ملزمة انكليزي للصف الرابع ابتدائي

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Yh! guipl stil Sg pls Gubi Le 98 ous! oxsimcle-Flomeremm gU| joo gale stil QP, -—ENGLIS):>>:> Lesson one: page 6 Ere) New friends ose liacal Hello, I'm Yousif and I'm 9. I'm tall for my age. | live with my mum, dad and my sister, Lina. She's 8. wg pend Raatlly Ughel LI 9 og yee yg Gh UI, Daal Ba jee il RN sel. eal ae Utel (myname is Nadia. 1am 9, ‘so Lam older than Line. ‘She's my best friend. Thave tong black hair le a il SUD, 9 gue ba gal dash oy a gal Alsaiall Hi, I'm Kareem. I'm 9. Yousif is my best friend. I have very short black hair. My favourite sport is running, Yousit fs taller than me, but am bigger. oll, Seal pi ag 9 ee SLT, Mal Gey, VAS I ga Ahead) Gly), peed opal ga SIU! SD, gle Sob Hello, 'm Lina. I'm in Grade 3 at school and I'm 8.1 have long hair. My favourite lesson is English and my favourite colour is red. 2B Gg yee g Ru paall 3 ENG Gall G3 UI, LILI, Sal eed 5 GASY! yp deal! guys. dish a gl gas) gp denial 07723634842 @T_Ameen SSS TT [=o ENGLISH =: Tope ge gad Jiu as * . peed) Ge SLs JI pu Stal :How old + daclall * is 5 How old + —— + de? are - How old are you ? _¢ | KETETEEET) . ore) - How old is he ? - How old is Ali ? eee Gaal sobaall Gaal He (als aul) 8 is She (4 aul) is It (25dell lel! yal) is They ( ile wt 5 lle aan) ad are We (acall asi) Gai are You (las! ) cul are 1 (api aid) UI am @ 073634882 © OT Ameen @ farvoney EB alllye yuo! tit 12 t ESS SS gj tS alll yusys_o ENGLISH aUllase ysol stinalll Gate dae 1-He 15 years. (is—am) 2-1 10 years. (am-—are) 5 ya bud) aus i a? _ = che aE ERPS) Xena ( alas Ge SI) Aiken Gy ad Maal Gadi i * > Read about Lina. Write about yourself. Hello, I'm Lina. I'm in Grade 3 at school and I'm 8. | have long hair. My favourite lesson is English and my favourite colour is red. Hello, I’m Ali. I'm in Grade 4 at school and I’m 9 . | have long hair My favorite lesson is English and my favorite color is blue . eg SY! a Jeaial cab gal Gyn ge y a ) AU Ub! 07723634842 ©) @T_Ameen /arnoney alliage gyal Stilt tS "y ual — TT yj tS alll yusys_o ENGLISH alllase ysol stinulll Lesson two : page 8 Our playground xh A | G SSE eo 1 Look at me! I'm flying up on the __ Swing 2 Wow! I'm walking along the bars 3 I'm here. I'm climbing up the ladder 4 I'm on my knees. I'm crawling through the __ tunnel 5 Look at me! I'm going down the side 6 Here I am! I’m spinning around on the roundabout @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitl ENGLISH == 604 bbii) ais S RSSS Gna maicn BipWelerti pee) eere)) (Ree) A 07723634842 ©) @T_Ameen Jamon alliage yuol Stilt iS ey gio NCI —_ @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Qfamoney E& allie ysol Stiwitl — ————_$_—_——— es Es =. ENGLISH" {I like —1 do not like } as! UW sl Y UI Boyle phd dy ct pdt e gd ye Gast gy! a yi latte * Syke pada GE SV aed Y ed ye Gad yl gi laicy Examples : a AC - | like the swing. - | do not like the ladder Lesson four: page12 What’s in my school bag? Siu jaall singe (8 as gy [Le aN so gi YAM au ool) 2 piall au! as padi: There is - There is a rubber - There is a ruler (etis o ogi cll au! oi Decal aul as adel ‘There are _ There are rubbers. - There