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Course Administration

Chaklam Silpasuwanchai

Asian Institute of Technology

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1 Administration

2 Why and what

3 Modules

4 Outline

5 Project

6 Take home task

7 Grading

8 Textbooks

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• Course materials at Google Drive or

• Google Classroom (Code: aeho4io)
• Email:
• Office hours: Tuesday 9-10h. Calendar invite.

Let’s have a short tour to, Google Drive, and Google


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Why and what

Why and what HCI

• HCI is pervasive and multi-disciplinary
• User Interface
• Input Devices: Mouse, Keyboard, Stylus, etc.
• Applications
• Key goals
• Reliability → Productivity → Creativity
→ Engagement → Well-Being
• Research Areas
• User Experience and Usability
• Education, Health, Aging, Game applications
• Interaction - VR, AR, Haptics, Pen, Eye, Voice, Gesture, Textiles,
Brain, etc.
• Understanding People
• Research Questions
• What are some new forms of interaction?
• How to design usable devices?
• What human psychology we need to consider?
• How to scientifically evaluate?
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Why and what

Flagship venues

• ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM

• 3,000+ submissions and 4,000+ attendees
• Ideas about Apple Watch, iPhone, VR, AR etc. all originates from
here 10+ years ago

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• Design - principles and common mistakes

• Human Factors - capabilities and limitations
• Experimental Design - validity
• Evaluation - statistical analysis
• Interaction - elements and models

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• Wk 1: History of HCI
• Vannevar Bush’s “as we may think” - Invention of the mouse - Xerox
Star - Macintosh - SIGCHI conference
• Wk 2-3: Experimental Design
• IV vs. DV
• Within-subject vs. Between-subject
• Control vs. Confounding vs. Random variables
• Task and Procedure, Order Effects, Validity Analysis
• Wk 4-5: Design of Everyday Things
• Why Design is Difficult
• Design Principles
• Design Theory
• Wk 6: Writing Papers
• Wk 7, 9: Human Factors
• Perception, attention, memory, reasoning

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• Wk 8: Midterm Exam
• Wk 10: Project Phase 1: Research and Idea
• Wk 11-12: Analysis of Variances
• Wk 13: Project Phase 2: Prototype
• Wk 14: Interaction Elements
• Control-display gain, Latency, Modes, Bandwidth
• Wk 15: Modeling Interaction
• Fitts’ law, Hick-Hyman Law, Keystroke-level model
• Wk 16: Final Exam
• Wk 16++: Project Phase 3: Evaluation and Communication

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• Groups of 4-5 people
• Experimental topics; you can make or not make stuff depending on
your problem.
• Final output: 4-10 pages SIGCHI formatted paper.
• Three phases: Research and Idea, Prototype, and Evaluation and
• Research and Idea Phase
• Review 16-20 papers in CHI in the past 2 years (choose only
experimental type of papers with clear IV and DV)
• Summarize the current research state based on the review
• Identify a gap of the current research state
• Identify a research question/problem
• Identify several new research directions you wanna do
• Submission (Week 10):
• INTRODUCTION, RELATED WORK section of the report (must use
the SIGCHI format)
• PPT presentation
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• Prototype Phase
• Develop your prototype if you have one. Then design your experiment
and run pilot studies. After this phase, your experimental design and
prototype should be finalized.
• Submission (Week 13):
• METHODOLOGY section of the report
• PPT presentation with demo
• Evaluation and Communication Phase
• Perform empirical evaluation with at least 12 participants. Run
statistical analysis on the data.
• Submission (Week 16):
• PPT presentation with demo
• A3 size poster
• 30-sec promotional video

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• Examples of each phase can be found in the Google Drive.

• You are responsible to take note of all deadlines and plan accordingly.

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Take home task

Take home task

Details on Google Classroom

• Phase 0: ACM CHI Video Previews in Google Classroom (submit as
• Explore HCI ideas on the ACM CHI Youtube channel
• Prep for project
• Phase 0: Team Forming (submit as group)
• Send your topics, member list, etc.

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Grading Criteria

Rubric Percentage
Classwork 10
Midterm Exam 20
Final Exam 30
Project: Research and Idea Phase 10
Project: Prototype Phase 15
Project: Evaluation and Communication Phase 15

Table: Grading criteria

Please see the detailed criteria at GDrive for how each phase are being
graded. My website also contains research tips on how to conduct HCI
research so it may prove to be useful.

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Main Textbook

Human Computer Interaction: An

Empirical Research Perspective by I.
Scott Mackenzie, 1st ed. (2013)

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Supplementary Textbooks

Figure: Interaction
Figure: The Design of Figure: Research Methods
Design: Beyond Human
Everyday Things by in Human-Computer
Computer Interaction by
Norman, Revised and Interaction by Lazar, 1st
Preece, Sharp and
Expanded ed. (2013) ed. (2010)
Rogers, 4th ed. (2015)
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Supplementary Textbooks

Figure: Don’t Make Me

Think by Krug, 2nd ed.
(2006) Figure: Designing the
User Interface by
Shneiderman et al., 6th
ed. (2016)
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Coming Next

• Mackenzie, Chapter 1, History Context, Human Computer

Interaction: An Empirical Research Perspective, 1st ed. (2013)
• Shneiderman, Direct Manipulation: A Step Beyond
Programming Languages (1983)
• Macintosh 128K,

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