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Information and knowledge about The Impact of Social Media on The Strand Selection of

Grade 11 Students in Unida Christian Colleges.


Good day panelist, we are the group 3 will be discussing our research topics, the research is
all about the Impact of Social Media on The Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students.

Full title: The Impact of Social Media on The Strand Selection of Grade 11 Students in Unida
Christian Colleges.

More evidence:

Social media - means the way that people can communicate with one another through the
creation, sharing, and/or exchange of information and ideas through online sharing and

Social media has an impact on society, by the evidence in this statement. According to
Axel Schultze, "Social Media" refers to a group of online resources and tools that people
and organizations can use to meet their information and communication objectives more

Evidence of the influence of social media on society and way of life. - According to claims
made by the media research company BIA/Kelsey, US social media ad earnings will reach
USD 24.2 billion in 2021.

Impact of Social Media on students - The world may have changed for the better, but it
also has the opportunities to distract students, change how they connect with one another,
and result in mental problems or other health issues. It is clear that using social media has

The role of social media in decision-making, according to the Nigerian digital marketing
agency (Mauco Enterprises) has years of knowledge offering they clients high-quality digital
marketing services. They provide budget-friendly options that match your needs.

These days, a lot of businesses have realized that, when used effectively, social media can
raise brand awareness and affect how their online community makes decisions.

The use of social media has changed recently. Since its beginnings, some have used
Facebook as a means of keeping in touch with friends and loved ones.

All media efforts to deal with change are based on decision-making. current progress. in
new media and technology, as well as adjustments in preferences. media managers will
need to rethink their assumptions and tools in light of changing trends and tastes. rely on
while making decisions.
The person behind of decisions making named Herbert A. Simon's the theory of decision-
making held that timely decisions were essential since that can be affect a goal.

Intelligence, idea, choice, and realization are the four stages of decision-making according
to Simon. a choice made by one individual,

Positive effects of social media on students - include improved communication, timely

information, online socializing, and many other positive effects on education.

Negative effects of social media on students - Social media has a harmful impact on kids
because it uses them from their studies, disturbs their sleep, and exposes them to bullying,
rumors, unrealistic expectations of others' lives, and peer pressure.

Determining a decision, acquiring information, and analyzing possible solutions are all steps
in the decision-making process. You can make more careful, intelligent decisions by
organizing relevant data and outlining alternatives by following a step-by-step decision-
making process.

In social contexts, decision-making is based on the evaluation of good choices using

evaluative standards.As a result, this process is one that can be informed by knowledge
and/or beliefs and might be reasonable or irrational.

Students are responsible for making their own decisions making. However, when given the
freedom to choose for themselves, students' brains develop the ability to make difficult
decisions. More importantly, it lessens the tension they experience as a result of feeling
powerless or under someone else's control. Students who learn how to make their own
decisions are more independent, responsible, and personality. It promotes reliability and
offers people a sense of control over their lives, which lowers their anxiety. Additionally, it
promotes self-discovery and supports the growth of their ideals.

The ending of our discussion: We would like to thank you for taking the time to listen to
our presentation. In order to improve our study paper, we will take note of all of your
suggestions. Once more, many thanks.
Hello and a pleasant afternoon to each one of you. We are the group 2 will be discussing
our presentation about Genetic engineering and the process of GMO (Genetically modified
organisms) and I hope you understand. Thank you.

What is genetic engineering?

Genetic engineering, also known as genetic modification and/or genetic manipulation, is a

technique that modifies an organism's DNA using technique developed in laboratories. It is
a set of technologies used to change the genetic makeup of cells.

In other word the process of slicing living things in two and reconnecting their genetic
molecules or genes, and cell together is known as genetic engineering.


GMOs (genetically modified organisms): what are they?

It is an organism whose DNA has been modified by the use of genetic engineering methods,
whether it be an animal, plant, or bacteria (Bacteria are tiny living creatures that are found
all around us and are too small to be seen with the human eye.) Humans have been
modifying creatures through reproduction for thousands of years. Over years, natural
selection has been used to improve corn, livestock (farm animals), and even animals offer
many useful properties.

The primary goal of genetic engineering is seeks to change the organism's genes in order to
improve its capabilities beyond what is common.

And Additionally, this method will help us to improve our lives.

Will be talking about the fundamentals of genetic engineering.

<<Ending discussion>>

We appreciate you guys taking the time to listen to our presentation this afternoon. Enjoy
your day. And many thanks.

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