are rulers. dl 07723634842 @) @T_Ameen /amoney allay yyol Stilt _ "y uv SS SS [ENGLISH Abbreviation Obes 4) aR) Me Le 55 Uy ia ge aN) Met Gy pal Gye 5 SN Mats Ay julsiyy May Leet gh * He co Hee , There are = There’re i ele 10 Ge bid) Wis > What about these? Can you write the short word? 1 tam= Im 6. He can not = 2. He is- Ha 7. There is = [a 3. She is = Sigs 8. There is not = Therelsnt 4. itis = 9. What is = HSS 5. Itis not = Haw (dais Ange) CLuSLeall big 4S Small 22 long dss short 948 old Gaul a as young Gus tall 4st) Js gle short <8 G @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitl SS Ss [ENGLISH 11 yo busi) Gus > Write 2 words under each picture. Lesson five: page 14 Comparative 4 laa Conia Quis Quy EDGAY) 4 Ubal 4G lial! Cline padi bac lili * ss) ass + 45 lie die + BRITE + (Sli aus! @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB alllaye ysol Stiwitt SES SS [ENGLISH Abwall er Abia) sc} 3 Adel) p Lis Gusie Gi yas Aicol) Sigil 1-1 Close semmmnp closer, Wide aay wider er Canaiy epncall i yall Cece Rial ep MaLZa! aie dle Ci ya abiiiy prin Ca yay ical Cagitl 13-2 $ Abed cig yall ale ls {a-e-o-i-u} Aa genall ig yall als le Mal Gy pall Lael Gay pall US a - big cop bigger, hot comp hotter than 4S 59.5 si er eit all dial) Ss Glisyl (a | aba * Aliis Ameer. (old—older) G EASE PAT ETES) \ 07723634842 ©) @T_Ameen /amoney alliage gyal Stull tS y uel Lol EE Eee [ENGLISH Numbers e4¥! ( e¢2 his) 10 Ten Sie 60 Sixty ogi 20 Twen' osyic 70 Seven Ose 30 Thi Osh 80 Eigh Osi’ 40 Fo ost 90 Nine ope 50 Fi Oped Sh pall Shs Bae LA oy gS (ANUS (oll Anak) Semmes Cpe ab pl) gad pla 9 gS Lastie | Aba aay 21 =e( twenty one ), 45 ssp (forty five ), 89 Sammap (eighty nine ) Lesson six : page 16 Packing my school bag Aaya) caste Ais Aas pall el ge pte Ge Glad GS pletion (x all da Cat * What lessons do we have tomorrow ? Mae Lgal AI Gay jal Le toll g First Witis science pswi se . Then! & itis Arabic 4» =!! 4a), Afterthat GUS Jitis RE Sedtuy! sole Angall Gis jal) Qaes ( Apalpall al gall pLassl) Science sae a slell, PE sepdnals pl As il RE wep Ape! Ay ll, Arabicemp Ay yell dalll @ 073634842 © @t_Ameen @ famoney €B alllaic ysol stim ful a SS =. ENGLISH" Whose J) gu! 5!si (Male aul ike adit) Le Gadd Ashe Ge Uh, Cad ines oleate slal Whose Examples : 1- Whose book is this ? ~ IEis Ali . 2- Whose Money? are these ? - They are Noor's. 3- Whose rubber is this ? _Itis Al’s)- ali) 0773634842 © @T_Ameen | pall snes syidl ADU It pass (oA geal] nO They assed Yrs @ famoney €@ alllasc gio! Stitt ENGLISH: Lesson seven :page 18 The school shop Au ydall yoda Write the words. Choose 5 things and tick (“). Es oo aad I Se did dad Reena notebooks Prepositions of place (dis) clSall gle aU jal) Gig ya . : “== 07723634842 ©) @T_Ameen Jamon alllage gyal Still Z rey iol | es { Aaj Sil alll yaya_o EN G LISH=> 18 bbe) ot > Read and write the numbers. 1. twenty-one 21 5. sixty-eight eB 2. thirty-two _@ 6. seventy-three a 3. forty-nine 7. eighty-four a 4, fifty-seven _@ 8. ninety-five 5 Lesson eight : page 20 (GCE The Lion and the mouse Ui g au) ‘The lion caught the mouse. ‘You are smaller than me and Fm going to eat he said. © ASL Go ly pie aad CS", Jy AA al say do @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen ‘Let me go,” said the mouse. 