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promotion and optimization of
• Florence Nightingale- “the abilities, preventions of
act of utilizing illness and injury,
the environment of the patient alleviation of suffering
to assist through the
him in his recovery.” diagnosis and treatment of
• V. Henderson- “ the unique human
function of the response and advocacy in the
nurse is to assist the care of
individual, sick or individuals, families,
well in the performance of communities, and
those activities populations”
contributing to health or its
recovery (or
peaceful death) that the he • Nursing is caring
would perform
• Nursing is an art
unaided if he had the
necessary strength, • Nursing is a science
will or knowledge and to do • Nursing is client centered
this is such a • Nursing is holistic
way as to help him gain • Nursing is adaptive
independence as
rapidly as possible” • Nursing is concerned with
• 1973 ANA “direct, goal health
oriented and promotion, health maintenance
adaptable to the needs of the and health
individual, restoration
the family and community • Nursing is a helping a
during health profession.
and illness.
• 1980 ANA changed this Recipients of Nursing
definition “Nursing • Consumer is an individual, a
is the diagnosis and treatment group of
of human people or a community that
responses to actual or uses a
potential health services or commodity.
• Patient a person who is
• 1995 ANA recognized the waiting for or
influence and
undergoing medical treatment
contribution of the science of
and care. -
caring to
nursing philosophy and patient comes from a Latin
practice. word meaning
• 2003 ANA “Nursing is the “to suffer” or “to bear”.

• Client a person who engages recovery

the advice activities
or services of another who is o Rehabilitating clients to
qualified to their
provide this service. - optimal functional level
presents the following
receivers of health care as physical or mental illness,
collaborators in injury or
the care, that is, as people chemical addiction.
who are 4. Caring for the dying
responsible for their own o comforting and caring for
health. - the people of
health status of a client is all ages who are dying.
the o hospices: goal > enable
responsibility of the patients to
individual in be comfortable and free of
collaboration with health pain
professionals. Roles and Functions of the
Scope of Nursing • Caregiver
1. Individuals • Communicator
2. Families • Teacher
3. Communities
• Client advocate
• Counselor
Four Areas of Nursing Practice • Change agent
1. Promoting health and • Leader
• Manager
o activities to enhance
healthy • Case manager
lifestyle • Research Consumer
2. Preventing illness • have some awareness of the
o goal: maintain optimal process and
health language of research
3. Restoring health • be sensitive to issues
o Providing direct care to the related to protecting
ill the rights of human subjects
person • Participate in the
o Performing dx and assessment identification of
procedures significant researchable
o Consulting with other health problems
professionals about client • Be a discriminating consumer
problems of research
o Teaching client about

findings. The Metaparadigm for Nursing

Criteria of a Profession 1. Clients
Profession - an occupation 2. Environment - internal and
that requires external
extensive education or a 3. Health
calling that requires 4. Nursing
special knowledge, skill and
preparation. -
Overview of Selected Nursing
generally distinguished from
other kinds of
1. Nightingale
occupation by:
2. Peplau
• Its requirement of 3. Henderson
prolonged, specialized 4. Rogers
training to acquire a body of 5. Orem
knowledge 6. King
pertinent to the role to be 7. Neuman
performed 8. Roy
• An orientation of the 9. Leininger
individual toward 10. Watson
service, either to a community 11. Parse
or to an
organization. Advanced practice registered
• Ongoing research nurse (APRN)- Generally the
most independently functioning
• A code of ethics
nurse. An APRN has a master's
• Autonomy degree in nursing, advanced
• Professional education in pathophysiology,
organization pharmacology, and physical
Professionalism - professional assessment; and certification
character, spirit and expertise in a specialized
or methods - set of area of practice.
attributes, away of life that
implies responsibility and American Nurses Association
commitment (ANA)- The national
Professionalization - is the professional membership
process of association of nurses that
becoming professional works for the improvement of
Nursing Theories and health standards and the
Conceptual availability of healthcare
Framework Theory- a system of services, fosters high
ideas that is presumed to professional standards for the
explain a given phenomenon nursing profession, and
advances the economic and
general welfare of nurses.

Caregiver-Help patients Nurse educator- A nurse,

maintain and regain health, usually with an advanced
manage disease and symptoms, degree, who teaches in
and attain a maximal level educational or clinical
function and independence settings; teaches theoretical
through the healing process. knowledge and clinical skills;
conducts research.
Certified nurse-midwife (CNM)-
Collaborates with one or more Nurse practitioner (NP)-Nurse
providers to deliver care to with an advance degree,
maternal-newborn clients and certified for a special area
their families. or age of patient care, works
in a variety of healthcare
Certified registered nurse
settings or independent
anesthetist (CRNA)-Administers
practices to make health
anesthesia and provides care
assessments and deliver
during procedures under the
primary care.
supervision of an
anesthesiologist. Nurse researcher-Conducts
evidence-based practice and
Clinical nurse specialist
research to improve nursing
(CNS)- Master's degree-
care and further define and
prepared nurse who is an
expand the scope of nursing
expert clinician with
additional responsibility for
education and research: Nursing- Profession that
assesses agency's readiness focuses on the holistic person
for research utilization; receiving health care services
works with staff to identify and provides a unique
clinical problems; helps staff contribution to the prevention
find, implement, and evaluate of illness and maintenance of
findings relevant to current health.
Patient advocate- One who
Code of ethics-Formal speaks for and protects the
statement that delineates a rights of the patient.
profession's guidelines for
Professional organization-
ethical behavior. A code of
Nonprofit organization that
ethics sets standards or
works to improve the image,
expectations for the
working conditions, and skill
professional to achieve.
levels of people in particular
Nurse administrator- Nurse who occupations.
supervises the organization of
nursing care to ensure overall
safety and quality.

