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Ferriol, Steven Lloyd F.


Activity 1: Create a Venn Diagram comparing the points of argument used by the Masao side and
Limasawa side in claiming that the First Easter Mass in the Philippine occurred in their respective

Limasawa side
Masao side
-Pigafetta's plotted position
for Mazaua matched that of
-Because the
document offered an
exact measurement, -The original Italian manuscript of
the 9 degree 2/3 N Pigafetta's account is regarded as
referred to the Old the most trustworthy because it is
-Butuan is indicated by "faithful" to the original text.
the location's -The measurement of
geographical features. distances between Homonhon
and Limasawa and Limasawa
-According to the primary
and Cebu corresponds to the
documents, the
measurement of distances
expedition went 20 to 25
between Homonhon and
leagues west southwest
Mazau and Mazau and Cebu.
from Homonhon, their
original landing spot, to -The fleet of Magellan proceeded
the site of the first mass. from Homonhon to Mazaua.
They've never passed through
Butuan or any other province of
Mindanao on their trip to Cebu.
2. Out of the arguments presented by the two sides, write a short essay stating your view on the issue.

Limasawa is supposed to have hosted the first mass. That has always been a topic of discussion since
elementary school. But there are other facts that many people are unaware of, such as whether the first
mass was held in Limawasa or Masao. There are many people concerned in this topic, including
navigators, geologists, historians, and others. The main point of contention was Pigafetta's "Mazaua"

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