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Motivation Process

Positive- impelling one to reach a certain goal

Positive Vs Negative
Negative- Driving one away from an unwanted situation
Basic - Basic or primary motives are unlearned
Types Basic vs Learned
Learned- learned or secondary motives include achievement, power, recognition, love.
Extrinsic- The motivation comes from outside
Extrinsic Vs Intrinsic
Intrinsic - It comes from inside the individual and is not done for external rewards
Concept High Performance Level
Importance Low Employee Turnover and Absenteeism
Acceptance of Organizational changes
Individual Every Individual has different needs
Organization Organization uses Legal Compliance/ Instrumental / Internalized motivation
Systems View of Motivation
Morale Job Characterstics Set of implementing principles for enriching jobs in organizational settings

Motivation Exogenous Variables A bad relationship with wife can impact motivation at work
Application Job satisfaction is pleasurable state or feeling in an individual with respect to his work
Job Satisfaction Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene theory Presence of satisfiers such as recognition.

Three theories Need-Fulfillment theory A person is satisfied if he gets what he wants

people take the standards of significant
Social Reference group theory
others as a basis for making comparision

Motivation Theories
Herzberg Two Factor Theory
Maslow's Hierachy of Needs

Acceptability of the hygiene factors by Managers to avoid

employee dissatisfaction
Implication at Workplace Theory stresses upon job-enrichment
To ensure their people’s deficiency needs are met
Implication at Workplace Concentration on the motivational factors can strengthen work-
Create environment so that employees can develop their full potential quality.
Content Theories
Wrong Order of Needs Drew conclusions from a limited experiment
Position and value of sex on the pyramid Too much importance on job enrichment but did not attach much importance to
Wrong to assume that only one motive is present at any point of time Criticism Criticism pay, status and interpersonal relationships
Primary application to lower-level workers Over-simplification of the true relationship between motivation and dissatisfaction.
Lack of Direct Cause-effect Relationship Differences between satisfiers and motivators cannot be completely accepted

like to receive feedback

Need for Achievement ( n-ACH)
Do not like having external
events or other people interfere
Drive to control and influence others
place a high value on discipline Need for Power (n-POW)
group goals can become
zero-sum in nature
Perform best in a cooperative
Need for Affiliation McClelland Theory of Need
environment. Alderfer Hierarchy of Motivational
Effective managers show high on achievement and power and
low on affiliation. Managers must recognize their employees’
Implication at Workplace
Strong n-affil 'affiliation-motivation' undermines a manager's multiple simultaneous needs.
Implication at Workplace
objectivity and affects their Decision making The frustration-regression principle impacts
workplace motivation
McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

Theory Z Content Theories - 2

Complete security of job may create

lethargy among many employees
Theory Y gives employees freedom and encourages self-control and participation
Participation of employees in the
in decision making. Employees are able to take higher responsibility and if
decision-making process is very Criticism accurately applied, such an atmosphere would end result in a boundless level of
Implication at Workplace motivation
Theory may not be applicable in
Theory X encourages use of tight control and supervision. It implies that employees are
different cultures as based on
reluctant to organizational changes. Thus, it does not encourage innovation.
Japanese Culture.
Theory views biological or genetic programming as the cause of motivation.
Instinctive Theory of Motivation
Learning/conditioning doesn't effect motivation
Process Theories - 1

Adam's Equity Theory Vroom Expectancy Theory

New Perspective in Equity Theory

three types of individuals based on preference for Equity
output/input ratios of self < relevant others
Equity Sensitive
output/input ratios of self = relevant others
output/input ratios of self > relevant others Work should be assigned to employees as per their skills
Rewards should match the performance
Organizational Justice
Rewards provided are deserved and wanted by the recipients Implications
Vroom's expectancy theory works on perceptions- So
Fairness in terms of Reward reward provided may not motivate an employee if
Procedural perception of manager doesn't matches with employee

Fairness in terms of Procedure Criticism

Interactional Overpaid Theory is Additive and not multiplicative

Interpersonal Types of Inequalities Underpaid Theory won't work without active

participation by Managers
Related to treatment of employee Equity
Assumption that employer will definitely
Informational Change input
reward employee is wrong
Relates to sharing of key information Change Output
Having a unified management plan is difficult
Distort perception of Self as everyone's requirement are different
How Equity is re-established?
Distort perception of others does not describe the situational and
Choose a different Referent personal differences in a workplace.
Leave field
Equal Pay for Equal Work principle is based on this theory
explain why pay and conditions alone do not determine motivation
explains why people can be happy and motivated one day and not the other day
People measure their total output and Input and accordingly adjust for
purchasing power and local market conditions
Hackman and Oldham job characteristics

Edwine Locke's Goal Setting Theory

How Managers Implement Goal Setting

Management by Objective (MBO)

Clark Hull’s Drive Reduction Theory Process Theories - 2

Self Determination Theory

Reinforcement Theory
Cognitive Evaluation Theory
Self-Efficacy Theory
Two New Ideas in Motivation

Individual Variables (Micro Motivation)

No single method of motivation Contingency Approach to Motivation
Social Variables ( Macro Motivation)

Based on proposition how

management practices affect the
individual behavior and growth. Process Theories - 3 Porter and Lawler Model of Motivation
In his view, the seven changes Argyris’s Theory of Motivation
taking place in an individual
personality make him/her a
mature one.

