Star Clouds!

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Star Clouds
“The sunflowers in your meadow won’t
change their direction, unless they see

Fatima Akber
Chapter 1: “Magic..?”
Chapter 2: “Away from home.”
Chapter 3: “A trip to the enchanted”
Chapter 4: “Wand.”
Chapter 5: “Bookshelves”
Chapter 6: “A trip into King Marvolo”
Chapter 7: “School?”
Chapter 8: “Zero Meraki”
Chapter 9: “Nightmare”
Chapter 10: “Deadly mark”
Chapter 11: “Suiting up”
Chapter 12: “Loki and Aphrodite”
Chapter 13: “Waging war”
Chapter 14: “A kick in the stomach”
Chapter 15: “Star rain”
Chapter 16: “Years later”
Chapter 17: “Putting back the stars”
Chapter 18: “Star clouds”

Chapter 1
T he beige curtains in Scorpius’s room were slightly swaying. Scorpius, a ten year old, orphan who has
messy Auburn hair with olive green eyes which were currently occupied with a beautiful view, he was on
top of his messy bed which had sketches of brilliant ideas which only Scorpius could think of. Scorpius
lived in the country side in a meadow full of long blades of grass which were taller than Scorpius and
even some of the sunflowers reached up to Scorpius’s windowsill. The stunning rays of the sun were
strong, violent but Scorpius couldn’t turn back, he thought he was “addicted” to the sun.
The paper and pen in his pale hands began to draw like they had their own mind. He focused on the birds
outside which were trying to come inside and take away Scorpius’s things. Scorpius was interested in
nature but he’s never been too addicted until today he got distracted because he heard loud bangs like
distant shots from a gun. He pressed his ear against his dusty floorboard, he could hear the voice of his
father and his last words “Scorpius Olympius Noire, There will be a time that the secrets will all be
revealed and you- will be a savior.” Scorpius moved his spot and pressed his ear again. There was a silent
conversation, as the sky got darker the conversation got harsher, louder and more confusing. “Mary! You
can’t always keep it a secret.” Scorpius’s grandfather yelled to his daughter who was Scorpius’s mother.
“If I don’t Scorpius will get scared! I don’t want him to be scared he’s just a child, .” “But mom, if my
brother Scorpius, doesn’t know what in the world is happening he will just be more confused.” Scorpius
heard someone smack the chair and run upstairs. Scorpius quickly crawled across the floor and jumped
onto the oak chair which was slightly wobbling and rocking.

“All the secrets revealed?” Scorpius said to himself while resting his head on a wooden desk and looking
towards an empty sheet of paper which Scorpius was going to use for drawing but he never got the time
to. What was his family hiding? Scorpius raised his head up and opened up a drawer in his dark oak desk
(which still smelt brand new) and took out the locket his father gave him but Scorpius never wore it
because the chain always broke off and he didn’t want to lose it so he just kept it in his desk’s drawer. He
held the Locket and tossed it between his two hands. “Savior? How will I be a savior if I can’t even
convince anyone?”

A few hours later Scorpius was leaning his head against his bookshelf which had made some dents on the
brown wallpaper and scratches on the spruce wooden floor. Scorpius fell asleep with his glasses on his
head and his auburn hair hitting his freckled nose which made him sneeze. The locket in his hand fell
down and broke open which showed a note and a folded up picture. The family was still having dinner
without Scorpius, they all thought he heard what they said and refused to call him for dinner. Scorpius
didn’t eat lunch nor did he eat dinner and he was starving but he didn’t know that he was hungry because
his thoughts distracted him like they didn’t want him to wake up as if they were planning to send him off

