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【轉動生命】 【Chance to Change】

自行車對你的意義是什麼?它在你的生活中扮演什麼角 Why do people ride bikes? What role does bicycle play in your life? In the
色? faraway Africa, there is a group of people who have turned their life stories
在遙遠的非洲大陸有一群人因為自行車,轉動了各自的生 because of bicycles and started to create a life that is different from the past.
命故事,開始創造不同於過去的生活。也因為自行車,他 Because of bicycles, they begin to have more opportunities, and then turn out a
們開始有更多機會,進而轉動出不一樣的人生,改變了他 different life and change their world!

一切的緣起 Origin Origin

這個故事是從 2004 年南亞海嘯開始,當時嚴重的災情引起 This story begins with the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, when the
了一位自行車業的企業家 F. K. Day 關注,他心中熱切渴望 severe disaster attracted the attention of F. K. Day, an entrepreneur in the
幫助災區,但卻毫無頭緒不知道應該如何開始,經由友人 bicycle industry, who was eager to help the disaster-stricken areas, but had no
的建議之下實地走訪災區,他多方思考該如何協助當地救 clue how to start. When he visited the disaster area, he thought about how to
災,而在不停的反思當中,他嘗試以自己的專業出發,起 restore the area. In the process of constant reflection, he tried to start with his
初是捐贈了一些自行車給災區當作聯外的交通工具用,沒 own professionalism. At first, he donated some bicycles to the disaster area as a
想到此舉得到了相當多正面回饋,發現到自行車是可以成 means of transportation for outreach. It got quite a lot of positive feedback, and
為一項助人的工具,延伸幫助更多的人。 found that bicycles can be a helpful tool, extending to help more people.

就在這樣的機緣下,針對一些開發中國家,開啟了許多自 Under such an opportunity, a lot of bicycle distribution project were launched
行車的分送方案,但也碰到了許多狀況,他體察到光是捐 for some developing countries, but he also encountered many situations. He
贈自行車是不行的,必須在過程中不斷深入當地了解人民 realized that it is not enough to donate bicycles alone. In the process, he must
真正的「需求」,透過長期的觀察與陪伴,逐漸開啟永續 continue to deeply understand the people's real needs. Through long-term
observation, a sustainable positive cycle has been gradually opened, and the
自行車數量逐年增加 local people have also started a completely different life cycle.

2005 年:20,500 台自行車

The number of bicycles is increasing year by year
2009 年:66,550 台自行車

2014 年:200,000 台自行車

2020 年:526,941 台自行車


1/ 通勤時間少一些,學習更多 Commute less, learn more

艾索(Ethel)是位學生,每天她需要徒步行走 2 個小時才能抵 Ethel is a student. She needs to walk for 2 hours every day to reach the school.
達學校,在到達學校後,也已經疲憊不堪,學習進度大幅 After arriving at the school, she is exhausted and falls behind significantly in her
落後;在獲得自行車後,她能夠準時到學校,充份利用時 studies. After receiving the bicycle, she was able to get to school on time, make
間好好學習,而她的夢想是能成為一名護士幫助更多人, the most of her time to study, and her dream is to be a nurse and help more
騎上自行車讓她覺得象徵著前往光明的未來,找到單純快 people. This bicycle has shown her that she will have a bright future.
How much time do you spend learning every day?

2/ 去到更遠,照顧更多 Go further, take care of more

若依絲(Royce)是位醫生,他經常要到各個村莊給村民看 Royce is a doctor. She often goes to various villages to see the villagers and
診,給予村民適當的醫療協助。過去他一天徒步探訪能夠 give them proper medical assistance. In the past, there were not many villages
抵達的村莊不多,許多村民在病痛中苦等著若依絲到來; that he could reach on foot in one day, and many villagers were in pain waiting
有了自行車後,他可以到更遠的地方,提供醫療照護給更 for Royce to arrive. With a bicycle, he could travel farther and provide medical
多需要的人。 care to more people in need.

只要有心,距離就不遠,你的目的地在哪? Where there is a will, there is a way. where is your destination?

3/ 為家族創造更多可能性 Create more possibilities for families

喬治(George)與他的家族世代以養雞維生,他每天推著載滿 George and his family have been raising chickens for a living for generations.
雞的獨輪車到市場販售,但是獨輪車又重又慢,一天下來 He pushes full of chickens to the market every day for sale, but the wheelbarrow
能夠販賣的數量有限;在使用自行車運送雞後,他能夠往 is heavy and slow, and the amount that can be sold in a day is limited; after
返好幾趟,漸漸的家族可以拓展起較大規模的販售事業 using a bicycle to transport chickens, He can make several rounds, the family
了。 can gradually expand into a larger-scale sales business.

