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Human Rights Commission

of Sri Lanka:
Human Rights Education in Schools
Shirani Rajapaksa

ri Lanka has a long history of excellent education system dating back to
200 B.C. During the 1658–1796 period, the Dutch colonial government
introduced a free and compulsory education system in Sri Lanka. During the
1796–1948 period, the British colonial government further developed the educa-
tion system. In 1945, prior to the independence of Sri Lanka, the then Minister
of Education, Dr. C.W.W. Kannangara, placed education on firm grounds with
the introduction of free education for all the children from kindergarten to the
University; the adoption of the national languages as the mediums of instruction;
and the establishment of Central Schools which for the first time provided the poor
children from rural areas the opportunity to obtain good education.1

Since independence, the government has Education has the power to make regulations
given priority to education. Section 12, Part for the purpose of giving effect to the principles
I of the Secretary to the Ministry of Educa- and provisions of the Ordinance. Apart from
tion’s Circular No. ED/1/12/2/6/1 dated the regulations concerning administrative is-
2004/05, states that every child must get sues, there are circulars by the Secretary to the
a school education compulsorily. And most Education Ministry.
importantly, every parent of a child of not less
than five years and not more than fourteen
years of age shall cause such child to receive Child Protection Bodies In Sri Lanka
an education by regular attendance at a school
unless she/he has otherwise made adequate Sri Lanka has a separate mechanism to pro-
and suitable provision for the education of such mote and protect the rights of children. The
child.2 Free textbooks, free school meals for the Ministry of Child Development and Women’s
first year students3 and uniforms are provided Empowerment is the line ministry concerning
to all the children. child rights. There is the National Child Pro-
The Education Ordinance No. 31 of 1939 tection Authority (NCPA) as well. There are
(as amended) is the only law regarding the right legislations and special institutions that provide
to education in Sri Lanka. According to Part V, de jure protection for children from being em-
Article 37(1) of the Ordinance, the Minister of ployed as domestic servants and other exploit-


ative work. The Labour Ministry of Sri Lanka The Human Rights Commission of
has a special unit that investigates child labor Sri Lanka
cases, including a hot line that receives informa-
tion about children who are employed as do- The Human Rights Commission of Sri
mestic servants. The Department of Probation Lanka (HRCSL) was established in 1996 under
and Child Care Services provides protection to the HRCSL Act No. 21 of 1996 to protect
child victims of abuse and sexual exploitation. and promote human rights in the country.
There are special desks established in police The HRCSL has the vision of ensuring human
stations namely Children & Women’s Bureaus rights for all, and promoting and protecting
to look into offences related to children. the rule of law in the country in law and policy
Further, the Sri Lankan Constitution has a and in practice.
provision for the advancement of children that The HRCSL has the mission of developing
requires the enactment of laws and subordinate a better human rights culture in Sri Lanka by
legislations, as well as executive action. protecting and promoting the human rights of
Sri Lanka has ratified a great deal of interna- all based on the universally recognized human
tional treaties, including the following that help rights norms and principles, and with a special
protect child rights and support the education emphasis on the fundamental rights guaran-
of children: teed under the Sri Lankan Constitution for
• International Covenant on Economic, the citizens of Sri Lanka. The HRCSL seeks to
Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) coordinate and cooperate with all stakeholders
• International Covenant on Civil and in protecting and promoting human rights
Political Rights (ICCPR) for all.
• Convention on the Rights of the Child The 1996 HRCSL Act spells out the powers
(CRC) and functions of the HRCSL, namely:4
• Convention on the Elimination of All • To advise and assist the government in
Forms of Discrimination against Women formulating legislations and administra-
(CEDAW) tive directives and procedures in further-
• International Convention on the Elimi- ance of the promotion and protection of
nation of All Forms of Racial Discrimina- fundamental rights.
tion (ICERD) • To make recommendations to the
• Convention against Torture and Other government regarding measures which
Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treat- should be taken to ensure that national
ment or Punishment (CAT) laws and administrative practices are in
• Convention Concerning the Prohibi- accordance with international human
tion and Immediate Action for the rights norms and standards.
Elimination of the Worst Forms of • To make recommendations to the
Child Labour government on the need to subscribe
• Convention for the Suppression of the or accede to treaties and other interna-
Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation tional instruments in the field of human
of the Prostitution of Others. rights.
• To promote awareness of, and provide
education in relation to, human rights
(Section 10(f)).
• To undertake research into, and dissemi-
nate the results of such research (Section
Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka: Human Rights Education in Schools Mandate  19

