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By Prof.

Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

Q.1 1.0 molal aqueous solution of an electrolyte A2B3 is 60% ionised. The boiling point of the solution at 1
atm is ( K b( H 2O)  0.52 K kg mol )
(A) 274.76 K (B) 377 K (C) 376.4 K (D) 374.76 K

Q.2 Pressure over ideal binary liquid mixture containing 10 moles each of liquid A and B is gradually decreased
isothermally. If PAo =200 mm Hg and PBo =100 mm Hg, find the pressure at which half of the liquid is
converted into vapour.
(A) 150 mm Hg (B) 166.5 mm Hg (C) 133 mm Hg (D) 141.4 mm Hg

Q.3 Elevation of boiling point of 1 molar aqueous glucose solution (density = 1.2 g/ml) is
(A) Kb (B) 1.20 Kb (C) 1.02 Kb (D) 0.98 Kb

Q.4 What will be the molecular weight of CaCl2 determined in its aq. solution experimentally from depression
of freezing point?
(A) 111 (B) < 111 (C) > 111 (D) data insufficient

Q.5 A liquid mixture having composition corresponding to point z in the figure

shown is subjected to distillation at constant pressure. Which of the
following statement is correct about the process
(A) The composition of distillate differs from the mixture
(B) The boiling point goes on changing
(C) The mixture has highest vapour pressure than for any other
(D) Composition of an azeotrope alters on changing the external pressure.

Q.6 Calculate relative lowering in vapour pressure of an aqueous solution of 0.1 M KBr having 20%
dissociation. [dsolution = 1.1 gm /ml]
0.12 0.12
(A) 0.12 (B) (C) (D) 0.1
60.45 60.56

Q.7 For an ideal binary liquid solution with PA > PB , which relation between XA (mole fraction of A in liquid
phase) and YA(mole fraction of A in vapour phase) is correct?
(A) YA < YB (B) XA > XB (C) Y  X (D) Y  X

Q.8 The van’t Hoff factor for 0.1 M Ba(NO3)2 solution is 2.74. The degree of dissociation is
(A) 91.3% (B) 87% (C) 100% (D) 74%

Q.9 Calculate mass of the final solution obtained on heating a solution comprising of 0.5 moles of urea in
2000 gm of H2O to a temperature of 101°C if K b ( H 2O ) = 0.5 K kg/mole.
(1) 250 gm (2) 280 gm (3) 1030 gm (4) 530 gm

By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)

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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS
Q.10 The vapour pressure of an aqueous solution which show elevation in boiling point (Tb) equal to 1.04°C
is found to be 760 torr at 373 K. Find the atmospheric pressure. Given Kb (H2O) = 0.52 K-kg mol–1 [at
Normal boiling point].
(A) 763.5 (B) 761.23 (C) 759.08 (D) 765.42 [Bonus]
[This question remained cancelled. This question should be read like this ]

Q.11 The vapour pressure of an aqueous solution is found to be 750 torr at certain temperature 'T'. If 'T' is the
temperature at which pure water boils under atmospheric pressure and same solution show elevation in
boiling point Tb = 1.04 K, find the atmospheric pressure (Kb = 0.52 K kg mol–1 )
(A) 777 (B) 779 (C) 782 (D) 746

Q.12 The vapour pressure of pure perflourocyclohexane (C6F12) are given by the following equations:
Solid C6F12 : log10 p(mm Hg) = 8.68 –
Liquid C6F12 : log10 p(mm Hg) = 7.60 –
The molar enthalpy of fusion of solid C6F12 is approximately
(A) 1658 cal (B) 360 cal (C) 3420 cal (D) 720 cal

Q.13 Two liquids A & B form an ideal solution. What is the vapour pressure of solution containing 2 moles of
A and 3 moles of B at 300 K?
[Given : At 300 K, Vapour pr. of pure liquid A ( PAo ) = 100 torr
Vapour pr. of pure liquid B ( PBo ) = 300 torr ]
(A) 200 torr (B) 140 torr (C) 180 torr (D) None of these

Q.14 The vapour pressure of a saturated solution of sparingly soluble salt (XCl3) was 17.20 mm Hg at
27°C. If the vapour pressure of pure H2O is 17.25 mm Hg at 300 K, what is the solubility of
sparingly soluble salt XCl3 in mole/Litre.
(A) 4.04 × 10–2 (B) 8.08 ×10–2 (C) 2.02 × 10–2 (D) 4.04 × 10–3

Q.15 At 300 K, the vapour pressure of an ideal solution containing 3 mole of A and 2 mole of B is 600 torr. At
the same temperature, if 1.5 mole of A & 0.5 mole of C (non-volatile) are added to this solution the
vapour pressure of solution increases by 30 torr. What is the value of PBo ?
(A) 940 (B) 405 (C) 90 (D) none of these

Q.16 The freezing point depression of a 0.10 M solution of formic acid is – 0.2046°C. What is the equilibrium
constant for the reaction at 298 K?
HCOO¯(aq) + H2O(l) HCOOH (aq) + OH¯ (aq)
(Given : Kf (H2O) = 1.86K kg mol , Molarity = molality)
(A) 1.1 × 10–3 (B) 9 × 10–12 (C) 9 × 10–13 (D) 1.1 × 10–11

Q.17 The solubility of common salt is 36.0 gm in 100 gm of water at 20°C. If systems I, II and III contain
20.0, 18.0 and 15.0 g of the salt added to 50.0 gm of water in each case, the vapour pressures would
be in the order.
(A) I < II < III (B) I > II > III (C) I = II > III (D) I = II < III

By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)

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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

Q.18 At certain temperature (T) for the gas phase reaction

2H2O(g) + 2Cl2 (g) l 4HCl(g) + O2(g) ; Kp = 6 × 108 atm
If Cl2, HCl & O2 are mixed in such a manner that the partial pressure of each is 1 atm and the mixture is
brough into contact with excess of liquid water. What would be approximate partial pressure of Cl 2
when equilibrium is attained at temperature (T)?
[Given : Vapour pressure of water is 380 mm Hg at temperature (T)]
(A) 8.1 ×10–7 atm (B) 10–4 atm (C) 3.6 ×10–3 atm (D) 9×10–4 atm

Q.19 The molar volume of X(l) (d = 0.9 g/ml) increases by a factor of 3000 as it vaporises at 27°C and
that of Y(l) (d = 0.88 g/ml) increases by a factor of 8000 at 27°C. A miscible liquid solution of X and
Y at 27°C has a vapour pressure of 50 torr. Find the mole fraction of Y in solution is :
[Given : R = 0.082 atm/L / mol/K ; Molar mass of X = 75 ; Molar mass of Y = 88]
(A) 0.48 (B) 0.52 (C) 0.62 (D) 0.247

Q.20 The following graph represents variation of boiling point with composition of liquid and vapours of binary
liquid mixture. The graph is plotted at constant pressure.
Which of the following statement(s) is incorrect. Here X & Y stands for mole fraction in liquid and
vapour phase respectively

(A) Xbenzene = 0.5 and Ytoluene = 0.2 (B) Xtoluene = 0.3 and Ybenzene = 0.6
(C) Xbenzene = 0.3 and Ytoluene = 0.4 (D) if Xbenzene = 0.7 than Ytoluene < 0.3

Q.21 The freezing point depression of a 0.1 M aq. solution of weak acid (HX) is –0.20°C.
What is the value of equilibrium constant for the reaction?
HX (aq) l H +(aq) + X¯ (aq)
[Given : Kf for water = 1.8 kg mol–1 K. & Molality = Molarity ]
(A) 1.46×10–4 (B) 1.35 × 10–3 (C) 1.21 × 10–2 (D) 1.35 × 10–4

Q.22 How many grams of sucrose (mol.wt. = 342) should be dissolved in 100 gm water in order to produce
a solution with 105°C difference between the freezing point & boiling point temperatures?
(Unit : kf = 1.86 mol–1 ; kb = 0.51 mol–1)
(A) 34 gm (B) 46 gm (C) 72 gm (D) 342 gm

Q.23 For a liquid normal boiling point is – 173°C then at 2 atm pressure it's boiling point should be nearly
(Hvap. = 200 cal/mole, R= 2 cal/mol-K, n 2 = 0.7 )
(A) –73°C (B) 333°C (C) 60°C (D) 103°C
By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)
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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

Q.24 A cylinder fitted with a movable piston contains liquid water in equilibrium with water vapour at 25°C.
Which of the following operation results in a decrease in the equilibrium vapour pressure at 25°C?
(A) Moving the piston downward a short distance
(B) Removing a small amount of vapour
(C) Removing a small amount of liquid water
(D) Dissolving some salt in the water.