It was 12:00 am. Scorpius’s alarm clock starting ringing but Scorpius couldn’t notice that. Scorpius kept
on sliding off of his chair and suddenly he fell off head first, flipped over and hit his chin on the dusty
wooden floor beneath the desk. Scorpius cleaned his glasses using his blue, woolen, pajama shirt and then
slid his slippers on and looked outside of the window, something felt odd he had a bad feeling about
something. He was about to doze off until he heard singing which made him wide awake again. This time
it wasn’t Emma’s awkward singing, this singing voice was coming from the forest behind the meadow.
He went onto his balcony and searched around the area. He looked at the moon and realized that he didn’t
have the old locket with him. He searched everywhere until he heard singing again and a voice of a young
girl, probably about fifteen-to-sixteen-years-old. He heard the voice sing the word “Aluminee.” It echoed
throughout the whole meadow. A spark of light hit the small desk lamp on his desk which His dad gave to
him when he was four. The small spark chased Scorpius around his room and then got hold of Scorpius’s
hand which was turning blue by the second, Scorpius tried throwing thick books at the spark using his
other hand but it only got tighter.
The spark broke through his window and dragged him outside. He closed his eyes shut and covered his
head with his other hand which was full of sweat. He thought he would fall but he noticed he didn’t fall
he peeped his eyes open and looked around, he saw that he was flying, with the help of a random white
spark which came from the forest. Scorpius could feel the fresh air running through his face, he held onto
his glasses which kind of shattered because of how fast the wind was moving. It was as if the wind was
going to an important meeting and the wind had to rush all over Scorpius’s face in order to get to their
Scorpius was getting a little motion sick, every time he looked down his face looked paler than before.
His hands were turning blue like the color of the wheel barrow that they haven’t used in ten years. When
Scorpius was going to let it out he reached the forest. He held onto his stomach as the spark dropped him
down to the thick, wet grass. Scorpius held onto his stomach, It felt like a volcano of molten lava which
was much more acidic than his own stomach acid. The spark stood beside Scorpius as Scorpius made
uncomfortable noises, Scorpius’s eyes were red like a dragon’s scales, and tears ran out of his eyes as he
tried pulling them back. He wiped his eyes and got up he examined the mushy grass beneath his bare feet
which were once covered by his fluffy bedside slippers. While looking around he heard a voice, a voice
of a woman; “Don’t worry it’s your first time flying. Usually everyone who flies, well, pukes, but luckily
you didn’t!” Scorpius looked around to see where the voice was coming and finally laid his watery olive
eyes on a thick berry bush. A girl came out of the bush, she had pale pink skin and a darker shade of pink
ran from her hair which reached all the way to her hips. Her hair was straight and left open. There were
rose petals in her hair. She had coal black eyes which entirely didn’t match with the flower crown on her
Scorpius looked at her from head to toe. “I hope I don’t offend you but, who are you and are you even
human?” Scorpius said while looking down embarrassed. “Oh no, I’m sorry, I’m Rosalind Caper, You
can call me Rose, and yes I may look not-human-like but I was, once a human.” Scorpius looked at her
confused but refused to ask her about what she meant by “Once.” Rose pulled a “wand” out, It had vines
around it and the tip of her wand was covered by small roses.”Alluminien.” she said pointing her wand
towards the spark of light which squeezed into her wand. “Is that what I think it is..?” Scorpius said
looking up through his broken glasses “If you’re thinking about magic then, yes.” “Why am I here?”
“well, you’re father was a great wizard, He was always an introvert and never really talked to anyone,
he saved the Magic world from a corrupt power, who was always drunk in power, well stories over, the
end.” Rose pointed her wand towards Scorpius and chanted out some words “We witches three, save the
king made for a good destiny, let him have good sleep.” Rosalind brought out a potion and poured some
in her pink hand which looked yellow for some reason and she threw the water on top of Scorpius.

