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1. 2 INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT 1.3 CUSTOMER RELATIONS 2 THE EMPLOYMENT... 2.1 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS 2.2 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 2.3 BUSINESS ETHICS AND CONDUCT 2.4 RELATIONSHIPS IN THE WORK PLACE 2.5 CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 2.6 OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT 2.7 NON DISCLOSURE 3 CONDITIONS OF SERVICE 3.1 Contract and Conditions of Employment 3.2 Work condition and hours 3.3 Time keeping 3.4 Culture & Working ethos 3.5 Code of Conduct 3.6 Duty Station. 3.7 Confidentiality. 4 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION POLICY 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Objectives 4.3 Recruitment Authorisation Procedure. 4.4 Newly Created or Restructured Positions 4.5 Employment Procedure 4.6 Employment Interview Panel...

4.7 Age... 4.8Appointment. 4.9 Personal Data 4.10Staff Transfer 4.10 Induction.. 5 EMPLOYEE LEAVE & HOLIDAYS 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5.1 HOLIDAYS EARNED LEAVE BENEFITS SICK LEAVE BENEFITS CASUAL LEAVE BENEFITS OPTIONAL LEAVE BENEFITS MATERNITY LEAVE BENEFITS EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE 5 COMPENSATION POLICY 6 WELFARE POLICIES 6.1 LUNCH & REFRESHMENT 6.2 TRANSPORTATION 6.3 LATE STAY FACILITY 6.4 MARRIAGE OF STAFF MEMBER 6.5 TEAM BUILDING 6.6 RETENTION POLICY & METHODOLOGY 7 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT POLICY 7.1 Introduction.. 7.2 Objectives. 7.3 Responsibilities of Manager/Supervisors. 7.4 The Performance Management Process i. Performance Planning .. ii. Performance Summary.. iii. Recognition. 7 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT POLICY 7.1 Introduction.. 7.2 Objectives 7.3 Process and Criteria. 8 DICIPLINARY CODE

8.1 Introduction.. 8.2Procedure and Documentation. 8.3Special Cases 8.4Classification of Offences 8.4.1 Absenteeism 8.4.2 Offences related to Control at Work 8.4.3 Offences relating to indiscipline or disorderly behavior. 8.4.4 Offences related to dishonesty. 8.4.5Industrial Action.. 8.5 Penalties 8.5.1 Verbal Warning 8.5.2 Recorded Warning 8.5.3 Severe Warning 8.5.4 Final Warning.. 8.5.5 Dismissal.. 8.5.6 Demotion.. 8.5.7 Transfer 8.5.8 Alternative Penalty to Dismissal.. 8.5.9 Dismissal Procedure. 8.6 Disciplinary Appeal Procedure 9 GRIEVANCE POLICY 9.1 Introduction.. 9.2 Objectives. 9.3 Procedure and Guideline.. 10 TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT POLICY .1 Introduction... .2 Termination by Notice. .3 Retirement. .4 Death of Staff Member. .5 Certificate of Service .6 Discharge Form. 8. RETRENCHMENT POLICY 8.1 Introduction... 8.2 Objectives. 8.3 Consultation.. 8.4 Assistance from IUTL 8.5 Retrenchment Procedure 11. POLICY FOR TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES

11.1 Introduction 11.2 Appointment.. 11.2.3 Terms of Service. 11.4 Short Term Consultants. 12.HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Objectives.. 12.3 Security.. 12.4 First Aid. 12.5 Visitors 12.6 Smoking.. 12.7 Emergencies 12. Office Services 13. BUSINESS TRAVEL POLICY 13.1Inland Travel Rules 13.2Overseas Travel 13.3 Local Conveyance 14.HIV/AIDS POLICY 14.1 Introduction. 14.2 Objectives 14.3 Rights of Positive Employees. 15. SUCCESION PLAN POLICY 15.1 Introduction.. 15.2 Objectives 15.3Procedure..

Appendices Appendix 1: Contract of Employment Appendix 2: Employment Authorization Form

Appendix 3: Appendix 4: Appendix 5: Appendix 6: Appendix 7: Appendix : Appendix 8: Appendix 10: Appendix 11: Appendix 12:

Employee Personal Data Form Supply upward Feedback for Employees Supply upward Feedback for Supervisors Study Loan Application Form Complaint Form Notice of Disciplinary Hearing Grievance Form Field Travel and Authorisation Form Overseas Travel Form Reconcile Travel and Related costs

Org Structure



DIRECTOR (Finance& Commercial.)

Asst. V.P (Sales & MKTG)



Manager Finance

Manager Commercial

Manager HR Account Managers Inside Sales Account Managers Inside Sales

REGIONAL MGR (NORTH) Post Sales Pre Sales


Account Manager

Inside Sales

Logistics Local


Value Add



Value Add


On behalf of staff members & BOD, we welcome you at IUTL and wish you every success in your future. At IUTL, we believe that each employee contributes directly to the growth and success of the company, and we hope you will take pride in being a member of our team. This manual is developed to describe some of the expectations of our employee and to outline the policies, programs and benefits available to the eligible employees. Employees should become familiar with the all the Human Resource Policies and procedures which will answer many questions about the employment with IUTL and will clarify and ease their path of success. We believe that professional relationships are easier when all employees are aware of the culture and values of the organization. This guide will help you to better understand our vision for the future of business and the challenges that are ahead. We hope that your experience here will be challenging, enjoyable and rewarding and we will share the environment of mutual trust and understanding in the organization.

With Best Wishes!

