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Teacher: Gretchen P.


Grade: 12 Date: June 25-29, 2018/ 2ND & 3rd hrs.

Learning Area: Practical Research 1 Semester: FIRST


A. Content Standard
Understand the range of research topics in the area of inquiry, the value of research in the area of interest
and the specificity and feasibility of the problem posed.
B. Performance Standard

Formulate clearly the statement of research problem.

C. Learning Competency

Design a research useful in daily life.

D. Learning Competency Code


II. CONTENT: Research Design

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Practical Research 2 by Chin Uy
2. Learner’s Material
3. Additional Materials

B. Other Learning Resources

A. Review
What is the importance of qualitative research in your life as a student?

B. Motivation
Research begins with an inquiry which leads to discovery guided by principles/models to make results
credible, accurate and acceptable in the specific field of discipline.

C. Presentation
At this hour, we will spend time together designing your research project related to daily life.

D. Exemplification
 To identify topic area for research, one may use:
1. their observations, interests and experiences
2. theories and principles
3. related literature
4. clarification of contradictory findings

E. Lesson Proper/Discussion

 Given the news item on Teaching mathematics the Singaporean way (attached) identify the
problem focus that are affected by the trend and the issues that need to be resolved.
 Students will be guided in extracting items from the news item with the following table


(affected areas by the trend)
Singaporean way of teaching mathematics Teaching strategies
Mathematics achievement level
Math anxiety
Study habits

 In your locality, how will you create

Note: All situations are contextualized and are familiar experiences. The teacher will use the vernacular
language to explain well the situations above. This way, students may better understand the concept of
inquiry and how it affects information gathering. Samples of explanation are cited above.

F. Drill/Exercise
Write at least 3 topics that you are most interested in to be your research project. Get ready to defend your
reasons for choosing such topics.

G. Practical Application
What basic problem do you have at home, in school which may be used for research?

H. Generalization & Abstraction

 Topics for research may be sourced through personal experiences, observations or interest. They
may also be deductions from theory or related literature.
 In selecting a topic, acceptability and applicability of the chosen topic should be considered.

I. Evaluation
Identify the topic and focus from a news item on trend collection (attached). Fill out the table below.


(affected areas by the trend)

J. Agreement/Assignment

 No. of Learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment _______________
 No. of Learners who require additional activities for remediation _______________
 Did the remedial lessons work? _______________
 No. of Learners who have caught up with the lesson _______________
 No. of Learners who continue to require remediation _______________

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