Q.25 Using the following information determine the boiling point of a mixture contains 1560 gm benzene and
1125 gm chlorobenzene, when the external pressure is 1000 torr. Assume the solution is ideal.
Given :Molar mass of benzene = 78
Molar mass of chlorobenzene = 112.5
Temperature (0°C) Vapour pressure Vapour pressure of
of benzene (torr) chlorobenzene (torr)
80 750 120
90 1000 200
100 1350 300
110 1800 400
120 2200 540
(A) 120 °C (B) 110 °C (C) 100 °C (D) 90 °C (E) 80°C

Q.26 Insulin is dissolved in a suitable solvent & the osmotic pressure ( in atm) of solutions of various
concentration 'C' in gm/cc is measured at 27°C. The slope of the plot  against 'C' is found to be
5 × 10–3. The molecular weight of insulin is:
(A) 4.9 × 105 (B) 4.9 × 103 (C) 4.9 × 106 (D) 4.9 × 104

Q.27 Two liquids A and B form an ideal solution. The solution has a vapour pressure of 700 torr at 90° C. It
is distilled till 2/3rd of the solution is collected as condensate. The composition of the condensate is
X 'A =0.75 and that of the residue is X"A = 0.3. If the vapour pressure of the residue at 90° is 600 torr,,
which of the following option is incorrect.
(A) The composition of the original liquid was XA = 0.6.
(B) The composition of the original liquid was XA = 0.4.
0 2500
(C) PA  torr
(D) PB0 = 500 torr
(E) The composition of the original liquid was XB = 0.4

Q.28 Two liquid A and B form an ideal solution. The ratio of vapour pressures of pure liquids A and B are 3
: 5. if the mole- fraction of A in the liquid solution at equilibrium with vapours, is 0.4, then the mole-
fraction of B in the vapour is
3 5 2 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 7 7 5

By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)

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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS
Q.29 Two completely miscible liquids A & B form an ideal solution. What is the vapour pressure of solution
containing 2 moles of A and 3 moles of B at 300 K?
[Given : At 300 K, Vapour pr. of pure liquid A ( PAo ) = 100 torr

Vapour pr. of pure liquid B ( PBo ) = 300 torr ]

(A) 200 torr (B) 140 torr (C) 180 torr (D) None of these

Q.30 Consider the following arrangement.

100ml 100ml
0.1M NaCl Pure H2O

Volume of liquid in container I and II at equilibrium are

(A) I = 100 ml, II = 100 ml (B) I = 200 ml, II = 0 ml
(C) I = 0 ml, II = 200 ml (D) I = 110 ml, II = 90 ml

Q.31sheet In two different vessels X and Y containing H2O(l) at the same temperature, the vacant space
left over the surface of H2O(l) is V and 3V. What is the weight ratio ( WH 2O in X / WH 2O in Y ) of
vapours in two vessels?
(A) 1 : 3 (B) 3 : 1 (C) 1 : 4 (D) 1 : 1

Q.32 A sample of acetone undergoes 40% dimerization. Then mole fraction of the dimer in the final mixture is
(A) 0.16 (B) 0.75 (C) 0.4 (D) 0.25

Q.33 The vapour pressure of A, B & C are 75 torr , 22 torr and 10 torr at 20°C which of the following is not
possible value of vapour pressure of an equimolar binary / ternary solution of these at 20°C.
Assume all solution are ideal in nature.
107 107 97
(A) (B) (C) (D) 16
2 3 2

Q.34 The normal boiling point of water is 100°C. What will be its standard boiling point.
(A) 100°C (B) much greater than 100°C
(C) less than 100°C (D) slightly greater than 100°C

Q.35 A mixture of A and B in the molar ratio 1 : 2 forms a maximum boiling azeotrope. Identify the incorrect
statement, if A is more volatile [Molar mass of A = 100, Molar mass of B = 50]
(A) A liquid solution of A & B having mass % of A = 50 will have vapours having mass % of A = 50.
(B) A liquid solution A and B having mass % of A > 50% will have vapours having mass % of A > 50%.
(C) A mixture of A & B in the molar ratio 1 : 3 can be separated into azetropic mixture and pure A.
(D) A mixture of A and B in the molar ratio 2 : 3 can be separated into azeotropic mixture and pure A.

Q.36 Which of the following ideal aqueous solutions will show maximum boiling point.
(A) 0.5 M NaCl showing 50% dissociations (B) 0.3 M K2Fe[Fe(CN)6]
(C) 1 M Glucose solution (D) 1 mole of AgCl is mixed with 0.5 l of H2O
By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)
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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

Q.37 The average molecular weight of a solute in a solution where 1 gm of it dimerises upto 75% in 100 gm
H2O showing a depression in freezing point of 0.093°C is given by : (Kf H2O = 1.86)
(A) 200 (B) (C) 200(0.25 + 0.375) (D) 100
(0.25  0.375)

Q.38 Benzene and toluene forms an ideal solution. Vapour pressure of pure benzene is 100 torr while that of
pure toluene is 50 torr. If mole faction of benzene in liquid phase is . Then calculate the mole fraction
of benzene in vapour phase.
2 1 2 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 2 5 3

Q.39 200 ml of a very dilute aqueous solution of a protein contains 1.9gm of the protein. If osmotic rise of such
a solution at 300K is found to be 38 mm of solution then calculate molar mass of the protein.
(A) 24630 gm/mole (B) 123150 milli gm/mole
(C) 517230 gm/mole (D) 61575 gm/mole
Q.39 izksVhu ds ,d vfr ruq tyh; foy;u ds 200 ml esa 1.9gm izksVhu gSA ;fn 300K ij ,sls foy;u dk ijklj.k
o`f) 38 mm foy;u gks tk;s] rks izksVhu ds eksyj nzO;eku dh x.kuk dhft,A
(A) 24630 gm/mole (B) 123150 milli gm/mole
(C) 517230 gm/mole (D) 61575 gm/mole

Q.40 How does the surface tension of a liquid vary with increase in temperature?
(A) Remains same (B) Increases (C) Decreases (D) No regular pattern

Q.41 What volume of O2(g) measured at STP will be formed by action of 200 ml of 0.4 M KMnO 4 of
hydrogen peroxide in acid solution.
(A) 4.48 litre (B) 2.24 litre (C) 8.96 litre (D) 1.12 litre

Q.42 A liquid system consists of two immiscible liquids water and n-butyl chloride distills at one atmosphere
pressure. If vapour pressure of water at that temperature is 570 mm of Hg, then the ratio of masses of
water and n-butyl chloride distilled is :
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 0.58 : 1 (C) 1 : 1 (D) 1 : 3

Q.43 How many grams of sucrose (molecular weight = 342) should be dissolved in 100 gm water in order to
produce a solution with a 105°C difference between the freezing point and the boiling point temperature?
(Kf = 1.86 K Kg/mole, Kb = 0.51K Kg/mole)
(A) 34.2 gm (B) 72 gm (C) 342 gm (D) 460 gm

Q.44 Calculate the weight of urea (NH2CONH2) which must be dissolved in 490 g water so that the solution
obtained has vapour pressure 2% less than vapour pressure of pure water.
(1) 60 g (2) 30 g (3) 33.33 g (4) 40 g

By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)

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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS
Q.45 At a particular temperature and at a pressure of 1 atm, mass & volume of O3 that can be dissolved in 1L
of H2O is m gram and Vml respectively (Assuming ideal gas behaviour of O3 and assuming O3 does not
associate or dissociate in solution). Mass and volume of O3 dissolved in 2L of H2O at same T and at a
pressure of 5 atm will be:
(A) 5M gram, 5V ml (B) 10M gram, 10V ml
(C) 10M gram, 2V ml (D) 10M gram, 5V ml

Q.46 Which of the following mixtures will show positive deviation from Raoult's law?
(A) Methanol and Acetone (B) Chloroform and Acetone
(C) Nitric acid and Water (D) Phenol and Aniline

Q.47 When hydrochloric acid is added to cobalt nitrate solution at room temperature, the following reaction
takes place & the solution turns blue.
[Co(H2O)6]3+(aq) + 4Cl¯(aq) l [CoCl4]2–(aq) + 6H2O(l)
Pink Blue
However when cooled to a temperature below room temperature, the solution turns pink. On the basis
of this information mark the appropriate option.
(1) H = 0 for the reaction (2) H > 0 for the reaction
(3) H < 0 for the reaction (4) H can not be concluded

Q.48 A 0.003 M Al2(SO4)3 solution is isotonic with 0.01 M solution of glucose. The % dissociation of aluminum
sulphate will be :
(1) 75 % (2) 58.33 % (3) 23.97 % (4) 43.12 %

Q.49 At some temperature, N2O4 is dissociated into NO2 to 40% and 50% at total pressure P1 and P2 atm
respectively. The value of is given by :
4 7
(1) (2) (3) 1 (4) 2
7 4

Q.50 For a liquid, normal boiling point is –173°C. Then at 2 atm pressure, it's boiling point should be nearly.
(Hvap = 200 cal/mol, R = 2 cal/mol-K, ln2 = 0.7)
(1) – 73° C (2) 333° C (3) 60° C (4) 103° C

Q.51 1 mole of a compound Co(NH3)5Cl2Br gives 2 moles of curdy white precipitate, when treated with
excess of AgNO3 solution. Which of the following is incorrect about the compound?
(A) The compound may be represented as [Co(NH3)5Br]Cl2.
(B) The Van't Hoff's factor(i) is 3, when  = 1.0
(C) The boiling point of 1 M - aq. solution of Co(NH3)5 Cl2Br should be triple of its value, when it were
(D) The osmotic pressure of 1 M - aq. solution of Co(NH3)5Cl2Br should be triple of its value, when it
were non-electrolyte.

