CAIL Assignment Format

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Instructions for submission of assignments and sample format

 Students are expected to carry out independent research for writing assignment papers
of all subjects, whether law or non-law. Students should have a carefully planned
research design to execute. The research design should be a part of assignments 1 & 2
of all subjects. To implement the research design, the students are free to follow any
scientifically appropriate research methodology that best answers the research
 The CAIL style of citation is to be adopted in assignment writing which is a
systematic and meticulous referencing style for Foots-notes and Bibliography. For a
better understanding of the same, students can refer the instructions given in the books
published by CAIL 1) Legal Methods and 2) Legal Method: Practical which also
provides a comprehensive guide for research process.
 All content shall confirm to Times New Roman Font with size 12, footnotes with size
10 and headings with size 14, line spacing of 1.5.
 Students can use the sample cover page provided below where the official logo of
CAIL is used. The students are to affix only this logo of CAIL and not any other
similar logos.
 The page numbers for content (i.e., from introduction to conclusion, inclusive of
introduction and conclusion) for typed assignment is 10 and 15 for hand-written
assignment. This implies that the 10 page or 15 pages content requirement for typed
and hand-written assignments do not count/include within it pages for Declaration,
Certificate, Acknowledgement. The pagination for content should be continuous from
introduction up to conclusion.
 The following parts shall be confined in only single separate pages
 Contents shall be continuous without any gaps from introduction to conclusion with
1.5 line spacing. Bold letters and underline shall not be used simultaneously for all
headings. Underlining of sub-headings is not required.
 Page Set up Guidelines are as follows:-
a. All content except headings is justified in alignment.
b. Page size is A4.

c. Insert page number on top right side.

d. Do not insert box margins or box borders but only leave spaces from all
edges of page as follows:
 Leave 2 cm margin from left edge of page
 1.5 cm from top, bottom and right edge of page
 For more clear information, refer to the following parts
Part I Sample of Front Cover with official CAIL Logo
Part II A Model for Table of Contents
Part III Description of the Contents of the Assignment
Part IV Bibliography
Part V CAIL Style of Citation



The sample front cover shall consist of the following:-

 Official Logo of CAIL – students are not permitted to use any other seemingly similar

 Assignment No.1 or 2 on Subject name.

 Title of the Research Assignment
 Submitted By: Name of Student
o Program (B.A. LL.B, B.B.A. LL.B. or B.Com. LL.B.)
o Registration number
 Submitted To: Name of Faculty with designation
 Date

Sample for Declaration, Certificate and Acknowledgement are provided


I hereby declare that the Research Assignment No.1 or 2 tiled …………………carried out
under the guidance of ……….(Name of Subject Faculty) is a record of bona-fide research
work undertaken by me in partial fulfillment for the award of 5 Year B.A./B.B.A./ B.Com
LL.B. (choose and write only the program you belong) offered by Christ Academy Institute
of Law, Bengaluru. The said work is an authentic research and not submitted before any other
University/Academic Programs for the award of any other degrees.

Date Name and Signature of Student with Reg. No.

Place …. Semester B.A./B.B.A./ B.Com LL.B.


This is to certify that ……………, a student of ………….. Semester ………(Reg. Number)

has successfully completed the Research Assignment No.1 or 2 on the topic …………..(topic
name) under the guidance of Mr./Ms/Dr. ……………… (name of Subject Faculty) during the
academic year 2021-22 in partial fulfillment for the award of 5 Year B.A./B.B.A./ B.Com
LL.B. (choose and write only the program you belong) offered by Christ Academy Institute
of Law, Bengaluru.

Date Name and Designation of Faculty


In the successful accomplishment of this research assignment, I am indebted to my
supervising Guide ………. (Name of Subject Faculty) who gave me proper direction by apt
corrections, suggestions and academic review at every stage of research. I would also like to
place on record my gratitude to the Principal Rev. Fr. Prof. Dr. Davis Panadan whose
constant guidance and insistence on scientific research has nurtured in me a sense of
systematic inquiry in all academic writings. I am also grateful to the Librarian of CAIL Mr.
Jayaprakash for making available plentiful library resources which has provided me deep
knowledge in the subject of study. My parents and good friends have always stood by me in
all academic endeavours and helpful in various phases of the completion of this assignment.
Last but never the least I am forever indebted to God Almighty for providing me such
enriching opportunities of learning, further enabling me to be a better person and reminding
me to repose my complete faith and confidence in divine blessings for success of anything in

Date Name and Signature of Student with Reg.No.

Place …. Semester B.A./B.B.A./ B.Com LL.B.