The next day, Scorpius woke up at 5:00 am to see the sun rising, Scorpius was nicely tucked in, he felt
warm and cozy but he got up anyways. He rushed to his window and stared at a blue reflection of him,
His glasses were fixed and there was a small withered rose and the end of the hoop-part of his glasses.
Scorpius looked around his room, to see that it was all organized and cleaned up. Scorpius went to fix his
bed, he jumped on top of his bed and fixed the bedding, he thought about what had happened last night.
He finished making his bed and ran to the bathroom to quickly brush his teeth and change into his nerdy
clothing, he wore a baggy grey shirt which was tucked into some black jeans which was topped off with a
black jacket. Scorpius felt in a good mood and even decided to comb his hair which still looked messy no
matter what.
“What happened yesterday? I mean was that a dream, is my father a wizard?” He ran back to his room
and started looking for some clues, he threw his books out of their place and he destroyed his cardboard
castle which has paintings of flowers on them, Scorpius looked around and eventually fell down on his
bed with his arms open. He fell asleep again until he heard the loud call of his grandfather “ Scorpius,
come down here!” Scorpius called down his bed and picked up the withered roses that Rosalind left for
him. It had a note which was written on a torn piece of brown paper, all the words were scrambled. As
Scorpius tried to decode the writing, Emma barged into the room, she always wore different-colored
jumpers and on formal occasions she would either wear a skirt or overalls.
Emma cleared her throat, which made Scorpius jump and turn around hiding the note and the withered
roses. “Scorpius? What are you doing? You seem a little.” Emma said as she was thinking about what she
was supposed to say “Suspicious.” Scorpius ignored his sister and hid the note in his pocket and left the
roses in their place, he got up and turned his back towards his sister which made Emma mad considering
the fact that she hates being left alone and ignored. As Scorpius walked downstairs he saw everyone
worried and looking down at their shoes. Emma followed him and pushed him along the way. “What’s
going on?” Scorpius said as he plopped down on the sofa next to his mother. “Scorpius, we need to
talk.” Grand-pa said as sweat dripped off his bald head onto his forehead as if his bald head was crying
tears of sweat. “You’re a, you’re a.” Grand-pa looked back and then looked down at his feet “You’re a
cookie, a chocolate chip one!” Emma said as she grinned at him “I am? How unfortunate. I guess I’m
going to be eaten.” He replied as he ran off into the meadow, Emma looked at her mother and ran after
Scorpius. While running around Scorpius stopped and Emma pulled her wand out. “You know it too?
You’re a witch” Scorpius said surprised “Well, how do you know?” he pulled out a note from his pocket
which was signed by “Rosalind Caper, From the Investigation Department of the Noire Magic Press.”
“You know her too?” Emma said as Scorpius sat down next to the small pond his Grand-pa dug in his
30’s “am I supposed to know her?” Scorpius said as he showed Emma the ends of his glasses which had
withered roses growing on them, they were tiny and unnoticeable but she managed to see them. “Do mum
and Grand-ma and Grand-pa know about her?” He said as he put his glasses on “no, she is an important
person to the community, Mum and Grand-pa and Grand-ma are Light magic but a withered rose means
that we are dark magic related.” Emma replied “We-“Scorpius said while pulling his hair back. Emma
pulled out her hair-tie which was actually a withered rose “We, me and you, we both are dark magic, an
important breed to the Magic world, but we can’t tell them because they practically hate black magic,
they had a war or an argument with them.” Scorpius couldn’t help but notice that his sister actually
understood what he was talking about. She grinned at him and said “We need to keep our magic a secret,
if they find out, the consequences are severe.” “Wait, Emma, can you tell me all about the black magic’s
and the white magic’s.” Emma looked at him with his eyes wide open and then she closed them and said
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”