Q.52 20 moles of liquid A are mixed with 20 moles of liquid B to form an ideal binary solution. Calculate
moles of A in liquid state when half of the solution has vaporized.
(Given : PA = 100 torr, PB = 121 torr)

By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)

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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

11 110 200 220

(1) (2) (3) (4)
21 21 21 21

Q.53 Which of the following solutions can have boiling point less than that of both the individual components?
(1) n-Hexane & n-Heptane (2) CHCl3 & CH3COCH3
(3) HNO3 & H2O (4) C2H5OH & H2O

Q.54 0.2 molal solution each of glucose (I), magnesium chloride (II) and Aluminium sulphate (III) is taken. The
correct order freezing point of the solutions will be :
(1) All same
(2) (freezing point)I < (freezing point)II < (freezing point)III
(3) (freezing point)III < (freezing point)I < (freezing point)II
(4) (freezing point)I > (freezing point)II > (freezing point)III

Q.55 Assuming each salt to 80% dissociated, which of the following aqueous solution will have lowest vapour
(1) 0.1 M Al2(SO4)3
(2) 0.1 M BaCl2
(3) 0.1 M Na2SO4
(4) A solution obtained by mixing equal volume of (2) & (3)

Q.56 The Van't Hoff factor of an aqueous solution of storage battery containing 49% H2SO4 by weight and a
depression in freezing point of 27.9 K is approximately. [Given : Kf = 1.86 K-Kg/mole]
(1) 1 (2) 1.5 (3) 2 (4) 3

Q.57 The variation of solubility(S) with temperature for Glauber's salt is given as :

of H2O)

Which of the following options correctly explain the above behaviour?
(1) Dissolution of Glauber salt is exothermic
(2) Dissolution of Glauber salt is endothermic
(3) At 32.28°C Glauber salt looses water of crystallization due to which dissolution above 32.28°C
becomes exothermic and below 32.28°C it is endothermic
(4) Above 32.28° dissolution of Glauber salt is endothermic and below 32.28°C it is exothermic.

Q.58 Which of the following options correctly represent solubility of N2 in water (in terms of millimoles/litre)
if N2 is bubbled through water at 293 K at a pressure of 0.768 bar and Henry's contant is 76.8 K bar at
293 K.
(1) 10–5 (2) 5.56 × 10–1 (3) 10–2 (4) 4.3 × 10–4

By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)

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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS
Q.59 Which of the following aqueous solutions will have maximum freezing point. [Assume dilute solutions]
(1) C6H5NH3Cl solution having 0.01 m (2) Ca(NO3)2 solution having 0.005 m
(3) Al(NO3)3 solution having 0.004 m (4) Glucose solution having 0.04 m

Q.60 Osmotic pressure of urea solution is 380 mm at a temperature of 10°C. The solution is diluted and the
temperature is raised to 30°C and the osmotic pressure is found to be 122 mm. The extent of dilution will
be :
(1) Vfinal = 4Vinitial (2) 3Vfinal = 10Vinitial (3) Vfinal = 5Vinitial (4) Vfinal = 2Vinitial

Q.61 Which of the following options regarding order of ebullioscopic constant, Kb is correct?
(1) K b C 6 H 6  K b C 2 H 5  O  C 2 H 5  K b CS 2  K b CCl 4 (2) K b CCl4  K b C6H6  K b CS2  K b C2H5 OC2H5

K b CS2  K b C2H5 OC2H5  K b C6H6  K b CCl4

(3) (4) K b C2H5 OC2H5  K b C6H6  K b CS2  K b CCl4

Q.62 Acetone & chloroform form a non ideal solution. If 116 gm of acetone is mixed with 239 gm of chloroform
& their vapour pressures in pure state at 298 K are 360 torr & 300 torr respectively then what would be
vapour pressure of the above solution at 298 K.
(1) 330 torr (2) 350 torr (3) 250 torr (4) 370 torr

Q.63 Calculate VP of solution obtained by mixing 1 mole of CaCl 2 in 306 gm of water at 30ºC. Vapour
pressure of pure water at 30ºC 20 mm of Hg.
(1) × 20 mm of Hg (2) 17 mm of Hg
(3) mm of Hg (4) 18 mm of Hg

Q.64 100ml of H2O2 solution having volume strength 11.2 V is mixed with 50 ml of 0.5 M KI solution to
liberate I2 gas. All the I2 gas liberated is trapped to form a 500 ml solution termed as X. 200 ml of the
solution X of I2 required 50 ml hypo solution for conversion to I– and S4O62– . Assuming all reactions to
undergo 100% completion identify the incorrect option(s)
(1) Volume strength of remaining H2O2 solution will be V..
(2) Molarity of I2 in solution X is 0.025 M
(3) Molarity of hypo solution taken is 0.2 M
(4) Moles of tetrathionate ions formed will be 0.01

Q.65 Which of the following statements regarding solubility of gas in water is correct ?
(A) As temperature increases, solubility of gas also increases.
(B) A more polar gas will have lesser solubility as compared to non-polar gas.
(C) Gases will be more soluble when dissolved at higher pressures.
(D) The dissolution process is always endothermic.

Q.66 Identify the incorrect statements.

(A) A colloidal solution will appear in a same colour irrespective of whether it is observed in the direction
of light or whether at right angles.
(B) For tanning of animal hide, negatively charged colloidal particles are used.
(C) Emulsion can be precipitated by addition of Cl¯.
(D) Colloidal medicines are more effective as compared to solution medicines because of greater surface
By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917)
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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

Q.67 Which of the following options are correctly representing the increasing order of freezing points of
aqueous solutions?
(1) 0.01m Al2(SO4)3 > 0.01 m BaCl2 > 0.01 m NaCl > 0.01 m glucose
(2) 0.01 m BaCl2 > 0.01 m NaCl > 0.01 m CH3COOH
(3) 0.01 m glucose > 0.01 m CH3COOH > 0.01 m KCl
(4) 0.01 m BaCl2 = 0.01 m KCl = 0.01 m glucose

Q.68 Calculate solubility (in moles/litre) of a saturated aqueous solution of Ag3PO4 if the vapour pressure of
the solution becomes 750 torr at 373 K.
2 1 10 20
(1) (2) (3) (4)
15 30 54 27

Q.69 Ebullioscopic constant (Kb) and cryoscopic constant (Kf) depend on following factor:
(1) moles of solute added in solvent.
(2) molar mass of solute added.
(3) freezing point and boiling point of solvent respectively.
(4) latent heat of vapourisation and fusion of solvent respectively.

Q.70 There is AB3 and sucrose solution with 0.1 M concentration each. If osmotic pressure of AB 3 and
sucrose solution is 0.72 atm and 0.24 atm respectively at same temperature. The fraction of AB 3
dissociated will be :
(1) 0.25 (2) 0.50 (3) 0.67 (4) 0.90

Q.71 The freezing point of aqueous solution of 0.1m Hg2Cl2 will be :

(If Hg2Cl2 is 80% ionised in the solution to give Hg22+ and Cl–):
(A) – 0.26 Kf (B) – 2.6 Kf (C) – 4.2 Kf (D) 0.42 Kf

Q.72 Azeotropic mixture are :

(1) those which can be fractionally distilled
(2) have definite constant boiling point
(3) have same definite composition at any pressure
(4) those which have different composition in liquid and vapour state

Q.73 Ebullioscopic & cryoscopic constant for water are 0.52 K-kg-mole & 1.86 K-kg-mole respectively. If
on dissolving 5 gm of Na2SO4 in 45 gm of H2O causes freezing point to be decreased to
–3.72°C. Calculate Van't Hoff coefficient of Na2SO4.
(1) 1 (2) 2.556 (3) 3 (4) 1.286

Q.74 HNO3 is more volatile than water. If an aqueous solution of HNO3 is taken then which of the following
graph correctly represent variation of vapour pressure / boiling point with composition.

