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Congruence of rituals and theatre. The use of drama for religious ceremony

Conference Paper · November 2015

DOI: 10.18638/dialogo.2015.2.1.4


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1 author:

Cosmin Tudor Ciocan

Universitatea Ovidius Constanţa


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DIALOGO 2.1: 42 - 53 (2015) doi: 10.18638/dialogo.2015.2.1.4
t h e Di a l ogue b et ween   Sci en c e a n d  Th eol ogy

Congruence of rituals and theatre.

The use of drama for religious ceremony

Cosmin Tudor CIOCAN, PhD

Department of Theology
Ovidius University of Constanta
Constanța, Romania

Abstract: I have started this research as a response to first place. By performing meaningful, repetitive
a pejorative question that religious rituals are merely acts man ensures himself psychological comfort.
theatrical, and the personnel involved nothing else
A particular kind of play is drama, maybe
but actors; beyond this there is nothing any religion the most elaborate, systemic and adequate
suggests, e.g. healing, divine touch, blessings means that religious rituals can use in their
This paper is about rituals and their meanings and manifestation. Drama is for everyone. It relies
roles played as in social drama and theatre play. on universal human skills that we use every day,
Considering the relationship between ritual and such as communication, empathy, observation,
theatre to be reciprocal I will use their functions and improvisation. It is not concerned with
to evaluate the process of religious ceremonies and creating a polished performance, but with
the role they play for adherents/participants, as if the development of emotional, embodied
they would be attending a play. Religious Studies and cognitive knowledge built on experience.
and Drama joint study offers the opportunity to
[1] While creating an entertainment/relaxing
atmosphere, theatre and rituals also transmit
combine two complementary humanities subjects, values, ideas, and profound beliefs without
as both drama and religion are mainstays of cultural enforcing anyone to believe so; everything
practice. comings naturally, feelings induced through
the play and active participation. It is easier to
Keywords: scenery, choreography, badge, healing, induce a behaviour and a thought through play/
garments, social cohesion, settings, piety theatre/ritual than to request those directly. Any
direct approach will have to face a contradictory
attitude, a wall made of preconceptions that are
I. INTRODUCTION usually hidden, unknown or subconscious. But
Why do people have rituals of any kind? spoken as a direct confrontation, these attitudes
Repetitive acts are finger-printed habits, are always well formed and become stronger
patterns that eliminate the element of surprise, through arguments, and the person who
the unknown, for those who know the content of verbalizes them becomes convinced of the truth
the ritual, because discovering the unknown was of his feelings, now grown into strong beliefs. In
what determined man to become religious in the order to make people believe what you want,

1. Art and Literature & Religion eISSN: 2393-1744, cdISSN: 2392-9928

printISSN: 2457-9297
- 42 - ISBN: 978-80-554-1131-6
November, 5 - 11 DIALOGO 2.1 (2015)
The 2nd Virtual International Conference on CONFERENCES & JOURNAL
th e Dia l o gue be t we e n Sc i enc e and T heology

it is more productive to make them believe the strengths and to populations with whom you
ideas you portray are actually theirs, that they work. We learn through doing, exploring, and
always thought this, even if they weren’t saying trying out, and by interacting with our peers
it out loud. and our environment. The act of doing is what
makes us lifelong learners.[5]
The relationship between theatre and ritual
is complex; it differs according to cultural norms Vice versa, theatre and all its elements
and periods. When you attend a performance of became an integral part of religious life to
a play in connection with any social traditions, provide the desired effects for its adherents.
religion or just cultural behaviour, you would Besides divine encounters and healing/helping
probably have a strong sense that what you aids of religious rituals, they have always played
were experiencing was not just a play but a the role of the display of their beliefs. For
ritual. Also, attending religious ceremonies will adherents to experience the reality of divinity
make you feel like being in a play, as if you are implication in this world and in their lives, they
an outsider of the belief shared by and through have to become witnesses of what I like to
that ritual. “The presence of singing and call, ‘religiogenesis event’ (RgE)[6]. People
dancing, elevated beyond the conversational have always been changed by a divine/spiritual
use of the voice and the body, together with apparitions, but it never lasted and they cannot
the environment and the story, would mark the begin anew every time someone wanted them
experience as something other than theatre, to. This is just not possible at all times, to compel
even though it would be using the resources of divinity to make its appearance and use its power
theatre”[2]. – it is just not a God-like-way of acting, (“The
wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its
Dedicated to the gods in the beginning, sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from
but not too distant from educating people to or where it is going. So it is with everyone born
behave in a certain way to those gods, religious of the Spirit.” John 3.8). Therefore, religion’s
ceremonies had to grasp all the possible representatives came up with this compromise
functions and roles in order to attain these solution, a ceremony.
two aims. Most religious plays are centred on
the birth-death-rebirth of a god and mankind is Although ritual is the symbolic anamnesis
invited to rejoice with Him through that ritual. of a RgE, the undergoing transformations
”This basic alternation of death and life is found can be very real, depending on a multitude of
in myths across cultures and centuries: death as elements – which will be discussed partially
a necessary prelude to life. This pattern is clearly here. Christopher Junes describes the ritual as
an archetype for many religious ceremonies”[3]. “apparently inducing a change in the participants
that is not merely symbolical but actual.”[7]
II. THE ESSENCE OF THEATRE, A RITUAL OF Everything that has been said or done has
LIFE the purpose of bringing participants to the same
position of witnesses of a real, unique historical
The “essence” of theatre is thus needs event. For that reason everything related to
a player and someone to experience the cult is perceived as belonging to another time,
performance; a story for the player to tell is the oldest and most distant era. For many social
also assumed. Everything else (a formal script, events that have produced profound changes
scenery, costume, etc.) is a welcome but not in social consciousness were accompanied with
essential accoutrement of the interaction of myths and legends, with the role of underlining
actor and audience[4]. the importance of these events, but especially
Drama is active learning, but its lessons are the amplitude that have been further developed.
not easy to learn, even if it includes historical I have heard quite often direct and vehement
and theoretical information. These lessons and complaints against those trying to modernize
activities can be taken as inspiration, just as we places of worship or the cult itself. The use of a
discovered ourselves after being inspired by modern idea is always regarded with scepticism,
our teachers and mentors; but we encourage because they diminish the archaic atmosphere
readers to adapt them both to personal created by all the elements of the cult, around