Registered nurse (RN)- In the increase the influence of

United States a nurse who has nursing on health care policy
completed a course of study at and practice
a state-approved, accredited
school of nursing and has
passed the National Council What are the five primary
Licensure Examination (NCLEX- characteristics of a
RN). profession?
Key Points: - 1. A profession requires an
extended education of its
• Nursing responds to the
members as well as a basic
health care needs of society,
liberal foundation.
which are influenced by
economic, social, and cultural 2. It has a theoretical body
variables of a specific era. of knowledge leading to
defined skills, abilities,and
• Changes in society such as
increased technology, new
demographic patterns, 3. It provides a specific
consumerism, health promotion, service.
and the women's and human
rights movements lead to 4. It has autonomy in decision
changes in nursing. making and practice.

• Nursing definitions reflect 5. It has a code of ethics for

changes in the practice of practice
nursing and help bring about
changes by identifying the
domain of nursing practice and ANA Standards of Professional
guiding research, practice, Performance.
and education. - 1. Ethics
• Nursing standards provide 2. Education
the guidelines for
implementing and evaluating 3. Evidence-based practice and
nursing care. research

• Professional nursing 4. Quality of practice

organizations deal with issues 5. Communication
of concern to specialist
groups within the nursing 6. Leadership
7. Collaboration
• Nurses are becoming more
8. Professional practice
politically sophisticated and,
as a result, are able to

9. Resource utilization Qualifications of Professional

According to Benner, an expert
nurse goes through five levels 1. Professional Preparation
of proficiency.
-Have licensed to
- 1. Novice- has no practice nursing in the
professional experience country
2. Advanced Beginner- can note -Have a Bachelor of
recurrent meaningful situation Science degree in
but can’t prioritize
-Nursing Be physically &
3. Competent- begins to mentally fit
understand long range goals
2. Personal Qualities &
4. Proficient- perceives Professional proficiencies
situation as a whole rather
-Interest and willingness
than in aspects
to work & learn with
5. Expert- has intuitive grasp individual groups/team
of the situation
-Warm personality &
concern for people
Professional Nurse = Is a -Resourceful & creative &
person who has completed the well balance emotional
basic nursing educational condition
program and is licensed in
-Ability to work
his/ her country or state to
cooperative with others
practice professional nursing
-Initiative to improve
self & service
* What is the common
-Competence in performing
work through the use of
-BSN Graduate of recognized the nursing process
school/college of nursing and
-Skill in decision
making, communicating &
-Is Licensed to practice relating with others /
nursing in the Philippines research oriented
-A member of accredited -Active participation in
nursing organization in the issues confronting nurses
country & nursing

Professional Nursing philosophy of life or a

Article VI of the RA 9173 philosophy of service
Philippine Nursing Act
2002 (Sec. 28) defines
the scope of nursing as : B. Good Personality
A person has been deemed
to be practicing nursing -Personality
when he/ she singly or in consists of distinctive
collaboration with one individual qualities that
another: "Initiates and differentiate one person
performs nursing services from another. It refers
to individuals, families to the impression one
and communities in any makes on others which
health care setting" will include more than
that which meets the eye.
Basic Educational Program
in Nursing Components of Good
THE BSN Program is the
only nursing education -Personal Appearance
program being recognized -Character
in the Philippines.
-Personal qualities of a
Nurse -Charm

*Philosophy of Life
*Good Personality Personal Appearance

A. Philosophy of Life -As a nurse you must be

responsible for
-Concerned with practicing a physical
those basic truths that regimen that helps to
contribute to personal develop and maintain good
growth in a systematic posture and physical
fashion and with those fitness.
principles that relate to
the moral values that
shape the facets of the Grooming
character. Every person
must develop a personal -Your hair should truly
life and plan for "crown" the features of
expanding his personal your face in an
life Theories of nursing attractive manner. Your
can be taught, but not a hair should be neat,
clean and well arranged.

It also includes personal

hygiene and cleanliness

Dress and Uniform

-Just as self-respect is
evident in good posture
and personal hygiene, so
as it is reflected in the
care you exercise with
regards to dressing.

The Nurse’s Uniform

-They come in
different colors, but
irrespective of color,
the nurse's distinctive
uniform identifies you as
a nurse to your patient
and his family as well as
your co workers



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