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Advance database lab questions.

Q1. Draw specialization figure from unit no 1. Page no 17.

Q2. Draw ER-diagram from unit 1 page no 19.

Q3. Draw relational model from unit 1 page no 20

Q4. Draw an EER diagram from unit 1 page no 25.

Q5. To create an employee class which is derived from all_employees class. Do it from unit 2 page no

Q6. Draw UML DIAGRAM from unit 2 page no 27.

Q8. Write down object query language questions and answer which are available from page no 37 to 40
in different highlighted color.

Q9. Draw a relation algebra tree from unit 3 page no 11 where question is given and answer is also

Q10. Write active database triggers from unit 5 and page no from 2 to 4

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