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All references used in the study must be reflected in this section. The rules are as
1.) References must be written in alphabetical order.
2.) All references, regardless of the types and source must be written as one.
Bibliographical entries from internet, books and journals are also incorporated in this

Adelman, H.S. (1991). The Environmental Crisis—Opposing Viewpoints. San

Diego: Greenhaven Press.

American Institutes For Research,. (2011) Report of the World Commission on

Environment and Development: Our Common Future; San Diego
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Ausubel, D. P. (1968). Educational psychology: A cognitive view. New York: Holt,

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Bennis, W.G., & Nanus, B (2005). Leaders: The strategies of taking charge. New
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Bakshani, Nandkumar, and David T. Allen. “In the States: Pollution Prevention
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Review 3, no. 1 (December 1992): 97–105.

Bruntland Commision Report, (2005). Report of the World Commission on

Environment and Development: Our Common Future;

Conn, David W. “Waste Reduction—Issues and Policies.” Resources Policy 3

(March 2010): 23+.


De Jesus (2003) Wildlife Conservation; Biodiversity. Manila Institute p.46

DepEd, (2011); The DepEd Order # 72 series of 2011.

Donaldson, S. I. (2001). Mediator and moderator analysis in program

development. In S. Sussman (Ed.), Handbook of program development for
health behavior research and practice (pp. 470-500). Thousand Oakes,
CA: Sage publications, Inc.Encyclopedia Brittanica, (2001) Biodiversity;

Falk, J. H., Martin, W. W., & Balling, J. D. (1978). The novel field-trip
phenomenon: Adjustment to novel settings interferes with task learning.
Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 15(2), 127-134.Gao (2005)
Conserving Our Mother Earth; pp.89-95 New York 5th Street.

Field, A. (2005). Discovering statistics using SPSS. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

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Forneris, T., Danish, S. J., & Fries, E. (2009). How perceptions of an intervention
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Rennekamp, R. A., & Arnold, M. E. (2009). What progress, program evaluation?

Reflections on a quarter-century of Extension evaluation practice. Journal
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Radhakrishna, R., & Martin, M. (1999). Program evaluation and accountability:

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Article 3RIB1. Available at:

W. K. Kellogg Foundation (2001). Using Logic Models to bring together.

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UNEP, (2005); GEO Report 05: Biodiversity.; New york Street


Wheatley, M. J. (1982). Discipline: The Great False Hope. Unpublished

manuscript, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. (ERIC Document
Reproduction Service No. Ed. 224782)

(Refer to APA referencing sheet)


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