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Mont Rose College

(Unit 17)
Quatity Management in Business

Task 4: RePort

group of hotels'
been appointed as a Quality Manager in the'Hotiday lnn' London
You have iou have been'requested
to the gffi:i;*|omic crisii'
The company is rosino nriiti ou" to grepare a report explaining the concept
by the senior *unun"'#";iE#;iir'r" a" L trrining manual on management
to ne usei
of euality t'trnug"rJni-S,r-t"*r
develoPment courses'
following points'
Your report should include all of the
current 'state of
. order to determine an orqanisation's
The role of self -assessment in you
if you p*.""t communicaie appropriate findings
health, (4.1). From yorri"ruur"h '"0
willachieve M3. (4 2)
of m po rta n ce."l
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'; m s th at co d improve
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quarity managing and organising

li,fi"' paragraph to show how you took responsibirity for
activities in this task to achieve D2'
improve the
be able to apply the principles of quality management to
This task covers Lo4 to
performance of an organisation


Sbpt 2014
s fit for PurPose bY L

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