Navin Kapur Managing Director

1.2 INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT This is revised Human Resource Manual of 2005 version which will provide you with information about changed and modified working conditions, employee benefits, and some of the policies affecting your employment. An important effort has been made to recognize the differences in the various areas of the Organization; and endeavor to reconstitute in the form of amendments. These policies have been developed to guide the organization into the future while at the same time respecting the past. The policies contained in this manual are in keeping with the values and goals of the Organization. These policies will be used to inform and guide day-to-day human resources decisions. It describes many of your responsibilities as an employee and outlines the programs developed by IUTL to benefit employees. One of our objectives is to provide a work environment that is conducive to both personal and professional growth. To implement an organized and standardized functioning, we have tried to put together, as clearly as possible, the HR policies, and the procedures to be followed. All policies listed in the manual will be followed strictly and is effective from ______. Personnel correspondence will now be based on the above and supersedes all policies notes issued out earlier. In case you need any clarification kindly get in touch with the HR Department. As a part of the IUTL family each one of us should strive to achieve the goals of the organization within the framework that has been provided. This manual emphasizes the organizations commitment to foster personal, intellectual, and professional growth of individuals as mean to accomplish excellence and success in our business endeavors. Thus this manual is not just a compilation of information on policies and processes but is a reminder of our commitments, roles, and responsibilities in ensuring effective implementation of the same. This manual is meant for internal purpose only and will be available with HR department. It will be available on the intranet for all the employees. No copies or circulation of the manual is permitted. Further IUTL by-laws, minutes of board meetings; industrial laws and other laws will be referred to for rules and decisions on areas as and when required. . No employee manual can anticipate every circumstance or question about policy. As IUTL continues to grow, the need may arise and IUTL reserves the right to revise, supplement, or rescind any policies or portion of the handbook from time to time as it deems appropriate, in its sole and absolute discretion. Employee will be notified of such changes to the handbook as they occur.

1.3 CUSTOMER RELATIONS Customers are among our organizations most valuable assets. Every employee represents IUTL to our customer and the public. The way we do our jobs presents an image of our entire organization. Customers judge all of us by how they are treated with each employee contact. Therefore, one of our first business priorities is to assist any customer or potential customer. Nothing is more important than being courteous, friendly, helpful, and prompt in the attention you give to customers. Many business owners forget that they have two kinds of customers, internal and external customers. Internal customers are all of the employees who work with the organization. External customers are those who physically write checks to you for the products and services you provide to them. But, IUTL believes in maintaining and retaining both the customers as they both are impeccable part of organization. In fact, IUTL provides customer relations and service training to the entire employee with extensive customer contact to deal with their external customers. Our personal contact with the public, our etiquette on the telephone, and the communications we send to customers are a reflection not only of ourselves, but also of the professionalism of IUTL. Positive customer relations not only enhance the publics perception or image of IUTL, but also pay off in greater customer loyalty and increased Sales and Profit.

2 2.1


IUTL believes that work conditions, wages, and benefits it offers to its employees are competitive with those offered by other employers in this industry. If employees have concerns about work conditions or compensation, they are strongly encouraged to voice these concerns openly and directly to their seniors. Our experience has shown that if employees deal openly and directly with their seniors, the work environment can be excellent, communications can be clear, and attitudes can be positive. We believe that IUTL amply demonstrates its commitment to employees by responding effectively to employee concerns. In an effort to protect and maintain direct employer/employee communications, we will do anything we can to protect the right of employees to speak for themselves. We focus on employee involvement and engagement. Every manager builds the harmonious relationship with their team members through the way of proper feedback, involvement, collective bargaining and recreational activities amongst the team. IUTL forges the collective decision making, we encourage and promote our employees for the open communication and suggestions so that the consensus decision could be made. 2.2 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY

In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunity to all individuals, employment decisions at IUTL will be based on merit, qualification, and abilities. IUTL does not discriminate in employment opportunities and practices based on race, colour, sex, state origin, age or any other characteristic protected by law. This policy governs all aspects of employment including, selection, job assignment, compensation, discipline, termination, and access to benefits and training. Any employees with question or concerns about any type of discrimination in the work place are encouraged to bring these issues to the attention of their head of the department or HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal. Anyone found to be engaging in any type of unlawful discrimination will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.



The successful business operation and reputation of IUTL is built upon the principles of fair dealing and ethical conduct of our employees. Our reputation for the integrity and excellence requires careful observance of the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous regards for the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity. The continued success of IUTL is dependent upon our customers trust and we are dedicated to preserving that trust. Employees owe a duty to IUTL, its customers to act in a way that will merit the continued trust and confidence of the Public. IUTL will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its Directors, Managers, Executives, Engineers, and associated staff members to conduct business in accordance with the letter, sprit, and intent of all relevant laws and to refrain from any illegal, dishonest, or unethical conduct. In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, will guide you with respect to lines of acceptable conduct. If a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper course of action, the matter should be discussed openly with your immediate head of the department and, if necessary, with the [DIRECTORS], for advice and consultation. Compliance with this policy of business ethics and conduct is the responsibility of every IUTL employee & associated members. Disregarding or failing to comply with this standard of business ethics and conduct could lead to disciplinary action, up to and including possible termination of employment. 2.4 RELATIONSHIPS IN WORK PLACE

The employment of relatives or individuals involved in a dating relationship in the same area of an organization may causes serious conflicts and problems with favoritism and employee morale. In additions to claim in partiality in treatment at work, personal conflicts from outside the work environment can be carried over into day-to day- working relationships. For purpose of this policy, a relative is any person who is related by blood or marriage. A dating relationship is defined as a relationship that may be reasonably expected to lead to the formation of consensual romantic relationship. This policy applies to all the employees and associated members without regard to gender. Interdepartmental/ intra team dating or marriage is not encouraged as it is viewed that it would affect the work related objectivity of the persons concerned.

If two individuals in the same department are dating / are planning to get married / are married all so is the case it needs to be intimated to their immediate senior/ line manager & HR department. The persons concerned would have two options either of them could change the department or teams subject to the availability of a position in the other departments/teams OR one of them has to move out of the organization.

In addition to above mentioned points, IUTL has prohibition against employing relatives or known person of current employees or individuals involved in a marriage or dating relationship with current employees, we are committed to monitoring situations in work area. In case of actual or potential problems, IUTL will take prompt action, and this can include reassignment or transfer to other department. Employees & Associated Staff members should refrain from work place displays of affection or excessive personal conversation.


CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Employees have an obligation to conduct business with in time line that prohibit to actual or potential conflicts of interest. This policy establishes only the frame work with in which IUTL wishes business to operate. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide general direction so that employees seek further clarification on issue related to the subject of acceptable standards of operation. Transaction with outside firm must be conducted with in the framework established and controlled by Director Level of IUTL. Business dealings with outside firms should not result in unusual gains for those firms. Unusual gain refers to bribes; product bonuses, special fringe benefits, unusual price breaks, and other windfalls design ultimately benefit the employer, the employee, or both. Promotional plans that could be interpreted to involve unusual gain require specific Director Level approval. An actual or potential conflict of interest occurs when an employee is in a position to influence a decision that may result in a personal gain for that employee or far of relative because of IUTL business dealings. For the purpose of this policy, a relative is any person whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are related by blood or marriage. No presumption of guilt is created by the mere existence of a relationship with outside firms. However, if employees have any influence or transactions involving purchases, contracts, or leases, it is imperative that they disclose to the Director of IUTL as soon as possible the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest so that safeguards can be established to protect all parties.

Personal gain may result not only incases where an employee or relative has a significant receives any kick back, bribe, substantial gift, or special consideration as a result of any transaction or business dealings involving IUTL.


OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Employee may not hold any type of outside employment as long as they are associated with IUTL or an employee of IUTL. Employee may not received any income or material gain form individuals outside IUTL for material produced or services rendered while performing their jobs.


NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT The protection of confidential business information and trade secrets is vital to the interests and the success of IUTL. Such confidential information includes but is not limited to, the following examples:

Compensation data Pending projects and proposal Upcoming projects Customer Information Research and development strategies Disclosing information to outsider Sharing of information to any competitor Marketing strategies Technological data Scientific prototypes Customer lists Financial information Human Resource strategies New market research All the employees of IUTL are not allowed to join any of the clients at least for a year after leaving (any type of retrenchment) this company. All employees and associated members are required to sign a nondisclosure agreement as pre condition of employment. Employees or associated members who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment and legal action, even if they do not actually benefits from the disclosed information.

3 3.1


A Contract of Employment stipulating all the conditions of employment shall be signed by all employees on the first day of employment. 3.2 Working Hours

The normal work schedule for all the employees and associated members are 8 hours a day, Monday to Friday but Saturday would be the Half day and Sunday would be official Holiday. An employee is considered absent if he or she is not present for work as scheduled in time. 3.3 Culture & Work Ethos

IUTL has created a work environment that fosters a spirit of teamwork, excellence and participation. We believe in nurturing human resources and in striking a healthy balance between responsibility and empowerment, expectations and enabling, professional and personal development. An integral part of the companys HR policy is to help people grow within the organization by providing an open work environment, equal opportunity, training, mentoring and a planned career path. We stretch ourselves to exceed customer expectations by empowering and rewarding our employees for initiative, quality, achievement, and integrity. KEY POINTS OF IUTL CULTURE Right people at right place. OCTAPAC Culture : Openness, Confrontation, Trust, Autonomy, Proactivity, Authenticity, Collaboration Open Communication Clarity in roles Facilitation Empowerment and Accountability Promote inter and intrapersonal relationship Endeavor to develop inter and intradepartmental relationship Informal yet serious work environment

Sense of belonging to a large family/ group Training/Mentoring program To recruit the best breeds of industry. Decentralization and an open door policy Professional work approach with informal & supportive culture. People to have an environment where they learn and grow with the organization. Adherence to schedules Job ownership Continual appreciation and recognition for employees Participative management and reward initiative Group Decision making Change: a. Anticipate change b. Manage change c. Positive attitude towards change d. Implement change with speed e. Learn new technology very fasts

Change is the natural phenomenon which is the only permanent thing in the universe. We, IUTL, as an IT company, is in the era of technological advancement, where technology changes in the seconds so, it become inevitable for us to stay in the receptive stage of every change, and here we will have to face resistance also. Successful implementation of change is very necessary for the organization which requires lots of knowledge and sophistication and it is possible through change agent of industry. IUTL follows three stages for the successful implementation. I Unfreezing: Recognizing the need for change, casting aside existing attitudes, value Systems, managerial behavior and structure for making new space. II Changing: New values, behaviors and structures replace old ones. III Refreezing:Making change permanent.

HR POLICY AIMS AT PROMOTING THE FOLLOWING ATTRIBUTES: Stretch Job ownership Integrity Empowerment Initiative Quality

TIME KEEPING A Attendance Policy Time keeping is extremely important to the success of the Company. IUTL expect employees to strive for perfect attendance and to arrive for work on time. While entering the premises, all employees shall mark their presence by signing in the attendance register The employee will be marked absent in case he/she has not signed in the attendance register. In case an employee is late by more than 15 minutes due to any reason, he/she must contact HR on arrival and will be marked late. More than four late in a month will be considered as to half day unpaid leave or salary for the same would be deducted. In case an employee goes for outdoor official work, he/she has to inform his/ her supervising officer accordingly, enter the details in the movement register, or get it entered through the immediate senior into the movement register. Duly approved with the written authorization of manager needs to be provided to HR The Attendance report based on attendance register will be generated once every month. Evening attendance along with the exit time needs to be marked. If you are absent from work for three (3) consecutive days without notice, the company will consider that you have voluntarily resigned your position. Excessive absences, or lateness and excessive patterns of absences or lateness may lead to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Scheduled Leave or Planned Leave In case of Scheduled leave or planned leave, leave application should be duly signed and approved from the immediate manager first and then needs to be routed to human resource department for the approval. This type of leave is always advisable and exhibit punctuality and discipline towards the work and organization. Unscheduled or Unplanned Leave We recognize that, on occasion, you may not be able to come to work or need additional time before you arrive. Sickness and other emergencies cannot always be anticipated so in this situation, you must notify your manager or the human resources department who will let your manager know your situation. If your need for time off is foreseeable, you must provide as much notice as possible. When you contact your immediate supervisor you must let them know for how long you will be out and when you expect to return or, as the case may be, arrive for work.