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t h e D i al o gue be t we e n Sc i enc e and Theology

the remaking of the RgE. (Muslims). The ritual made by the Babylonians
in the first seven days of the year (on the first
Everything, from architecture, position and day of the seventh month, called Tashritu) was
placement, to unimaginable details, as singing, a remembrance of the steps of Creation (Rosh
dancing, and mime, which all suggest a well- Hashanah)[8]; a ritual that celebrates birth and
planned choreography with a single purpose: death, etc.
the (re)significance of everything and every
element that implies a meeting divine figures. Other scholars view theatre and ritual as
Since the aim is always the same, the differences, two manifestations of performance. “Some
sometimes huge, between types of temples, performance tended toward “entertainment”
ceremony or stage settings have not aided the (theatrical performance), and some tended
cause of God’s will, but in the different vision toward “efficacy” (ritual with an intended
each leader has about the ‘scene’ of the RgE. The outcome), but both ritual and theatre were
elements found on the ‘scene’ of the RgE will be performative activities”[9]. To sustain this
refigurated on the ‘stage’ of religious rituals, so suggestion anthropologists from The Cambridge
that participants of the ritual will feel the same School of Anthropology (CSA) imply that “ritual
as the actual witnesses of the event. developed into drama as the magical element
of the ritual weakened in the face of declining
Other elements in the ceremony may not be belief, as the mimetic element grew and the
directly related to the event’s scene itself, but participants were divided between performers
they are re-symbolized, and, by the function of and spectators, and as myths were replaced by
symbolic attribution, they ‘become’ as being heroic sagas”[10]. Yet this can also be seen as
there. Here we require the help of myth and just the symptoms, the external appearance that
legend, for we need to fabric the unreal, still public can see without any doubt, but the need
helpful, meaning for something that will be used of re-significance over objects that take control
in ritual drama . For example, the use of water in over pain – either physical or psychological – is
religious ceremonies is well-known; some use it known and used in other domains as well, at
per se, others after a blessing upon this element. least for the placebo effect[11].
In any case the first ritual - writers made a link
between water and religious events, (e.g. the Another role of the use of staging religious
crossing of the Red Sea and Jewish deliverance motifs within ceremonies is imitation, as
from the slavery of Egypt; baptism of Christ, an intuitive activity of humans (Aristotle).
Vitezda well, the bath of Ganesh Chaturthi, the “People, even and especially as children, tend
elephant-headed god, into Ganges, etc.). There to imitate and role-play in life. This inherent
many Faiths that incorporate ritual washing, tendency supposedly led to the use of the
(ablution), including Christianity, Hinduism, mimetic (i.e., theatrical) in religion and later in
Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, the art”[12]. Therefore, instead of wasting time with
Bahá’í Faith, Shinto, Taoism, and the Rastafari acts of teaching behaviours that you expect
movement, encouraging us to consider the from others, you can streamline this period
importance of this element in religious practices. by creating pathways of behaviour, easy to
But the ‘real’ benefit of using holy/blessed water follow and capable of developing attitudes and
is that, through divine touch it takes away pain, mimetic conducts. This function underlines the
sins, in a word it lifts the spiritual burden from role of education or formative role of religious
the participants at ceremony. The particular dramatics. Known in Hebrew culture as an
selection of the moment of religious ceremony, ot, the use of the whole body in delivering a
(day of the week, hour of the day, period of the message (such as in 2 Kings 9.13) is an important
year, etc.), is also symbolized through myths of manner in which Hebrews communicate. This
transformation (Derrida): for some Saturday emphasises the power of concepts used by the
is important as the day of deliverance from suggestion of example. Acknowledging this
the slavery of Egypt (Jews), others celebrate transformative potential inherent in role-playing,
Sunday as the day of resurrection (Christians), drama becomes a means of therapy for several
while for others Friday is important for it is the educational domains, drama therapy, counselling
day of Adam’s creation, and his salvation too sessions, known as psychodrama for people with

