Texte Presentation

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Paragraphs examples 

1 ) Descriptive paragraph

Topic sentence: Introduce the item to be described

Supporting sentences: Provide specific and detailed about the item’s characteristic
and functions
Conclusion: It is not necessary; you can add a transition to the next paragraph if it is
related to the item described
Useful words and phrases: In the background, next , up, down => words to situate the
items in the space

2) Narrative paragraphs

The topic sentence: It gives background information about the story. The writer
introduces the characters and prepares readers for the action that will come.
Supporting sentences: It’s explain the mains actions or when a problem occurs.
Conclusion: It gives the final action or result. If there is a problem or conflict in the
story, the solution is presented here
Useful words and phrases : The time-order signals suchs as First, Second, Later,
Meanwhile, The next day, In the morning.

3) Persuasive

Topic sentence: Introduce the argument and position for or against

Supporting sentences: Develop the reasons for the author position and presents facts
and examples to support this
Conclusion: You can
- Restate your position
- Do a transitional sentence to shows how the main idea in this paragraph is
logically related to the main idea in the next body paragraph
- Refute the counterarguments

Useful transitional words and phrases:

Use the time-orders signals: First, second, finally to organize your paragraph
For the counterargument: But, however, of course
For concluding: Therefore, As a result, Thus

4) Explanatory paragraph

Topic sentence: Introduce what will be explained

Supporting sentences: Explain each of the steps involved in the process, in the order
that the steps are to be performed. Includes information about how something happens
and why
Conclusion: Gives a summary of the process or add final information about the current
Useful transitional words and phrases: Initially, The first step, At the same time, while

5) Compare / Contrast

Topic sentence: States both topics to be compare or contrasted

Supporting sentences: Start with topic A + add transitional words or phrases + Topic
Conclusion: Explains the relevance of the comparison and contrast
Useful transitional words:
For comparison: similar to, similarly, in the same way, like, equally, again, also, too
For contrast: in contrast, on the other hand, different from, whereas, while, unlike, but,
although, however, conversely, yet, unlike

6) Illustration paragraph

Topic sentence: State a general idea

Supporting sentences: Introduce examples to support the idea, put the in order of
importance and separated by a transitional expression.
Conclusion: make a link between the examples and the general idea

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