11(f)) and promote awareness of human understand the value of respecting the cultural
rights through educational seminars and identity and values of the individual and com-
workshops. munities by individuals and communities of
different civilizations.
Though the HRCSL was set up with a wider
mandate, its initial operations in 1997 focused Specific Objectives
only on inquiries and investigations into fun-
damental rights5 violations. The objectives of the human rights educa-
In 2002, the HRCSL established three main tion program of HRCSL are:
sections, namely, Inquiries & Investigations • To increase knowledge and understand-
Division, Education & Special Programmes ing of the concept of human rights.
Division, and Monitoring & Review Division. • To increase knowledge and understand-
The members of the HRCSL are appointed ing of human rights law and increase the
in accordance with the 17th amendment of the practice relating to human rights protec-
1978 Constitution of Sri Lanka6 as well as the tion and promotion.
HRCSL Act.7 At present the HRCSL has ten • To increase knowledge and understand-
(10) Regional Offices with one Sub-Regional ing of contemporary human rights is-
Office.8 sues, both national and international.
• To increase the ability to participate
effectively as citizens in the civil and
Human Rights Education Mandate political life of the nation.
• To promote and protect the fundamental
The mandate of the HRCSL on human rights of the vulnerable and disadvan-
rights education is provided in Sections 10 (f) taged groups in the society.
and 11(f) of the HRCSL Act. Interestingly, in
a broader sense, the HRCSL has the power
to do all such other things as are necessary Program Activities
or conducive to the discharge of its functions
(Section 10 (h)). In a wider spectrum, human a. Teaching - learning materials develop-
rights declared and recognized by the two ment
major international human rights instruments,
the International Covenant on Economic, In 2001, the HRCSL received financial sup-
Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) and port from the Norwegian Agency for Develop-
the International Covenant on Civil Political ment Cooperation (NORAD) on a project to
Rights (ICCPR), are covered by the work of develop a human rights education curriculum.
Education & Special Programmes Division of Under this project a situation analysis was car-
the HRCSL. ried out to identify the human rights educators
in the country, e.g., from NGOs, government
Our Goal and other institutions. This was followed by
the preparation of an implementation plan
One goal of the HRCSL is to provide hu- relating to human rights education. Modules
man rights education to the public aiming at were prepared concerning identified twelve
building up the individual, directed towards target groups. At the regional level, educational
national development, strengthening the uni- activities were held.
versal culture of human rights, making people In 2003, the HRCSL with the UNICEF,