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DIALOGO 2.1: 42 - 53 (2015) doi: 10.18638/dialogo.2015.2.1.4
t h e Di a l ogue b et ween   Sci en c e a n d  Th eol ogy

psychological disorders or alower capability to of religion, as having the role of organizing

accommodate new, tough situations. human experience and, especially, in providing
responses to those experiences that lack
A. Ritual function of catharsis interpretability, religious ceremony links
the religious promoter and his vision on the
Victor Turner considers that rituals are one hand, with his (future) followers on the
„means of doing the same, but by allowing other. By far the Saviour Christ used the role
the normal social structure to be inverted and of “staging” His didactic and theological
broken out of temporarily, so that the return to concepts the best. Without redefinition of His
everyday structure is enhance in value”[13]. The teachings in dramaturgical representation of
main reason, if not the only one that matters, parables, Christological theology would seem
the space of worship,(public or private), tries very complex and also very barren, non-stick.
to recreate the theatrical atmosphere of the Thus we see how religious ceremony takes
spiritual world, transforming a portion of this another function of the theatre, that of dis-
world in a celestial space, full of positive spirits inhibition, breaking the barriers of audience’s
and benefits for those entering it, is to “remove preconceptions. Surely we all have had the
anxiety and resentment through catharsis”. experience of been directly approached on
Removing anxiety is especially fully done the street, in shops or at the front door by a
through the decoration and the choreography of representative of a religious denomination
religious ceremonies, fully valuing the symbolic different from ours, to promote his confession /
forms, so that, although part of this world, the religious faith, (or a company wishing to present
religious temple no longer belongs to this world. a new product on the market). And whenever
“The temple I am going to build will be great, this promotion began abruptly, with abstract
because our God is greater than all other gods” theories and doctrines that are contradictory
(2 Chronicles 2.5); „I have built a magnificent to what the audience believes, the latter always
temple for you, a place for you to dwell forever” leaves the scene,, leaving the merchandiser
(2 Chronicles 6.2) „ When Solomon had finished without success. I have even witnessed a street
the temple of the LORD…the LORD appeared play presentation, where someone stages, using
to him at night and said: I have heard your puppets, a very abstract and stodgy philosophy,
prayer and have chosen this place for myself like the Apocalypse. Well, his success, which
as a temple for sacrifices…I have chosen and attracted not only children who saw the beauty
consecrated this temple so that my Name may and decoration of the play, but also adults who
be there forever” (2 Chronicles 17.11,12,16). „We managed to glimpse the true content, beyond
made the House (at Makka) a resort for mankind the act of drama.
and sanctuary, (saying): Take as your place of Religious ritual succeeds in emphasizing
worship the place where Abraham stood (to meanings and experiences that otherwise
pray). And We imposed a duty upon Abraham would be hard to express, to deposit in man’s
and Ishmael, (saying): Purify My house for consciousness, or even to be digested by them.
those who go around and those who meditate The preference that people have towards the
therein and those who bow down and prostrate play form of any educational process has been
themselves (in worship)” (Quran 2:125). successfully employed and used in the design of
C. Geertz treats culture in general, „as the religious ceremonies. Quite often religious rituals
vehicle which enables participants to give were treated as theatre and the performances
form and meaning to their experiences”[14]. of some local religious leaders as “theatrical”. By
This way of picturing religion as, „the most use of these derogatory systems, the appellative
elaborately system of symbols”, helped Geertz actually wanted to highlight the excessive
understand that religion, “acts to establish use of ceremonial forms, and less the spiritual
powerful, pervasive and long-lasting moods and significance of the background of gestures. Of
motivations in men by formulation conceptions course these accusations, often very subjective,
of a general order of existence and clothing”[15]. cannot be really proven, nor differentiated from
the usual religious ceremony.
In the context of this conceptualizing 1. Art and Literature & Religion

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t h e D i al o gue be t we e n Sc i enc e and Theology

B. The different, higher use of religious rituals little, insignificant short-in-time creatures as we
over theatre are, we pay ‘time’ back,, by meeting it with the
right behaviour, emphasizing that we are still
When made the subject of systematic in charge of our time, still masters of our lives.
historical and comparative cultural analysis, Being efficacious is the only tool we have to have
ritual has offered new insights into the dynamics some control over our lives, and if the meaning of
of religion, culture, and personhood [16]. But our acts, (like religious rituals), we can overcome
why do we use rituals? Admitting that ritual is time, extending its influence beyond time, then
any activity that we perform at least as much our aim is accomplished and we ‘make’ time
for its symbolic and emotional value as for its obey us and not the other way around. By doing
practical value, do we use rituals because the expected things at appointed intervals and not
act in itself has meaning, or because doing it letting things happen at their will, this empowers
makes us feel better about ourselves, or both? us over time, keeping everything under control
From the simple acts of serving meals with by ‘knowing’ what is going to happen and
family on Easter, sharing gifts at Christmas, to overcoming everything that might occur.
complex ceremonies of wedding and funeral, all
our ritually activities have the role of creating a By putting together people with same
psychological comfort given by the stability of the purpose in a controlled environment, this helps
acts as landmarks in our lives, points that help us people bond. In fact, it starts long before they
organize our thoughts, feelings and stability for actually meet, that a positive energy, a kind of
we think in patterns, apart from the unknown. emotional neutral ground is attracting people
As David Cortesi, (an IBM programmer), says with common needs to express them and/
[17] “we are culturally (perhaps, biologically) or interact. Similarly to people who gather in
programmed to enjoy doing things that have restaurants, cinemas, and theatre (A), in schools,
symbolic and emotional value, and to not count nightclubs, casinos, outdoor shows (B); they also
their cost too carefully”. According to him the use similar situations for doing what people in
main uses of ritual could be put together into churches and temples do(C). The difference is
four issues. that (A)s have a mutual aim, but less contact;
(B)s have the aim and contact, but without
- Rituals give time-structure to our lives, proper professional assistance for their bond
saving us from chaos and anxiety and acting and aims. But for (C)s everything is set in place
to stabilize the tempo of life, as the beat of a for the gathering, (as in A’s), a special bond and
metronome stabilizes music; interaction (as in B’s), and also for supervised,
- They assist and encourage the formation assisted healing – in a word, for psychological
of trust and community between people; comfort. The fact that people mostly attend
As or Bs does not help them isolate and take
- They give shape to public expressions control over their emotions; or expressing them
of powerful emotions: expressions of grief, as at chaotically doesn’t mean they are gone, in fact
funerals; and of joy, as at weddings, graduations, they might actually take control in time over you
etc.; and change you into a person you didn’t intend
- They help to reorient and stabilize our to be. That is why taking part in a ritual group
own feelings when we need to comprehend and helps you express and know how to control your
cope with crucial life passages.[18] feelings by reaching out for people who really
care for you and are not there as a job (as in As
Because rituals are standard processes that or Bs).
we come to know by heart, along with all the
other attendees, we realize that we eventually It is comforting to take part in a formal,
allow play-ritual to express our feelings.. They public gathering (as in A), but it is rather
express the way we feel about ourselves (guilty, stressful needing to make contact with others
happy, remorse, etc.), and reassure us that we (as in B), knowing that behind every attempt at
are still in control of our lives. approaching someone stands a possibility of a
refusal that might shut you down for good. “Being
When time goes by and shows no mercy, , lonely in a crowded place” is not unusual in this

