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Scientific Bulletin

Vol. XXI No 2(42) 2016

Dorel BADEA*
Ghiţă ARAMĂ*
Marian COMAN*
Olga Maria Cristina BUCOVEŢCHI**
Gabriel MĂNESCU*



The critical infrastructure protection domain, through its
social implications, is a relatively new research topic, and a science
in this regard is not setup yet. Its complexity, through the operational
subsumed areas, through the interdependencies and cascading
possible effects, through the many facets for investigation, is a special
one which imposes specific approaches. This paper intends to
continue the investigations in this field, which are conducted in an
individual manner or by research teams, by authors with concerns in
this regard who agreed to allocate to the topical subject a special
attention based on its importance, beyond an exclusive approach – as
a special topic. This time, there are brought into attention the issues
related to chemical industry sector correlated with actual associated
implications of necessary transportation activities in this field.
Simulation-based scenario is the main technique employed as a
research methodology by using dedicated software.

Chemicals, transportation, criticality, urban security, scenario

DOI: 10.1515/bsaft-2016-0038
© 2015. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 License.

1. Particularities of Analysis chemicals. At the same time, based on the
Related to Chemical Industry and variety of raw materials and finished
Transportation of Dangerous Goods as products routinely made, the chemical
the Subject of Critical Infrastructure industry is among the industrial branches
Among the infrastructure sectors that quickly evolved, in a spurred
regulated at national or international level, development way, and is linked to other
in a stand-alone manner or in a combination sectors which are supported by it or are in a
with other sectors, we can identify the cooperative relations across a national or
chemical industry. Its main elements of regional economy. Corroborating the two
criticality are referring to storage tanks/ issues presented so far, and in accordance
warehouses of chemical reagents and with the proposed title for development
dangerous substances (hydrochloric acid, during this scientific approach, it is evident
sodium hydroxide, hydrate hydrazine, that we are talking about a system of
cyanides etc.) and also to processing capacity, systems with multiple dependencies and
usage, transportation and supply of related interdependencies (Figure no. 1).

Figure no. 1. The highlighting of dependencies and interdependencies related to chemical sector
(source: Homeland Security, 2010)

From a legal point of view related to major accident hazards involving dangerous
the regime of chemicals handling and substances; Government Decision of
specific required conditions to be met by Romania no. 642, adopted on 29th of June
transportation operators, we are limited by a 2005, linked to approval of the criteria for
heavily regulated register at the national the classification of administrative-territorial
and European level. Several landmarks in this units, public institutions and economic
domain are following: Decision no. 1408, operators in terms of civil protection, based
4th of November 2008, linked to classification, on specific types of risks; Law no. 92, 18th
packaging and labeling of dangerous of March 2003, linked to Romania’s
substances; Decision no. 804, adopted on accession to the Convention on the Trans-
25th of July 2007, linked to controlling of boundary Effects of Industrial Accidents,

adopted at Helsinki on 17th of March 1992, etc. urban defense”, of which the main purpose
“National Strategy Guide for country is the effects’ analysis of the airline attacks
defense related to period of time 2015-2019” with fire-bombs, explosive-bombs and gas-
presents an interesting approach by placing bombs, suggesting as well some urban
the chemicals in this way: “dual-use items: defense measures against this kind of threats.
products and goods, software and technology In this register of analysis, the
normally used for civilian purposes but importance of some approaches of these
which, because of their nature, may have phenomena is also emphasized in the field
military applications or contribute directly or of the research program’s architecture,
indirectly to the development and Horizon 2020 (EC, 2013), in which not
production of weapons of mass destruction only is admitted that “the citizens of Europe
(nuclear, biological, chemical and are more and more affected by different
radiological)”. (Presidencial Administration, forms of insecurity starting with murder,
2015, p. 9) violence, terrorism, natural disasters or man-
made disasters, cyber-attacks, confidentiality
2. Simulation of a Scenario in the abuses and ending with other forms of
Field – Fundamentals social and economic disturbances” but is
If we look to the importance of using also stated that is necessary research
scenarios and simulations for complex activities to raise in an ambitious and bold
domains linked to security, as expressed in way the understanding, prevention, preparation
the previous paragraphs, the criticality of and protection against security threats.
activity taken into consideration for this At the same time, regarding the
article is based on robust factitive technical possibility, the advantages and the
foundations. Notwithstanding, a contemporary theoretical and practical limits of achieving
common frame of research stands out as a simulation scenario for this kind of
result of both civilian and military valences complex situations, we have to emphasize
– is the research framework of urban security. that we do not have to deal with a panacea
The hindermost concept is defined by for solving problems, but we have to deal
Gurza Vlad Gabriel (2015) as being with a tool in a field of a methodology. In
“a discipline which interdisciplinary refers order to do this, besides the classic and
to the elaboration of policies, methods and conventional addresses from the published
standards that lead to enhanced level of literature of modeling, simulation and
security into social environment, an scenarios’ development, another interesting
increase of the individual safety feeling in a point of view is endorsed by Erdal Cayirci
certain field or a region and also refers to and Dusan Marincic (2009, p. 177) who
the study of the asymmetric attacks’ risks, consider that theoretical development of a
conditions which are favorable for the scenario does not have to focus on what
will happen, but more likely on the
attack, to the solutions in order to prevent
necessary and adequate conditions for a
the attacks and eventually, refers to the
given result to be obtained. We do believe,
solutions for the management of the post-
thus, that the more conventional address
disaster situations”. The subject is new
under which the scenario of a simulation
brought in topicality, regarding the political, represents a description of a situation or of
economic, social and technological context, a component part, focusing on the
in which, the limit between determinist and interactions of some tasks, must be taken
probabilistic is getting more and more into consideration, at least for the case
fragile. Although the concerns with this speaking of, in a more flexible manner,
have roots in the past, nationally speaking taking account of the context particularities
there is the name of Cincinat Sfinţescu who (emergency situations generated by
in 1939 was writing the piece of work “The