Save the Children Fund (Sri Lanka), and the groups are the most affected or there were any
Foundation for International Training jointly other groups with different types of problems;
developed a training manual on child rights for and at the national level to share the findings of
grassroots level organizations specially those in the consultations at the Divisional and District
the North and East of the country. levels. Selected groups from the respective areas
In developing the training manual, the were requested to identify the groups and the
HRCSL and other stakeholders first reviewed problems they face, and to propose effective
the training programs being implemented in solutions since they all live in those areas, rather
the North & East and some areas that were than ask outsiders or the government to come
thought important (Vavuniya, Jaffna, Trinco- out with solutions to their problems. The ef-
malee, Mannar, Batticaloa, Puttalam) for service fort was meant to understand and identify the
providers. They reviewed the target groups, minority groups within the Divisional and Dis-
materials being used, and the difficulties in trict levels whose rights have been violated, and
conducting training programs. The guidebook to table before the government solutions that
mainly focuses on the CRC, Sri Lankan legisla- they thought were best. Several publications
tions and training methodologies. UNICEF were produced under this project. One publica-
organized two training activities in Kalmunai tion produced was Minorities and the Rights of
and Killinochchi, Eastern Province using the Women and Children. This booklet examined
training manual to test how people would re- the interface of women’s and children’s rights
ceive the same. After successfully testing it, the and minority rights in the legal framework and
training manual was made available in all three in the development policies and programs.
languages to those who seek to use it for human
rights training at the grassroots level.9 b. Special Projects - Training & Educa-
In 2005, the HRCSL produced a booklet, tion
An Introduction to Child Rights, under the
promoting and protecting rights of children The United Nations Development Pro-
project funded by the South Asia Regional gramme (UNDP) funded the Law Review Proj-
Initiative Equity/Support (SARIQ). The Eu- ect of the HRCSL where Sri Lankan legislations
ropean Union (EU) funded the HRCSL proj- relating to children were reviewed to determine
ect, Human Rights for All - The Protection of their compliance with the international human
Minority Rights. Normally, we tend to see the rights standards.
smaller ethnic or religious groups as minorities The United Nations High Commissioner
in a country. Under this EU project, a different for Refugees and the Asia Foundation funded
approach was employed to identify the minority a special project to look into the issue of In-
groups in the smallest administrative areas in Sri ternally Displaced People (IDPs), with special
Lanka. The group, for example, may be that of attention to the protection and promotion of
children, persons with disabilities, women, or child rights.
any other group that face problems caused by The Disaster Relief Monitoring Unit, es-
the inaction of the government or some other tablished to look into issues relating to tsunami
reasons that have not been addressed so far. and its after effects, has produced numerous
The project intended to find out who these documents including the human rights impact
groups were and held consultations at three of government and implementing agency post-
levels: Division level (smallest administrative tsunami relief and reconstruction policies and
entities) to find out the most affected groups; activities. These documents focussed especially
District level to identify whether the same on children and their right to education as well
Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka: Human Rights Education in Schools Mandate  21

as on the hindrances to the fulfilment of this necessary amendments to the current laws and
right. The Tsunami Women’s Unit, established procedures; and to conduct training and aware-
to look into issues relating to women, recom- ness programs for the relevant authorities and
mended that the government should ensure for children residing in these State institutions.
equal opportunity of the girls for the enjoyment With partial was funding from SARIQ, the
of the right to education as the boys. In this HRCSL held twenty-seven awareness programs
context where girls are more likely to drop out across the country to educate State officials in-
of school for cultural and economic reasons, cluding those who are engaged in child rights
positive measures may be taken to guarantee activities such as the Child Rights Promotion
the right to education for girls, in accordance Officers, Probation Officers, Early Childhood
with Article 10 of CEDAW. Development Officers, Social Services Officers
The HRCSL initiated a national human and officers at the Women’s & Children’s
rights education program to implement the Desks in Police Stations and Staff Members of
United Nations Decade of Human Rights children’s homes. These workshops included
Education (and subsequently that of the United lectures on International Standards on Child
Nations World Programme for Human Rights Rights, Domestic Measures in Sri Lanka for
Education from 2005). NORAD provided the Protection of Child Rights, and Medical
funding for this program.10 The goal of this Aspects of Child Rights.
program was to provide education to around During the 2006-2007 period, the Ameri-
ten target groups in each province of Sri Lanka. can Centre for International Labour Solidarity
The target groups were the State agencies - the Sri Lanka (the Centre) funded the HRCSL
main duty bearers - and segments of the public project on Prevention of Human Trafficking.
- the rights holders. The State agencies included The Centre funded to train the HRCSL staff as
the police, public service at various levels, and trainers, followed by training on prevention of
the armed forces. The program also targeted human trafficking for the government officers
the public and sought to enhance awareness in different parts of the country including the
of individual rights and the capacity to protect law enforcement officers such as the Police
these rights and to seek redress for their viola- Officers of the Children & Women’s Bureau,
tion. Under this program more prominence was officers of the Narcotics Bureau, Prison, Fraud
given to economic, social and cultural rights Bureau, and Excise Department. Special em-
which relate to a large number of children who phasis was given to the protection of the rights
were affected by various problems such as the of the children.
2004 tsunami, conflict situation, migration of Knowing the gravity of the crime, the HRC-
parents for better prospect in life to Middle SL conducted education programs whenever
Eastern countries, certain practices by the gov- there were requests from the State officials as
ernment officials, etc. well as from the general public. In 2008, the
UNICEF funded the HRCSL project on Divisional Secretariats (established for the ad-
Protecting Children in Sri Lanka’s Children’s ministration of small segments) in the country
Homes and Detention Centres. The project received funding from the Women’s Ministry to
objectives included; To identify the violation conduct programs relating to women empow-
of international human rights norms and stan- erment. One topic covered was prevention of
dards, abuses, weaknesses and other related human trafficking where the HRCSL received
problems in the children’s homes and detention requests to educate the grassroots level orga-
centers and the domestic laws regulating them; nizations.
To pressure the government to implement In 2007, parallel to the training that was tak-