While you return from leave, you must notify your human resource department and submit the leave application by furnishing it with proper reason. In case of illness, you must submit documentation for absences due to illness of three (3) days or more. Generally, you must provide a document from your doctor or other recognized health care provider that would justify your absence. Likewise, you will need to provide documentation justifying your return to work. Process of Leave taking

All leave has to be authorized by the employees manager /immediate supervisor in the prescribed format at least seven days in advance except in cases of emergency or illness and duly signed leave card will move to HRD for the final approval. Except in case of emergencies, no leave will be availed of without prior written sanction. Late Comings

Reporting for work regularly and on time is essential, since lateness or absences interfere with the performance of the company and place an extra work load on fellow employees. But IUTL allow their employees to come late for 4 times in a month but after 4th day late each late would be considered as half day unpaid leave and money for the same would be deducted. Late coming would be applicable only till 11.30, but after that half day absent would be marked. On duty policy On duty policy will be applicable only in exceptional circumstances for the staff that are going for the official meeting either directly from home or from office to meeting, provided it is approved by the reporting manager. Every employee needs to submit OD form in advance which states all the detail of client or meeting. This form should be duly signed by the immediate manager at the time of submission & it needs to be submitted to reception. In exceptional case of emergency or unplanned meeting, OD form needs to be submitted after the meeting on the same day. In case of Non- submission of OD, people would be perceived as absent and would be considered as unpaid leave.


The normal work schedule for all the employees and associated members in Monday to Friday will be 8 hours per day but first and Second Saturday will be holiday. The lunch break is of 30 minutes between 13:30 hrs to 14:00 hrs Reporting for work regularly and on time is essential, since lateness or absences interfere with the daily running of company and place an extra work load on fellow employees. Failure to report to work on time and tardiness will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Overtime: No overtime is payable, except employees covered under Payments of Wages Act?

CODE OF CONDUCT The Directors and the Senior Management employees of the company shall follow the following Code of Conduct adopted by the company. Compliance and Ethical conduct: To comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations and promote honest and ethical conduct of the business. They should help to create and maintain a culture of high ethical standards and commitment to compliance, and to maintain a work environment that encourages the stake holders to raise concerns for the attention of the management. Business opportunities: Shall perform their roles with competence, diligence, in good faith and in the best interest of the company and advance the companys legitimate interest whenever the opportunity to do so arises. They are expressly prohibited from taking for themselves personally, opportunities that are discovered through the use of companys property, information or position. Fair dealing: Should endeavor to deal fairly and promote fair dealing by the company, its employees, agents, with customers, suppliers and employees. Integrity of data furnished: Dedicate time and attention to the company drawing upon their experience and provide expertise in their areas of specialization in the best interests of the company and give careful independent consideration to the affairs of the company and all documents placed before them to satisfy themselves with the soundness of key decisions taken by the management. Insider trading: To become familiar with and understand the laws, regulations, policies and codes as set out by the Government and ensure that they and their immediate family do not derive any benefit or assist others to derive any benefit from the access to and possession of information about the company or the group which is not in the public domain and thus constitutes insider information.

Confidentiality: Maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted for them in carrying out their duties and responsibilities, except where disclosure is approved by the company or legally mandated or if such information is in the public domain. Work environment : Provide a fair and just environment wherein all are treated equally without regard to their race, caste, religion, sex, colour, ancestry, marital status, age and maintain a work environment free of harassment whether physical, verbal or psychological.

OFFICE CONDUCTS Mobile phones should be on the silent mode or on slow volume. Eating and drinking is not allowed while sitting at workstation. Kindly use cafeteria for this purpose. Smoking, Chewing of tobacco and chewing gums are also not allowed in the office premises. Chair is a respect symbol so, we expect from each and every employee to respect their designation and kindly occupy their own respective chair and workstation. The following are examples of infractions (misconducts) of rules of conduct that may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment. o Willful in subordination or disobedience, whether alone or in combination with others to any of the lawful and reasonable order or orders of the superiors. o Theft, fraud or misappropriation of company's funds dishonesty in connection with the employer's business or property. o Theft of property of another workman / employee within the premises of the company. o Willful damage to or loss of employer's goods or property.

o Habitual late attendance or late attendance on more than 4 occasions in a month. And Unsatisfactory performance or Conduct. o Habitual breach of any order or rules and regulations or instructions for maintenance and running of any department or the maintenance of cleanliness of any portion of the company.

o Misbehavior towards customers and visitors during working hours in the premises of business of the company or outside or any act subversive of discipline in connection with work. o Habitual absence from work without sanction of leave or absence without sanction of leave for more than 8 working days. o Tempering with any records, evidence, threatening the witnesses, falsifying or refusing to give testimony when incidents in the undertaking or other matters are being investigated or being considered. o False statements made or particulars given in his application form for appointment or when called upon by the management to make true statements of any fact in connection with any matter connected with the work or business of the company. o o Sleeping while on duty, Playing cards and gambling within the premises. Carrying lethal weapons, fighting or attempting bodily injury to other workman.

o Drunkenness or conduct which violates common decency and morality or Working under influence of alcohol or illegal drugs o Assaulting, abusing, threatening or intimidating, gheraoing any superior or any other workman / employee of the company, whether inside or outside the factory in connection with the work / business of the company. o Refusing to sign a statement or declaration given by himself or to receive or sign notices, warnings, memo etc., issued or given by any superior or the manager. o Conviction for any offence by a court of law, involving moral turpitude.

o Engaging in activities or giving false statement before any person or authority with the intention to cheat the company. o Refusal to work overtime due to exigencies of work.

o Unauthorized disclosure, to any person, of any information with regard to the process of the company, which may come in the possession of workman in the course of his work. Or Unauthorized disclosure of business secrets or other confidential information o Holding meeting or shouting slogans or leading processions or demonstrations inside the premises of the company or distributing or accepting inside the premises hand bills, notices or pasting posters, abusing any superiors in the company. o Refusal to submit for medical examination when directed to do so by the manager.

o While in employment, working for any other employer for any consideration or otherwise or engaging in private work or trade within the premises of the company. o Unauthorized use of a vehicle of the company and communication systems (like Telephone/Fax, etc.,) o Willfully allowing any unauthorized person to enter the premises outside the working hours of quarters. o Possession, distribution, sales, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in workplace, while on duty, or while operating employer-owned vehicles or equipment o o Sexual or other unlawful or unwelcome harassment Violation of personal policies

Explanation on above code of conduct along with the disciplinary procedures and penalty are being discussed under the section of disciplinary codes.


