Fundamental Etherics - A Theoretical Framework and A Theory of Wells

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Fundamental etherics - a theoretical framework and a theory of wells

Outline for conference at the symposium of Applied Etherics

Pr. Keen Walker, Department of Fundamental Etherics, Doskvol Academy

Applied research by scientists of renown such as my esteemed mentor and research director,
Pr. Alcoria, have laid the proper foundation to revisit some of the theory behind the notions of
Ether and the so-called “Ghost Field” and propose a unified theoretical framework for etherics,
articulated around new definitions and a construct of “wells”. This framework should not only
explain and incorporate the remarkable work on applied etherics and empirical observations
derived thereof developed by Pr. Alcoria in industrialization research, Pr. Gallo in ethereal force
and static research, and Pr. Is’iae in ethereal biology, but only explain some of the more
mundane and popular phenomena that science has historically disregarded as myths, but of
which the reality cannot be denied any longer, in spite of the rather colorful vernacular of
demons, spirits, ghosts and the like that is associated with it.

« Physical world », « Ether », and « Ghost Field »

We posit the Ether as the ensemble of forces produced by the fundamental interaction known as
“static” and described extensively by Pr. Gallo, just as our universe, prior to the global
cataclysm, may have been described as the ensemble of forces produced by the established
dynamic, gravitational and electromagnetic interactions.

Imagine a world governed by general dynamics, gravitation and electromagnetism, with its set
of rules, its continuum of time and space, and life forms produced by and constrained by these
forces; let’s call this the “Physical World”. Now, imagine a different world, governed by ethereal
forces, with its set of rules, its own continuum of time and space (and perhaps other
dimensions), and entities produced by and constrained by these forces; let’s call this the “Ether”.

Pre-cataclysm, Physical World and Ether used to coexist and interact via an extremely thin
surface, so constrained that nothing could penetrate it and nothing could linger inside it; let’s call
this the “Ghost Field” (we dislike the supernatural connotation introduced by this term, but use it
for canonical simplicity). Most living entities, and some objects, exist in the Physical World and
the Ether, but each part of themselves should be contained within that particular environment.
In particular, it has become quite clear, based on the excellent research by Pr. Is’iae, from the
Institute of Advanced Studies of Iruvia, that a part of each of us lives in the Ether and outlives
our bodily existence in the Physical World. Another striking example of this dual nature is
certainly that of the Leviathan blood, extensively studied by Pr. Alcoria in her industrialization
research, which is a potent and extremely volatile material of the Physical World (with the
numerous applications we know after refining it into an energy source), but that enjoys a unique
biology sustained by its existence in the Ether where, one may suspect, it is an equally powerful
raw material.
Our interactions with Ether itself are extremely limited. Aside from the refinement of the
Leviathan Blood, no industrial application and no human interaction with the Ether has been
recorded. Most of our interaction, through spark electroplasmic processes or the so-called
technique of “attunement” allow us to interact with the Ghost field.

The theory of the « wells » in the Ghost Field

The core of our research posits that the size of the Ghost Field and the apparition of « wells »,
that is to say bubbles of varying sizes within the field, as a result of the cataclysm, is the
singular most important natural change between our pre- and post-cataclysm environments.

These wells are spaces (not in the traditional space-time continuum definition of our physical
world, but in a more general sense) where the forces of gravitation and electromagnetism can
interact with the static forces of ether, where life forms and objects (typically bound to one of
these two environments) can interact and sometimes be trapped, and through which some
entities may even be able to move from an environment to another.

Pre-cataclysm, Physical World and Ether are separated by a thin and mostly impenetrable layer
of Ghost Field, keeping each environment of forces independent of each other. Ancient
non-scientific literature refers to « supernatural » events which one may suspect to be related to
exception in the topology of the Ghost Field, but without properly documented evidence, the
scientific community should leave this speculation to the writers of fiction.

Post-cataclysm, the Ghost Field has become so extensive in certain times and locations, that it
is capturing an abnormal amount of static force, or entities that should otherwise transfer
completely into the Ether. In particular, we posit that it is in these “wells” of the Ghost Fields that
(i) our “spirits” are now generally trapped after our death, unable to transfer into the Ether, (ii)
some of the native entities of the Ether (generally referred to as “demons” or “horrors”) are now
roaming freely, and (iii) “echoes” of the static forces are sometimes captured in loops, etc. It is
in these wells that most of the interactions between the static forces of Ether and the common
forces of the Old World can occur, proportionately to the size of the well in question. It is still
largely unclear why some wells are “bigger” (for lack og a better qualifier of magnitude) than
others. Empirical evidence suggests that abnormally large wells correlated with (i) our individual
and collective psychological state of mind, (ii) some specific geographic locations, (iii) some time
frequency or references to past events, (iv) a long list of other more or less documented factors.

Empirical evidence of the well theory

Clearly, the most spectacular, and now industrialized, example of such wells are those in which
the Leviathans evolve, so powerful that the well is attached to the blood itself, until it’s finally
converted into plasm, and refined into electroplasmic energy by processes developed Pr.
Alcoria and her famed predecessors in applied etherics, allowing electroplasmic energy to now
power the most important aspects of our industrial lives.

Conversely, the lighting barrier technology would be an empirical and technology-driven way of
thinning down the Ghost Field to revert to a state of impermeability between the Old World and
the Ether. But we cannot ignore the efficacy of other means the populations of Akoros and
elsewhere have found to achieve the same effect.

The so-called “spirit well” of U’du (literally meaning the “well” in Iruvian), and which I have had
the privilege of seeing during my visits to Pr. Is’iae in U’Duasha, is the largest, most structured
and most permanent example of such a well, and the evidence around the aforementioned force
interactions I allude to could fill a doctorate thesis of its own.

Roadmap to well theory research

This precise paradigm of etherics, poses the following questions and areas of research for the
years to come:

1. How can we define and measure the “size” of the wells? What devices and techniques
could be designed and implemented to control the opening of such wells

2. What are the factors driving expansion or reduction of these wells? What industrial
applications can we derive? What devices and techniques could be designed to
dampen or heighten the Ghost Field?

a. Do dampening techniques present opportunities to completely reduce the Ghost

Field within a city like Doskvol, allowing us to revert to a pre-cataclysm state?
Could they be deployed to extend the city beyond its current limits of the lightning
barriers? Could they be used to implement topical solutions for air and land
travel across the continents?

b. Do heightening techniques present opportunities to create more permanent and

industrializable sources of energy for industrial, military, agricultural, and
economic applications to the benefit of the populations?

3. Lastly, but boldly, we contend that it is theoretical possible to create a controlled Ghost
Field environment in which scientists could start building « structures » in the Ether itself,
much like the Leviathans have managed to use the largest wells in the Ghost Field to
build their own structures in the Physical World. By mastering the Ethereal environment
ourselves, we could regain control of the entire ecosystem… A prototype of an artificial
well is currently under development under my direction and we hope to be in a position
to give an update to the scientific community shortly.
Research on these questions, and many others, will now be conducted within the newly formed
department of Fundamental Etherics at Doskvol Academy, under the guidance of an advisory
council comprising Pr. Alcoria, Pr. Gallo and Pr. Is’iae and under the high patronage of his
excellency the Lord Governor of Doskvol.

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