industrial risks, civil protection, etc). rehabilitation activities were executed on
Starting with the binomial proximal the access stairs of sphere-tank designated
gender-specific differences, before the for propylene storage. During unloading of
exemplification of a scenario type for the a tanker truck which was transporting the
situation cropped from reality, with its basic propylene, due to the leaks in one of the
design founded on the triad rules, actors flange connection located under the
and resources, some possible situations propylene sphere-tank, significant amounts
specific for the chosen field can be: of propylene has been lost. An explosion
– the transport of a kind of took place and a strong fire followed the
chemical substance from a provider or a blast occurred due to both accumulated
holder of a processing facility using one vapors and open source of fire coming from
way of transport or more (convoy); repairing activities executed in the nearby
– terrorist attack against the area. As a result of the release into
transportation capabilities near to the atmosphere about 400 tons of propylene and
production plant or next to an urban exceeding the economic operator response
concourse like a city with a local or a capacity, the operator dispatcher acted
regional administrative office (Virca & centralized alarm by signaling
Mihăilă, 2013, p. 218); ‘EMERGENCY DISASTER’ on the entire
– technical error (accident) during industrial platform for providing notification
transportation activity to a transporting to all economic operators from industrial
vehicle with implications over the security platform, to the local committee of Râmnicu
of the transported substance (Virca, 2014); Vâlcea municipality, and to the Operational
– unexpected damage to one means Centre of the Inspectorate for Emergency
of transportation as a result of local Situations”.
unsuitable conditions related to highway. Analyzing the relevant casuistry in this
From all the attributes of such a area, two eloquent situations are given below.
situation, there were taken into account In 2013, in Baltimore, on the east
especially the technical physically-chemical coast of the US, a freight train carrying
parameters regarding the transported chemicals (one of the included products for
substance, the transport capacity, local transportation was classified by the
weather conditions in the moment of the Department of Transport as dangerous
incident. Features considered aims to identify substance) exploded after colliding with a
and analyze the subsystems’ elements with truck and derailed (in total being 15 of the
significant impact on the operation and the train cars). As a result, although the column
accomplishment of the tasks within the of smoke was going up, for several hours,
system, and on the replicated complex over the place of the accident, the local
event in the field. residents were not evacuated.
It is remarkable the preparation and In Romania, on 05/24/2004 in the
running of a simulation exercise in the town Mihăileşti (Buzău) on European road
field, organized at the national level on E85 (32 km south of Buzău), there was an
11/10/2016, under coordination of the explosion due to the crash of a truck
Inspectorate for Emergency Situations carrying 20 tons of ammonium nitrate.
“General Magheru” – Vâlcea County. The blast’s result was a real disaster, 18
The central theme of simulation exercise people losing their lives, and another 13
was the limitation and removal of the major were seriously injured. It was also noted
technologic accident’s consequences that a crater with a deep of 6.5 meters and a
involving dangerous substances. The exercise diameter of 21 meters was formed around
scenario took into account the following the site of the explosion and pieces of metal
elements ( “At 12.00, were disposed of within 200 meters
in the liquefied gas storage park, the affecting the roofs of several houses in the