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(A) (B)
x HNO3  1 X x H 2O  1
Y x HNO3  1 X x H 2O  1


(C) (D)
x HNO3  1 X x H 2O  1 x HNO3  1 X x H 2O  1

Q.75 The Henry's law constant for H2S if its solubility in water at STP is 0.195 m is equal to?
(1) 1.95 × 105 Pa (2) 4 × 104 Pa (3) 3.2 × 105 Pa (4) 2.9 × 107 Pa

Q.76 Acetone & water form a non ideal solution. If 174 gm of acetone is mixed with 126 gm of H2O then
what could be the vapour pressure of the above solution at 298 K if Pacetone & PHo 2O at 298 K are 360
torr & 24 torr respectively.
(1) 124.8 torr (2) 340 torr (3) 90 torr (4) 180 torr

Q.77 Identify the option(s) which are correct :

(A) On dissolving solute in solvent to form solution, the vapour pressure above solution will always be
less than that of solvent.
(B) Out of all the crystal systems, triclinic is the least symmetric.

Q.78 The value of Henry's constant for three different gases A, B & C at 298 K are 40.3 K bar, 1.67 K bar
& 1.83 × 10–5 K bar. Which of the following order is correct increasing order of solubility of the gases
in water?
(A) B, A, C (B) A, B, C (C) C, B, A (D) C, A, B

Q.79 The ratio of vapour pressures over solution phase on mixing two immiscible liquids is :
(1) always greater than the molar ratio in which they are mixed in the solution phase
(2) equal to ratio of their weight in solution phase
(3) equal to ratio of the moles in the solution phase.
(4) equal to ratio of moles in vapour phase.

Q.80 A mixture of ethyl alcohol and propyl alcohol has a vapour pressure of 400 mm at 300 K. The vapour
pressure of propyl alcohol is 250 mm. If the mole fraction of ethyl alcohol in liquid solution is 0.6, its
mole fraction in vapour phase will be :
(1) 0.25 (2) 0.50 (3) 0.75 (4) 0.90

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Q.81 Consider separate solutions of 0.01 M Al2(SO3)3(aq), 0.02 M BaCl2(aq), 0.03 M NaBr(aq) and
1 M glucose(aq) at 25°C. Which statement is true about these solutions, assuming all salts to be strong
(1) 0.01 M Al2(SO3)3(aq) has the highest osmotic pressure.
(2) 1 M glucose(aq) has the highest freezing point.
(3) 0.03 M NaBr(aq) has the boiling point greater than 0.02 M BaCl2(aq).
(4) 1 M glucose(aq) has the highest osmotic pressure.

Q.82 When mercuric iodide is added to the aqueous solution of potassium iodide, the
(1) freezing point is raised. (2) freezing point does not change.
(3) freezing point is lowered. (4) boiling point does not change.

Q.83 Identify the statement which is correct?

(1) Addition of HgI2 to aqueous solution of KI decreases the freezing point.
(2) Molecular mass of a polymer can be best calculated by osmotic pressure out of all other colligative
(3) If normal boiling point of water is 100°C then its standard boiling point will be slightly greater than
(4) 0.5 M NaCl solution with 80% degree of dissociation is hypertonic with 0.3M aqueous Na 2SO4
solution undergoing 100% ionization.

Q.84 Calculate relative lowering of vapour pressure in an aqueous solution of CaCl2 having 1 mole of CaCl2
dissolved in 324 gm of water if degree of dissociation is 60%.
1 3 11 2 .2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
19 19 101 19
Q.85 Graph of lnS° vs is plotted for two gases A and B [S° represents solubility in molarity & T is
in Kelvin]. Compare Henry's constant KH for the two gases at same temperature


lnS° 


(1) KH,A > KH,B (2) KH,A < KH,B

(3) KH,A = KH,B (4) KH,A may be greater or less than KH,B

Q.86 1 molal aqueous solution of an electrolyte A+2B2–1 is 80% ionized into A+2 and B–1 ions. The boiling
point of the solution at 1 atm is (KbH2O = 0.5 KKg mol–1)
(1) 274.3 K (2) 373.5 K (3) 374.3 K (4) 100.5 K

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Q.87 For an ideal binary liquid solution of A and B where A is more volatile, which relationship between
XA , YA , XB and YB is correct?
[X  represents mole fraction in liquid phase, Y  represents mole fraction in vapour phase]
(1) YA > YB (2) XA < XB (3) X  X (4) None of these

Q.88 Osmotic pressure of urea solution is 56.6 mm Hg at a temperature of 10°C. The solution is diluted & the
temperature is raised to 40°C such that the osmotic pressure is found to be 31.3 mm Hg. The extent of
dilution will be
(A) Vfinal = 10 Vinitial (B) Vfinal = 2 Vinitial (C) 2Vfinal = 3 Vinitial (D) Vfinal = 20 Vinitial

Q.89 Four samples of ideal gas containing same moles & initially at same temperature & pressure are subjected
to four different processes
(a) Isothermal reversible expansion
(b) Isothermal irreversible expansion against final pressure
(c) Adiabatic reversible expansion
(d) Adiabatic irreversible expansion against final pressure.
If in all the cases, final pressure is same then what will be the order of final temperature in the above
(A) Ta = Tb > Tc = Td (B) Ta > Tb > Tc > Td
(C) Ta = Tb < Tc < Td (D) Ta = Tb > Td > Tc

Q.90 Which of the following solutions can have boiling point less than both the individual components?
(1) C2H5OH & H2O (2) CHCl3 & CH 3 C CH 3
(3) HNO3 & H2O (4) Both option (2) and (3)

Q.91 What will be the relative lowering in vapour pressure when 1 mole of A() is dissolved in 9 moles of B().
Given both are volatile with vapour pressures as 100 mm of Hg & 300 mm of Hg respectively?
(1) 0.1 (2) 0.067 (3) 20 (4) 30

Q.92 A liquid solution is formed by mixing 10 moles of aniline with 20 moles of phenol at a temperature T. If
vapour pressure of phenol and aniline is 90 & 87 mm of Hg respectively at the temperature T, then
identify what could be the possible value of vapour pressure of the solution?
(A) 89 mm (B) 80 mm (C) 93 mm (D) 90 mm

Q.93 Which of the following options is correct with respect to comparision of Henry's constant KH of
different gases at different temperatures?
(A) KH of O2 at 298K < KH of Ar at 293K
(B) KH of O2 at 293K > KH of N2 at 293K
(C) KH of CH4 at 298K < KH of O2 at 293K
(D) KH of He at 293K < KH of N2 at 293K

Q.94 Which of the following aqueous solutions will have maximum vapour pressure?
(1) 0.05 M K4[Fe(CN)6] (2) 0.02 M BaCl2
(3) 20% w/w glucose solution
(4) An aqueous solution of I2(s) in water having mole fraction of Iodine equal to 0.01.
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Q.95 An aqueous solution of a protein has an osmotic pressure of 3.8 mm of Hg at temperature of 300 K. If
concentration of protein is % w/v then calculate molecular mass of protein.
(1) 2000 (2) 20000 (3) 200 (4) 1000

Q.96 20 moles of a liquid A & 20 mole of liquid B are mixed to form an ideal solution. If vapour pressures of
pure liquids A and B are respectively 490 mm and 250 mm of Hg then calculate moles of A in liquid
phase when half of the liquid has vapourised.
10 50 20 40
(1) (2) (3) (4)
6 6 6 6

Q.97 A binary liquid solution is to be formed by mixing cyclohexane & methyl cyclopentane. Which of the
following graphs is / are correct if it is known that on mixing 10 gm of each of them a perfectly miscible
solution is formed having density equal to gm / ml .
[Given : Density of methyl cyclopentane is 0.75 gm/ml & cyclohexane is 0.8 gm / ml]
XMCP = Mole fraction of methyl cyclopentane
XCH = Mole fraction of cyclohexane

P Linear T

(A) (B)


Non- Linear
(C) (D)
Y Y CH=1

[Neglect sign of slope of the graphs]

Q.98 Identify the options which are correct?

