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Political campaign brochure

1. What is the stand of the author about the candidate?

The author believes that “Marcos' affluent and prominent family gives him political leverage.
Critics say the Marcos family wants him to become president to whitewash their
controversial past. Marcos wants to serve the Filipino people.” And by that summary, this
brochure is intended to consider Marcos as a worthy opponent for all contenders of the
presidential candidate.

2. Who are the primary and secondary target readers of the ad campaign?
People who would like to know more about the political leaders are the primary target readers
of the brochure. Coming in second are Marcos’ supporters as apparently, when one looks into
the brochure, you would think it listed the rest of the presidential candidates, only to realize
that is not the case.

3. What cultural, social, and political situation influenced the writing of the ad

In accordance with the campaign, political parties are secondary in the Philippines, and
allegiances shift often. Defections are likely, and elected lawmakers will back whomever
becomes president, but rivalries and ideologies will ensure political opposition as mentioned
in the brochure. Many people chose based on celebrity, influencer, and incumbent
recommendations above party membership. Marcos' dynasty ruled for decades.

4. Are the pieces of information valid, accurate, and sufficient? Justify your answer.
I don’t think much of it is justified because it only mentioned good things about former
presidential candidate, Marcos. And rather than defining him of his incompetencies, the
writer should have responded as to what makes him a definite answer despite the fact that he
lacks substance in particular aspects of the Philippines president.


Explainer: A guide to the Philippines 2022 election | Reuters

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