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y.Anil. Mechatronics. Mahatma Gandhi institute of technology. E-mail ID:


In this paper, I briefly introduce robotics and robot. I defined robotics and robot .I defined laws of robotics and what a robot can mean. I discussed what robot is good at and what tasks can robot can do. Components of robot. I discussed about types of robot and use of sensors in robots. Finally I discussed Advantages and applications of robots.

A ROBOT is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. A robot is an armed blind idiot with limited memory and cannot speak, hear and see.

It is a field of Engineering that covers the mimicking of human behavior. Robotics includes the knowledge of Mechanical, Electronics, Electrical & Computer Science Engineering

Laws of robot
A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such order would conflict with the First Law. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law. An automatic industrial machine replacing the human in hazardous work. An automatic mobile sweeper machine at a modern home. An automatic toy car for a child to play with. A machine removing mines in a war field all by itself and many more.

Robots good at ->Repetitive task.

->Continuous operation.
->Do complicated calculations.

->Refer huge database.

Dangerous tasks
-space exploration -chemical spill cleanup -disarming bombs -disaster cleanup

Subsyste s of robot

Action. Stationary Mobile Sensors. Control. Power supply.

- move items between points. Continuous path control. -moving along programmable path. Sensory. -employs sensors for feedback.

Pick and p ace

Moves items from one point to another. Does not need to follow a specific path between two points. Uses include loading and unloading machine.

Types of robots
Pick and place

Continuous path control

Moves along a specific path. Uses include welding, cutting, machining parts.

physical and logical. Physical sensors handle the raw processing of data. Logical sensors then extract data for modules to interpret.
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Physical Sensors Logical Sensors

Sensor data may be gathered from several sensor devices in parallel and processed in a multitude of ways. A complex hierarchy of processing is possible. Varying characteristics of sensors include accuracy and repeatability.

Uses sensors for feedback. Closed loop robots use sensors in conjunction with actuators to gain high accuracy. Uses include mobile robotics.

What sensors might robots have?

Optical Laser 3D Color spectrum Pressure

Temperature Sensors are divided into two main categories: Chemical

Motion nd A A ousti lt soni



ost popul tu to s l t i oto s

R olution in Medi l s ien e and Health care s stems New & wide scope in Education & Trainin A good help in nuclear industry. Used tremendously in Sports acti ities. Play the role of an efficient assistance in Research and Development sciences. Can very well handle household business.

L s Wh T C Rol ls s ls

An tu to is h ni l d i fo o in o ont ollin h nis o s st t is op t d b sou of n usu ll in th fo of n l t i u nt h d uli fluid p ssu o pn u ti p ssu nd on ts th t n into so ind of otion A tu to s th " us l s" of obot th p ts hi h on t sto d n into o nt

Space Exploration. Healthcare. Domestic. Military defense.

Manufacturing. Recreational/ Social Use. Agriculture.

Healthcare Robots are used sometimes for operations. A human could never drill a hole exactly one 100th of a inch wide and long. There are robots being used to deliver medical supplies food trays medication and just about anything to nurse stations. Robots are used also to make medicines. Robotic Wheelchair can facilitate patient locomotion.

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