural background.

2. Cultural sensitivity.

3. Accuracy based on real-life rituals or routines.

The content's subject matter
should be sufficiently familiar
to the pupils so that
they have the necessary
schemata or prior
inspire them to read more
foster new knowledge or
perceptions and aid in their
comprehension of the text
by using straightforward
allowing them to relate the
content to their own culture
1. 3.

Ideally, the content Fluent readers with high Basically, Cultural Content
shouldnt be level proficiency can be must relate with relevant
given text that are schemata, motivating,
culturally biased
culturally unrelated enhance comprehension,
because they can both stimulate pupils’ thinking
identify forms and interpret
meanings, and vice versa.
Thank You!

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