ing place in India, Pakistan and other migrant the society: for the plantation and other youth
worker sending countries to the Middle Eastern leaders, university students, students of the
countries, the Centre invited the HRCSL to Sri Lanka Bible College in Kandy (Central
conduct a training program to a select group Province), school teachers, judicial medical of-
of lawyers/people with a legal background to ficers, students, members of different societies
work as volunteers on migrant workers issues. including the disabled. A discussion was held
The HRCSL in partnership with the Centre on the Torture and Anti Ragging Bill with the
organized and conducted a training program university students at the University of Co-
in both Sinhala and Tamil languages. Child lombo in 2005.
rights and their protection are part of the top-
ics discussed.
The HRCSL has also been invited to par- Human Rights Education in Schools
ticipate in the human rights initiatives of other
institutions. For the annual Career Fair - Ori- Though the HRCSL does not focus on
entation Program of the Faculty of Law of the children per se, it has recognized children as
University of Colombo for the incoming law an important segment of the society who needs
students, the HRCSL provided information special attention as well as a vulnerable group.
on the opportunities it could offer the law These justify the special attention to their rights
students such as gaining working experience in all activities of the HRCSL including human
as interns and the requirements needed to join rights education activities.
its permanent work force. For human rights education in schools, the
The government of Sri Lanka invited the HRCSL focuses on different groups including
HRCSL to participate at the nine-day Dayata the pre-school children, school children (junior
Kirula National Development Exhibition for and upper secondary schools that include the
2008 and 2009 and educate the general public age limits of 13 to 18 years) as well as the educa-
on human rights and its work. tors (school principals, teachers, and others).
The HRCSL has defined the vision, mission
and goals regarding the education of children
Human Right to Education of the and the educators on human rights in the fol-
Indigenous Communities lowing manner:

This writer wrote her LL.M. thesis11 entitled Our vision for the school children (between 13-
The Human Right to Education of the Vanni- 18 years old) is to see the dawn of an era when
yala-etto Community (The Forest-dwellers) in Sri children live in total peace and security; when
Lanka as an Empowerment Right and provided they are provided all opportunities to gain the
recommendations to the government as well maximum fulfilment of their aspirations; when
as to the HRCSL on how to realize this right they are treated with great compassion and pro-
of the indigenous community. The thesis was tective care so that they can take on the future
published in June 2008 by the Law & Society with great confidence, physically and emotionally
Trust as an article in a special edition of LST unharmed, toward enhancing the human condi-
Review on the theme The Right to Education tion for coming generations.
in Sri Lanka and Reforms Thereto.12 Our mission in achieving this mandate is to
Apart from the above, to date the HRCSL ensure that all members of the society respect the
has conducted different types of human rights fact that the human rights of children are vital
education programs for different segments of to their future health and prosperity; provide
Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka: Human Rights Education in Schools Mandate  23

