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"During the half millennium of Ottoman rule in their lands, RESULTS
Albanians, in very difficult conditions, were able to preserve their
The impact of ottoman culture in gastronomy
ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity as a people, at a time when
was first shown in the XIX and XX century when
they had not yet been formed as a separate nation.” So, people started to give more importance to
Albanians were able to preserve their identity before 600 years, cooking delicious dishes. This is the main reason
even though "they were not yet formed as a separate nation", why Albania was influences a lot by the Ottoman
while they are so fluid and so changeable when it comes to a empire, because it did not have a variation of
close heritage, stratified for 500 years in turn. Specifically, traditional food of its own since before being
conquered by the ottomans.
Ottoman culture has its traces in Albania and this is necessarily
For five hundred years Albanians got used to
related to our history. Whether we like it or not, Ottoman learning and writing the ottoman language with
influences are already part of our heritage: values, customs, the Arabic alphabet. Despite the effort of
traditions, beliefs, material culture, folklore, art, music, clothing, different Albanian intellectuals such as: Naim
architecture and way of life. The Ottoman influence in Albania is Frasheri, Sami Frasheri, Neum Veqilharxhi etj to
greater than any other kind of influence, due to the fact that make Albanian language “clear” and without
Albania has been part of an Ottoman cultural mosaic for 500 neologisms from other languages by creating
new words, we still use words inherited by the
years. To deny this influence means to deny the Albanian
time Albanian was under the Ottoman conquer.
heritage, means to cultivate an ahistorical ideology, which is The Ottoman Empire has as its official religion
completely wrong. the Islam, which was the base of the empire.
Meanwhile, in Albania the religion was
Christianity. After the Ottoman invasion, most
Albanians converted into Islam so that they
wouldn’t have to pay special taxes for their
religion and most importantly so they could be
part of the intellectuals of the Empire,
Viziers(ministers) etc.

To make our research more accurate, first we decided to study
more about the Ottoman invasion in Albania; how did the
Ottomans accomplish bending the Albanians after all those
years fighting for their country. Then, we analyzed the
characteristics of Albanian culture before the Ottoman Empire
conquered Albania. With characteristics we imply the culture,
traditional dishes, habits, language etc. What we did next, was
analyzing the current culture of Albania, religion, gastronomy
and our language.
The beneficial part of our project was comparing these
characteristics of current Albanian culture and pre-Ottoman
Albanian culture. Our hypothesis was that our country’s culture
has changed a lot in many aspects including:
1. Linguistics
2. Gastronomy
3. Religion
Considering that the Ottoman rule lasted for more than five
hundred years we anticipated that the
results would match with our expectations.


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