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plan story 1

“There was a beautiful little girl named Anna, who was nine years old, and she used
to go to Izmarth Primary School in Morocco. She was excelling in her studies, and
this was a source of pride for her parents, but she had one problem, that she could
not find any friends for her, and the other children were They love to tease her and
tease her, and one day a naughty boy named Robert decided to prank her, so he
answered the exam badly and put her name on the paper, and the other boys helped
him hide her original paper before it reached the teacher, when the teacher
announced the results of the exam, Anna was shocked because she had failed, The
other boys were glad of what had happened and began to make fun of poor Anna,
but the next day Anna was surprised that her fellow troublemakers had read her
companionship, and they began to play with her and she began to feel merry and

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