them all their basic needs – food, shelter, health the HRCSL Strategic Plan. Making students
services, educational opportunities, and a clean become aware of human rights is an investment
environment – and that they may enjoy these for the future, in building the future society that
benefits without any discrimination; infuse in respects human rights. This gives the opportu-
adults the spirit of respect for each child, pro- nity to have an island-wide network of activities
tecting them from all physical and mental abuse and has justified the possibility of promoting
since they are the most vulnerable and [weakest] human rights at the school level.
in society and build a certain degree of awareness The HRCSL has adopted different meth-
of their rights so that they may raise their voices odologies to educate students in a sustainable
against any injustice or harm caused to them and manner. One method is the introduction of
to others while performing their responsibilities human rights units in schools. Being a useful
to society. way to educate the students, school princi-
Relating to the educators, we envision a State pals supported this initiative. The students
where the educators will once again regain their in higher grades were chosen to form human
dignity and respect as in the past, enjoying to rights units. The intention was for them to
full capacity all their human and fundamental obtain better knowledge on human rights, and
rights without any discrimination, so that they through them carry out educational activities
would be able to engage in the edifying task of in schools relating to human rights to educate
empowering and enabling all citizens in achieving the younger students as well as to equip them
full enjoyment of human rights in an atmosphere with the knowledge concerning human rights
of peace and progress. before they leave school. For example, on 17
Our mission is to enable the crème of society March 2009 the HRCSL conducted an aware-
to be trained as teachers to propagate the envi- ness program for the Advance Level school stu-
sioned culture of human rights, provide all en- dents in a school in the Western Province. The
abling facilities so that they will be compensated HRCSL encouraged the students to establish
adequately for their contribution to society. To a human rights unit by informing them of its
enlist them in the task of changing the society importance in the school as well as by donating
from one of corruption, crime and conflict to books relating to human rights as a token of
one of peace, parity and plurality, conducive to encouragement to start such unit.
the growth of the future generation into useful In 2004, a special concert on the Indivis-
and virtuous citizens, as living embodiments of ibility of Human Rights was staged in Badulla
a human rights culture. (South-Eastern part of Sri Lanka). This concert
was organized with the participation of students
In addition, when conducting human rights who belonged to multi-ethnic groups. This
education programs for other segments of the program included dramas and cultural activi-
society (be they the officials of the government ties. Students expressed social, economic and
or the private sector), the importance of pro- cultural problems. The students of a special
tecting and promoting the rights of children is school for children with disabilities performed
emphasized. in this concert.
An art competition entitled Equality and
Peace for students in the North & East was
School Activities conducted in 2005. There were about five
hundred paintings that expressed valuable and
Public awareness on fundamental and other meaningful messages about what the students
human rights and a willingness and capacity to think about peace and equal treatment. To share
enforce them are some of the goals set out in

the views of the students, an exhibition and components with the international norms and
an open dialogue was organized in Colombo. standards of human rights education.
To make the students from other parts of the In 2009, the Secretary to the Ministry of
country understand the expectations and views Disaster Management & Human Rights facili-
of the Northern and Eastern students and for a tated a meeting with the Ministry of Educa-
better understanding of what equality and peace tion, the NIE, the HRCSL and other involved
means, ten selected students from schools in institutions concerning education. The plan
Colombo were requested to look at the pictures was to prepare and work jointly on a human
and to engage in an open dialogue. Different rights education program for the teachers,
experts, lecturers, peace activists, human rights university students and school students. This is
activists, journalists, psychologists, legal profes- an ongoing project with some of the activities
sionals were invited to the open dialogue to having been commenced already. The HRCSL
share their opinions and views with the students undertook the formulation of guidelines/hand-
who attended the exhibition. books for the teachers, university students and
Every year, HRCSL hold activities to edu- school students as supplementary materials for
cate the different government and other stake- the curriculum-based human rights education,
holders in the society relating to child rights. which allocated only a limited number of hours
In 2006, HRCSL held a number of activities for human rights education.
in schools. In the table below are some of the
schools where these activities were held.
Commemorating International Days