(A) On dissolving solute in a volatile solvent to form a solution, the vapour pressure of solution will
always decrease.
(B) An unripe mango placed in a concentrated salt solution will shrink because of lossing water due to

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Q.99 'x' moles of KCl and 'y' mole of BaCl2 are dissolved in 1 kg of water. If (x + y) = 0.1, then the observed
range of Tf is (Kf of water = 1.86 K-Kg mol–1)
(A) 0.372°C to 0.558°C (B) 0.186°C to 0.93°C
(C) 0.558°C to 0.93°C (D) 0.372°C to 0.93°C

Q.100 H2S, a toxic gas with rotten egg like smell, is used for the quantitative analysis. If the solubility of H2S in
water at STP is 0.2m, Henry's law constant for H2S in water at 273K is
(1) 3.6×108 Pa (2) 5.0×108 Pa (3) 5.0×105 Pa (4) 2.78×107 Pa

Q.101 Calculate solubility of a saturated solution of Ag2CrO4 if boiling point of its saturated solution is 373K at
a pressure of mm of Hg.
(1  1.35 10 5 )
(1) 2.5 × 10–4 M (2) 7.5 × 10–4 M (3) 5.4 × 10–7 M (4) 1.8 × 10–7 M

Q.102 pH of a 0.1M monobasic acid solution is found to be 2. Its osmotic pressure at a temperature of 298K
will be : (R = 0.0826 atm L mol–1 K–1)
(1) 2.463 atm (2) 2.7076 atm
(3) 27.093 atm (4) 0.2463 atm

Q.103 0.1 moles of K4[Fe(CN)6] is dissolved in 500 gm water. The freezing point of solution is
[Given : Molal depression constant for water = 1.86 K-kg/mol]
(1) 1.86°C (2) –1.86°C (3) –1.488°C (4) –1.86 K

Q.104 Liquid 'A' and 'B' form an ideal solution. The boiling point of solution is 72°C, when the external pressure
is 0.6 bar. If the solution contains 200 moles of liquid 'A', the moles of liquid 'B' is
[ Given : PAo  0.4 bar and PBo  1.0 bar , at 72°C ]
(1) 200 (2) 100 (3) 300 (4) 400

Q.105 0.1 moles of K4[Fe(CN)6] is dissolved in 500 gm water. The freezing point of solution is
[Given : Molal depression constant for water = 1.86 K-kg/mol]
(1) 1.86°C (2) –1.86°C (3) –1.488°C (4) –1.86 K

Q.106 Liquid 'A' and 'B' form an ideal solution. The boiling point of solution is 72°C, when the external pressure
is 0.6 bar. If the solution contains 200 moles of liquid 'A', the moles of liquid 'B' is
[ Given : PAo  0.4 bar and PBo  1.0 bar , at 72°C ]
(1) 200 (2) 100 (3) 300 (4) 400
Q.107 Some liquids on mixing, form azeotropes. Which of the following is only incorrect statement regarding
azeotropic binary mixture of liquids?
(A) The compositions in liquids and vapour phases are same.
(B) The boiling point of azeotropic mixture does not depends on external pressure.
(C) Solutions having large positive deviation form minimum boiling azeotrope at a specific composition.
(D) Solutions having large negative deviation form maximum boiling azeotrope at a specific composition.

Q.108 100 ml liquid chloroform is mixed with 100 ml liquid acetone at 25°C. Which of the following may be the
final volume of resulting solution?
(1) 200 ml (2) 203 ml (3) 198 ml (4) any of these

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Q.109 5.0 L water dissolves 80 ml N2 gas at 10 bar and 25°C. The volume of water needed to dissolve 40 ml
N2 gas at 20 bar at 25°C, is
(1) 5.0 L (2) 2.5 L (3) 10.0 L (4) 1.25 L

Q.110 Liquids 'P' and 'Q' form an ideal solution. At 25°C, 10 moles of liquid 'P' is mixed with 12 moles of liquid
'Q'. If at equilibrium, the vapours contain 2 moles of 'P', then the moles of 'Q' in the remaining liquid is
Given : Vapour pressure of pure liquid 'P' at 25°C = 0.4 bar
Vapour pressure of pure liquid 'Q' at 25°C = 0.8 bar
Vapour pressure of solution at 25°C = 0.6 bar
(1) 4 moles (2) 6 moles (3) 8 moles (4) 10 moles

Q.111 An aqueous solution of a non volatile solute is such that the vapour pressure is 25% lesser than that of
water at same temperature. The molality of the solution will be
1000 1000 3000 3000
(1) m (2) m (3) m (4) m
54 72 54 72

Q.112 An unripe mango placed in a concentrated salt solution will :

(1) expand because of gaining water due to osmosis
(2) shrink because of loosing water due to osmosis
(3) expand because of loosing water due to reverse osmosis.
(4) shrink because of loosing water due to reverse osmosis.

Q.113 A binary liquid solution is prepared by mixing HNO3 and H2O. HNO3 is more volatile than water.
Which one of the following statements is correct regarding the behaviour of the solution ?
(1) The solution formed is an ideal solution
(2) The solution is non-ideal, showing +ve deviation from Raoult’s law
(3) The solution is non–ideal, showing, –ve deviation from Raoult’s law.
(4) HNO3 shows +ve deviation while H2O shows –ve deviation from Raoult’s law.

Q.114 Which of the following aqueous solution has least freezing point?
(1) 0.2M K2SO4 (2) 0.2M FeCl3 (3) 0.3M MgCl2 (4) 0.3M Urea

Q.115 Identify the incorrect statement :

(1) Argyrol is a gold sol used as eye lotion.
(2) Latex is colloidal solution of rubber particles.
(3) Congo red is negatively charged sol.
(4) Synthetic soap can act as emulsifying agent.

Q.116 Which of the following is conductor of electricity?

(1) H2O(s) (2) SiO2(s) (3) NaCl(s) (4) MgO(Molten)

Q.117 A and B liquids form binary liquid solution positive deviation from Raoult's law. The normal boiling point
of pure A is less than that of pure B. Select correct statement among the following.
(1) When a small amount of B is added to an excess of A, boiling point of solution increases.
(2) Boiling point of mixture is always less than boiling point of A.
(3) Boiling point of the azeotropic mixture is always less than the boiling point of pure B.
(4) A mixture of A and B can be completely separated by simple fractional distillation.

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Q.118 The percentage dissociation of MgCl2 in a dilute aqueous solution containing 7 gm of the salt per 100 gm
of water at 100°C is 70%. If Normal boiling point of pure water is 100°C then calculate vapour pressure
of solution.
(1) 749 torr (2) 754 torr (3) 736 torr (4) 759 torr

Q.119 A solution of potassium ferrocyanide is 46% dissociated at 18ºC. What will be its osmotic pressure?
(1) 2.4 atm (2) 3.5 atm (3) 6.8 atm (4) 10 atm

Q.120 20 gm of non-electrolyte, non-volatile solute (CxH2xOx) when dissolved in 100 gm water at 100°C,
 1 
lowers the vapour pressure of solution by   th of the vapour pressure of pure water. What is
 100 
formula of the compound ?
(1) C6H12O6 (2) C12H24O12 (3) C44H88O44 (4) C3H6O3

Q.121 The freezing point of one litre of an aqueous solution of non-electrolyte having an osmotic pressure of 2
atm at 300 K, should be:
(1) 272.84 K (2) –0.151 K (3) 235 K (4) 298 K

Q.122 Which of the following solution is expected to have lowest vapour pressure?
(1) 0.1M sugar (2) 0.08M CaCl2 (3) 0.1 M NaCl (4) 0.04M Na2SO4

Q.123 Find number of binary liquid solutions which have negative deviation from Raoult's law ?
(i) acetone + ethanol (ii) acetone + CS2
(iii) water + methanol; (iv) CCl4 + CHCl3
(v) CH3OH + CH3COOH; (vi) acetic acid + pyridine;
(vii) H2O + HNO3 (viii) chlorobenzene + bromobenzene
(ix) n-butyl chloride + n-butyl bromide (x) CHCl3 + acetone
(1) 2 (2) 3 (3) 4 (4) 5

Q.124 At 27°C, 10 moles of a gas in 3L container exert a pressure of 150 atm. Then
(1) gas is ideal (2) gas is showing positive deviation
(3) gas is showing negative elevation. (4) can't be predicted.

Q.125 Identify the incorrect statement :

(1) Maximum boiling azeotropes are obtained from solution showing negative deviation.
(2) Solubility of gas in liquids increases with rise in temperature.
(3) Colligative properties depend on number of particles, not on nature of particle.
(4) 1M NaCl(aq) will have higher boiling point than 1M glucose(aq).