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t h e Di a l ogue b et ween   Sci en c e a n d  Th eol ogy

kind of meeting (A or B), and with each failure to denomination, (or of the same denomination),
interact, your psychological comfort (along with because they “feel better” there.
self-respect, self-esteem, etc.) decreases to the
point of suicidal behaviour. This was proved as This preference it is not just for the religious
inefficacious by many collective specialists, and ceremonial, but for the religious actor too,
apart from those interested-for-contact people, for he is the one that fulfills the roles of a real
(e.g. pimps, prostitutes, drug dealers, and the actor, but on a stage of worship, ritualistic, not
like), the majority being sceptical regarding the dramaturgical, and therefore the characteristics
unknown approach, and 90% of B gatherings end that they should have are somehow similar to
with stressful behaviour[19]. Instead, attending those of drama actors. Often, followers and
religious rituals puts you in contact with people leaders religious subsequent to the religious
sharing positive thoughts, desiring selflessly to promoter have sought to improve the ceremonial
help and professionally assist you to go through choreography with all sorts of elements that
your emotional situation. This has always proven complement the environmental decor and
to be helpful, “to deal with either tragedy enhance theological rigor behind the ceremony.
or triumph silently, unshared, the emotional Each religious local leader will try to improve the
burden [that] can be choking”[20]. choreography as best he can (e.g. spectacular
manifestation, pleasant music, painting vivid,
Religious rituals give a controlled, assisted hand-crafted furniture, etc.), and this is certainly
way to externalize emotion, express it, and dependent on the talents he received as gifts
so end it. Many times I have witnessed people (very good speaker, chanter, manager, etc.), but
burying their loved ones, or giving their children also by the interest allocated to their optimal use.
for marriage, and I was always seeing stress and The “theatrical” form in terms of presentation
fear along with sorrow / happiness on their faces. (nonmimetic) and staging (suggestive costumes
Coming together with a religious community for and scenery) which certain clerks give to the
many rituals that follow “the event” is for their scenic interpretation of the ceremony is often
benefit, because the legitimate grief is shared by wanted, although rarely acknowledged or
others, and make the rest of life more bearable, verbalized. They are seen by their followers or/
(after the event has ended). and peers as exaggerations – without knowing
whether that assessment is only a manifestation
C. The role of decor in rituals of collegial envy or something else – has greater
appeal, more followers, etc., because nobody
In general, besides the imaginative scenery forbids the use of their “talents” to improve
that I spoke of earlier, which is found more or ceremony if he would thus bring more followers.
less in any religious ceremony, a role that is at Even if it seems to be an essential feature of
least as important is the part that choreography religion, proselytism in this form, of theatrical
plays in the ceremonial act. In addition to basic interpretation, it is often condemned – by
roles of ritualistic choreography – recorded in the others, but used by all. It is also true that this
books of worship – i.e. (1) the uniformity of ritual method works almost always and that people
confessional, (2) the schematization of religious prefer them to rigorous, cold, leisurely events
belief, and (3) the imprinting of this scheme and that bring monotony rather than ambient décor
of theological vocabulary. – It is very important comfort.
to emphasise the ambient function of décor, the
true aspect of religious ritual that matters and
helps both to promote the confessional creed III. THE ROLE OF SCENERY IN RELIGIOUS
and to maintain the cohesion of the community. RITUALS
It turns out that people attend more frequently If a ritual act is one that we perform for its
temples of worship with more vivid ambient symbolic and emotional value, so we can apply the
decoration, or at least they prefer those to the same qualifier to spaces, objects and the whole
sober, undecorated ones, because it confers an décor of the scenery in rituals. We are aware now
increased psychological / spiritual comfort. Quite that we don’t keep or acquire ritualistic objects
often I have heard believers of certain confession because they are useful, but because they mean
that attend religious services of another something, as souvenirs, mementos, a record of 1. Art and Literature & Religion