1am Seer we ie) as ba SoS, de ka UNS a pest Lele elle @ famoney EB alllasc ysol Swit uf ila Dea The tion laughed “You are too emoll jo lage y-sol Stinuill Because tholion war teal Reicimemacege eros ED vl se Jl aly ats US AY! OY hoip me and you are too moll te eat! he soi, SJ He sow the net, but it was too ote and he was caught. a ee ga or IDET Cea Au ly le GS Uh, 2858 ly aM itl evel rer eyeene)) @stad4ab) @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen | | Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitt 15 SSS SD ss Maj alSil alll guys =N GLISH aUllsse y-sol still Y § § ¢ Lesson one: page 22 Around the world eS Cd yay Jad GeldGY) glands gall eLoui | Aibadte Me = Hs @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen | | Q famoney yD allie ol Stiwit 1S SESS TS [= ENGLISH =: Where are you from PI Gal Ue Tam from + 4l sal! au! Examples : a * Where are you from ? A) Gal Ge _ Lam from Iraq. Glall UI cal) gh Aa Aa jal) Guaiag aul) Cdl Gadd oY Lalll pe ye Copal Ay gance Gey qulllal) Sc Linal Ae jlall ode Cie! | Adu ve @ 0773634842 © @t_Ameen @ famoney EB alllaic gio! stim lvl Eee [Es =. ENGLISH" 91 Ve LLG) Wis (Sad — all il 93) Cashel) Sas LSI ast 9 oy pall dene Look! What do these names have? Lesson two : page 24 Tam from Iraq \G as Bhopal Gye Ll é oe nes tendon. —Eee | Es [ENGLISH Information file La sled! Gh aa shay 2 Gl all Lacole — Jay yall alll = all) x mm a Q dla 5 a: Cail Weather — hot and dry © Listen and say. Ask and answer. ( What's the capital of Iraq? = > 2) Se ere = e: Wickiongucge do youspacke yet a acing —_—e I speak Arabic Tspeok Arabic. bettas What's the weather like in aq? Gays (ts hot and dry a @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Qfamoney EF allie ysol Siw | SEES | ET yj AS alll yusys_o ENGLISH alllase ysol stinulll 22 Ga LL) us Read and write. Velo Adel Where ore vou ? : Tm from roa, ve BSBA wat cbout your eS = Wan "adi (eS Ai Oy poh Ladall Gal yd > Write about yourself. 1. What's your name? My name is Ali. i art! 2. Where are you from? 3. Where do you live? 4 . What languages do you speak? Aaya coll gl Aut) Ae Shall Guus g aaa) Bhar add is¥ Ladll ¢ ja ab Geel) Ay pec Gipeny calla) Bae Laval Ae shal) oe cane) 4 PTE) ANAS Cal: uA alse! @stadiraq @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitl 1» | =ENGLIS) >> 93 Ga Lui) Gus ou) Gls sdaualali yall dat) :dauy ily Jain 1" gpl all Ud se), AL pda Coll gh Aut) Ae hall Gauls y aul Cas Gadde gv Lalll ¢ yue e eal ag pte Gy Gulla) Be Lowa Ae jLall ae Qual: MGUY) ste) @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitl 1a | Eee Es [ENGLISH Lesson three :page 26 Are they the same? Sell ad ad da traq England a summer 40°C Ie weather winter 24°C re Population in the capital city 7 million 8.5 million \G ERE EEE > Read and tick (”) £25 or GD. lal os fuel ly 1 England is smaller than Iraq. Yes ® No O Ja SS 8 ala dead 2 Summer in Iraq is hotter. Yes (®) No @ sie ayy gd oti 3 Winter in England is hotter. Yes O No (®) 8 Slat Ad Gall ase 4 The population of Baghdad is bigger. Yes O No (¥) @ 07723634842 ©} @t_Ameen Q famoney EB abllaye ysol Stiwit 121 NGL _ 24 ye LLsill us petge eC eel) lraq Russia size of the country a& i summer weather winter population in capital city Ma Cae), Ain he coll gh Alt Lea jLall Gang au) clay Gade oY Lalli sae Gephall Ay gees Gapety ula 5.2 Lined AG shalt abbas Gaal | GY) alae! > Read and tick (/) Yes or No. Can you help Yousif with his homework? 