TABLE OF CONTENTS (center text and with pagination for all contents) Page

DECLARATION (caps for the heading declaration which is center text when placed inside content) i

CERTIFICATE (caps for the heading certificate which is center text when placed inside content) ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (caps for the heading acknowledgement which is center text when placed inside content) iii

INTRODUCTION (caps for the heading introduction which is center text when placed inside content) 1


A. Research question 3 -6
B. Research Question 6-10
C. Research Question 10-15


BIBLIOGRAPHY (caps for the heading bibliography which is center text when placed inside content) 16


INTRODUCTION (caps for the heading introduction which is center text inside when placed inside content)

Introduction includes the following key elements in the specific order described below:

 A brief overview of the subject under study in not less than one paragraph.
 Statement of the problem in not less than 2 paragraphs. Statement of the research
problem is the most important step in research. It helps to identify the problem which
is exposed in the research. It is an area of concern or a gap in the existing knowledge
that points to the need for further understanding and investigation.
 Relevance of the study in not less than 2 paragraphs. Relevance of the study explains
the need to undertake the research and the contribution the research can make to
furthering academic knowledge.
 Literature review is the survey of all sources relied by the student in carrying out the
research. The Student describes how the available sources reviewed by him/her
helped in understanding and framing the problem, framing the research questions,
how analysis of the problem was carried out and finally helped to draw inferences
from the sources.
 Objectives of the Study are a clear, concise, declarative statement which provides
direction to investigate the variables under the study. In short, it is the goal that the
research project aims to achieve.
 Hypothesis is the statement that expresses the concept or idea that needs to be tested
through the research. After an exhaustive analysis through the research, the student
will be able to either affirm the validity of the hypothesis or reject its validity.
 After framing the hypothesis, the research questions derived from the research
problem are to be culled out for a detailed enquiry and mentioned as part of the
 An appropriate research methodology such as but not limited to quantitative,
qualitative, exploratory, doctrinal, and applied etc. or a combination of the various
methods can be adopted by the student in consultation with the Faculty concerned.

RESEARCH QUESTIONS (caps and center text)

The next important part after the introduction is presenting the research by breaking it into
various research questions. Here, the research problem already identified by the student and

broken into suitable research questions, are addressed individually and discussed
comprehensively citing authoritative sources. Research questions help to answer the research
problem. Minimum 3 research questions are to be framed by a student to answer the research

A. Research question (to be discussed)

B. Research Question (to be discussed)
C. Research Question (to be discussed)

CONCLUSION (caps and center text)

Conclusion is drawing inferences from the entire research process. In not less than 2
paragraphs, the student shall summarize the research. The conclusion shall include critical
remarks (Analytical Evaluation of the research) and suggestions (Recommendations for

IV. BIBLIOGRAPHY(caps and center text)

Bibliography consists of all sources which are categorized as primary sources (Cases,
Legislation, Treatises, Rules, and Regulations) listed first, followed by secondary
sources (books, journals, websites) all arranged in alphabetical and chronological
order. A sample is given below.

 Legislation
The Constitution of India, 1949.
The Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

 Case Law
Hamlyn & Co. v. Talisker Distillery, (1891-4) All E.R. 849.
Madhav Rao Scindia v. Union of India, AIR 1971 SC 530.
Misrilal Jain v. State of Orissa, AIR 1977 SC 1386.

 Judgment Information System
Indian Kanoon -

 Books
Beale H.G. 1999. Chitty On Contracts (28th edn.). London: Sweet & Maxwell Ltd.

 Journals
Fuller L.L. and Jr. R.Perdue William 1963. “The Reliance Interest in Contract
Damages”,46 Yale Law Journal.

 Government /Official documents national portal of india
National Human Rights Commission, India

 Digital Library sources

National Digital Library of India

V. CAIL Style of Footnoting

For all academic writings such as assignments, report writing etc. proper referencing through
insertion of foot note as per CAIL style of citation is required.

Case Law
Hamlyn & Co. v. Talisker Distillery, (1891-4) All E.R. 849.
Madhav Rao Scindia v. Union of India, AIR 1971 SC 530.
Misrilal Jain v. State of Orissa, AIR 1977 SC 1386.

Name of Author(s). Name of Book(edition number.). Place of Publication: Name of
Publisher., pagination.
Example: H.G. Beale. 1999. Chitty On Contracts (28th edn.). London: Sweet & Maxwell
Ltd., p.212.

Name of Author(s). Year. “Title of Article”, Volume Number Name of Journal, range of
Example: L.L.Fuller and William R.Perdue Jr.1963. “The Reliance Interest in Contract
Damages”,46 Yale Law Journal, pp.52-60.

Online Sources
Name of the Author(s).Date.Title.Publisher.Place of Publication.[Medium].Availability.[Date
Example: Meredyth,D.,Russel,Blackwood,L,Thomas,J. and Wise,P.1991.Real Time
Computers, Change and Schooling. Commonwealth Department of Education, Training and
_skills/IT_Real_Time_home.htm[2000,June 10].

1. For any other citations, follow the books published by CAIL 1) Legal Methods and 2)
Legal Method: Practical.

2. From here forth, all students shall mandatorily comply with this Format and Research
Methodology for Assignment No.1 & 2, as otherwise, the students shall not secure pass
marks for their submissions.

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