10-10 Globalisation STL

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5 American states Washington, California, Michigan, Texas,

Massachusetts, Nevada, Georgia…

5 cities Washington DC, Los Angeles, Austin,
Chicago, New York City, San Francisco,
5 famous monuments Twin Towers, Gold Gate bridge, Statue of
Liberty, Empire State building, the White
House, Central Park…
5 historical figures Rosa Parks, Abraham Lincoln, Donald
Trump, Martin Luther King, Neil
5 film stars or singers Leonardo Di Caprio, Ledger, Johnny Depp,
Dwayne Johnson Jr, Marilyn Monroe
5 sportspeople Weah, The Rock, Colin Kapernick,
Muhamad Ali, Michael Jordan, Megan
5 companies Nike, McDonalds, Starbucks, Apple,
Disney, Lewis
American Soft Power

This exercice is easy to do because the USA is the most famous country in the
world. They expanded the American culture with its language, with movies or
series etc… This is what we call the American Soft Power. They did not use
violence or war, they used their culture!

This trend is helped by globalisation.

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