Star clouds!✨
Chapter 2
“Away from Home”
S corpius stayed up all night waiting for that spark to come through the window and carry him to
Rosalind, he had a lot of questions for her about the “Black magic’s and the White magic’s” all he knows
is that they had a war and they hate each other. Scorpius hated waiting, so to kill time he thought about
what Emma said. Scorpius fell asleep with his legs straight up and formed his body into an “L” shape. An
hour later at 12:00 the spark crashed into his room with a big bang which made Scorpius wake up with a
big smile on his face, Scorpius took his hands out but the spark decided to take Scorpius by his feet. They
both flew through the sky. Although Scorpius was excited on meeting Rosalind, he felt like the motion
sickness was getting the most of him, luckily the spark crashed into Emma’s black bedroom, there were
black withered roses in a clear vase which was on top of a vintage closet which was still in good
condition, the bang woke Emma up, Emma was very stressed, her hair was a mess like it was in a
tornado. The spark pulled Emma’s hand tight and broke through the window. “Hey you messed up my
curtains!” Emma said pointing her tight fist towards the spark. Emma looked very excited and decided to
flip over and lay her head back like she was flying and sleeping through air. Scorpius tried copying
Emma, by going into position trying to flip over but it never seemed to work. Scorpius learned a new fact
about his infamous sister, Emma is much more talented than him.

Besides of going to the forest they crashed into the end of the forest which was a huge river which opened
up to a sea. Scorpius was trying to recover from his motion sickness as he put his hand on his thick,
auburn, messy hair which looked like a birds nest. Emma had gotten up to examine the area, all they
could see was the sand and the bare blue sea which had tough waves, Rose came through a thick bunch of
oak trees which were taller than Scorpius’s house twice. “Well, I guess you have a question, am I right?”
“I want to know about the black magic’s and the white’s.” Rosalind looked up and said “Very well, first
of all they are called black blooded and white blooded or the noire’s and the blanc’s, they all used to be
friends and when I was a child, your father was a loyal servant of the king who was always drunk in
power, he’d do anything for power, he even killed the poor and the needy for more land and more army
troops, life was very bad back then, my parents were politicians who were friends with your father but
one day they told your father to assassinate the king, your father did so as he knew his life would go to
risk for saving thousands of poor civilians. On the 10th of May your father set his mission, he snuck up to
the king but the king got the best of him executing him for his attempts, your father survived and ran off,
he got married but then the great war of the black blooded and the white blooded happened, the white
blooded thought the king was innocent and the black didn’t so they had a war, Realizing this your father
went in and stopped the war and died, your mother and your grandparents are white blooded, if they find
out the only option is to execute you, no matter what.” Scorpius gulped, “I tried helping your father
because I noticed him in his black cloak but it was too late, To encourage black blood rights I became an
undercover spy finding some hybrids before the king does because if he finds black blooded hybrids he
will cut their wings off and kill them.” Emma gave out a long sigh as she dipped her feet in the river, “so
what exactly do we do?” “You need to run away, from home.” “I guess we need to start packing.” Emma
said as she patted Scorpius’s back.

Scorpius ran to his room and noticed Rosalind, Scorpius stared at all the pink that she wore. Scorpius
shook his head rapidly as he saw Rosalind say the word “Reverso!” The alarm clock in Scorpius’s room
rang indicating it was 2:00 am as all the items in Scorpius’s room duplicated. It was all packed into a
small bag that Scorpius got when he was 4.

