FT Cycle 4 - LDW3 - 06

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Name: Ropa, John Rhey L.

Date: April, 19, 2022

● Trainees should fill the quadrants by responding to four questions.
● Document file name format should be Last Name_Learning Diary Week __”
Example: Dela Cruz_Learning Diary Week 1
● Submit via email “td.pri@dotr.gov.ph” with the subject email “Learning Diary Week __”
Example: Learning Diary Week 1

Summary of key learning points from the training
What challenged you the most in the 5 days?
(new knowledge and re-learned knowledge)

 I learned the proper I think the most challenging part for me is

communication to interact with the basic life support and how to apply
others so that I can analyze the first aid because if we are aware to do that
situation in crucial conditions and this will be a big help to us and to our
to meet the expectation of the surroundings and to our family. This is a
passengers to us. big help for me because I learned this even
 I learned also the reasons that can this is challenging for me. This is the best
result a communication errors part that I learned so far because as a daily
that I must avoid to interact with motorcycle rider as my transportation
them properly. mode, I can help not only to my loved ones
 Also, I learned the standard first but also to my fellow riders on the road.
aid and basic life support to rescue
the persons in need maybe not just
only in my work surroundings but
also to other people who need
 Proper Investigation and
reporting that will help me to
analyze the root of the problem
and from that I can help the best
result that I can provide.
 PRI Life-Saving Rules that always
reminding us the do’s and don’ts
when we go to work to maintain
safe work surroundings and to
avoid any accidents.
What is your plan based on what you’ve How do you feel about what you learned/re-
learned/re-learned? learned in the training?
My plan is that I will use everything I have I feel blessed because I have learned
learned in my future job, at a railway suitable them from things that I believe will be
company, as a commercial train driver, such as good for my work. The PRI Life Saving
how to communicate with those you work with Rule 1 to 12, is a huge help to me not only
and with passengers and how I can help those to me but also to dear passengers
passengers in need of assistance to those with because of the PRI Life Saving Rule, I
injuries because I somehow learned how to give learned that before you can work on a
first aid and be self-conscious to my actions to
railroad as a maintenance worker, you
avoid any mistakes that can result accident that
must first obtain access or work permits
can hurt our dear passengers and also our co-
and you must also obtain or be
workers and delay our trips and maybe this is
authorized before doing work to prevent
the reason that our passengers get
disappointed to us. any accidents and how to properly wear
personal protective equipment depends
on the type of job. We also need to be
alert to our environment to avoid
accidents, such as moving trains and to
hazards such as slipping in the depot or
breaking while conducting an inspection
on the train. And above all, we should
avoid entering the work of those who
drink alcohol, because it is very
dangerous for us to work, for the safety
of our passengers. So I feel like
everything I learned in the PRI Life
Saving Rule I can apply to my future job.

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