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their symbolic and emotional value. Rituals can use badges and iconic figures as to symbolize
portray their effective power over us for several faith emblematically. In other words, functions
reasons. They are mementos, ties to events and that religious symbol - and not only – has, are:
good things that happened and we need to the customization, of branding places, objects
remember in order to dilute the bad things that and people, marking them and dedicating them
come upon us. Then, a ritual object can capture a strict for ritual purposes; we use such badges to
whole complex of meanings and beliefs , events give an authentic, unique note. Another function
and stories that our faith carry with it, in a single is that of identity that a religious symbol gives
non-verbal and subtle object. to the community; whoever or whatever (space
or object) bears the specific mark, definitely
It is easy to see that almost all religious belongs to that community and cannot be
manifestations use pictures and visual claimed for purposes other than religious.
representations of their faith. However,
alongside this universal imagery, any religion A badge is a code that is linked with the
contains ceremonies structured to contain license management. It corresponds to a kind of
essential elements that sustain religious belief resource that has a stock which is consumed by
– along with other elements, about which we users when using the functions of ritual through
will talk later. We will encounter denominations the dedicated objects. As in the theatre’s
which have minimized visual representations, scenery we will find in religious ceremony similar
but there is none that exclude any symbolic elements that compose it and help it accomplish
badge of their faith. its aim.
All this variety of symbolic decorations
A. Role of badge for religious symbols certainly have been desired, thought or even felt,
I am not referring to religious phenomena as functioning as (1) support for the content of
that have banned any graphic or sculptural faith. The painting was conceived and nurtured
representation of what divinity means in their in Christianity as an auxiliary of or completing
design, (e.g. Islam, Judaism, Protestantism the catechesis, preaching the pictures, available
Christian), because, in one form or another, they for everyone, an intuitive material of great
have also felt the need of “filling” the visual value. Also there are (2) present patterns,
space with something. This something ranges templates of brief externalization of religious
from a minimum of items, e.g. just a name, a manifestations, (3) and a badge of religious
single religious symbol, the cross, to complete identity. Perhaps there was another function
and complex decoration of the enclosure with too, one of (4) decorating, just the arrangement
human figures, flowers, animals or simply of the consecrated place. Still it is most unlikely
crafts. In all of these was manifested the that these symbolic representations have been
artistic spirit of man who wanted to contribute conceived as a mere decoration, because then
something to beautifying the space devoted to they would not have been placed under divine
religious worship, public or private, and these authority and thus mandatory. A simple decor
artistic decorations, (either graphics, craft or which sprang solely from the human mind and
sculpture), subsequently became iconic symbols unrelated to inspiration, such as that of re-
of faith and of their religious manifestation by symbolizing the faith, would not have had any
concomitant use. If in the theater scenery is impact on followers. The psychological comfort
meant to create a certain atmosphere, offering felt where these representations abound, in
to the viewers the opportunity to transpose places of worship, can be considered no more
themselves, during exhibition, in the time than a side-effect and not a purpose in itself. The
and space of play, in religious ceremonial this main religious function of ritual scenery, found
function is accompanied by many others, with only in the traditional religions, is (5) to stimulate
very deep implications in worship. This way, feelings of reverence, and piety. In contact with
the need to symbolize, schematically and the symbols of his religion, each follower will
analytically, the whole teaching of faith and to feel reverence, and now these items are being
have a concise formula of presenting religious re-symbolized in his mind, as taboo objects /
manifestations, led the religious adherents to symbols, in the presence of which they feel the

