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Put this sentence in singular mode:

The cattle on my farm are fed ecologically.

The cattle on my farm is fed ecologically.

goose - geese

The goose is on my farm.

The geese are very fast.

The farmer's house is in the forest.

Their wife’s manage the farmers’ houses.

II. Complete the missing words.

Mr. David is visiting Britain for the first time. He is interested in getting to know something about British
agriculture. He has accepted the invitation to spend a weekend on a large farm in the West Midlands. A
farmer meets him at the village bus stop and after the usual greetings drives him to the farm.

III(a). Make sentences with underlined words

1. A wide road crosses my town.

2. My city is on hilly countryside.

3. In Antarctica there is a harsh climate.

4. In Africa are fairly dry conditions.

5. I live in a rural area.

6. In south of my country are highland areas.

III(b). Replace the underlined words in the following phrases by adjectives from the text that are opposite
in meaning:

1. a wide road -> narrow

2. hilly countryside -> plain

3. a harsh climate > mild

4. fairly dry conditions -> wet

5. a rural area -> urban

6. Highland areas -> lowland

IV. Choice two sentences from the text


Every clan (tribe, family) has its own tartan.

Scottish woolens are the finest in the world.


All public signs are both in English and Welsh.

One fifth of the population speak Welsh.

V. Make sentences on your own

The average Briton drinks 90,000 cups of tea in a lifetime and about 100 liters of beer in a year.

The British are famous for being sweet-toothed: some people eat 8 kilos of chocolate per year.

VI. Make sentences with the following expressions:

on alert

to convene
Human-to-human is the best relationship.
In case of fire, the whole company is on alert.
The senators has to convene all members from their own party’s.
VII. Make sentences with the following expressions-words.
When I heard the Coronavirus is on the way, I try to stock up on supplies from supermarket.

We must respect from a while the social distancing.

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