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School: Școala Gimnazială ”Ioan Cernat”, Havîrna
Date/Time: 15.11.2022, 50 minutes
Classroom interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss
Grade: 6th grade
Level: pre-intermediate
Title: The Adjective- comparative and superlative forms
Textbook: Limba moderna engleza 2, Litera, 2019
Materials: textbook and youtube video (
Methods: brainstorming, discussion, explanation
Skills: listening, reading, speaking, writing
Teacher’s roles: controller, organizer, feedback provider
Students’ roles: collaborator, spokeperson

Aims: To develop students’ listening for a purpose.

To introduce new vocabulary in context.
To improve students’ knowledge about the adjective.

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
- Write down the correct information related to the audio text.
- Guess the meaning of the new words using context clues.
- Know the difference between the comparative and superlative forms
The stages of the lesson
Warm up
Time: 5 minutes
Hello, children! How do you feel today? Can you hear me well? What was your
homework for today?
Pre- listening
Activity 1
Skills: listening, writing
Interaction: T-Ss
Methods: explanation
Time: 10 minutes
Do you remember the adjective? Can you give me some examples? Today we will watch
a video about 6 blind men and an elephant. What does blind mean? I want you to watch the video
carefully and write down the adjectives that you hear but also the body part/ object described.
(Va trebui sa urmariti un video si sa notati adjectivele pe care le auziti, dar si partea corpului/
obiectele descrise).

Activity 2
Skills: speaking
Interaction: T-Ss, Ss-Ss
Methods: Discussion, brainstorming
Time: 20 minutes
Ok, what do you think? Who was right? Now, let’s see what you found.
- How was the body of the elephant? Hard, big, and wide. It felt like what? A wall
- How did the tusks feel? Smooth, hard, and sharp. It is like a spear
- What did the third man touch? He touched the trunk which felt long, thin and wiggly
just like a snake
- What did the fourth man touch? He touched the legs that felt thick, hard and round
just like a tree.
- The fifth man? He touched the elephant’s ear. It was thin like a fan.
- And lastly, what did the sixth man touch? He touched the tail. It felt long, thin and
strong just like a rope.
Post- listening
Activity 3
Skills: reading
Interaction: T-Ss
Methods: brainstorming, explanation
Time: 15 minutes
Did any of you find the adjective smart? Let’s hear that part again. What do you hear? I
am smarter than you/ I am the smartest. What does it mean? Open the textbooks at page 80. Can
you read the title? The table has three columns: Adjective/ Comparative and Superlative. Ce
inseamna comparativ? Dar superlativ? Vom citi impreuna cate un exemplu din tabel si il vom
- cheap- cheaper(than)- the cheapest( ieftin, mai ieftin decat, cel mai ieftin)
- noisy- noisier(than)- the noisiest( galagios, mai galagios, cel mai galagios)
- expensive- more expensive(than)- the most expensive( scump, mai scump, cel mai
- good- better- the best ( bun, mai bun, cel mai bun)

Close the lesson

Time: 2 minutes
For the next time, I want you to write the table in your notebooks and to do exercises 1
and 2 from page 40 as homework. You have to write the comparative and superlative forms of
the adjectives. See you next time! Good bye!

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