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company of the worshiped deity / spirits. The a mask is in accordance with the aim the play
function of (4) decoration of the cultic space intended to achieve. ‘A paramount role of the
plays an important role in the science of design, mask is to give a sense of continuity between
namely (6) setting, the (re) creation of a specific the present and the beginnings of time, a sense
atmosphere, in this case the celestial, a (re) that is of vital importance for the integration of
creation of the spiritual world. For this spiritual a culture with no written history. Psychologically
atmosphere, full of meaning – of taboo, spiritual the spectators are linked to the past through
values, etc. – and content of faith, emanating the spirit power of the mask, and—depending
the interest of divine for the restoration of on the character represented by the mask—
its bond with man and inspiring feelings of this may in some cases lead the participants to
reverence, is intersecting religious ritual with the a state of complete absorption or near-frenzy.
theatre, therefore the rapport between the two In some cases, the spirit or supernatural being
is ambivalent – either assimilating ceremonial depicted is viewed with rejoicing and almost
cult with theatrical scene, or bringing reasons a familiarity, which leads to gaiety that has a
and characters from religious domain into the cathartic aspect’ [22]. In time, many religions
theatrical drama. Leaving the second side of this gave up masks and have developed instead the
relation aside, theatre with religious content; for layout of clothing. Since there are no rituals
further research, we will deal here exclusively without special clothing, we have to assume its
with the first relationship between them. importance and sine qua non condition.
By far, most investigators of religions say
B. Role of costumes in theatrical choreography that all religious rituals are mostly about,”a
As in the theatre, the improvement of drama about life and the drama of life”[23]. The
religious ceremoniy is demonstrated by clothing anthropological study of religion can prove that
details, the decor, frescoes and statuary and the image every religious confession has on the,
everything that constitutes in general the life-humankind-God relationship, is reflected
choreographic ambience where the ritual act in their rituals, at least in their main forms of
takes place. Costume design is the envisioning ceremony. Consequently, in a primitive society,
of clothing and the overall appearance of a ‘a daily ritual is incorporated in the common
character or performer. Dramatic effects may activities, in eating, washing, fire-making, etc.,
be decidedly aided by costumes. It takes a lot as well as in pure ceremonial; because the need
of energy and qualities to make people follow of reasserting the tribal morale and recognizing
your footsteps without wearing the right outfit, its cosmic conditions is constantly felt’[24].
but if you back-up your skills and effort with the Therefore we have to assume that ritual masks
right clothes, then you may double your winning and outfits have everything to do with this
odds. At least you can improve your results by intention. Even the words used to define the
making people turn heads over your unusual ritual outfit are considered to bring forward the
costume. very meaning of wearing them; instead of using
clothing – as covering the body; to be dressed
The first theatre plays attracted people up – it is always used the archaic significance of
through various accessories for picturing the the term apparel – to adorn certain vestments
characters in the play and for setting the mood. with a piece of embroidery and ornament. From
The most significant accessory the choreography that emphasis of wearing clothes, always in an
had was the masks, mostly indicating the extravagant way compared to common people,
expressions and emotional state its character had fashion designers borrowed the look, the
in the act of drama. ‘The use of the mask tradition, adornment, but mostly the concept that outfits
which made the doubling of roles easier, was a are not exclusively for coverage, but for making
form of disguise or concealment usually worn them more pleasing, attractive, and impressive
over or in front of the face to hide the identity too. “Make sacred garments for your brother
of a person and by its own features to establish Aaron to give him dignity and honour” (Exodus
another being. This essential characteristic of 28.2).
hiding and revealing personalities or moods is
common to all masks’.[21] The role of wearing Clothes reflect the time and place in which 1. Art and Literature & Religion

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t h e D i al o gue be t we e n Sc i enc e and Theology

the character lives, his social standing, his present to the pomposity and expensiveness of them
circumstances, and even his emotional state. They these garments were used as a mean to pay
are therefore important to the expressiveness of debts [“The governor gave to the treasury 1,000
the production. Moreover, they must be, in one darics[b] of gold, 50 bowls and 530 garments
way or another, part of the general design of the for priests...”, Nehemiah 7.71; Zechariah 14.14].
production. Certain elements of the design may Next step was to venerate these garments
have to be made more noticeable, the colours downright (Fig. 2); there are many traditional
may have to be modified, and the areas they religions that even have prayers for dressing
cover may have to be larger.[25] We will not up with these holy garments, or before starting
engage further in the philosophy of costumes the process of making them, and subsequently
about other clothing’s characters, regarding a taboo restriction about touching them by the
colour, design, and the quality of the material. unholy, without previous preparation. “[Priests]
But if they are used for visibility or projection must wear them whenever they enter the tent
of a certain vision and atmosphere, either for a of meeting or approach the altar to minister in
hierarchical distinction [26] or just as a sacerdotal the Holy Place, so that they will not incur guilt
emblem, the garments used in religious ritual and die” (Exodus 28.43). These two kinds of
play an important role without any doubt. In symbolism were bestowed upon ceremonial
the performance of ceremonial, costumes and garments – (1) esoteric symbolism made out of
other visual elements create beyond doubt a combinations of motifs representing the divine
particular impression the instant a religious name or his words[30] and (2) totemic one –
actor appears on the stage and establishes made a heavy stone in ritual choreography out
himself in the audience’s mind [27] along with his of them.
performed role-play-message. It is obvious that
‘not only language, but stage setting, properties, C. Other functions of scenery and drama
and costumes take on a new significance as
religious symbols, much like those employed meetings for religious rituals
in high-church liturgies’[28] and soon the use Besides all these we can add several other
of certain garments, especially those sacred functions play and theatre may have had within
through the ‘divine touch’ or by wearing them in religious rituals. An important role to stress
the divine service, became as religious symbols here is finding identity and social cohesion.
like any other. Therefore, used as a sacerdotal As a negative example for demonstrating
emblem, the ceremonial garments received this assumption, in the Letter to Monsieur
also some kind of personality, allegorically or, d’Alembert (1758), Rousseau energetically
sometimes even literally speaking. The famous quashed d’Alembert’s suggestion that Geneva
designer Valentina[29] stresses the importance required a theatre in order to keep up with other
of conveying, emphasizing, and vitalizing the European cities. Rousseau’s main argument was
wearer’s personality, his “uniqueness, a never- that the theatre would threaten the identity of
repeated psychological and external pattern”. the inhabitants of Geneva, perhaps even destroy
Being considered as the beneficent, as the it altogether.It threatened the cultural, gender
holy person, that once worn, the garments of and, ultimately, also the individual identity of
saints were always surrounded with great care the Genevans. In order to preserve their sense
and honour, and even worshiped per se. This of identity, Rousseau believed, they should not
honour passed from only saints’ garments to accept theatre into their society[31]. But the
every ceremonial garments, so that religious concept of identity was understood in a narrow,
adepts worship them with great luxuriance for static way: identity is understood as something
several reasons, e.g. they were symbolically which is either given by Nature or dictated by
related to a divine act, for a possible power of society for now and ever more, as something
healing or punishment, for divine protection which must be maintained in the individual
against all kinds of evil, etc. They give finery, and social life at whatever cost[32]. This was
embroidery and expensive materials (gold, a concept long time used in human society to
jewels) as presents for garments to become classify and tear apart people into classes of
more gorgeous, sumptuous (see the process sexes, skin colour, culture, richness, and other.
of making them in Exodus 28); sometimes, due That was the main social problem religion,