1. Russia is smaller than Iraq Yes No) 2. Winter in Russia is colder. Yes) No 3. Summer in Iraq is hotter. Yes No 4. The population of Baghdad is bigger. Yes No@) 5. In Iraq in summer it is 30°C. Yes No) 6. In Russia in winter it is -10°C. Yes@) No @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen @ famoney EB alllsic ysol Sti | —— If | ————EE Qj SiN all psys_o ENGLI H aUllsse y sol stinaill Big numbers — ( ees Leds)s Sl ald 9 100 One hundred 600 Six hundred. © 200 ‘Twohundred ~——70(0-—S‘ Seven hundred 800 Three hundred 800 Eight hundred | 400 Four hundred 900 Nine hundred 500 Five hundred 1000 One thietisanid 25 pe Lid) Gus (SY) ol ee) Oe AY 5 8) Cy pall ae > Write the numbers in order. @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitt Eee 1» | ———ENGLISH= Lesson four :page 28 A school day cet aw > Read, find and write the words. Today is Tuesday, I go to school at 900 There are children in my school. f ] On Tuesday, Ihave Arabic, PE, 24325) __miaths and history, ae homme (eS c ar) BREE and brother: @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwit ENGLISH = 98 Ge Gill! Gus ® Read, find and write the words. My weekend by Liz Today is Saturday, Igo shoping with my __ at 10 o'clock. We go shopping by There are lots of BBB and shops On Sunday, I play with my friends in the i park T like rice and chicken. We have a lunch in G Sars @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitt | ee TS gj Asia alll yusys_o EN GLISH alllase y sol stinulll (ail) DIS 4 Shay Saat) Das! 5 Gail of 8) cy ll dna & Read about Yousif’s schoo! day. Teday ic Monday. 1 go to sence! at ¥ o'clock I go to school by bus. There are 1000 children in my school. On Monday. nave Arabic, maths ana English. | have my lunch at home with my mum and my sister. rs Write about WS school day. Draw pictures Ihave my lunch at home with z= ‘mum and my sister 97 ga Luiill Gus rr SBS SSE TT [ENGLISH Lesson five : page 30 Time ca C8) ge dui GS What time is it ? GHB ab deLull SY Gh all GS (5:42) = It is five forty two . (8: 25)==— It is eight twenty two . O'clock 41S aasind Lue deball o! csi (00) GSM are GS la (a * (2:00) = It is two o’clock . (7:30) === Tt is seven thirty. 28 Ga La) Aus oe | Eee ENGLISH =: Lesson six :page 32 Geography - In my Country pol ot Aa fal ENGLI 33 Ge GluUall Gis alge yy sol Stinuill > C1 Listen and read. Number the pictures. Iraq big country. It has high mountalns Ale Ja Ld yu ab Gill! and dry desert There are lots of rivers «SSSI le Alla cl panes the two famous rivers are the Tigris and the Lea GL geal yea y « ted! ee Ox Gall gal sol ills Alas oil in Iraq, Iraq is famous for its date palms Jsim les 8 pee shy BS cs HSN cia ely jl el peas Shall seks aL all 5 bal) sill lash Euphrates. Iraq has big cities and smal villages. Tt has green fields for farmi A uISiy) 4a) (4d Gta) (¢3ls| aia) HIT SV [PE Yeti Rt rots) einer rece} a 07723634842 @) @T_Ameen /amoney alle gyal Stilt i y ut! yj Sila all gays _o ENGL —_— elllsse,y-s0l Stisuill 33 Ge ClUall Aus B® Read and match. Write the numbers. 