Duty Station

Duty station shall be stated in the letter of appointment and any transfer to other field offices shall be communicated in writing. The workstation for each member of staff shall be specified properly. Employees will however be required to report to the Head Office before proceeding to their place of posting. They shall meet their travel costs to Head Office. Transfers are fully discussed in the policy for Staff Movements. 1.7 Confidentiality

All information related to IUTL operations or future endeavours, shall be treated with utmost confidentiality.

4 4.1

Recruitment and Selection Policy Introduction

Recruitment and Selection aim to search and hire suitable candidate to fill vacancies in IUTL with the view to satisfying human resources needs. Any position within IUTL that become vacant will be filled, on completion of a requisition form by the Department Head and in the next step all recruitments need to be approved by the Managing Director and in his absence a person delegated by him. The recruitment should be direct outcome of annual and quarterly budgeting and the manpower planning based on the integrated system supporting the planning, controlling and execution of business activities. In todays rapidly changing business environment, a well defined recruitment policy is necessary to respond to its human resource requirements in time. IUTL has a clear and concise recruitment policy in place, which can be executed effectively to recruit the best talent pool for the selection of the right candidate at the right place quickly. The success and adaptability of a Company depends upon the recruitment of employees who are flexible, adaptable and committed to the success of the IUTL. 4.2 Objectives

This section aims to promote and maintain high standards of professional recruitment practice by encouraging recruiters to adhere to best practices. Its purposes are to: Ensure that recruitment is considered an essential part of the human resource. To plan in advance the manpower requirements and manpower budget keeping in view the anticipated growth of the company c) Ensure and explain best practice for all types of recruitment; d) Ensure that equality of opportunity is considered an integral part of good recruitment practices and procedure; To ensure that organization has required number of suitable employees at competitive and efficient cost with adherence to all organizational guidelines. Wherever possible, it shall be the companys policy to promote / encourage existing employees for the proposed new openings to create avenues and opportunities for hierarchical growth. Develop our recruitment assessment tests as industry benchmarks. To use recruitment as a competitive differentiator for IUTL a) b) Factors affecting recruitment policy: a) Organizational objectives b) Personnel policies of the organization and its competitors.

e) f) g) h) 4.3

c) d) e) f) 4.4

Government policies. (like reservations) Preferred sources of recruitment. Need of the organization. Recruitment costs and financial implications.

Employment Procedure

Recruitment a) The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving requisitions for recruitment from any department of the company. b) The Human Resources Officer shall receive all applications for employment and shall acknowledge receipt thereof in writing. All requisitions for employment shall be addressed to the Human Resources Officer and only department heads are authorized to submit the requisitions. c) Department heads will prepare an organization chart of their group showing the vacancies and will thereon forward an updated group wise resource allocation account. Department heads will give their department wise manpower requirements through requisition form to HRD, a month in advance or earlier depending upon the importance urgency need. d) Requisitions forms will be sent to management for the approval. e) All the appointments in the company will be made based on the approved manpower plan and budget initiated either by the quarterly skill work audit of HR or by the respective departmental head based on the business opportunity. f) Department heads/HR head will be jointly responsible for hiring people for different groups. HRD will act as facilitator and a key link for smoother processing. g) Human Resource officer will generate a Profile / Job Specification in Consultation with The Departmental Head and the MANAGING DIRECTOR. h) The Human Resources Officer shall sort all applications through different sources that meet the minimum appointment requirements as advertised, and then forward these applications to the Department Manager concerned, together with a full list of all applications received. Sources of recruitment are as follows: Advertisement in the newspaper. Human Resources Specialist / Consultants. Data Bank.

Reputed colleges / Management institutes Referral program/In-house.

Selection i) j) k) l) Screening/Shortlisting of CVs shall be supported by Human Resource Department on the basis of profile. Before initiating for interview process the entire list of short listed candidate will be sent to respective or concerned department for screening. The Department Manager, in consultation with the Human Resources Officer, shall draw up the list of shortlist candidates for interviewing.

All short listed candidates will be called for a technical test, psychometric test and a personal interview by HRD. This interview would cover the Cultural and Profile fit for the role. m) Interviewees should be provided with 2 days prior notice for interview and they should be flourished with the company information in advance. n) For process initiation, Employment Application form is to be filled by the interviewee. This form encompasses the details of personal information, academic information, career history and salary details. Candidates qualifying this round need to undergo for the next round aligned with the respective concerned manager. All the Technical candidates shall be forwarded for the technical round with the head (this include written technical test also) or a person delegated by him/her for the domain interview. On the recommendation of concerned heads, HR will conduct a final interview with the Department Head or Managing director. HR and interviewers will essentially fill interview assessment form before reaching to the conclusion.

o) p)

q) r)

s)The interviewers essentially will fill interview Assessment Form before any decision is made on recruitment. t) After making decision on hiring, HR will end this process with the salary negotiation then the employment offer in consultation with the relevant Department Manager to the selected candidate which upon acceptance shall be followed by an appointment letter signed by the Chief Executive Officer or his/her delegate. Once the selected candidate has accepted the employment offer, the Human Resources Officer shall send regret letters to all the unsuccessful candidates.


