Irregular Verbs Excercise

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V1 V2 V3
Base Form Past Simple Past Participle
1 awake
2 be
3 beat
4 become
5 begin
6 bend
7 bet
8 bid
9 bite
10 blow
11 break
12 bring
13 broadcast
14 build
15 burn  or or
16 buy
17 catch
18 choose
19 come
20 cost
21 cut
22 dig
23 do
24 draw
25 dream
26 drive
27 drink
V1 V2 V3
Base Form Past Simple Past Participle
28 fall
29 feel
30 fight
31 find
32 fly
33 forget
34 forgive
35 freeze
36 get or
37 give
38 go
39 grow
40 hang
41 have
42 hear
43 hide
44 hit
45 hold
46 hurt
47 keep
48 know
49 lay
50 lead
51 learn or or
52 leave
53 lend
54 let
55 lie
56 lose
57 make
58 mean
59 meet
60 pay
61 put

V1 V2 V3
Base Form Past Simple Past Participle
62 read
63 ride
64 ring
65 rise
66 run
67 say
68 see
69 sell
70 send
71 show or
72 shut
73 sing
74 sink
75 sit
76 sleep
77 speak
78 spend
79 stand
80 stink
81 swim
82 take
83 teach
84 tear
85 tell
86 think
87 throw
88 understand
89 wake
90 wear
91 win
92 write

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