0a ime: oT Es an zs as: Oo T= (=e 6 Ge =e: 30 ve Lui) Gus Read and match. py ETE) (Ere @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwit =ENGLIS):>> 30 Ge bu! Aus (MALAY! clas ALS Cy pall Qs glan) North P» Write the missing words. South 31 ve bud! Gus ( Agtill bas gl Cola agi pies (gle rainy age Lalas! Gy pai) > Write the missing words. Weil (mre 1. Theeisa green field with some cows, 6 JES) Gan Ay a8) Jia on yp dua is oe 2, Theresa ll mountoin with snow ot the top MBAS Eade aH2 a Aly 55 Ja owe ay 3 Si Tharlseitot ee Ba Oe AB Ay Sage aa 4, There isa long fiver with lots of fish. Ay al cya St py Bas ae ang 5 big city with lats of cars and people. @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitt 12 | -=ENGLIS!>:> Lesson seven : page 35 5 55 pall” jalll Je cy pall Mia dice Ga te AMEN S Goats Saas dla! “haa 6ubgyci GS thas one leg and It is green. It grows things. It needs sun the wind. It drinks AA CEASE at oh OD | water We eat water. a pay Le JS G5 sally Gaal | nar ie arows, It is small and ie ts Ga hl A apne as Foes Ul Ie-comes from in the country "arg pally Ha Ba Gat under the ground People live here Ie is black. We need in houses and on Wt for cars and o vags wae ahead | Mba cea ot «Aaya Coll gh Al Ae jal) Gash g aul! oblas ada oY Aalll ¢ jue ye Goal) Ay grncs Gay Gallbal) Bae Leal Ai jal) ods case MAS Qual: Su! sie) @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitt | ENGL 33 va bliudll Gus > Write the words with the correct spelling. ma eee @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Q famoney EB alliaye ysol Stiwitt 1» | WZ a / sale, vinoge father he got home, Viloge Mouse hod saa ncartie ima cay tom gong, ELD] [Stray inten srbreos ona cheno. Remo to tre country Ws quieter im the witoge Gu, Sd a YUP W849 JW op ts Le or dae ek SA, itd ony te al ye ib emit, he thay omy at 4 BipWelerti pee) eere)) (oer) ———e—-NGLIS) >" Po Lesson one: page 88 _School open day doa paall (8 & ihe a 53 ——_—_-=—-=—--, >> isten, look and read. ¢ (8) gil age Ss ln Our school open day by Lina a se Welcome te our Open Day! Ik May we have our we l Uaal sale Gh Ie siiall age ol oS nye Sareea, fp A ote My est as tl and we ae flog oh. Yi don I Bhs O88 lg eal he te as atl ard they ave sling ints forthe Cldren nd Ge ony ALES 4 gine is heb pall I es pl coud GLES 4 Cie gs Cte ches the parents, Thre ae ot of races and games for everyone. ‘eis very excing! Sia oye ESI Tuas oly JlaboU I Nap shall Gey gual oulYls —_——_—_ = « Read and tick (“) or cross (x). 1 There is o school Open Day every month 2 Lina’s parents are coming to the Open Day. 3 Salwa is Lina’s sister. 