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Task 8

To go under a medical surgery has always been a hard decision for anyone, especially if its
going about an experiment based on former animal attempts. It should be obvious that an operation
like this demands lots of research and shouldn’t be done without enough information.

From Charlies perspective was it an opportunity to find a way out of his ignorance and with
his IQ he was not able to think over all the upcoming consequences, so he clearly made the right
decision. Nevertheless, the severe consequences of the operation couldn’t be neglected, but in my
opinion, it should have been the doctor’s an Ms. Kinnian’s moral obligation to put their interests
aside and warn Charlie about the facts that may can hurt him both physically and mentally.

On the other hand at the end of the story (July 28) Charlie claims, that he feels sad and will
go away from New York. Throughout the story he enjoyed the knowledge and being smart, but as
this ability disappeared he was glad and sad at the same time. He was glad because he has got a
second chance to be smart even if it hurts when he is not smart anymore.

My personal opinion is that experiments conducted in this area should be immediately shut
down because of the severe consequences. Operations are for people who really need a treatment
because of an illness.

All in all, Charlie lost literally everything on account of the operation. I think friends and
companion is the most important to every human being. Knowledge is not that enjoyable as a night
out with the boys or a family dinner. Nowadays we’re living in a highly educated society full of
graduated lonely people. Neither an invention nor the money can replace the valuable time with
family and friends. We have one life and at the end we die, but we have got the chance to choose
that we want to pass away with a huge knowledge and 3 PhDs. or with a lot of memories and

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