Outstation candidates called for interviews shall be reimbursed as follows: Grade Managers and above Director and above Eligibility To & fro Train Fare To & Fro Air Fare Class III tier/AC Chair AC Three Tier Economy class

** In absence of proof of travel tickets the candidates shall be reimbursed the amount up to second-class train fare. v) w) x) A summary of the interviews shall be prepared by the Human Resources Officer and kept for record purposes. The Human Resources Officer shall ensure that Reference Check on shortlist candidates is done.

HR Department will carry out skill and manpower inventory audit every quarter in Jan, April, July & Oct every year. Employment Interview Panel


The Employment Interview Panel shall be provided with the ground rules of and procedures for interviewing (by the Human Resources Officer) prior to the actual commencement of interviews. The Panel shall consist of the following persons: a) b) c) 4.6 Age IUTL shall, in terms of section 42(b) of the Labour Act 1992 Act 6 of 1992), not employ any person under the age of (16) years. Applicants of sixty (60) years and older can only be appointed on approval by the Chief Executive Officer or by the Board.. 4.7 Appointment The Department Manager concerned The Human Resources Officer For Management Positions the MANAGING DIRECTOR as well as a selected Board Member shall attend

All staff will be appointed by the IUTL Board or as delegated Letters of Appointment: The formal letter of appointment will bear the signature of the Chief Executive Officer or as delegated. The letter shall require the signature of the appointee before the appointment is considered effective. Job Description (KRA): On appointment, an employee shall be given a job description. This shall specify the scope and terms of reference for their position. It will describe all the duties and responsibilities which individual is supposed to handle in the upcoming financial year. Each member of staff is expected to devote their time and attention to their work and not engage in activities that may conflict with IUTLs interests or negatively affect their performance. Job Descriptions shall be reviewed yearly. Probation: Any appointment made on IUTL shall be subject to a probation period of six months which will be clearly specified in the letter of appointment. Individual will be confirmed on the successful completion of probation period, employees immediate Manager shall make an appraisal report or feedback recommending a confirmation or termination of the employees services. Where necessary, the probation period may be extended as considered necessary by IUTL. During the probationary period (including any extension), either party may terminate this appointment by giving fifteen days notice in advance. In the event of such termination, the employee is paid for the period worked up to the time of termination. Parameters on which manager will assess the individual:a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Domain Knowledge Work Performance Interpersonal Relationship Disciplinary aspects Inter and Intradepartmental relationship Accomplishment of target Initiative taken

Parameters for Manager & Above a) b) c) d) Above mentioned parameters Team Management, Leadership Skills, Nurturing of Talent and Creation & Implementation of Systems.

Confirmation of appointment. On recommendation from the immediate supervisor, the Chief Executive Officer shall in writing, confirm the appointment APPOINTMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Basic Salary

Basic salary will be as mentioned in Annexure I and shall be payable pro-rata basis in the first month in case where employee join in the middle of the month. Basic salary will be reviewed on annual basis of assessment of individual performance. 2. House Rent Allowance The company shall pay house rent allowance, which shall be equal to 50% of the basic salary. 3. Medical If applicable, employee shall be insured under the Employee State Insurance Scheme, subject to the applicable rules and regulations otherwise as per the Companys policy an employee shall be entitled to Claim of Medical costs at the rate of 8.33% of the basic salary Subject to a maximum of Rs. 1250/4. Retirals The retirement age is 58 Years. The Company shall also provide employees with benefits such as provident fund. The Companys contribution shall be in accordance with the P.F. Rules and regulations. The Company shall also deduct employee contribution from his/her basic salary for provident fund. Employees rights to access the provident fund shall be subject to applicable rules and Companys policies in this regard. 5. Place of work Employee initial place of work will be at the companys offices at New Delhi or anywhere in India. However, employee services are transferable, and you may be assigned after reasonable notice to any location in India or abroad where the Company conducts business or his/her services may be seconded to other group companies, associates, affiliates or joint ventures. 6. Working hours As discussed earlier in the manual 7. Probation As discussed earlier in the manual 8. Termination Either party, giving notice in writing for one month or payment of gross salary in lieu thereof after your confirmation may terminate your services or as per letter of appointment. The Company reserves the right to terminate your employment on

any grounds whatsoever, including on grounds of misconduct or unsatisfactory job performance or violation of the Companys Policies without giving any notice. Absence for a continuous period of eight days without prior approval of your superior, (including overstay of leave / training), can lead to your services being terminated without notice or explanation. As discussed later in this section

9. Confidentiality and other terms While employed by the company: You will not be permitted to undertake any other employment or engage in any external activities of a commercial nature without prior approval of the management. You will be required to effectively carry out all duties and responsibilities assigned to you by your manager and others authorized by the Company to assign such duties and responsibilities. Except on the proper course of your employment, or, thereafter, you shall not divulge to any third party any information regarding the affairs or business matters of the Company or information regarding its customers without prior written approval. All information that comes to your knowledge by reasons of your employment with the Company is deemed to be confidential. You will be required to apply and maintain the highest standards of personal conduct and integrity and comply with all Company policies and procedures. You shall be required to sign a non -disclosure agreement and your appointment is precedent to the signing of this agreement. You shall be required to sign the Joining Report Declaration / Agreement on the date of joining. Please note that such signing is a condition precedent to your employment with us. Any violation of the above or any other Company procedures can result in disciplinary action being taken against you, which may result in termination of your employment with or without notice or compensation. Upon separation from the Company on account of either resignation or termination, you need to immediately return to the Company all the assets and property (including any leased properties) of the Company including documents, files, books, papers and memos in your possession or custody. Please note that all amounts payable to you shall be subject to deduction of tax and such other deductions as are required to be made in terms of the laws for the time being in force.

This offer is subject to the precedent of the HR Policy of the Company and Declaration undertaken by you in your Joining report.

10. Resignation: An employee can leave the company any time during the tenure of his services by providing suitable notice as mentioned below: 1. Within the Probation: 15 days notice period or as per offer/Appointment letter. 2. On Confirmation: a) For Managers and below- One month clear notice or payment of salary in lieu thereof completion of his probation or as per Appointment letter. b) For Sr. Managers and above 60 days clear notice or as per Appointment letter.