4 Lino is selling cakes at her stall. =) 5 Only children can buy drinks. @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB alllaze ysol Stiwitt 1 | EE ET gj Asia alll yusys_o ENGLISH alllase y-sol stinalll The months of the year Saad) jel ( ees his) SUY tafe AS Bn, ) PERE) Core ocfkee ute = 7 @ 07363442 © @t_Ameen Jamoney (@@ alllaic gio! Stilt 17 i— —_ ENGLISH == 39 Ge Gill! Gls & Ask and answer. Write the words. @i- month is it? aS Ca s ca} “=D ~ When is your birthday? aera [raise | 36 ye BLadl) Wis (so > Read and write the missing words. Our school open day by Lina Welcome to our Open Day! In May we have our schoo! Open Day. Lots of _ BBBBIE __ come to our school. My _ Hal and mum are coming and my little sister Salwa. My class has a stall and we are selling cakes Yousif’s class has a stall and they are selling drinks for the children and parents. There are lots of races and games for everyone. It is very exciting! I'm in the ‘egg and spoon race. G ETE 2 @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Q famoney EB alllase ysol Stiwit 1 | = ENGLISH 36 ge buiall us ® Look at these words. Put them in groups. Lina twenty Salwa China onethousand sixteen CMC Numbers Ais One thousand — sixteen- twelve word - groups 7 Countries dx China = Russia — Iraq _ England i Boe Leal de jal ode Cane} aka poe ll lle jal any aus! Caday Gad og Lal ¢ jue ye cell Ay gene Cy ALLY _____Lina- Salwa- Yousif - Iraq ETE) 8 37 Ga bli) ts tadéab) yeas I _s ) LCL? Ow Se Ease Mus @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitl 1» | —— => ——aaass yj Sil alll gays _o E N G&S L IS H allase y-sol Stinuill Lesson three : page 42 Seal yall gh anal ge Sud, paul! aS pinay J jur Slai How much is ae How much + — + al are aye Tt pcStad 2 phe awl gf Jelall Gls 131 They adied aes aul! Jeli! GIS 1) Slyall os" It is +— + ull They are ea Cane) Sapte gD) ll jLal ayy aad Gay yen ZT Ail eye ae Ex: Gebel yg Copy CALM Sead Za jal 1- How much the pizza ? - Itis 100001IQD 2- How much are the cakes? - They are 5000IQD 07723634842 ©) @T_Ameen /amoney alliage gyal Stull tS y oy Lol SSS —SSaaass yj Sila alll gays ENGLISH alla sey. sol Stinuill AQ lle!) otis Class 3’s stall EATEN Call SLES (age ¢ >is! Hada) Fa SLM oka used aie pa lh gh AN Ze Gall Canis y aad a pa CV Maal oyu put Gaia yy Gays MI Sac Leal @ 0773634842 © @t_Ameen @ famoney B alllaic gio! stim Lal [EES TT [ENGLISH AO Ge bLau) wus Ay pS) Aga) hy yal) Guee LASS) GUS Gy pall Gs gla Ha jell be Case as yon ll gl AM a Lal Cay pall Cada Gea GY Ll eye ge ell Bp yaaa Gaya) GalUal) Bae Leal — 41 Ge buidl) us G ERD EEA AS) \ MEAANN cee! Gy yall Gg > What's wrong? Spell the words correctly. 1. cokies cookies 4. piza pizza 2. milk milk 5. wata eater 3. tee tea 6. swets sweets @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Stiwitt lel —e | = —_. ENGLISH =: Lesson four :page 44 Getting ready Maia! Heo everyone! rs 230 now iste forthe races soon. ease put on You sports aus your Labi ond you.ginars Remerroe loss 3 am {se Jew wor ond Cost 4m Pg. Boar erm Ter cee a turing Te second rae she eg and son" face Good ick! ! J GS oY! 2.30 Xela Meee Lin ye elt) gay Ud Cll cs, AUN y chard y putals ll allay Vo Guill 56 3 Gall of [Sal 1 coell Gill pa 4 ually pao) i Steal goal a Sst Ghul Lb Uae Aéadlly Gea) Glas ya 42 ye buail) Gus & Read. Then cover and remember. Ws now 4 o'clock. IF= time for the races Soon. Please pul on your T-shirts and trainers. Remember. C 5 is the Red Team and Class 6 is the Green Team. The first rac race Is the bike race. Good tuck! Is skipping. The second & Ans) 2. Wher th 2. Wnet < 3. What cc 4. Wet < 5. What is @ 07723634842 ©} @t_Ameen Q famoney EB alllaye ysol Stiwitl =ENGLIS!