Everything had been duplicated and packed. Rosalind took out a crochet version of Scorpius out of her
tiny pockets and placed it on his bed. “Whoa! How’d you do that?” “Magic.” Rosalind replied. Scorpius
took a good look at his tiny, dirty room as Rose said “Aluminee.” Two sparks of light came out and
dragged Emma and Scorpius out of their room as Rosalind teleported.
Scorpius clutched his bag tight in his other hand as he flew through the sky, he was getting used to flying,
Emma got out a “Sleeping elixir” and swallowed the transparent potion and instantly fell asleep while
dropping the bottle of the elixir in her hand into the small pond below them that they had just crossed.
The skies were starting glow more and more but they hadn’t reached their destination, They had travelled
for at-least 5 hours and still they weren’t at their location, Scorpius who was half asleep half-awake woke
up as he saw that they were flying over the sea and then the spark dropped him and Emma into the barren
sea. Emma woke up as the sea kept on pulling her down, Scorpius had fainted as Scorpius had never
swam before, Emma pulled him up as the sea turned into a black hole and pulled them through a vortex
and threw them down into a barren valley. There were hills and huge mountains covered with grass and
greenery. Scorpius had his head on Emma’s lap as Emma kept on shaking him, suddenly Scorpius took a
long breath and then started coughing out water, it was cold, there was no sign of light except of grey
clouds and strong wind, Scorpius used his hood from his jacket to keep him warm, Emma pulled out a
grey wool blanket and wrapped it around herself and Scorpius, water dripped out of their hair as the
winds got stronger, they heard a “Whoosh” as Rosalind who was wet said “Openly” and a door emerged
through the tallest mountain which was right behind Scorpius and Emma who were still trying to stay
awake, Scorpius was cold stricken and Emma was trying to recover from sleep deprivation.
Emma noticed the wooden door and carried Scorpius inside and plopped him down onto a big “L” shaped
sofa which was this Oyster grey color which was in front of a small stone fire place, beneath them was a
hand stitched rug in a circle shape, beneath that was a spruce wood floor, above the fire place there were
three photo frames, the photo frame in the middle had a black border and contained a withered rose the
two others which had a dark wooden outline had plants such as a lavender and some black berries which
were preserved to stay fresh as long as they never came out of the photo frames they were in. on the side
there was a big kitchen, the counters were made out of dark oak which was matte and had not been
polished, there was stripped spruce wood as the counter tops, there were four counter chairs with long
black legs. The pantry was big enough to hold at least a thousand cereal boxes, behind the sofa that
Scorpius was placed on there was a stair case which had a book shelf underneath it with all of Scorpius
and Emma’s favorite book’s, Emma looked at Rosalind as she walked up the staircase to the second story
which had two bedrooms all with Scorpius’s and Emma’s furniture inside, of course there weren’t any
balconies because they lived inside a huge mountain in the middle of an empty lonely valley, and they
couldn’t come out unless they used secret ways of transport. There was also a third story which was huge
library with a big fire place and a big carpet. Emma walked downstairs as she saw that Scorpius had woke
up, he slowly got up as he touched his wet clothes which were now dry but still smelled of sea water.
Scorpius slowly got up as his numb feet hit the carpet beneath him. “So, what about school, should we
just quit?” said Emma “Well, all of the magic schools are kind of cursed since the king owns them so you
will have to go to a non-magic school.”
Emma ran upstairs to her already decorated room and jumped on her bed which made it shake, The bed
was squeaky but was good for some time, Emma couldn’t really believe that she ran from home and that
she was going to a war, although Emma wanted to become a doctor when she grew up but being a witch
would be much cooler. She also wondered why she had to wage on war. “When life gives you clue’s, you
just got to stick to them.”
Chapter 3
“A trip to the enchanted”

S corpius woke up falling down the sofa he always hit his head no matter what but luckily it was a soft
landing, He felt the warmth of the sun coming through the thick walls of the mountain into Scorpius’s
bedroom. He felt cozy and comfortable but he felt an urge to wake up and do something or see something
magical but that urge took a long time to get him up. The first thing Scorpius would do when he gets up is
to check if his book is still in its same place, for some reason Scorpius had a feeling that his book moves
it’s place at night but this time Scorpius got out of his bed and then started searching for a book of spells
that he stole from the library in their “home.” Scorpius got out a stick from a small jar which had a whole
load of ants and a small dead termite. Scorpius took out his “stick” which was half eaten up and took out
the spell book and took out the easiest spell “O-Ocul” “Oculus!” after Scorpius had said that the room
started shaking, his bed went invisible and all his furniture, Then a mini tornado formed wiping Scorpius
off his feet. “Uh- can anyone help me” Scorpius yelled at the top of his small lungs. “Rosalind barged in
yelling “Removieo” and that caused the tornado to shrink and shrink until it was the size of an ant and
then all the furniture reappeared and the book Scorpius was holding fell on top of his head and it flew
back to Rosalind “don’t use a stick because sticks and magic don’t go together but a wand contains
magic so that’s why it goes together.” Scorpius rubbed his head as he looked at Rosalind who was
looking way more serious than she normally looks.

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