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BBLX19CO_CO4: The Fundamental Rights of the Indian citizens have been enumerated from

A. Article 12 to 35 of the Constitution.

B. Article 13 to 36 of the Constitution.

C. Article 15 to 39 of the Constitution.

D. Article 16 to 40 of the Constitution.


BBLX19CO_CO4: In an emergency the fundamental rights of citizens

A. May be suspended.

B. Stand automatically suspended.

C. Can be enjoyed only with the approval of the Supreme Court.

D. Have no meaning.


BBLX19CO_CO4: The Directive Principle of State Policy

A. Were added by the Forty-Second Amendment.

B. Formed a part of the original Constitution.

C. Do not from a part of the Constitution.

D. Were added by the first three amendments to the Constitution.


BBLX19CO_CO4: The framers of the Indian Constitution borrowed the idea of Directive
Principles of State Policy from

A. The Government of India Act, 1935.

B. The Government of U.S.S. R.

C. The Constitution of U.S.A.

D. The Constitution of Irish Republic


The Directive Principles are in the nature of

A. Injunction to the government to refrain from doing certain things

B. Instructions to the government to do certain things.

C. Request to the government to pay attention to certain subjects.

D. Judicial injunction to the government to enact certain laws.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The president can vacate his office by addressing his resignation to

A. The Vice-President.

B. The speaker of Lok-Sabha.

C. The Prime minister.

D. The Chief Justice of India.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The disputes regarding the election of the President are decided by

A. The Supreme Court of India.

B. The Parliament.

C. The Lok-Sabha.

D. The election Commissioner.

BBLX19CO_CO4:The President of India can be removed from his office before the expiry
office team by

A. The Chief Justice of India.

B. The Parliament and State Legislatures jointly.

C. The two houses of Parliament.

D. The Supreme Court of India.


BBLX19CO_CO4:Under the Constitution it is

A. Obligatory for the President to seek the advice of the Council of Ministers but is not
obligated to follow it.

B. It is obligatory for the President to accept the advice of the Council of Ministers.

C. It is not obligatory for the President to seek or accept the advice of the Council of Ministers.

D. It is obligatory for the President to seek the advice of the Council of Ministers if his own party
is in power.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The President of India

A. Has no right to address either House of Parliament.

B. Has the right to address only the Lok-Sabha.

C. Has the right to address only the Rajya-Sabha.

D. Has the right to address both the House of Parliament either separately or jointly.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The Anti- Defection Law was enacted as early as 1979 in

A. Kerala .
B. Jammu &Kashmir.

C. West Bengal.

D. Tamil Nadu.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The Legislative Function of the Council of Ministers include

A. The right to summon and prorogue the two houses of parliament.

B. Right of nominate two Anglo-Indian members of LokSabha.

C. Right to nominate some members of RajyaSabha.

D. Right to introduce important bills and resolutions in the Parliament.


BBLX19CO_CO4:As regards the powers of the Council of Ministers with regard to the foreign


A. It receives the ambassadors and diplomats from foreign countries.

B. It determines the foreign policy of the country.

C. It helps in the recruitment of members of Indian Foreign Service.

D. It concludes treaties and agreements with foreign countries.


BBLX19CO_CO4:In reality the council of ministers stay in office as long as it enjoys

A. The confidents of LokSabha.

B. The confidents of the Prime Minister.

C. The confidents of the President.

D. The confidents of the RajyaSabha.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The council of ministers is

A. Identical with the Cabinet.

B. A smaller body than the Cabinet.

C. A larger body than the Cabinet.

D. In no way related to the Cabinet.


BBLX19CO_CO4:Which one of the following qualifications for the office of the Vice –

of India has been wrongly listed?

A. He must be citizen of India.

B. He must have completed the age of thirty five years.

C. He must be a member of RajyaSabha.

D. He must not hold any office of profit under the Government of India or the

Government of any State or under any local or other authority, subject to the

control of said governments.


BBLX19CO_CO4:Which one of the following steps cannot be taken by the president during the

Financial Emergency?

A. He can direct the Union and State Governments to observe such canons of

Financial property as he deems desirable.

B. He can suspend the fundamental Rights of the Indian citizens.

C. He can order the reduction of the salaries and allowances of all civil servants.

D. He can order the reduction of the salaries of the Supreme Court and High Court



BBLX19CO_CO4:Which one of the following category of emergency has been declared

maximum number of times?

A. National Emergency.

B. Emergency due to breakdown of constitutional machinery of states.

C. Financial emergency.

D. All the three equal number of times.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The Vice-President of India holds office:

A. During the Pleasure of the President.

B. For a term of four years.

C. For a term of five years.

D. For a term which is decided at the time of his appointment by the Parliament.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The financial functions of the Council of ministers include the right:

A. To clarify whether a bill is a money bill or not.

B. To prepare and introduce the budget in the Parliament.

C. To control expenditure out of the Contingency Fund of India.

D. To appoint Finance Commission from time to time.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The formation of the council of ministers starts with

A. The ordering of the General election of Parliament.

B. The appointment of the Prime Minister.

C. The appointment of the President.

D. The formal notification of the President.


BBLX19CO_CO4:With the approval of Parliament the National Emergency can continue for:

A. A maximum period of three years

B. A maximum period of one year

C. An indefinite period.

D. A maximum period of one year.


BBLX19CO_CO4:Who said that the emergency powers of the President is a fraud on the


A. K.M Nambiar.

B. K.M Munshi.

C. B.N Rau.

D. B.R Ambedker.


BBLX19CO_CO4:Which one of the following judicial powers of the President of India has been
wrongly listed?

A. He appoints the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court.

B. He can remove the judges of the Supreme Court on grounds of misconduct.

C. He can consult the Supreme Court on any questions of law of fact which is of

public importance.

D. He can grant pardon, reprieves and respites to persons punished under union Law.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The President nominates the member of the Rajya-Sabha from amongst

persons who

A. Have taken part in India’s freedom struggle.

B. Have retired from active politics.

C. Have rendered meritorious services to the country either in politics or military


D. Have distinguished themselves in fine arts, literature, social service, etc.


BBLX19CO_CO4:Under the Constitution it is

A. Obligatory for the President to seek the advice of the Council of Ministers but is

not obligated to follow it.

B. It is obligatory for the President to accept the advice of the Council of Ministers.

C. It is not obligatory for the President to seek or accept the advice of the Council of


D. It is obligatory for the President to seek the advice of the Council of Ministers if

his own party is in power.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The President of India can be removed from his office before the expiry

team by

A. The Chief Justice of India.

B. The Parliament and State Legislatures jointly.

C. The two houses of Parliament.

D. The Supreme Court of India.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The president can vacate his office by addressing his resignation to

A. The Vice-President.

B. The speaker of Lok-Sabha.

C. The Prime minister.

D. The Chief Justice of India.


BBLX19CO_CO4:The election of the office of the president is conducted by

A. Speaker of Lok-Sabha.

B. Secretary- General of the Parliament.

C. Chief Justice of India.

D. The Election Commission of India.

BBLX19CO_CO4:Which one of the following recommendation was not made by the Swaran

Singh was Committee.

A. Amendment of the Preamble.

B. Supremacy of Parliament with regard to amendment of the Constitution.

C. More power should be granted to the Centre.

D. In matters of land reforms the jurisdiction of the High Court should be ended.


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