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1. What do you think is the stand of the author?

Is he/she for/against the implementation

of SHS? Justify your answer.
The author is informing, teaching, and/or persuading the reader to embrace their strong
opinions and choices. In fact, he is not against nor for the implementation of SHS, he/she
would rather we make the choice ourselves, and be informed on what K12 has to offer.

2. What is the central claim of the text?

The central claim of the text is to make an informed decision based on the information given
and that, they should not let themselves be swayed by another person’s opinions.

3. Who do you think is the target reader of the text? Why

I believe the target readers are the parents of the students because they are the very reason
their children are in school.

4. What was currently happening when the text was written? What prompted the author
to write the text?
Currently, SHS is still being implemented, or discussed by officials on whether or not it
should be pushed through or not.

5. Do you think there is sufficient and valid evidence against and for SHS? Justify your
There is no valid evidence against SHS as of the moment, but with the Philippines’ economic
state, one would obviously have an opinion against it because they no longer have the
resources to bring their children to longer school.

6. Based on your own experience, should SHS continue to be implemented?

While it has its own merit, rather than making it mandatory, one should be given the option
or alternative to choose between going for SHS or not. In fact, if SHS was cheaper in the
parents’ mindset, they would not have a problem with sending their children to school.

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