>:> (Possessive ‘s) lait! 5 gh PALM gh eta Y! Cle pase gh LAY ll yet gill pla Qe SL een gah col (") Lobe Lets Ait) ois ASL) Ratan Gy 9S) usted Coes Sle De Ge ad opty CL! yall - ee Y Gis s Ul a eae ypu * BlaY) pada Aystall gy Ex: 1- This is Yousif ’s shirt . Whose shirt is it ? - It is Yousif ’s QJ OO Ga 2 Gaul be Spay Nha Gal et Gand ail » Write the sentences. This is Lina, —_ Tshirt aan Wes Lina’s se These are __lina’s trainers ) They're _ tina's “« a These are Lina’s trousers They're Lina’s @ 0773634842 © @t_Ameen @ famoney @ alllaic gio! stilt -—ENGLIS)>>:> 43 ye busi) aus © las} why" Oneill Aine > Put the words in order. Write the sentences. 1. shirt is It Yousif’s It is Yousif’s shirt 2. Lina’s is It skirt 3. It cap Yousif’s is 4. are They shoes Lina’s It is Yousif's bag a jal ode Suse) ae jae oll gl a Le pla) Gaaatyy aac Cade Gadd GY alll «jue ue Gegiall Ay pene Caney IM Bae Leal “NGL _ Lesson five : page 46 What is wrong? (asl) pe $5 » pac 525 gall Lal) elit! ase 2S aly isl Ad Go but Gus » Write the missing letters. G rr 1. The mo_anis in the sky. 2. Yousif is wearing pink _t © ousers. 3. Tariq is sitting ona _€ 4 air. 4. L_ina’s trainers are too big. 5. Rana is wearing a h_8 t_, a scarf and a coat. 6. T he teacher is holdi_" 8 an ice-cream. @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Siw Los | -=ENGLIS)>>:> 47 Ve lla) itis Lina’s and Suzan’s emails Ul g Shige dae) iby oe x Oneill) ped call gl pega Saran | PBS) a aed cpl ol IS all E gol WAV US halal Cv Gla | she GS spall Glas of Ul Says E ESI Cy gSiaally GleSI ge ARS le og gins | ned JS plaka J 42 LNT Ge Maia GIS clr pial ay ALES Gay we | tad rol Bi paad cst egal 2g aya Wanye a quill yaad dia Ja, Cy Suu Sie Bin sth gt gd ghee ual ¢ stall G3) Guill BUT 158 Gly all Sal Ly Diy pe ode fly’ ol a Le - dsl! shipping race he blue team. What co Here sa picture of Suen ) | | Ge se Ui Mike pl aL | | | | @ 07723634842 ©} @t_Ameen Q famoney EB allie ysol Siw 17 | -—ENGLIS)>>:> AS yall Gi gall Gi peal 45 ve bLail) ous v > Did you write these words? Listen and say. @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney E& allie ysol Stiwitt le | ——_—_—— == ass yj Sila gays ENGLISH alas y-sol Stinuill Numbers in order 4a all aL) 8 Egil We waa 5 Aah 8 gh ell Sas (ol) SLAY) Gua pts Lgl ay al) UY) a JU iss Le 3S LY aiull could oul 1 as 2 Q™ 3 3" 4 4 —_ ENGLISH == OS Rad gb le ed gt teat os oD al Acts Bie Cuts 1 ap Ba zany de jay DLN Gams YS > webe lpaS 5 \C as @ 07723634842 © @T_Ameen Qfamoney EB allie ysol Siw 1 | -—ENGLIS):>>:> Nadia was in front, She was winning Lina walked quickly but carefully. the race, but she walked too quickly ‘She was first! Tariq was second! ~~ ‘ond dropped her = z Oh no! My egg! a oF). : USD c Glu yi Cals aakall [3 4G cals ele LLY) aS phn (Sy Ze yuu Lad Ce Upagy alg 5 yS Be ap Ce AAAS dl gb Ge The teacher gave a gold star to all the Kareem and Lina were first in their Sind La oi LNT 8 ll gd ly oS Cael ob Sy BN 3S pd yy te Prev Ere) @stad4ab) @ 07723634842 © @t_Ameen Q famoney EB alllayc ysol Siw 1s | Whit gill stil gs piss Suns 10 9S oyu! Suis siecle E-lomeromm QU] joo Soul sit QP

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