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Assessment in Early Childhood Programme (CSZD2223) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2022

Matric No:

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1) The reason I think young children measured in infancy and in preschool years
because the high rate of development in young children kinds it needed to
monitor whether development is arranged normally. When conclusive what kind
of involvement services should be providing during infancy and preschool, the
calculating and assessment methods that were working are crucial .

The second reason why I think young children measured in infancy and in
preschool because the child jumps school, action can be through to repair ,
minimise , or remediate any medical issues, birth defects, or developmental
delays in the child’s motor, language , cognitive, or social development that are
found during the early, key stages of progress. It is more likely that a teen will be
able to overawed or make up for plentiful change lacks or differences the earlier
they are acknowledged and the earlier involvement is planned. For example , a
children can attain substitute they are famous and the earlier involvement is
planned. For example , a child can attain alternate ways of cooperative and
assembly information if a major hearing weakening is detected early.

The third reason why I think young children measured in infancy and in
preschool because want to find out more about certain individuals. To instrument
a young child’s verbal or mathematical progress, we may carry out an appraisal.
When further information is required, we may value the child by asking them to
designate their accomplishments. For example , a first teacher may use capacity
tools to categorize which reading skills have been academic and which areas
need more practise.

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Assessment in Early Childhood Programme (CSZD2223) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2022

Matric No:


Cognitive development Yes / no

Independent play experience no
Developing a sense of textures yes
Can hold the sand with hand yes
Can scooping and pouring sand yes

Socio emotional Yes / no

Sparked creativity Yes
Children can improve their language and no
Their can gathering together yes
Can friendly yes

Its important the early years of a child development they develop and exercise their
motor skills. Sand play activities children many opportunities to use. For example
gripping the handles of the space, scooping and pouring sand and water with their
hands. Children heightened creativity can in the long term support a children mental
flexibility and ability to absorb.

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Assessment in Early Childhood Programme (CSZD2223) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2022

Matric No:


Daily, teachers observe, record and detention important instants in a child’s

progress. The suggestion and artefacts that are collected are then charity to plan
course and evaluate development. Although we have underlined the significance of
assembly work models and comment proof as a key division to be planned teacher, we
must also reflect the view of the child. In the article “Who is Watching? Thinking
Decently about Spotting Children” the poets highlight some of the right tensions that
can arise within early childhood settings when trying to stability the rights of children,
the accountabilities of teachers and the person of a schoolchild who is exercise to be a
future teacher.

 Take every insurance to maintain concealment and to ensure privacy

 Remember to ask OK to take photographs of children and their work
 Recognize that children have the accurate not to take part in activities
 Be respectful and keep a judicious amount of space between you and the child
so as not to inhibit with their play and learning
 Be attuned to children’s body language, temperament and styles of
 See each child as a unique individual has their own perspective, set of feelings,
interests, and way of mixing, along with their own cultural context, trust system,
and values
 Be upfront and inform children about the purpose of your observation visit if you
are approached
 Bit information with children about what have observed when proper
 Confirm that observation evidence and photos are used only for the resolves
 Realize that a child’s reactions, behaviors and conversations may not be what
you expect and therefore you should refrain from being critical or tainted by your
cultural favoritisms

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Assessment in Early Childhood Programme (CSZD2223) CONFIDENTIAL
Final Examination September 2022

Matric No:


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