Expressing Purpose

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Perspectives Two

Unit # 05

Expressing Purpose

Purpose can be expressed through many ways some of which are:

1) In order to + verb

The above structure is used to express the purpose of doing something.

Examples: We come to KELC in order to learn English.

He studies hard in order to get the first position.

They played well in order to win the match.

Note: Sometimes “in order” can be deleted then the infinitive (to + verb) expresses the purpose
of an action.

Example: We come to KELC to learn English.

They played well to win the match.

2) So as to + verb

The above structure is also used to express purpose of doing an action.

Examples: He raised his finger so as to ask a question.

They work a lot so as to earn a lot of money.

Note: Both “in order to + verb and so as to + verb” are formally used to express purpose but “in
order” is more common than “so as” to express purpose.

3) So that

According to grammar “so that” is a subordinating conjunction which is used to introduce

adverb clause of purpose to express the purpose of an action.

The subordinating conjunction “so that” is often used with the modals “will, can, may,
would, and could” to express either a past purpose or present.

Structure: Simple present tense + so that + Simple present tense

Examples: We come to KELC so that we learn English.

Structure: Simple present tense + so that + Subject + will/can/may + verb.1 + comp

Examples: He watches a movie so that he will entertain himself.

They study hard so that they can get good marks.

Structure: Simple past tense + so that + Subject + would/could/might + verb.1 + comp

Examples: I called home so that I could talk to my family.

Note: Sometimes the subordinating conjunction can be used at the beginning of the sentence to
begin the sentence but it is not common.

Example: So that he will get a degree, he goes to university.

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