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Midterm Examination



Test l. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write the CORRECT WORD/S to correct the
statement if the statement is incorrect.

TRUE 1. When behavior is rewarded with social approval, there will be a strong motivation to
TRUE 2. A maturing organism undergoes continuous and progressive changes.
TRUE 3. Early patterns do persist and are changeable.
TRUE 4. Because human beings are capable of learning, variation is possible.
TRUE 5. Individual development is molded to conform with social standards and ideals.
TRUE 6. Development is the pattern of change that begins at prenatal and continues through
the life span.
TRUE 7. Biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes are inextricably intertwined.
TRUE 8. Development follows a definite and predictable pattern
CONCRETE OPERATIONAL STAGE 9. The formal operational stage is where one can perform
operations that involve objects, and they can reason logically when the reasoning can be
applied to specific examples.
TRUE 10. Individual differences are significant because they are responsible for individuality.
OPERANT 11. Through classical conditioning, the consequences of behavior produce changes
in the probability of the behavior’s occurrence.
TRUE 12. Individual development is molded to conform to expectations and standards and
TRUE 13. Every cultural group expects its members to master certain essential skills and
acquire certain approved patterns of behavior at various ages during the life span.
TRADITIONAL BELIEFS 14. Social expectations about physical and psychological characteristics
affect the judgment of others.
MULTIDISIPLINARY 15. Development is lifelong, multidimensional, multidirectional, and
PSYCHOANALYTIC 16. Cognitive theories describe development as primarily unconscious and
heavily colored by emotions.
Erikson 17. Freud believed that an individual develops psychosocial stages rather than
psychosexual stages.
TRUE 18. Information-Processing theory emphasizes that individuals manipulate information,
monitor it, and strategize about it.
TRUE 19. A behavior followed by a rewarding stimulus is more likely to recur, whereas a
behavior followed by a punishing stimulus is less likely to recur.
SOCIO-EMOTIONAL PROCESS 20. Biological processes involve changes in the individual’s
relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.
Test ll. Identify the given sentences.

Learning 1. Development that comes from exercise and effort on the of the part on the
individual’s part
Development 2. A progressive series of changes that occur as a result of motivation and
Cephal-ocaudal Tendency 3. Development that spreads over the body from head to foot
Flexibility 4. When individuals adapt easily to environmental demands that would result to,
intelligence and language make a good personal and social adjustments
Cognitive processes 5. Changes in the individual’s thought, intelligence, and language
Socioemotional processes 6. Involves changes in the individual’s relationship with other
Nature 7. Refers to the organism’s biological inheritance
Proximodistal development 8. Development that spreads outward from the center axis of the
body to the extremities
Nurture 9. Refers to the individual’s environmental experience
Theory 10. A coherent set of ideas that helps to explain data and make predictions
Stability vs, Change 11. The debate about the degree to which early traits and characteristics
persist through life or change
Continuity vs Change12. Focuses on the degree to which development involves either, gradual,
Change or distinct change
Erickson’s Theory of Psychosocial Development 13. A theory in which eight stages of
psychosocial development unfold throughout the human life span.
Paget’s four stages of Development 14. The theory that children construct their understanding
of the world and go through four stages of cognitive development
Skinner’s operant conditioning 15. Emphasized that development consists of a pattern of
behavioral changes that are brought about by rewards and punishments.
Behaviorism 16. Holds that we can study scientifically only what can be directly observed and
Bandura’s social cognitive theory 17. Holds that behavior, environment, and the
person/cognitive factors are key factors in development., cognitive and so
Ethology 18. An approach that stresses that behavior is strongly influenced by biology tied to
evolution and characterized by critical or sensitive periods.
Maturation 19. Unfolding of the individual’s inherent traits.
Learning 20. Development that comes from exercise and effort on the individual’s part
Adaptation 21. Determine the moment when learning can and should take place.
Adulthood 22. When an individual experience difficulty in the adaptation that would make
poor personal and social adjustments to early adulthood.
Adolescent 23. The developmental period of transition from childhood.
Developmental period 24. Refers to a time frame in a person’s life that is characterized by
certain features
Developmental Psychology 25. A branch of Psychology that studies scientifically how and why
human being change over the course of their life.

Test lll. Answer the following questions the best you can. Please be reminded that this is an
essay test that needs an explanation to answer your claim. It is not answerable by simply a 2
to 3-liner sentence.

1. Development is a complex pattern because it is a product of biological, cognitive, and

socioemotional processes. They are inextricably intertwined. Differentiate how these
processes are inextricably intertwined and illustrate by giving an example to prove your
claim. (10 points)

A person's pattern of movement or change, known as development, starts at conception

and lasts their entire life. Growth, which can be both positive and harmful, is also part of it.
Research on both the state of humanity and the development of human potential is included.
This field develops mentally and socially as a result of puberty, life experience, and learning new
things. Every stage of life you go through will deepen or add to your knowledge on how to
respond to a specific situation. It concerns how you will approach the aspects of your life that
change as you age. As we become older, our bodies also change in various ways. Our ages, which
are correlated with how physically developed we are, will determine these changes. Making
decisions and solving problems are two examples of the many cognitively developing activities
that we go through. The term "cognitive growth" applies to this.