Personal Data

On acceptance of an appointment, the new staff member is required to complete the Employee Personal Data form. New joinee is required to furnish all the specified data which includes the entire personal information. Any changes in personal status shall be reported promptly to the Human Resources Officer by completing a fresh Personal Data Form. Staff records and related correspondence shall be treated confidentially at all times.


Joining Procedure

Following documents to be submitted for completing the joining formalities: Joining form Academic and Professional Certificates (copy) Residence Proof. Relieving certificate from Previous Employer/acceptance of resignation, proof of previous employment. Salary certificate/ pay slip (for past 3 months) Details for Identification Card Five recent passport size photographs Accident Insurance formalities Form 2 [PF and EPF] (if applicable)

Form 13 - Transfer of PF (where necessary) Form for opening bank account All originals need to be submitted to HR for verification and would be returned within 15 days of receipt

2.12 INDUCTION All new staff shall undergo induction training to assist them in the process of becoming integrated to the organization within the shortest time possible. The HR Officer shall conduct induction training for the purpose of the smooth functioning of the new employee[s] in the organization. Induction program helps the employee in becoming more familiar with the department, services, policies & procedures and vision, mission of the company. Induction program Introduction to Iris Unified Technology Ltd. Presentation on company vision, mission, products & services, structure, values etc. Making them familiar with the organization structure and department heads of the company. Make them equipped with the company procedures and norms. Share the policy manual of company. Description of the career path within the organization Intimation of the method of identification of star performers and their career paths Performance expectations from the employees Expected behavior and office conduct. Induction into the overall department /functions by discussions with all the Dept. Heads Introduction with the department of new joinee and brief him/her the relevant information. The new entrant will be provided with a copy of following by the HR 1. 2. 2.13 Company Profile Employee Handbook or Policy Manual


Place the candidate to the respective position and assign all the responsibilities and authority which is defined with the job.



Tapping the Target Group Defining the Recruitment Position Requirement Job Sites Direct Internal Reference Campus

Facilitating the On boarding Process

Selection Process Planning Defining the process Setting the Time frames Final Step Screening Preliminary Interview Department evaluation


5 1

LEAVE & HOLIDAYS The leave rules will be eligible for:Regular Full Time Employees (After 6 months of joining or after the completion of probation period.) Consultants 2 LEAVE ENTITLEMENT (a) MEDICAL LEAVE BENEFITS [7 days in a year]

IUTL provide paid sick leave benefits to all eligible employees for periods of temporary absence due to illnesses or injuries. Eligible employees will accrue on a pro rated basis sick benefits at the rate of 7 days per year. Employees who are unable to report to work due to illness or injury should notify their reporting officer or human resource department before the scheduled start of their work day. If an employee is absent for two or more consecutive days due to illness or injury, a Registered Physicians statement may need to be provided verifying the disability and its beginning and expected ending dates. Such verification may be requested for other sick leave absences as well and may be required as to receiving sick leave benefits. These leaves will not be accumulated to the leaves of next year. Employees who quit or terminated are not entitled to be paid any unused sick days upon termination of employment. Sick leave of more than two days would require the certificate and prescription to be furnished to HRD


CASUAL LEAVE BENEFITS [7 days in a year]

Casual leave is available in IUTL for eligible employees to provide opportunity for rest, relaxation or personal pursuits. Employees are eligible to avail these leave after 6 months of their joining or (After the completion of probationary period).

Casual leave can be availed for 2 consecutive days at a stretch and It can not be availed for more than two days in a month. (c) Casual leave cannot be combined with Earned Leave. Casual leave can be availed up to minimum half day. These leaves will not be accumulated to the leaves of next year. EARNED LEAVE BENEFITS [15 days in a year]

Earned leave will provided to employees those who have served the company for one year. Earned leave is not applicable during Training/ Probation period. After resigning from services of IUTL and under notice period, staff members are not permitted to take or adjust Earned leave. Earned leave can be availed for sickness also. Earned leave has to be sanctioned 15 days in advance. If Earned leave is not availed in a calendar year, it can be accumulated to the maximum limit of 42 days. Employees who quit or terminated are not entitled to be paid any unused earned leave upon termination of employment. (d) MATERNITY LEAVE Female employee will be entitled to maternity leave up to a maximum of 90 days, provided the employee has been with the company for at least 180 days. All leave has to be authorized by the employees manager and informed to HRD at least 30 days in advance. Maternity leave is paid if an employee completes one year with the organization (It could be sanctioned with retrospection). Company will pay the remuneration of 84 days to the employee and out of twelve weeks, 84 days salary will be paid. (e) PATERNITY LEAVE

This benefit is introduced to cater to the need for men to spend adequate time with their wives at childbirth. All permanent employee of the organization are of the organization eligible for 3 working days paternity leave. The employee may suffix or prefix the annual leave to such a leave. COMPENSATORY LEAVE

Compensatory leave will only be eligible to the employee working on the day of holiday for 6 or more than 6 hours. Compensatory leave should be availed in a months from the working day and it will not be clubbed or adjusted with any earned leave, Casual leave or Medical Leave. The notification of compensatory leave should be provided to HR department in advance by the respective manager. Only managers would be having any right to apply for such leave else it would not be entertained. Before applying for the leave manager should provide the overall information about the day, time and the place of work. Lastly this leave will not be encashed. Tabular form of Leave policy




As per law As per law

Min 1 day Max-2 days

Min 1 day to the Maximum extent admissible

Min. 3 days Max. To 15 Days Admissible With SL Accumulation is possible only up to 42 leaves, after that it will be lapsed. Excluded With PL N.A.



