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Rodemae N.

Ortiz BSM-1

Subject: Purposive Communication

1. In your perspective, why is the study of communication relevant to your life and to your
future profession? Cite specific instances of its significance.

The study of communication is relevant to my life and future profession because it is essential to
effectively interact with others. As a future professional, I will need to be able to communicate
effectively with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders. Communication is also important for
networking and building relationships. For example, I will need to be able to effectively
communicate my ideas and opinions in order to be successful in my career. Additionally,
communication is essential for problem solving and conflict resolution. Being able to effectively
communicate with others will help me to better understand their perspectives and come to a
resolution that is beneficial for all parties involved. Finally, communication is important for
understanding and interpreting nonverbal cues. Being able to read body language and facial
expressions will help me to better understand the people I am interacting with and ensure that I am
communicating effectively.

2. Do you agree that communication is something that does not have definite end? Support
your answer.

Yes, I agree that communication does not have a definite end. Communication is an ongoing process
that involves the exchange of ideas, feelings, and information between two or more people. It is a
continuous process that can be adapted and changed depending on the situation. Communication is
an essential part of any relationship, and it is important to keep the lines of communication open in
order to maintain a healthy relationship. Communication does not have a definite end because it is
an ongoing process that can be adapted and changed as needed.

3. As a sender or receiver of a message what is it that you need to develop further? How can
you improve on these areas?

As a sender of a message, it is important to develop effective communication skills. This includes

being able to clearly articulate your message, using appropriate language, and being aware of the
audience you are addressing. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the potential impact of your
message and to be mindful of how it may be interpreted.

To improve on these areas, it is important to practice active listening and to be aware of the non-
verbal cues that may be present in a conversation. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the
cultural context of the conversation and to be mindful of any potential biases that may be present.
Finally, it is important to be aware of the potential impact of the message and to be mindful of how
it may be interpreted.

4. If someone is proficient in speaking a language, does this mean he/she is a competent

communicator? Explain your answer.
No, being proficient in speaking a language does not necessarily mean that someone is a competent
communicator. Being a competent communicator involves more than just speaking a language
fluently. It involves being able to effectively communicate ideas, feelings, and opinions in a way that
is understood by the listener.

5. What makes a competent communicator?

A competent communicator is someone who is able to effectively convey their message to their
audience. They are able to use the right words, tone, and body language to get their point across.
They are also able to listen to and understand the other person’s point of view. They are able to
adjust their communication style to fit the situation and the people they are communicating with.
Finally, they are able to use feedback to improve their communication skills.

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