Q.126 20 gm of non-electrolyte, non-volatile solute (CxH2xOx) when dissolved in 100 gm of water at 100°C,

 1 
lowers the vapour pressure of solution by   th of the vapour pressure of pure water. What is
 100 

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formula of compound? (Assume dilute solution)
(1) C6H12O6 (2) C12H24O12 (3) C44H86O44 (4) C3H6O3

Q.127 The vapour pressure of an aqueous solution of non-electrolyte solute is found to be 750 torr at a
temperature T Kelvin and the same solution shows an elevation in boiling point equal to 1.04K. If T is the
boiling point of pure water, then the atmospheric pressure should be (Kb of water = 0.52 K-Kg/mol)
(A) 750 torr (B) 777 torr (C) 760 torr (D) 746 torr

Q.128 The freezing point of a dilute aqueous solution of a non-electrolyte solute having an osmotic pressure of
2 atm at 300 K, should be : [Given : Kf for water = 1.86°C- kg/mol]
(1) 272.85 K (2) 273.15 K (3) 0.15°C (4) 299.84 K

Q.129 Liquid benzene freezes at 7ºC and boils at 77ºC. If the Kf and Kb values for benzene are
5.0 K-Kg/mol and 2.50 K-Kg/mol respectively, calculate the ratio of the molar latent heat of fusion to
the molar latent heat of vaporisation.
(A) 3.125 (B) 0.4 (C) 1.28 (D) 0.32

Q.130 Liquids 'A' and 'B' are completely soluble in each other. At 25°C, the vapour pressures of pure liquids
'A' and 'B' are 400 torr and 800 torr, respectively. A solution is prepared by mixing 5 moles of liquid 'A'
and 15 moles of liquid 'B', at 25°C. The vapour pressure of solution is fond to be 600 torr. It is also
known that the vapour pressure of solution formed by mixing the liquids 'A' and 'B' in any composition at
25°C is never less than 400 torr or greater than 800 torr. The only correct statement regarding the
solution at 25°C is :
(A) The solution of liquids 'A' and 'B' may form maximum boiling azeotrope.
(B) The solution of liquids 'A' and 'B' may form minimum boiling azeotrope.
(C) The solution of liquids 'A' and 'B' may be separated into pure liquids by distillation.
(D) At any composition, the boiling point of solution will be less than that of pure liquids.

Q.131 The freezing point of 0.2 M HA acid is –0.558°C. The dissociation constant of acid is
(Given: Kf = 1.86°C/m)
(A) 0.05 (B) 0.5 (C) 0.01 (D) 0.1

Q.132 The vapour pressure of benzene, toluene and xylene are 80 torr, 20 torr and 10 torr respectively at
25°C. Then which of the following is possible value of vapour pressure of equimolar binary / ternery
solution of these at same temperature. Assuming all forming an ideal solution with each other.
(A) torr (B) 50 torr (C) 45 torr (D) All are possible

Q.133 24.6 litre dry N2 gas is slowly passed over a liquid at 27°C and 1 atm. The pressure of gaseous sample
coming out increases due to saturation of gas with vapours of the liquid. If the mass ratio of N2 gas and
the liquid vapour in the gaseous sample coming out is 25 : 4 and the vapour pressure of the liquid at 27°C
is 0.04 atm, the molar mass of liquid is
(A) 56 gm/mol (B) 112 gm/mol(C) 84 gm/mol (D) 224 gm/mol

Q.134 The vapour pressure of pure Benzene and Toluene are 900 torr and 600 torr respectively at 300 K. A
liquid solution is formed by mixing 1 mole each of benzene and toluene. If the pressure over the solution
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is reduced slowly under isothermal condition then mole fraction of benzene in the residue liquid, which
has normal boiling point at 300 K is:
(A) 0.50 (B) 0.35 (C) 0.46 (D) 0.53

Q.135 Ethanol and water form binary liquid solution showing large deviation from Raoult's law -
The normal boiling point (Tb) of pure Ethanol is less than that of pure water. Select the correct statement
among the following for given solution:
(A) Boiling temperature of mixture of any composition is always less than boiling temperature of Ethanol.
(B) Boiling temperature of Azeotropic mixture is always less than boiling temperature of pure water.
(C) When a small amount of Ethanol is added to pure water, boiling point of resulting mixture increases.
(D) A mixture of Ethanol and water can be completely separated by simple fractional distillation.

Q.136 Which of the following ideal aqueous solution will show minimum freezing point?
(A) 0.5 M MgCl2 solution showing 50% dissociation of MgCl2.
(B) 0.3 M K2Fe[Fe(CN)6] aqueous solution.
(C) 0.5 mole of NaCl is mixed with 1 litre of water.
(D) 1 mole of Hg2Cl2 is mixed with 0.5 litre of water.

Q.137 Calculate amount of CaCl2 dissolved in 16.42 litre of water such that its osmotic pressure is 1 atm at
(1) 74 gm (2) 12.33 gm (3) 24.67 gm (4) 6.16 gm

Q.138 Which of the following ideal aqueous solutions will show minimum vapour pressure.
(1) 0.5 M KCl aqueous solution.
(2) 0.3 M K2Fe[Fe(CN)6] aqueous solution.
(3) 1 M Urea aqueous solution.
(4) 1 mole of AgI is mixed with 0.5 l of H2O

Q.139 A liquid mixture having composition corresponding to point z in the figure shown is subjected to distillation
at constant pressure. Which of the following statement is correct about the process


xA=0 mole xA=1


(1) The composition of distillate differs from the mixture

(2) The boiling point goes on changing
(3) The mixture has highest vapour pressure than for any other composition.
(4) Composition of an azeotrope alters on changing the external pressure.

Q.140 Which of the following option represent correct order of vapour pressure of given aqueous solutions:
(1) 0.01m Al2(SO4)3 > 0.01 m BaCl2 > 0.01 m NaCl > 0.01 m glucose
(2) 0.01 m BaCl2 > 0.01 m NaCl > 0.01 m CH3COOH
(3) 0.01 m glucose > 0.01 m CH3COOH > 0.01 m KCl
(4) 0.01 m BaCl2 = 0.01 m KCl = 0.01 m glucose
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Q.141 Which of the following solutions can have boiling point less than both the individual components?
(1) C2H5OH & H2O (2) CHCl3 & CH 3 C CH 3
(3) HNO3 & H2O (4) Aniline & Acetone

Q.142 Identify the incorrect statement -

(A) Maximum boiling azeotropes are obtained from solution showing negative deviation from Raoults
(B) Solubility of gas in liquids increases with increase in pressure.
(C) Colligative properties depend on number of solute particles, not on nature of solute particle.
(D) 1 mole AgCl will have higher boiling point than 1 mole glucose in aqueous medium.

Q.143 The total vapour pressure of an ideal binary solution is given by

P = (110 XA + 125 XB) mm of Hg
where XA and XB are the mole fraction of components A and B.
Select the correct statement.
(1) The vapour pressure of solution (when nA = nB) is less than that of pure A component.
(2) The vapour pressure of solution (when nA = nB) is more than that of pure B component.
(3) Boiling point of solution (when nA = nB) is less than that of pure A component.
(4) Boiling point of solution (when nA = nB) is less than that of pure B component.

Q.144 Equal volume of 0.1 M KI and 0.1 M AgNO3 solutions are mixed., The depression of freezing point of
the resulting dilute aqueous solution will be - [Given : Kf(H2O) = 1.86 K-Kg/mole]
(A) 0.093°C (B) 9.3°C (C) 1.86°C (D) 0.186°C

Q.145 Water & HNO3 form a non ideal solution. If 36 gm of water is mixed with 126 gm of HNO 3. Vapor
pressure of water and HNO3 in pure state at 298 K are 360 torr & 300 torr respectively then what
could be the vapour pressure of the above solution at 298 K.
(1) 330 torr (2) 350 torr (3) 250 torr (4) 370 torr

Q.146 The system that forms maximum boiling azeotrope is -

(1) Carbondisulphide - acetone (2) Benzene - Toluene
(3) Acetone - Chloroform (4) n-Hexane - n-Heptane

Q.147 Calculate osmotic pressure of 0.5 M aqueous AlCl3 solution. ( = 0.8) at 27ºC
(1) (1.7) RT (2) (3.4) RT (3) (0.5) RT (4) RT

Q.148 1.8% w/v aqueous urea solution is isotonic with 5% w/v aqueous solution of a non-volatile non-electrolyte
solute. Calculate the molar mass of solute.
500 500
(1) 600 gm/mol (2) gm/mol (3) gm/mol (4) 540 gm/mol
3 6

Q.149 The freezing point of equimolal aqueous solutions will be highest for -
(1) C6H5NH3Cl(Anilinium chloride) (2) C6H12O6(glucose)
(3) La(NO3)3 (4) MgCl2
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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

Q.150 The vapour pressure of pure benzene at a certain temperature is 0.950 bar. A non-volatile, non-electrolyte
solid weighing 0.5 gm is added to 39.0 gm of benzene, vapour pressure of the solution becomes 0.945
bar. What is the molar mass of the solid substance?
(1) 160 gm mol–1 (2) 210 gm mol–1 (3) 95 gm mol–1 (4) 189 gm mol–1

Q.151 The molarity of a solution obtained by mixing 100 litre of 0.3 M HCl with 950 ml of 0.3 M HCl will be :
(1) 0.585 M (2) 0.3028 M (3) 0.3 M (4) 0.285 M

Q.152 Calculate mass of ascorbic acid (Vitamin-C, C6H8O6) to be dissolved in 100 gm of acetic acid to lower
its freezing point by 2°C. [Kf = 4KKg mol–1]
(1) 8.8 gm (2) 17.6 gm (3) 4.4 gm (4) 35.2 gm

Q.153 Identify the incorrect statement :

(1) For biomolecules osmotic pressure is determination of molar mass.
(2) A raw mango placed in concentrated salt solution loses water.
(3) When placed in water containing less than 0.9% (mass / volume) salt, blood cells get swelled.
(4) During osmosis solute particles move from low concentration to high concentration.