Described by Henry
Hawthorne Effect
A. Landsberg Three-Dimensional Theory of Attribution
Morale is the capacity of a group of people to pull together persistently and consistently in pursuit of a
common purpose
Organization influences the worker’s attitudes to
The Organization
their jobs
Repeatitive/Routine job will make a worker feel bored The Nature of Work
Favourable Job Factors like Pay, working
The Level of Job Satisfaction
condition etc if satisfie an employee
Factors Affecting Morale
Nobody likes to be supervised all the time The Level of Supervision
Opportunities for the future tend to be bleak,
Worker’s Perception of Rewards System
morale will tend to be low
Relationship of an employee with his family
The Off the Job Activities of the Employee
and work group

Relation Between Morale and Productivity

Motivation Theories

Motivation Vs Morale


Job Rotation
Job Enrichment
Work Design
Work Simplification
Job Enlargement Concept
5-day work in a week instead of 6 day in a week
Compressed Week Motivation Theories
but keeping the number of hours same
A shorter week results in reduction of working
Shorter Week
Arrive and leave as per employee ease Flexitime Work Schedule

Arrangement in which two people work part-time

Job Sharing
schedules to complete the work one person would do Application
Working from home through virtual devices Telecommuting
Establishing a Pay Structure What to Pay?
Design Reward
Variable Pay Programmes like Piece rate, ESOP etc. How to Pay?
Subordinates share a significant degree of decision-making power Participative
Employee Involvement
Participate in organizational decision making through
a small group of representative
Provides greater autonomy through the sharing of relevant information. Empowerment
Creating a good environment for the people working in an organization Quality of Life
McCllelands’ theory of needs
Baba Kalyani, a high achiever, has
Need for
grown Bharat Forge, from a turnover of
3 crores to 16,000 crores. Maslow’s need theory
Ratan Tata undertook a journey from his Google provides its employees bicycles,
house in Mumbai all the way to Friends electric cars, health environment at office
Society in Pune just to meet a former etc to promote health and wellbeing of its
employee which shows that he also has employees.
high need for affiliation.
Kellogg's values the safety of all employees. The
CEO of Tesla and SpaceX thinks and acts on SAFETY company is committed to providing a safe and
a larger, more cosmic scale than we are healthy work environment to prevent accidents.
accustomed to from entrepreneurs. He has
Need for HBO’s Corporate Social Responsibility team
plans to colonize Mars and thinks AI may
Power unites HBO employees, talent and non-profit
turn humans into its pets. But beyond the
hype, his enormous net worth, and Twitter partners to make a difference on social issues,
presence clearly shows his need for Power. connected to their industry, and their
communities. This makes employees feel that
TATA Motors provides its employees the belong to a cause greater than themselves
Fodder Material
with hygiene factors like particularly Southwest gives employees “permission” to go the
good salary and perks, very good work extra mile to make customers happy, empowering
environment and freedom to them to do whatever is necessary to meet that
employees. ESTEEM
vision. This makes employee feel that they are
TATA motors provide its employees Herzberg’s two factor theory asset for the company and enhances their self-
with adequate motivational factors. esteem
These factors include Learning Advisory Google promotes employees to
Council, Fast Track Selection etc., to spend 20% of their time pursuing
providing fast track growth innovative ideas about which they
opportunities for the development and SELF- ACTUALIZATION are passionate which not only result
growth of the employees . in innovate new products but also
helps people to realize their full
Employees recruited in State Bank of India not potential.
only get higher salary but also better
allowances when compared with the other Adam’s equity theory Alderfer’s’ ERG theory
public sector banks like Bank of Baroda and
Punjab National Bank Google provides its employees bicycles, electric
Existence cars, health environment at office etc to
Vroom’s expectancy theory promote health and wellbeing of its employees.

Google has introduced the Objective Key The company fulfils relatedness needs by
Result (OKR) formula for goal setting by Expectancy providing various levels of communication,
employees valuing employee feedback, and ensuring that
employees are facilitated to build satisfying
Google offers a generous rewards and interpersonal relationships with other
recognition program based employees and with senior management.
on the achievement of personal goals
set by each employee Google provides various opportunities for personal
Growth growth and development to enable its employees
Google also understands the motivational to accomplish the growth needs level.
effects of differentiating rewards.

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