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(Christianity, in particular), tried to solve; “There separate use or contained in any small meaning.
is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, They are bound by their institutional symbolism
nor is there male and female, for you are all one and tied together for a larger significance.
in Christ Jesus [and] if you belong to Christ, then Taken separately, each object used in rituals,
you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according has its meaning and its useful purpose only in
to the promise” (Galatians 3.28). As ambulant relation with the entrusted code, as a badge
actors did by travelling through society and of everything else, and not solely, by itself. In
making people see that there should not be any other words, it is about the psychological law of
differences between humans, (for we are all the projective, (of perceptive image), where we can
same from birth), similarly religious preachers reconstruct a “panoramic” image from a small
always had this aim in their sermons, to prove detail. Similarly, any believer can reconstruct
that we are all brothers in the eyes of the Maker; his whole faith and system of beliefs from a
“Here there is no Gentile or Jew, circumcised single item (a wooden cross, rosaries, Star of
or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or David, Ganesha statue, Allah pictogram, et.
free, but Christ is all, and is in all” (Colossians al.). That is how religious adherents deposit an
3.11). “Through actions carried out by the intrinsically exoteric body of knowledge in the
[religious] actors with their bodies and language, scenery of ceremony with all the mentioned
and through the role being played, the actors’ purposes. In most societies, however, some
stage aspects and scenes which the spectators rituals accompany the transition from primary
perceive and understand as representative of to secondary socialization and because this is
society in terms of their identity as members not based on any ‘laws of nature’, we are not
of a particular society and as themselves”[33]. ipso facto taking a position on a metaphysical
Rituals have the social function of helping people conception of ‘natural law’. Therefore the
how to ‘construct’ their identities, worldviews, attendance to rituals, religious or theatrical, is a
and taken-for-granted [34] ways of managing personal choice, and thus accompanied by the
their affairs expected outcomes.

If someone would ask if he should make the [1] Manon van de Water, Mary McAvoy, and Kristin
effort to invest habitual activities with ritual Hunt, Drama and Education. Performance
value, the correct answer is most probably Methodologies for Teaching and Learning.
affirmative, since rituals have uses that go London: Routledge, 2015, Introduction 3.
beyond and above the details of their practice. [2] Todd E. Johnson, Performing the sacred…, p. 32.
Depending on the social length of relevance of a [3] Todd E. Johnson, Performing the sacred…, p. 33.
particular type of ‘knowledge’ and its complexity
and importance in a given community, the [4] Todd E. Johnson, Performing the sacred…, p. 30.
‘knowledge’ may have to be reaffirmed through [5] Manon van de Water, Mary McAvoy, and Kristin
symbolic objects (such as fetishes, amulets, and Hunt, Drama and Education…, p. 3,
taboo badges), and/or by symbolic actions,(such [6] The spiritual experience that someone lives once,
as religious or theatrical ritual). In other words, in the beginning of his religious life, when he
physical objects and actions may be called upon encounters divinity or spiritual beings and feels
as mnemotechnic aids[35]. All transmission touched by divine grace. This is the moment his
of institutional meanings obviously implies life take a crucial turn and change it forever making
control and legitimating procedures that are him become a new person, with new intentions and
attached to the institutions themselves and thoughts, commonly trying to save all others from
administered by the transmitting personnel. living a wrong, sinful life. This ‘religiogenesis
These are the necessary and natural steps from event’ is always a start for a religious phenomenon,
which any ritual is born and grows, along with its movement or a main religion due to the urge that
ancestry and institutions. The entire inventory divine-touched-person feels to impose his change
of theatrical and/or religious ritual – made out into others’ lives too.
of scenery décor, objects, clothing, masks, and [7] Todd E. Johnson, Performing the sacred…, p. 73.
choreography – cannot be explained by its 1. Art and Literature & Religion

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t h e D i al o gue be t we e n Sc i enc e and Theology