Q.154 Which aqueous solution has lowest freezing point?

(1) 1 M CaCl2 (2) 1M NaCl (3) 1M Glucose (4) 2M Na2SO4

Q.155 On dissolving sugar in water at room temperature solution feels cool to touch. Under which of the
following cases dissolution of sugar will be most rapid?
(1) Sugar crystals in cold water. (2) Sugar crystals in hot water.
(3) Powdered sugar in cold water. (4) Powdered sugar in hot water.

Q.156 Maximum amount of a solid solute that can be dissolved in a specified amount of given liquid solvent
does not depend upon _______
(1) temperature (2) nature of solute (3) pressure (4) nature of solvent
Q.157 A 0.040 M solution of each of the following compound is prepared which solution would you expect to
freeze at –0.149ºC ? [Kf (water) = 1.86 K Kg mol–1]
[Assume very dilute aqueous solution]
(1) [Co(en)2Cl2]Cl (2) K4[Fe(CN)6]
(3) [Cr(Py)5Cl]Cl2 (4) [Cr(NH3)6]Cl3

Q.158 Identify the incorrect statement :

(1) Solubility of gases in liquid decreases with rise in temperature.
(2) Solubility of all salts in water will increase on increasing temperature.
(3) Molarity of solution will change on changing temperature.
(4) Value of Henry's constant KH is greater for gases with lower solubility.

Q.159 Two binary aqueous solutions A and B with same non volatile solute are separated by a semipermeable
membrane. A has higher vapour pressure than B then :
(A) solvent will flow from A to B solution.
(B) solvent will flow from B to A solution.
(C) can not predict net direction of movement of solvent by given information.
(D) There will be no net flow of solvent
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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

Q.160 Which of the following solution is expected to have minimum freezing point?
(1) 0.1 M NaCl (2) 0.1 M Glucose (3) 0.1 M CaCl2 (4) 0.08 M Na2SO4

Q.161 Identify the incorrect statement:

(1) Solubility of gas increases on decreasing temperature.
(2) Henry's constant increases on increasing temperature.
(3) Pressure has negligible effect on solubility of solid.
(4) Solubility of solid will always increase on increasing temperature.

Q.162 Solutions A and B have osmotic pressure of 2.4atm and 4.2atm respectively at certain temperature.
What is the osmotic pressure prepared by mixing equimolar solution of A and B at same temperature.

Q.163 A CaCl2 aqueous solution at 27°C has an osmotic pressure 16 atm and density of 1.2 gm/ml. What is
freezing point of this solution [Kf of water = 1.8 K Kg mol–1 , R = 0.08 atm litre / mole - K]
(A) 3.2°C (B) – 3.2°C (C) 1.02°C (D) –1.02°C

Q.164 Calculate amount of CaCl2 dissolved in 16.42 litre of water such that its osmotic pressure is 1 atm at
(1) 74 gm (2) 12.33 gm (3) 24.67 gm (4) 6.16 gm

Q.165 Which of the following solution shows negative deviation from Raoult's law ?
(1) HNO3 + water (2) Benzene + toluene
(3) Ethanol + Acetone (4) Chlorobenzene + Bromobenzene

Q.166 A solution of 1 g fertilizer dissolved in 20 g water has a freezing point of –2.25°C. What is apparent
molar mass of fertilizer? [Kf for water = 1.8 K kg mol–1]
(A) 40 kg/mol (B) 40 g/mol (C) 400 g/mol (D) 160 g/mol

Q.167 Which of the following has lowest freezing point and highest boiling point?
(1) 1.5 M Magnesium phosphate (2) 1 M Sodium chloride
(3) 1.5 M Aluminium nitrate (4) 1.5 M Calcium chloride

Q.168 What is concentration of O2 (in gm/litre) in a fresh water stream in atmosphere at 25°C and 1 atm.
[Assume atmospheric air contains 20% O2 by volume] Henry's constant of O2 (g) in water is
2 × 104 atm.
9 16
(1) 10–3 g / L (2) 10–5 g / L (3)  10 2 g / L (4)  10 2 g / L
16 9

Q.169 Equal volume of 1 M urea(aq) and 1 M NaCl(aq) are placed in opposite sides of a U-tube, separated
by semipermeable membrane (through which only water can diffuse). What will the setup look like at

(A) (B) (C)

urea NaCl urea NaCl urea NaCl
(D) Can be any of above arrangment depending upon temperature.
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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS

Q.170 20 gm of non electrolyte, non volatile solute C xH2xOx when dissolved in 100 gm water at 100°C,
 1 
lowers the vapour pressure of solution by   of the vapour pressure of pure water then molecular
 100 
formula of given compound will be
(A) C6H12O6 (B) C12H24O12 (C) C3H6O3 (D) C8H16O8

Q.171 Calculate vapor pressure of solution obtained by mixing 0.1 mol of K4[Fe(CN)6] to 360 gm of water
at 27°C. [Given: Vapor pressure of pure water at 27°C is 25 torr.]
(1) 24 torr (2) 23.74 torr (3) 22.5 torr (4) 24.39 torr

Q.172 Which of the following solutions can form a maximum boiling azeotrope?
(1) C2H5OH + H2O (2) CHCl3 + CCl4
(3) CCl4 + CS2 (4) Water + HCl

Q.173 The correct order of freezing point for the following aqueous solutions will be-
(1) 0.1 M BaCl2 > 0.1 M Al2(SO4)3 > 0.1 M NaCl > 0.1 M Glucose
(2) 0.1 M Glucose > 0.1 M NaCl > 0.1 M BaCl 2 > 0.1 M Al2 (SO4)3
(3) 0.1 M Al2 (SO4)3 > 0.1 M BaCl2 > 0.1 M NaCl > 0.1 M Glucose
(4) 0.1 M Al2 (SO4)3 = 0.1 BaCl2 = 0.1M NaCl = 0.l M Glucose

Q.174 What is the molecular mass (M) of a compound present in a solution having concentration 1.2 g/L and
osmotic pressure 0.2 atm at T = 300K?
(1) 148 g/mol (2) 576 g/mol (3) 3876 g/mol (4) 296 g/mol

Q.175 The vapor pressure of liquid in a closed container depends on :

(i) temperature of liquid (ii) quantity of liquid (iii) surface area of liquid
(1) (i) only (2) (ii) only (3) (i) and (iii) only (4) (i), (ii) and (iii) only

Q.176 Which of the following observation reflect colligative properties?

(i) A 0.5 M NaCl solution has higher vapor pressure than a 0.5 M BaCl2 solution.
(ii) A 0.5 M NaOH solution freezes at a lower temperature than pure water.
(iii) Pure water freezer at a higher temperature than pure methanol.
(A) (i) and (iii) only (B) (i) and (ii) only
(C) (ii) and (iii) only (D) (i), (ii) and (iii)

Q.177 10 g of a nonvolatile solute is dissolved in 116 g of acetone. Vapour pressure of this solution is
270 mmHg. If the vapour pressure of pure acetone is 300 mmHg. Calculate molar mass of the solute.
(1) 45 g/mol (2) 22.5 g/mol (3) 90 g/mol (4) 67.5 g/mol

Q.178 Which of the following will show maximum lowering in vapour pressure:
(1) 0.1 M glucose (2) 0.1 M K4Fe(CN)6
(3) 0.1 M MgCl2 (4) 0.1 M Na2Zn[Fe(CN)6]

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By Prof. Ajay Kapoor (+91-8750731917) LIQUID SOLUTIONS
Q.179 Which of the following will produce a maximum boiling Azeotrope ?
(1) Water + Ethanol (2) Carbon tetrachloride + Acetone
(3) Benzene + Toluene (4) Water + Nitric acid

Q.180 Which of the following is incorrect:

(1) An egg will cook faster in pure water as compared to water in which some common salt is added.
(2) The vapour pressure of a pure solvent decreases on adding a non-volatile solute
(3) A solution of CHCl3 and acetone shows negative deviation
(4) A binary solution which has same composition in liquid as well as vapour phase is called azeotropic

Q.181 An aqueous solution containing 6 % by weight of urea and 9 % by weight of glucose. What will be its
approximate freezing point ? [ K f ( H = 1.86 K kg mol–1]
2O )

(1) – 1.824°C (2) –1.216°C (3) 3.04°C (4) –3°C

Q.182 Scuba divers when go in deep sea face a very painful situation known as "bends", the formation of N2
bubbles around the joints due to decrease in solubility of N2 as a result of reduced pressure, when the
diver rises up towards sea surface. This situation is avoided by-
(1) Taking only pure O2 in breathing cylinders.
(2) Replacing N2 by He, which is more soluble than N2.
(3) Replacing N2 by He, which is less soluble then N2.
(4) This situation can not be avoided and therefore pain killers are consumed.