area (Bunilă, 2013). transport containers, knowledge sheets
Following the occurrence of such linked to hazardous materials) forming an
accidents, as identified and need to be action algorithm for emergency situations
learned lessons the paramount ways are: the in a fluent and logical organization.
testing of emergency plans and procedures The situation emphasized in this
viability, with particular focus on actual event simulation is based on a scenario
knowledge and level of training for all where tanker truck transporting chlorine
personnel involved in intervention; rising of (liquefied gas) is involved in an accident,
awareness level related to security and the release into the environment of the
compliance of the working arrangements of tank content is putting in danger the local
plants or transportation capacity linked to population, as well as the traffic participants.
hazardous substances; the removal of any Equally, the impact upon the environment
overlapping situations linked to institutions’ could be devastating, with major
involvement which provide specific consequences on the ecosystem’s diversity.
functions’ support in case of a major The application software through
industrial accident. which the event simulation was done is
called Aloha Software, (EPA, 2016) was
3. Using ALOHA Software for a tailored by the US Environmental
Chemical Risk Event Simulation Protection Agency, and it can be
Based on previous experiences, downloaded by any user from their official
specialized organizations, with extensive website. The application represents a
concerns regarding population’s safety in computer program capable to model
cases of chemical accidents, developed hazardous areas in order to plan coherent
detailed action procedures which represent and fast chemical urgencies. For a better
the foundation of personnel training, visualization of potential contaminated
authorized to step in for reducing the effects areas with hazardous chemicals, as well as
and eliminating the consequences of this for achieving a realistic and detailed action
kind of incident. An example is provided by plan, besides Aloha software the user may
the U.S. Department of Transportation also take into consideration the Marplot
through Administration Safety Pipeline and software, which is used for mapping and is
Hazardous Materials which, in 2016, edited capable of exporting risk zones resulted
a response guide for dangerous situations after data analyzing provided by Aloha
“2016 Emergency Response Guidebook” – software. Both Aloha and Marplot are
an action guide for the first people arrived included in the system of software
during the initial phase of a transportation applications named CAMEO (Computer-
incident, where hazardous materials are Aided Management of Emergency
involved. Operations), a system designed for planning
In the authors’ opinion, this paper and answering to the emergency situations.
aims and succeeds to provide a real support Running this type of software is
for the specialists who are firstly involved relatively easy and based on a detailed
right in the moment when the incidents of algorithm of data gathering required in the
such amplitude take place and by whose achievement of chemical risk zones’
good management of the event depending simulation. Initially, there is a need by any
numerous people’s lives. It is also data gathering concerning the location
succeeded putting down the right where the event is taking place: area,
information into the paper, from the coordinates, type of terrain, building types,
algorithm which has to be applied by date and hour of the event simulation.
personnel involved in the intervention, to Being settled in a very clear manner the
the technical information regarding the location of the event occurrence, next
identification of the risk (nameplates, activity is to insert the name of the chemical

agent released in the atmosphere, and then direction of wind, the type of terrain,
the application software will submit a coverage of the sky, temperature and
technical data specific to it. Next step is humidity) data which can be introduced
represented by the establishment of the manually or can be gathered from the
atmospheric conditions (the speed and the specialized software systems (Figure no 2).

Figure no. 2. The atmospheric conditions set up

For next stage, (Figure no. 3) the at which the hazardous chemical was stored,
application software will request data as well as data about the tank volume, the
concerning the nature and type of danger fullness of the tank, its location, shape, size
source by choosing between: direct source, and the place of fracture.
spill, tank and gas pipeline; the temperature

Figure no. 3. Modeling of container shape which contains the chemical

Following the analysis of the entered On a circular hole with a diameter of 2 cm,
data, the application shows the rate of located at least 0.83 meters above the
release into the environment of the reservoir, the maximum release rate of toxic
chemical contaminant agent (Figure no. 4). into the environment is about 349 kg/min,

and the maximum amount that can be of hazardous chemical.
released within one hour is about 20,594 kg

Figure no. 4. The releasing rate of chemical agent into the environment

Other significant information The software generates graphic

presented by this application software is simulation of risk areas (Figure no. 5) based
related to releasing into the atmosphere of a on the Toxic Level of Concern (TLC), the
mixture of gas and aerosol called the flow, user having the opportunity to select from
in two stages, which is a very important the levels of Emergency Response Planning
detail for organizing the intervention on Guidelines (ERPGs) and the Acute
event site. Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs).

Figure no. 5. Graphic simulation of risk areas

To perform a simulation as realistic as on areas affected by the occurrence of the

possible, the software enables design risk event and the risks encountered by those
areas arising from the analysis on a real living persons in the area or passing persons
map, thus providing essential information through such contaminated zone (Figure no. 6).

Figure no. 6. Integrated risks’ analysis associated to scenario

4. Conclusion organizational performances within
This paper was conceived, developed, institutions holding critical infrastructure.
and elaborated in an integrated harmonious This is the domain were the outcomes of
manner by the team of authors as a research could be placed in a relevant and
scientific landmark useful to the specialists, pragmatic way. Through this paper is also
based on the expertise in the field of the indicated a strong need for using the
authors, taking in consideration the powerful software to perform complex
knowledge dialogue of investigated analyzes, starting from possible situations,
domain, by the issues addressed and which could form the basis for drawing up
resolved, especially through its implications of the critical infrastructure operator
on the improvement possibilities of security plan.


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