A person's physical nature evolves as a result of biological processes; this is where we

develop our physical bodies, our brains, our motor abilities, and our hormonal changes. biological
processes that influence development include cardiovascular aging, the onset of puberty, and
others. The second example is how the biological process led to who I am today as a twenty-year-
old. It started during the prenatal stage and continues to this day. Due to hormonal changes
during adolescence, I put on weight and improved motor skills. This is why biological processes,
which are how humans are created and maintain themselves throughout their lives, are
necessary because all changes in our lives require adaptation. Because this is where we create
our physical nature and where the process of human growth, which starts at conception and lasts
throughout life, begins, biological processes are extremely important to us.

The second step is known as cognitive, and it deals with alterations in a person's
thought, intelligence, and language. Cognitive processes are involved in a variety of activities,
such as putting together a two-word sentence, remembering a poem, thinking what it would be
like to be a movie star, and completing a crossword puzzle. Our brains develop as we get older,
and as they do, so do our cognitive abilities according to the process of the developmental stage.
When we are infants, we have no awareness of anything in our environment because as we get
older, we start to understand more and learn more. This is the cognitive process. Another
example is me, whose own thought, intelligence, and language have all grown as a result of the
things I did in a previous existence. During the oral stage of my psychosexual development, up
until the genital stages.
The third process is socioemotional, and it affects a person's relationships with others as
well as their emotions and personality. The development of adolescent confidence during social
gatherings, the adoration of an elderly woman, and a child's response to a parent's touch are all
examples of the importance of socioemotional processes in the development of genital phases.
Consider how a baby smiles in reaction to a parent's touch to see how intricately biological,
cognitive, and socioemotional processes are entwined. Biological processes (the physical nature
of touch and receptivity to it), cognitive processes (the capacity to comprehend deliberate acts),
and socioemotional processes all play a role in this reaction (the act of smiling often reflects a
positive emotional feeling, and smiling helps to connect us in positive ways with other human
beings). The intersection of biological, cognitive, and Bidirectional socioemotional processes is

In a nutshell, my concept of development is that we must accept changes in life. Age-

related changes in our physical, cognitive, and socioemotional abilities must be acknowledged
because they are an essential part of human development. As humans go through the stages of
human development psychologically from prenatal to elderly people, we must also acknowledge
that there are lessons from our former lives that we must apply to the present. A developmental
period is a stage in a person's life that is marked by particular characteristics. We frequently
categorize growth into various time periods for the sake of structure and understanding.

2. There are significant Facts about Development. Give a fact that you really
believe/thought of those holds true by giving your explanation of why you have chosen
the same. (5 points)

The 10 significant facts about development are Early foundations are critical. Roles of
maturation and learning in development, Development follows a definite and predictable
pattern, all individual are different, each phase of development has characteristic behavior,
each phase of development has hazards, Development is aided by stimulations, Development is
affected by cultural changes, social expectations for every stage of development, Traditional
beliefs about people of all ages.

The first steps are crucial. In essence, a person's ability to successfully adjust to life as
they get older is primarily determined by the attitudes, routines, and behavioral patterns they
develop early in life. During growth, learning and maturation play important roles. Maturation
is the process by which a person develops their own inborn characteristics. While learning is the
result of an individual's activity and effort to accomplish development. Even in the instance of
identical twins, no two people may be completely biologically and genetically identical to one
another. As children progress through infancy, adolescence, and eventually old life, this
disparity widens.
I only select three of the ten important facts about development that I think are the
most important and have a developmental factual form. The first is "Early foundations are
crucial." In my opinion, every person in the world possesses attitudes, routines, and behavioral
patterns that they keep with them for many years and use to determine how successful they
will be in later life. Because of this huge progress, I now recognize that regardless of the
difficulties you have had in life, you can use all of your prior experiences to improve yourself
physically, cognitively, and socioemotionally. The second is "The role of maturation and
learning in development," and I agree with this because we can acquire traits from our genes
through our parents' maturation, whereas learning comes from experience, and I can
personally attest to this because I have worked so hard to develop as a person by only learning
from my experiences. The last statement is "All individuals are different," and it is true that not
all people are alike on a physical, emotional, or cognitive level. Because I have personally
experienced each big change, I believe in them all.
My grasp of the 10 important facts about development has increased. This knowledge
will help us better understand how our bodies and minds develop, which will help us get ready
for any changes that may occur to our way of life or our identities as individuals. It is amazing
that the majority of people do not even comprehend what human development is or what sorts
of stages there are at this time because there are so many theories and explanations as to why
each person evolved or developed. This makes this course crucial for us to take and learn from.
The study's applicability to our discipline of psychology can be observed first in how
psychologists might use it to advance the goal of understanding people. The second is that we
can relate to human growth because, even as children, we know that we will need to learn
more about it as we get older in order to comprehend how it will change.

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