只要出發,就能更靠近夢想! Start where you are. All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to
起步是一種決心,不停是一種毅力。 pursue them.

4/ 發掘自我,建立自信 Discover yourself and build self-confidence

哈沃德(Haward)是一位自行車維修員, 他經常往返於不同 Haward is a mechanic. He often travels to and from different villages to help
村莊,協助檢查與維修大家的自行車,在這之前他不曾了 check and repair everyone's bicycles. Before that, he never knew about bicycles,
解過自行車,也不確定自己能夠做什麼,因為自行車,他 and he was not sure what he could do. Because of bicycles, he built up his self-
建立起自信心,透過付出自身技術,換得給家人更好的生 confidence. Give his family a better life by providing techniques.
Everything you do now is for your future. Try to think about that!

5/ 積極主動,為環境盡一份力 Be proactive and do your part for the environment

有些人正為了野生動物的生存,想方設法與時間賽跑、和 Some people are fighting for the survival and crisis of wild animals. Levison
危機對抗,列維森·西班達(Levison Sibanda)是一名動物保護 Sibanda is a conservationist, a community guardian, teaching people the
巡查員,教導當地人野生動物的重要性。他每天要走 17~20 importance of themselves and their livestock, as well as the wildlife. He walks
公里抵達他巡守的區域,有了自行車之後他能夠到更多地 17-20 kilometers every day to reach the area he patrols. With a bicycle, he can
方去教導部落民眾、減少盜獵的行為,他迫切希望可以走 go to more places to teach more people from the tribe and reduce poaching
What you can do to protect the environment?
6/ 信念建立,創造永續共好 Belief, creating a sustainable business and Gung ho

杰克頓 (Jackton)是位賣麵包的商人,因為在非洲的路相當 Jackton was a bread supplier. Because the roads in Africa are quite poor, muddy
差,泥濘不堪及崎嶇不平的路讓自行車零件更容易損壞, and rough roads make bicycle parts more prone to damage. It must be more
必須有更多的耐性來進行修理,而維修在非洲是相當不容 patience for repairs, and maintenance is not easy in Africa.
易的,當他得到一台值得信賴可靠的自行車,他可以讓更 When he gets a reliable bicycle, he can feed more local people and gradually
多當地人得到溫飽,也逐漸擴展了他的事業,沒有什麼困 expand his business. There are no difficulty will stop him. This tool gave him
難會再阻擋他,他覺得他得到巨大的力量。 the strength.

藉由自行車,你產生了什麼信念? What beliefs for life did you learn by riding a bicycle?

7/ 自由騎乘,成為獨一無二的自己 Ride to be free and be unique

安亞(Anya) 雖然只是一個學生,但是因為自行車改變他的 Although Anya is a student, but because the bicycle changed her life and
生活,啟發了嚮往自由的心靈,她開始思考著不同於別人 inspired the heart that yearns for freedom, she began to think about a life
的人生,發願成為捕捉世界真實的攝影師,期望活出獨一 different from others, and she wanted to become a photographer who captures
the reality of the world, hoping to live a unique self.

You only have one life to live. Make sure it’s yours.

8 / 自行車夢工廠,由你來設計 Bicycle dream works, created by you

與我們一起騎向未來,透過前面真實的小故事,可以發掘 Ride to the future with us. Through the previous real stories, we can discover
到自行車的意義在他們身上不斷延伸與創造,回過頭來看 that the meaning of bicycles is constantly extended and created in them.
我們是否有想過創造專屬於自己的自行車,乘載著夢想與 Looking back, have we ever thought about creating our own bicycles, carrying
更多可能呢? dreams and more possibilities?

小朋友、大朋友來動手畫畫看,設計出自己的夢想自行車 Use your imagination to design your dream bicycle. Will it be built for speed,
吧! stability or fun? Have a great time!

Bicycle depot in Africa

9/ 非洲的修車亭 Teaching a man how to fish is better than giving him a fish. Alex became a
給他魚吃不如教他釣魚,Alex 為 WBR 訓練的眾多專業維
professional mechanic with WBR, he was originally a small farmer, and he built
修工之一,原本為小農的他,透過修理自行車建立自己的 his business by repairing bicycles and making a better life for his family.

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