Makalah Bahasa Inggris (Kelompok 4)

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Group 4

Members :

Amalia Ikhsani P07133119002

Salwa Sausannur P07133119031
Ula Sekha P07133119036
Zahral Hayati P07133119039

Prodi D-III Kesehatan Lingkungan

Poltekkes Kemenkes Aceh


A. Background

Waste is unwanted residual material after the end of a process. For most people, waste is
an item that cannot be used anymore. They think trash is a real thing must be thrown away, so
they often ignore and leave the trash, without knowing the other benefits of waste. But for some
people, waste is goods that can be used and reused according to their needs. They realize that, in
fact, waste has other benefits which are of course very useful. One of the ways to use it is by
recycling the waste back. Recycling is the reprocessing of used goods that have been used are no
longer useful into items that can be reused. On In general, every item produced from the
recycling process has a function different from the original thing, before it became trash, in other
words there is a change in function. The recycling process is carried out, to produce new
(recycled) items, tailored to the needs, processes recycling must also require high creativity, both
in terms of art as well as the benefits.

B. Problem Formulation

1. What is the meaning of waste recycling?

2. What are the benefits of recycling waste?
3. What are the types of waste and how to reduce it?

C. Purpose

1. To know the meaning of waste and waste recycling.

2. To find out the benefits of recycling waste.
3. To find out the types of waste and how to reduce it.


A. Definition of Recycled Waste

Garbage is a small thing that is often forgotten, but it can become a huge problem if not
taken seriously. Thus, we can tackle the waste problem that is around us, and can benefit from
the utilization of waste. Recycling is the process of turning used materials into new materials
with the aim of preventing waste that can actually be useful, reducing the use of new raw
materials, reducing energy use, reducing pollution, land degradation and greenhouse gas
emissions when compared to the process of making new items. Recycling is one of the solid
waste management strategies which consists of sorting, collecting, processing, distributing and
manufacturing used products / materials, and the main components in modern waste
management and the third part is the 3R waste hierarchy process (Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle).

B. Benefits of Recycling Waste

There are many benefits that can be obtained from recycling used materials that are around
us, such as used plastic, used paper, used wood, and others. Recycling can increase creativity,
reduce pollution and so on. In the following, we will explain some of the benefits that exist in the
business of recycling waste management. The benefits include:

1. Opening employment. The most prominent benefit is that the community can create jobs.
Currently working in the formal sector is limited. Applying for a job requires certain
conditions. Job vacancies are few, making it difficult to find work. This recycling business
can create jobs for people in the informal sector. By increasing employment opportunities
for the community, the unemployment rate can be reduced.

2. Increase community income. Creating from used materials into handicrafts and then
distributing them to the community can increase income. Moreover, recycled raw materials
do not require large capital. In the economy, this kind of business can reduce operational

costs and user fees. So that local governments are lighter in spending on waste management.
Recycled goods have an economic value that generates income. So that people can be
economically empowered. People's economic empowerment is meant here is the existence of
income or income that can be obtained from the sale of processed goods from used materials
to goods that have economic value. By obtaining this income, the community can improve
welfare and can fulfill their daily needs.

3. Reducing environmental pollution. Burnt garbage and factory waste can cause
environmental pollution. Recycling rubbish and make use of waste, by making handicrafts
and other creative items, environmental pollution can be reduced.

4. Save natural resources. Creating from used materials can save natural resources as raw
material for human life needs. For example, by recycling paper we can reduce the rate of
reducing the number of trees.

5. Prevent disease. Garbage that accumulates can cause disease. By recycling waste, waste
piles will be reduced. The level of cleanliness will also increase if waste management goes

6. Increase creativity and skills. By creating from used materials, we will be more creative and
skilled. We can find new creative and innovative ideas in creation

C. Types of waste and how to reduce it

As humans, we have been taught from an early age about the importance of disposing of
garbage properly. This awareness must be nurtured since childhood because the impact of waste
on daily life can affect health and the environment if it is not managed properly. The following
are the types of waste and how to recycle them:

1. Types of waste based on nature

a. Organic trash

Organic waste is waste that can be broken down or processed into compost. Types of
waste that are considered organic include food scraps, dry leaves, vegetables, and so on.

b. Inorganic Waste
Inorganic waste is waste that is difficult to decompose and cannot be decomposed. If not
managed properly, this waste can damage animal and human ecosystems. However, the
existence of this waste can be tricked by looking for recycling. Examples of inorganic waste
include plastics, cardboard, metal, and so on.

c. B3 Trash
This type of waste is usually the residue from processing hazardous chemicals.

2. Types of waste based on shape.

a. Solid Garbage
Solid waste is waste other than human feces, urine, and liquid waste. Organic and
inorganic waste can be grouped into this type of waste.

b. Liquid Waste
Liquid waste is divided into 2 categories, namely black waste and household waste.
Black waste is rubbish that is generated from the toilet. This garbage contains pathogens that
are very dangerous to humans. Meanwhile, household waste is waste generated from
kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry. Unlike black waste, the presence of pathogens in this
waste is still a possibility.

Ways that can be done to reduce waste:

1. Sorting waste by type

Garbage can be divided into 3 categories, namely organic waste (such as food scraps,
vegetables and fruit), inorganic waste (such as paper, used bottles, cardboard), and B3 waste
or toxic hazardous materials (such as used lamps, batteries, medicines. former). If the waste
is properly sorted, organic waste can be composted, inorganic waste can be recycled into
economic value goods, and B3 waste is managed according to procedures so that it does not
have a bad impact on the community.

2. Buy goods as needed
Remember, buy things according to your needs, not what you want. This is not only to
save money but also to reduce waste. Imagine if 1 house only needs ½ kg of vegetables, but
buys 1 kg of vegetables, how many kg is the possibility of vegetables being wasted? What if
this was done by almost all the houses? Of course this will increase the volume of waste.

3. Plan your meal menu

More than 50% of today's waste is organic waste, which is waste that easily decomposes
and decomposes, such as food scraps. To reduce food waste, try to adjust your diet, so as not
to be wasted. Take food that you only want to eat. That way, you help reduce waste.

4. Always carry a shopping bag when shopping

The call to reduce plastic bags is not something new to hear, right? Did you know that
plastic bags take 10-12 years to decompose. When these plastic bags are carried into the sea,
marine ecosystems are threatened because marine animals eat plastic or coral reefs are
damaged due to plastic waste.

5. Bring your own drinking bottle and place to eat

Plastic waste is in the second rank of waste after organic waste. Plastic bottles and
sterofoam take a long time to break down. Plastic bottles take 20 years to disintegrate and
sterofoam takes 25 times that is 500 years to be destroyed. Therefore, one way to reduce
plastic bottle and sterofoam waste is to bring your own drinking bottle and place to eat.


A. Conclusion

Recycling is a tool to protect the environment from waste, with recycling that is beneficial to
the surrounding environment, for example, such as unused waste which becomes goods of high
economic value. Recycling is the reprocessing of used goods that have been used are no longer
useful into items that can be reused. There are many benefits that can be obtained from recycling
used materials that are around us, such as used plastic, used paper, used wood, and others.
Recycling can increase creativity, reduce pollution and so on. In the following, we will explain
some of the benefits that exist in the business of recycling waste management.

B. Suggestions

1. As the nation's successor, students should be able to use waste to produce economical
2. With this paper, it is hoped that we can know more about how to recycle waste.
3. Waste recycling activities are held in the community.
4. It is expected to always keep the environment clean.
5. We recommend using materials / goods that are environmentally friendly.


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