[8] For further discussion on the New Year’s festival in 144. Et. Al.
Babylon (and in other ancient cities), see A. Sachs, [20] D. Cortesi, Secular Wholeness, p. 65.
in: J.B. Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts
[21] Paul S. Wingert, „Mask”, in Encyclopaedia
Relating to the Old Testament, Princeton 1955,
Britannica, online edition, http://www.britannica.
pp. 331-334; M.E. Cohen, The Cultic Calendars
com/art/mask-face-covering (accessed 9/29/15).
of the Ancient Near East, Bethesda MD 1993, pp.
400-453; M.J.H. Linssen, The Cults of Uruk and [22] Ibidem.
Babylon: The Temple Ritual Texts as Evidence for [23] Todd E. Johnson and Dale Savidge, Performing
Hellenistic Cult Practice (Cuneiform Monographs the sacred: theology and theatre in dialogue. Grand
25), Leiden 2004, pp. 61-91, 184-237. Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009, p. 26.
[9] Todd, Performing the sacred…, p. 56. [24] C. Geertz, The interpretation of Cultures, p. 107.
[10] Ibid, 56. [25] John Gassner, Producing the Play. New York: The
[11] For more on placebo social effect see Daniel Dryden Press, 1949, p. 119.
E. Moerman, PhD; and Wayne B. Jonas, MD, [26] For some religion, in which religious hierarchy
“Deconstructing the Placebo Effect and Finding doesn’t exist or it is very poor, adepts take this
the Meaning Response”, in Ann Intern Med. position instead or along with them and make their
2002;136(6):471-476. doi:10.7326/0003-4819- garments the distinctive element of faith display.
136-6-200203190-00011 “Placebo effect” is For example Muslims in Iran, home to some of the
not caused by “placebo” but rather by the belief, best-dressed clergy in the Islamic world, looking
expectations or any previous to conditionings good is part of their life. See Niloofar Haeri,
placebo, meaning that the patient gives significance “Clothes make the mullah”, in Salon, Wednesday,
to the substance or procedure that is administered. Jan 5, 2005. Online source:
[12] Ibid, 56. com/2005/01/05/iran_clergy/ (accessed 1/10/15).
[13] John Bowker (edit.), The Oxford Dictionary of [27] John Gassner, Producing the Play, p. 120.
World Religions…, p. 820 citation after Victor [28] Todd E. Johnson, Performing the sacred…, p. 74.
Turner, The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti- [29] Valentina Nicholaevna Sanina Schlee (1 May 1899
Structure. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, – 14 September 1989), simply known as Valentina,
1969, p. 95. was a Ukrainian émigré fashion designer and
[14] John Bowker (edit.), The Oxford Dictionary of theatrical costume designer active from 1928 to
World Religions, p. 369. the late 1950s[. ]
[15] Clifford Geertz, The interpretation of Cultures. NY: Valentina_(fashion_designer) accessed 9/30/15.
Basic Books, 1973, p. 90. [30] As an example the tassel (tzitzit) (Hebrew: ‫תיציצ‬,
[16] Catherine Bell, Ritual: Perspectives and Modern tzitzit, Tiberian sˤisˤiṯ), specially knotted
Dimensions. New York: Oxford University Press, ritual fringes worn in antiquity by Israelites and
1997, Preface. today by observant Jews and Samaritans, are made
with four strands passed through holes near the
[17] David Cortesi, Secular Wholeness: A Skeptic’s
four corners of the garment, have a special, esoteric
Paths to a Richer Life. Bloomington (US): Trafford
symbolism related to a combination of numbers,
Publishing, 2002, p. 61. I recommend this book,
of knots, separated by four sections of winding,
especially Cpt. 5, for a better understanding of
repeatedly done at each group etc. This procedure
is repeated three times, such that there are a total of
[18] Ibid, p. 64. five knots, the four intervening spaces being taken
[19] There are several studies on how the nightclubs up by windings numbering 7-8-11-13, respectively.
impact your comfort level, all proving that Bs can The total number of winds comes to 39, is found to
frustrate us and cause further discomfort, lowering be significant in that it is the gematria (numerical
personal comfort and increasing anxiety. For equivalent, Greek geōmetriā) of the words: “The
example, Yale Fox, The Psychology of a Nightclub, Lord is One” Deuteronomy 6:4). Others, especially Sephardi Jews, use 10-5-6-5 as the number of
psychology-of-a-nightclub/ (accessed 2.10.2015); windings, a combination that represents directly
Edmund Janes James, The Annals of the American the spelling of the Tetragrammaton (one of
Academy of Political and Social Science, 1952, p. God’s names). – cf. Rabbi Mois Navon, Threads

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t h e Di a l ogue b et ween   Sci en c e a n d  Th eol ogy

of Reason. A Collection of Essays on Tekhelet. California and 4 other States in USA, gathering
2013. Article about Tzitzit in Wikipedia, https:// data and understanding how religious pluralism (accessed 9/30/15). is possible at a high level of involvement; in the
[31] Erika Fischer-Lichte, History of European Drama same time I made friends from many different
and Theatre. London: Routledge, 2002, p. 1. countries and religions that are now involved in
[32] Ibid. this project or another, helping in his endeavor.
[33] Ibid, 2.
[34] Berger Peter L. & Luckmann Thomas. The Social
Construction of Reality; a Treatise in the Sociology
of Knowledge. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991, p.
[35] Ibid. 88.

Ciocan Tudor Cosmin, born in Constanta/
Romania in 1977, I have attended several
theological and psychological schools (BA,
MB, PhD), obtained my PhD in Missiology and
Doctrinal Theology in 2010. I was ordained as
orthodox priest in 2002. High-school teacher
from 1998, then Professor assistant and Lecturer
from 2012, I have written more than 30 papers
on theology and psychology, along with 4 single
author books in the past two decades.
In 2013 started a multidisciplinary program
aiming to engage scholars from different
files into friendly and academic debates with
theology and in the same year a Research
Center was founded in Ovidius University with
researchers from 11 fields. in lest then 1 year
I manage to gather people from around the
globe around this idea and so we have started
Dialogo Conferences project. In 2014 I received
a Fulbright scholarship and I spent the summer 1. Art and Literature & Religion

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