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The Ultimate List of Clauses

Adverbial Adjectival Nominal Dependent

Independent Clauses
Dependent Clauses Dependent Clauses Clauses

The horse leapt over Although we lost Martha's He took the path
the fence with ease. power last night, we grandmother was the covered with briars
had plenty of one who made the and dried bones,
flashlights and warm most delicious pies. which turned out to
blankets. be a fatal mistake.

Consequently, I was The power went out Did you read over the Whatever you decide,
grounded for a because a squirrel manuscript that I I will support you.
month. chewed through a sent you two weeks
powerline. ago?

Without a doubt, she While we waited for The Odyssey, which is When he arrived in
is the fastest runner the power to turn recognized as one of Alaska, the sun was
at our school. back on, we played history's greatest about to set.
card games by epics, is studied by
candlelight. many high school

Joe smiled. Whenever the power Count Olaf only Why you do not like
returned, we must pretended to care cat videos is
have been sleeping. about the something I will
Baudelaires, whose never understand.
parents had just died.

Many rivers and The next day, school - -

streams eventually was cancelled so that
flow into the ocean. we could help clean
up fallen debris
around town.

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