DR Himadri Seth Is Given The Opportunity To Correct His Misquotations of Simon Kaiwai

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Attention: Dr Himadri Seth Thursday, March 04, 2010 Re: Simon Kaiwai assessment Hi Himadri, I wanted to write you

to highlight some inaccuracies in your assessment and give you the opportunity to remedy. I respect that this may not alter your opinion. I do however feel it fair to be quoted correctly. It is my understanding that words encased in speech marks are exact quotations (example of an exact quote). Perhaps you had trouble with my accent or cadence. We did speak at length and I am sure it must have been hard for you to remember everything perfectly. I claim the text in blue as accurate and red as inaccurate. If you wish to discuss any specific item please feel free to do so. My contact details are listed below. Please provide me with your final assessment by COB March 10th, 2010 or an appropriate response. With regards,

Simon Kaiwai 021 213 4477 1195 Oruru Rd RD 2 Kaitaia 0482 simon@kiwicando.com

List of disputed quotes, contexts and meanings from the assessment of Simon Kaiwai by Dr Seth. Confidentiality: 1/ I did not state verbally to you that I was "here under duress without prejudice with all rights reserved." This was how I signed my bail document and was not stared in the meeting. I did however say "The reason I am participating with this is because it is a condition on my bail and also I was threatened by Mr Firth". 2/ I stated that I wanted "full disclosure" not "formal disclosure" as quoted. Sources of information: 3/ Can you please provide me with the documents referred to as: 1,2,3,5,6,8? Social history: 4/ I did not claim to be CEO of a large company. I merely told you the business model with no reference to scale. 5/ I did not state that I packed the company in over the "past few weeks as his heart was not in it". This is misleading. Recent history: 6/ I did not state or infer that the world was getting "more righteous". 7/ I said "deathly flu". It certainly wasn't "deadly", at least not to me. 8/ My concern over the spray program was not founded on "an article" as suggested. On the contrary it was based on official documents released via the CDFA, scientific opinions, the petition of thousands of concerned citizens, other research and direct experience. 9/ I did not say the government was planning to spray "all over the country" This is very misleading. 10/ I did not refer to the company I founded as "his" or my company. I am clear and appreciative that there were other people involved in the venture. 11/ I did not say that I was "living my life by the ten commandments and the principles of George Green who had outlined the four laws of the universe" 12/ The ten commandments were referenced to give credence to my word being accepted as my bond for purposes of bail while I was on remand. I did not know why I was being held in jail. I find what George Green calls the "four laws of the universe" a helpful perspective. 13/ My concerns fall within my "circle of concern" so to speak. Some of these fall within my "circle of influence" which is a subset of my concerns. I recognise the futility of concerning for things beyond my influence and use this technique to let go of futile concerns. 14/ I did not state that I "had used his circle of concern and if you are looking for the way you should be looking for Lee Tamihere" I joked about Lee Tamihere being the one as he has been on TV and claimed this. My opinion is that there is no one that significant to warrant this accolade. Issues pertaining to the alleged offending 15/ I strongly objected to critiquing the caption sheet and summary of facts. Your insistence and suggestion of confidentiality for this information persuaded me to cooperate against my better judgment and evidently due process. Given this, it is interesting that you have formed an opinion that I have concrete thinking. Your disclosure of certain information may embarrass me in my defence and I regret trusting your assurance in this matter. 16/ The quote starting "I was acting..." is jumbled, misleading and out of context compared to what was said. Please correct this as your interpretation not of a direct quote.

17/ Not the law of "alliances" of "allowance". 18/ I did not say "one should just listen". 19/ I did say that I saw some "illegal things with the power company" the rest of the quote "that went about it in a conflict made then the conflict came to me" is inaccurate and misleading. 20/ I did not say "when I was pushed and I got a push" 21/ I did not say "you will see once we have been through the balance of probabilities" I said "once we have established on the balance of probabilities" 22/ I did not state that I was knocked out. 23/ I was not there (in prison) for my family and unborn child. Rather I was incarcerated at a time that was very important for me to be with them. This is the inverse of what you have reported. 24/ The sounds I heard were from people speaking to me or around me in the room. I could only distinguish the words on concentrating and looking at the speaker. In those first few days many words were lost as tones. This was worse in rooms that echoed like the concrete prison I was in. 25/ I stated that I did not recall receiving as many blows to the head as I received (on watching the video). I stated that "I could not remember all of the events that happened after I was taken in the police car". You recollection contravenes this very important point. Progress following the alleged offending... 26/ I felt I was not in a fit state to contract i.e. "temporarily lacked capacity due to my recent head injuries". 27/ I felt that "I did not have full control of my mental faculties". 28/ I know I was put before Dr Galpin and Dr Goodwin but was not in a state to be assessed by them and did not consent to an assessment being made by them at that time. I may have misused the word "seen" and apologise for this. 29/ I was concerned that my wife was told I was "deluded" by Dr Goodwin although he could not have adequately assessed me and considering her situation at that time. Progress following the alleged offending... 30/ The officer who denied me access to a lawyer was Detective Gorrie. 31/ I have no recollection of claiming to be "the chosen one". I deny saying or believing any such thing. Mental state examination 32/ I referred to the "love vibration" not "live vibration" i.e.trying to communicate my love for living in peace. 33/ I take responsibility for my actions I did/do not "emphasis my role" 34/ I did not say "you are empowered to act in good faith" rather required I did not say "Do you want to take proactive steps to see what physical and mental steps to see what symptoms are diminishing" 35/ I did not say "I have taken off fitness to stand trial" I said "We..." 36/ I did not speak about an "account of commerce" or any such thing 37/ I felt that the section 9 procedure was required prior to section 38 assessments and objected to your insistence to discuss the incident in question.

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