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Ferriol, Steven Lloyd F.



1. Is the document/source a primary Yes, because it was direct proof or a declaration

source? Why? of Philippine independence. The paper was
quoted by/drafted by Ambrosio Rianzares
Bautista, who read it on the day of the
Declaration of Philippine Independence.
Furthermore, the paper was signed by dignitaries
and witnesses at the time of writing.
2. Do you think the author is credible as far Yes. Ambrosio Bautista earned a Bachelor of Laws
as the document is concerned? Why? degree. He is also a member of La Liga Filipina and
used to write for the patriotic publication La
Independencia during the Philippine Revolution.
The document had become one of the most
precious sources of information in our history.
This was written by the author based on what he
knew and witnessed at the time.
3. For whom do you think the document I believe the document was intended for the
was intended? Why do you think it was entire globe, not only Filipinos. The text was
written? written to enlighten and display the entire world
the Filipinos' proclamation of independence from
the Spaniards. To demonstrate that the
Philippines is finally free and independent of
Spanish domination and slavery.

4. What are the author’s main arguments? The main purpose of the author was to announce
the Philippines' sovereignty and independence
from Spanish colonial rule. Furthermore, the
statement intends to urge citizens to fight harder
against the Spaniards while also urging
international countries to recognize the country's
independence. Everyone should have equal
access to their inalienable rights because all men
are created equal.
5. Give an example of historical fact (absolutely Probably because it took us three centuries to be
indisputable) that we learn from this document. emancipated from the Spaniards' enslavement,
and also because the colors of our flag were
derived from the United States.

6. What do you think are some pieces of I do not feel any information should be
information that should have not been included eliminated because all of the elements in the
in the document? Why do you think so? document are vital in depicting our country's past
prior to independence. We may not know all that
happened in the past, but we can get a sense of
the historical position in our country through


7. Does the evidence in this document offer any Yes. I didn't know the following facts regarding the
information that you didn't know before? What is Declaration of Philippine Independence: who
this information? penned it; that the colors of our flag, white, red, and
blue, were derived from the United States; and that
the proclamation was signed by 98 persons.

8. Does the evidence support or contradict anything I mistook Emilio Aguinaldo for the man who raised
you have learned from a book, textbook or some our flag at the Philippines' Proclamation of
other sources? What might this be? Independence. Ambrosio Rianzares Bautista, it
turned out.

9. What information should you counter check with Probably the names of individuals who swear to
other sources? protect the independence of the Philippines
regardless of whether they are there on the day of
the proclamation.

10. Does this source broaden or deepen your Yes, absolutely. Knowing what happened during
understanding of its period? How? that time period and the reason for the
pronouncement from the perspective of someone
who was present at the time broadens my
knowledge. It clarifies several things that I
previously felt were true, in addition to the extra
information that I just learned after reading the

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