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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson at least 80% of the students should be able to:
a. Familiarized the ancient art and theatre
b. Understand the ancient art and theatre
c. Response on teacher questions
II. Subject Matter:
a. Topic: Ancient theatre
b. Reference:
c. Materials: Pictures, Cartolina and Pentelpen
d. Values Integration: appreciating the knowledge by the past and to appreciate the
evolution of arts.
e. Science Processes/Science Process Skills: Observing, Applying
III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

a. Prayer
(Pupils will stand up to pray)
Class let us all stand and pray.
Our Father
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed
be Thy name; Thy kingdom come Thy will
be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread, and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who trespass Pupils: Good Morning Teacher Rossel we are
against us, and lead us not into temptation, great!!!
but deliver us from evil Amen.
b. Greetings Pupils: Yes teacher Rossel.
Good morning class, how are you today?
c. Checking of Attendance
I will now check your attendance (Pupils will pass their assignments at the
say present if you are here. Then class teacher table)
absent if he/she is not here.
(The teacher calls pupils name one by
d. Checking of Assignments
Class please pass your assignments at
my table now, I’ll be checking it later.
a. Review/Recall
Okay class yesterday we yesterday we Pupils: Yes Teacher Rossel!
discussed about introduction to arts

And for that we will be having a recap Pupils: Yes teacher Rossel, we are ready!!!
to our previous topic before we move on to
our new lesson. Are you ready class? Karen: human activity and resulting products

So class based on our previous topic art

is diverse range of ? Anyone? Yes Karen.
(Pupils will clap their hand 10X)

(pupils clap their hands 10×)

Excellent class! You’ve got the correct
answer, let’s give ourselves a 10 claps

b.Motivation Yes teacher Rossel we are ready!!

Class before we proceed to our (Pupils will Act and playing the story)
lesson we will Act I will give your character
to portray, the story is called the 3 little
(The teacher assigned them to their
characters) Pupils: Yes teacher Rossel!!!
Are you ready class??
So let’s start class
Excellent class you give justice to your roles
Now let’s move on to our main topic
c. Lesson Proper

Class please observe the pictures.

Karen: I think It’s something about history
teacher .

Rashelyn: I think it’s Something about

performance teacher .

Rebeca: teacher I think it is something about

Okay Class please tell me your art and performance.
observations one by one. We will start by
Karen to Rebecca.

Pupils: Yes teacher

Excellent class your ideas are related to

our topic
So class our topic for today is all about
Ancient theatre
Class please listen as I begin to discuss our
Ancient theatre Egyptian, Greek,and roman
First recorded performance
Passion play of Abydos 2500 BCE
Ancient Egyptian myth of Horus
Ikhernofret stella
Okay class since we are done to our
lesson we will be having an recitation, let’s
Start with Karen to Rebeca
(Karen enumerates the elements of drama)
Karen enumerates the elements of

Rashelyn: Aristotle teacher

Rashelyn He is a Greek philosophers and

poetics? Rebeca: Thespis teacher .

Next Rebeca first actor stepped out

chorus and began responding them?
(Pupils will do the activity)
e. Generalization
Okay class for your activity it is individual
so class choose a character in your
favorite movies or stories then portray it
Infront with a time 20 minutes to

IV. Evaluation
Class please prepare for 10 minutes
review your notes we will be having a quiz
regarding our topic. Pupils: Yes teacher Rossel, we are ready!!!

Okay class are you ready?

Prepare your ¼ Sheet of paper and
your pen.
So class let’s Start.
True or False: Write T if the statement T
is True and F if the statement is false. T
__________1. Plot is not an elements of T
__________2. Aristotle is a Greek T
__________3. Themes is one of the elements Pupils: Yes teacher Rossel we are done !!!
of drama.
__________4. Thespis is credited as first
actor. (Pupils checking their papers)
__________5. Theme is the idea of story
Pupils: Yes teacher Rossel we are done!!!
Are you done class?

Okay so let’s now check your quiz (Pupils pass their papers)
exchange your paper to your seatmates.

(Pupils clap their hands 10 times)

Are you done checking the
papers class?

Okay so please pass your paper

to my table now .

Wow!!! So excellent class you

are all got a higher score and almost half
got a perfect score. I’m So proud to all of
you class. Because of that let’s give
ourselves a 10 claps.

V. Assignment
Class for your assignment research for an
best theatre art performance .
That’s all for today class . Pupils: Goodbye teacher Rossel, Goodbye
Classmates, see you tomorrow.
Goodbye class see you tomorrow.

Prepared by: Rossel R. Rufo

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