Q.183 x % (w/v) aqueous solution of HCHO and y % (w/v) aqueous solution of glucose are isotonic with each
other. The ratio x : y will be :
(1) 1 : 3 (2) 1 : 6 (3) 1 : 1 (4) 1 : 4

Q.184 Identify the correct statement :

(1) Aquatic species are more comfortable in hot water than cold water due to higher solubility of O2(g)
in hot water.
(2) A minimum boiling azeotrope will have higher vapor pressure than both of its components.
(3) If 0.1 M NaCl(aq) solution is diluted then its boiling point will remain same because number of
particles of NaCl are constant.
(4) Osmotic pressure get changed if solvent is changed keeping same concentration.

Q.185 At 25°C, the solubility of N2(g) in water is 0.02 gram per liter when N2(g) is taken at 0.2 atm. A 5L
water sample is exposed to air under atmospheric pressure. Considering volume of dissolved gas to be
negligible, the mass of N2(g) dissolved in the water sample will be -
[Given : Air contains 80% N2(g) and 20% O2(g) by moles]
(1) 0.1 gram (2) 0.5 gram (3) 0.4 gram (4) 0.2 gram

Q.186 The Henry's law constant for solubility of a gas A is 105 atm. The mole fraction of gas A in gaseous
mixture is 0.4. Calculate the number of mole of gas A from gaseous mixture dissolved in 25 mol of water
at 300 K and 10 atm pressure.
(1) 0.1 (2) 0.01 (3) 0.001 (4) 2.5 × 10–3

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Q.187 The relative lowering in vapour pressure for a solution containing 1 mole CaCl2 in 180 grams H2O will
1 3 1 3
(1) (2) (3) (4)
11 11 13 13

Q.188 If van't Hoff factor for KCl is 1.8. What is the boiling point of 0.75m solution of KCl in water
Kb = 0.5 °C kg/mol ?
(1) 0.67°C (2) 100.67 K (3) 99.37°C (4) 373.67 K

Q.189 Which of the following aqueous solution has highest melting point ?
(1) 0.1 M sugar (2) 0.1 M NaCl (3) 0.8 M CaCl2 (4) 0.04 M Na2SO4

Q.190 At 27°C, the vapour pressure of an aqueous solution of urea is equal to the osmotic pressure of 5×10–3 M
aqueous solution of glucose. If vapour pressure of pure water at 27°C is 114 torr then the mole fraction
of urea in its solution is - [Given : R = 0.08 L-atm/mol-K]
4 3
(1) (2) 0.25 (3) (4) 0.2
5 4

Q.191 The abnormal molecular mass of CH3COOH when dissolved in benzene is found to be 80 g/mol. The
percentage of CH3COOH present in dimeric form in solution is -
(1) 50% (2) 12.75 % (3) 25 % (4) 33.33 %

Q.192 A solution is prepared by mixing two volatile liquids. If its vapour pressure is lesser as compared to the
vapoure pressure calculated from Raoult's law then the only incorrect option for the solution is -
(1) Hmix > 0 (2) Vmix < 0 (3) Smix > 0 (4) Gmix < 0

Q.193 25 ml of an aqueous solution of KCl was found to require 20 ml of 1 M AgNO3 solution when titrated
using a K2CrO4 as indicator. Depression in freezing point of KCl solution with 100% ionisation will be
[Given : Kf = 1.86 K kg mol–1 ]
(1) 5.0 °C (2) 2.97 °C (3) 1.6 °C (4) 0.8 °C

Q.194 A solution containing 4g of polyvinyl chloride in 1 litre of dioxane was found to have an osmotic pressure
of 6 × 10–4 atm at 300 K. The molecular mass of polymer is -
(1) 3 × 103 (2) 1.6 × 105 (3) 5 × 104 (4) 6.4 × 102

Q.195 Which of the following observation indicates collegative properties ?

(i) A 1M NaCl solution has higher vapour pressure than 0.5 M BaCl2.
(ii) A 0.5 M NaOH(aq.) solution freezes at a lower temperature than pure water.
(iii) Pure water freezes at higher temperature than pure ethanol.
(1) only I (2) only II (3) only III (4) I and II

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Q.196 For a solution of Benzene and Toluene choose the correct option from the following diagram :

119 torr

Vapour pressure

(Vapour pressure

of solution

of solution)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.9 1.0

xbenzene = 0 xbenzene = 1

x  represents mole fraction in liquid state

y  represents mole fraction in vapour state
(1) At point A : ybenzene = 0.6 (2) At point B : xtoluene = 0.1
(3) At point A : xtoluene = 0.4 (4) At point B : ybenzene = 0.1

Q.197 At 373 K, the vapour pressure of pure water decreases by 190 torr when a certain amount of a non-
volatile solute is dissolved. The mole fraction of solute in the solution is
(1) 19 (2) 25 (3) 0.75 (4) 0.25

Q.198 Boiling point of water at 750 mm Hg is 99.63ºC. Find the mass of water present in a solution containing

121.67 g sucrose, if this solution boils at 100ºC K b ( H 2O)  0.52 K  Kg / mol 
(1) 50 g (2) 500 g (3) 100 g (4) 1000 g

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Q.1 (D)
Q.2 (D)
Q.3 (D)
Q.4 (B)
Q.5 (D)
Q.6 (C)
Q.7 (C)
Q.8 (B)
Q.9 (2)
Q.10 (A)
Q.11 (A)
Q.12 (A)
Q.13 (D)
Q.14 (A)
Q.15 (C)
Q.16 (B)
Q.17 (D)
Q.18 (D)
Q.19 (A)
Q.20 (B)
Q.21 (B)
Q.22 (C)
Q.23 (C)
Q.24 (D)
Q.25 (C)
Q.26 (C)
Q.27 (B)
Q.28 (B)
Q.29 (D)
Q.30 (B)
Q.31 (A)
Q.32 (D)
Q.33 (A)
Q.34 (C)
Q.35 (C)
Q.36 (B)
Q.37 (A)
Q.38 (B)
Q.39 (D)
Q.39 (D)
Q.40 (C)
Q.41 (A)
Q.42 (B)
Q.43 (B)
Q.44 (3)
Q.45 (C)
Q.46 (A)
Q.47 (2)
Q.48 (2)
Q.49 (1)
Q.50 (3)
Q.51 (C)
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Q.58 (2)
Q.59 (2)
Q.60 (2)
Q.61 (2)
Q.62 (3)
Q.63 (2)
Q.64 (4)
Q.65 (C)
Q.66 (A)
Q.67 (3)
Q.68 (3)
Q.69 (4)
Q.70 (3)
Q.71 (A)
Q.72 (2)
Q.73 (2)
Q.74 (A)
Q.75 (4)
Q.76 (3)
Q.77 (B)
Q.78 (B)
Q.79 (4)
Q.80 (3)
Q.81 (4)
Q.82 (1)
Q.83 (2)
Q.84 (C)
Q.85 (1)
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Q.87 (3)
Q.88 (B)
Q.89 (D)
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Q.92 (B)
Q.93 (C)
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Q.95 (4)
Q.96 (2)
Q.97 (A)
Q.98 (B)
Q.99 (A)
Q.100 (4)
Q.101 (1)
Q.102 (2)
Q.103 (2)
Q.104 (2)
Q.105 (2)
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Q.113 (3)
Q.114 (3)
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Q.116 (4)
Q.117 (3)
Q.118 (3)
Q.119 (3)
Q.120 (2)
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Q.122 (2)
Q.123 (3)
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Q.125 (2)
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Q.127 (B)
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Q.129 (D)
Q.130 (C)
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Q.132 (D)
Q.133 (B)
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Q.135 (B)
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Q.142 (D)
Q.143 (3)
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Q.145 (3)
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Q.148 (2)
Q.149 (2)
Q.150 (4)
Q.151 (3)
Q.152 (1)
Q.153 (4)
Q.154 (4)
Q.155 (4)
Q.156 (3)
Q.157 (1)
Q.158 (2)
Q.159 (A)
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Q.165 (1)
Q.166 (B)
Q.167 (1)
Q.168 (4)
Q.169 (B)
Q.170 (B)
Q.171 (4)
Q.172 (4)
Q.173 (2)
Q.174 (1)
Q.175 (1)
Q.176 (B)
Q.177 (1)
Q.178 (2)
Q.179 (4)
Q.180 (1)
Q.181 (4)
Q.182 (3)
Q.183 (2)
Q.184 (2)
Q.185 (3)
Q.186 (3)
Q.187 (4)
Q.188 (4)
Q.189 (1)
Q.190 (4)
Q.191 (4)
Q.192 (1)
Q.193 (2)
Q.194 (2)
Q.195 (2)
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Q.197 (4)
Q.198 (2)
Q.199 (3)

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