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Group Members: Section:


“12 R = ?”
Idea Generation

Directions: Complete the table for your top three (3) business opportunities. Justify your rating for each

Very Very Sample

Criteria High Average Low Score
High Low Weight
Opportunity screening grid for _____________ business
Rating 5 4 3 2 1 Weight Score
1. Relevance
2. Resonance
3. Reinforcement of Entrepreneurial
4. Revenues
5. Responsiveness
6. Reach
7. Range
8. Revolutionary Impact
9. Returns
10. Relative Ease of Implementation
Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Weight Score
11. Resources Required
12. Risks

TOTAL SCORE: ___________

02 Activity 5 *Property of STI

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Very Very Sample

Criteria High Average Low Score
High Low Weight
Opportunity screening grid for _____________ business
Rating 5 4 3 2 1 Weight Score
7. Relevance
8. Resonance
9. Reinforcement of Entrepreneurial
10. Revenues
11. Responsiveness
12. Reach
13. Range
14. Revolutionary Impact
15. Returns
16. Relative Ease of Implementation
Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Weight Score
17. Resources Required
18. Risks

TOTAL SCORE: ___________

Very Very Sample

Criteria High Average Low Score
High Low Weight
Opportunity screening grid for _____________ business
Rating 5 4 3 2 1 Weight Score
13. Relevance
14. Resonance
15. Reinforcement of Entrepreneurial
16. Revenues
17. Responsiveness
18. Reach
19. Range
20. Revolutionary Impact
21. Returns
22. Relative Ease of Implementation
Rating 1 2 3 4 5 Weight Score
23. Resources Required
24. Risks

TOTAL SCORE: ___________

02 Activity 5 *Property of STI

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