Curriculum Development The HRCSL has used the commemoration

of international days as occasion to promote
The HRCSL has held discussions in 2005 human rights in the schools. The celebration of
and 2007 with the National Institute of Educa- the Universal Children’s Day has been used for
tion (NIE) on the integration of human rights several years now as an opportunity to promote
education into the general school curriculum human rights, as in the following events:
and the subscription of the human rights
a. S t . V i n c e n t S e c o n d a r y
Some of the schools involved in HRCSL activities School – since finding out
on the topic “Protecting and Promoting Child Rights” that except for three all the
01 12-13 September Sakura Pre-school Teachers’ Training Centre other children that attend St.
2006 Auditorium – Kurunegala Vincent Secondary School
02 17-18 October Madampe Divisional secretariat Auditorium in Maggona (in the Western
2006 - Chilaw Province of Sri Lanka) are
03 28 February 2006 Divisional Secretariat, Mahara from childre’s homes in the
Kalutara District, the HRC-
04 2 March 2006 Divisional Secretariat, Kebithigollewa
SL support the celebration
05 17 March 2006 Divisional Secretariat, Tangalle of the Universal Children’s
06 21 March 2006 Divisional Secretariat, Ambalangoda Day in 2005 by holding a art
07 28 March 2006 Divisional Secretariat, Putthalam competition in the school.
08 6 April 2006 District Secretariat, Badulla This event helped the school
identify the talents of the
09 30 May 2006 Divisional Secretariat, Kalutara
students, who were given
Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka: Human Rights Education in Schools Mandate  25

freedom to choose any topic under the gan to expect the HRCSL to be more involved
theme “My Bliss.” Most of the students in the human rights protection and promotional
drew paintings about the family and house- activities relating to children. The HRCSL
hold environment. This correctly showed therefore takes the initiative of promoting hu-
the mindset of the students who were de- man rights at every possible opportunity. In one
prived of their normal family life and living case, upon the information supplied in 2008
in children’s homes without receiving the by its Ampara Regional Coordinator about
love and care of their parents and siblings. children of the Ampara District who have been
b. Colombo Educational Zone - the HRCSL most affected by sexually transmitted diseases,
celebrated the 2006 Universal Children’s the HRCSL decided to educate children on this
Day by organizing an art and essay com- issue and forwarded proposals to donor agen-
petition for students from thirteen schools cies to conduct awareness programs to school
(Tamil- and Sinhala-speaking students) in children in the district.
the Colombo Educational Zone. The HRCSL introduces programs creatively
c. Homagama Educational Zone - in celebrat- to influence the beneficiaries to think differ-
ing the 2007 Universal Children’s Day, the ently. While protecting the vulnerable and the
HRCSL held a workshop on fundamental disadvantaged, the HRCSL make the efforts
and human rights of the children for the to make the people understand the need for,
principals and heads of Disciplinary Com- and their ability to participate effectively in,
mittees of schools in the Homagama Edu- the protection and promotion of human rights
cational Zone. of everyone.
d. Badulla and Ampara regions – the HRCSL The participants in HRCSL activities give
actively participated in a series of activities positive response. They see human rights
to celebrate the 2008 Universal Children’s education programs (especially on prevention
Day upon the invitation of the Ministry of crimes such as human trafficking) for all in
of Child Development and the Women’s the society as a must. They see such education
Empowerment and the NCPA. The series activities as opportunities to better equip them-
of activities was held under the theme “Let’s selves against perpetrators.
Make the Children’s World More Beautiful, Government officers, NGO workers and the
by Listening to Them.” The officers of the general public alike have identified the lack of
Badulla and Ampara Regional Offices took coordination and cooperation between differ-
part in the program. The HRCSL received ent stakeholders, be they government agencies
financial support from the Save the Children or the NGOs, on human rights work. HRCSL
Sri Lanka for its exhibition activity. tries to coordinate the work of the different
stakeholders for more effective human rights
Whatever children see in the classroom be- protection and promotion.
comes a part of their experience and a part of While human rights are universal, they have
the growing process. to be understood within the context of the cul-
tural values of everyone. The HRCSL therefore
uses different strategies in promoting human
Impact of the Program rights. What the society requests is to make
the law enforcement officers do a better job
So far, the human rights education program in implementing laws. The HRCSL promotes
of HRCSL has positive impact. The general human rights towards this end.
public as well as all other stakeholders have be- One has to blend cultural and social expecta-

tions with human rights education. Majority of knowledge of students on human rights is com-
the students are aware of the HRCSL and its plete, with no misunderstanding. This is why
functions. Some students commented that what the HRCSL has a greater role to play in making
were taught by HRCSL about drug addiction the decision-makers understand the importance
made them realize that they have a responsibil- of human rights education for all segments of
ity to keep away from such circumstances. They the society, and to protect and promote the
requested more educational programs relating human rights of all in a pluralistic manner. In
to human rights education since they saw its this effort, the HRCSL hopes that everyone will
great influence on shaping their (and especially join hands with it in making the world a better
of children’s) lives in a positive manner. and peaceful place for all children.
Though the efforts are slowed down due to
numerous reasons, such as financial constraints,
lack of resources, and lack of government as- Endnotes
sistance and understanding of the importance
of the HRCSL, the results have been positive
‘Historical Overview of Education in Sri Lanka’,, visited on 31 December 2005, and
and progressive.
cited in S. Rajapaksa, “The Human Right to Education
of the Vanniyala-etto Community (the Forest-dwellers)
in Sri Lanka as an Empowerment Right”, Masters
Conclusion thesis (2006), Chapter 4.4, pages 41,42.
Regulation No. 2, Government Notifications
In 1996, the HRCSL adopted a wider under the Education Ordinance, No.1003/5, dated
mandate to protect and promote the rights of 25th November 1997.
‘Government Policies and Programs to Eliminate
everyone in the country. Since its establishment, the Worst Forms of Child Labour - Sri Lanka,’ U.S.
the HRCSL has fulfilled its obligations, and set Department of Labour, Bureau of International
goals on human rights education for children Labour Affairs, <
and the educators as well. Looking back at the iclp/tda2001/sri-lanka.htm>, visited 1 April 2009.
past nearly seven years since it gained full power 4
Articles 10 and 11 of the HRCSL Act.
to fulfil its mandate, the HRCSL has done what
Chapter III of the Sri Lankan Constitution.
Under the 17th amendment of the Constitution,
it was mandated to do. the President appoints the Chairperson and Members
The HRCSL has undertaken various educa- of the HRCSL based on the nomination of the
tional activities on human rights education, and Constitutional Council.
carried out research on various human rights 7
Article 3 of the HRCSL Act No. 21 of 1996.
issues amidst restricted financial and human 8
Regional Offices in Anuradhapura, Ampara,
resources. The HRSL aims to make human Badulla, Batticaloa, Jaffna, Kandy, Matara, Kalmunai,
Trincomalee and Vavuniya. Sub-Regional Office in
rights education take root in Sri Lankan society,
Nuwara Eliya. See also for the map of the
though in a slow pace, to make sure that it does HRCSL offices in various parts of the country.
not reject the idea of human rights. 9
Sinhalese, Tamil and English.
Though human rights education is inte- 10
2004 - 2005 HRCSL Annual Report.
grated into the school curriculum only to a 11
LL.M. in International & Human Rights Law,
limited extent, it has a great influence on the Faculty of Law, Lund University, Sweden (2004-06)
students. The HRCSL aims to ensure that the
LST Review 18/248, June 2008.

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