With PL

Lapses at the end of the calendar year

Lapses at the end of the calendar year









*If any employee is taking a leave on Saturday as well Monday then it will be considered as three days leave vice-e-versa, if employees are applying for either of the day leave (i.e. Saturday or Monday) then it will be considered as one day leave. (4) Encashment of Leave

No leave encashment shall be allowed for the leave encashment for the balance of the Privilege Leave to his / her credit as on day of relieving. (5) PROCESS OF LEAVE TAKING

All leave has to be authorized by the employees manager /immediate supervisor in the prescribed format at least seven days in advance except in cases of emergency or illness and duly signed leave card will move to HRD for the final approval. Except in case of emergencies, no leave will be availed of without prior written sanction. Unscheduled and Uninformed leave would not be adjusted into leave balance and would be considered unpaid.

Treatment of uninformed /Unauthorized leave/ Excess leave taken Within 3 days of taking leave without information, the manager will inform HRD, who will send a letter of absenteeism to the employee. Within 7 days of dispatch of the letter, if no information is received, the absence will be treated, as abandonment of service and the services will be terminated. (6) CREDIT OF LEAVE Credit of leave accounted are as under: Casual Leave Sick or Medical Leave Privilege or Earned Leave Get Credited at the successful completion of probationary period/ or every first day of the calendar year. Get credited at the successful completion of probationary period/ or every first day of the calendar year. Get credited after 12 months from the date of joining, or end of probation period which ever is later with retrospect proportionately and / or after

every first day of the calendar year.


Rules A leave card is maintained for each employee, which is available with HR. 1. Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right. 2. The leave year for all types of leave will be calendar year. 3. HR will make monthly pro-rata and entitled leave status available to all staff between the first and the seventh of each month, on demand. 4. Sanction of leaves is always subject to the urgency /exigency of work and /or at managements discretion. 5. Submission of application form does not automatically sanction the leave. 6. The sanctioning authority for all types of leave will be the respective Manager/Departmental Head. In case of Managers they need to have their leave sanctioned by their respective Departmental heads have to get sanction for their leave from the MD. In case of any doubt please contact HR. 7. All types of leave have to be applied for in the prescribed form. 8. Except in cases of an emergency, no leave will be availed of without prior written sanction. 9. When leave is to be spent out of station, the outstation address and alternate telephone number has to be furnished in the leave application. 10. No half-day leave is allowed and would be counted as a full day leave. In the event of an employee proceeding on leave before the leave is sanctioned, the employee will be treated as unscheduled or absent without permission. All sick leave applications of more than two days shall be accompanied by a Medical Certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner and a Fitness Certificate before resuming duties. Extension of leave shall be allowed only if sanction is obtained before the expiry of leave. Intervening weekly offs and holidays in all type of leaves will be counted as a part of the leave. In case of sick leaves or emergency leave an employee could inform by telephone about their absence to their immediate manager before 11:00 a.m. on the first day of absence and manager needs to take HRD in loop by providing the information. Leave without pay shall be allowed up to a 30 days during a calendar year at the discretion of the MD (and in her absence Director HR) after sanction from the immediate Supervisor & Department head. Leave without pay includes weekly offs and other paid holidays. 11. Leave without pay can be availed of after privilege / sick leave has been exhausted. 12. When an employee has no leave accumulated to his credit and his need is genuine such as sickness, tragedy, accident, self-marriage etc., the company may grant advance leave subject to its liquidation at the earliest when earned. The advance leave for an employee will be, sanctioned by the head of department in consultation with HR Department. Information has to go to Finance as well.

13. Any exceptions to the above rules shall be permitted only under special authorization from the COO in consultation with HRD after the department head or team leader recommends it.

(8) Annual Holidays 1. All employees working in New Delhi or at any other office of the company will be entitled to ten paid holidays in the year of which three (3) are national holidays. They are: - 26th January (Republic Day). - 15th August (Independence Day). - 02nd October (Gandhi Jayanti). The other six (7) holidays are festival holidays, which will vary from region to region (Maximum of 10 leaves will be provided). 2. The list of annual holidays for the calendar year shall be notified through a circular to all the concerned by HR Department in the beginning of calendar year. 3. The list of holidays shall be finalized and released by HR Department in consultation with the Management and the Administration Dept. 4. Any notification of holidays under the Negotiable Instruments Act shall not be applicable to the company.

3.1 COMPENSATION DETAILS Heads Basic House Rent Allowance 50% of the basic Conveyance Allowance (case to case) Medical** 8.33% of the basic Every Year (Upto maximum of Rs. 1250/- per month or Rs. 15,000/- per annum) LTA 8.33% x12 of basic Every year Calculation Per month Per month Per month Payable

*Medical and LTA is Payable on the yearly basis. Note: 1.The structure is subject to change in case to case basis and also on the basis of salary bands. 3.4 PERSONAL ACCIDENT INSURANCE All Permanent employees of company are insured for any injury or disablement arising out of accident not only during a course of employment but all the twenty-four hours of the day. The compensation is defined as per the Insurance Policy taken by the company for the purpose. 3.6 House Rent Allowance 1. The objective of this allowance is to assist employees in having appropriate residential accommodation commensurate with their job level and status in the organization. 2. House Rent Allowance (HRA) shall be paid to the employees from month to month along with the salary. HRA will be a part of the employment as stated in the Employment Offer Letter.

3. In case the rent paid by the employee is more than HRA amount, no extra HRA over the limits applicable will be granted to the employee. 4. HRA paid through pay roll is taxable as per the Income Tax. Act. The requisite relief of deduction will be allowed by finance & accounts department on providing rent receipts for the rent paid, as & when demanded by the finance & account Department. 5. An employee who needs company lease would to make an application and it shall be subject to the approval by finance & CEO. The whole of the HRA and actual rent would be deducted from the gross salary mentioned in the Appointment Letter. 3.7 Telephone Expenses (Cell Phone Only) All employees (manager and above) who have a telephone and use this facility for companys business will be entitled for reimbursement of the following expenses: 1. If an employee has a phone in his /her name or in anybody elses, but has formal authorization/ control over the instrument, can claim reimbursement as per his/her entitlement and as per the provision of Income Tax Act [if mentioned in the appointment letter]. 2. Actual expenses, subject to the entitlement as mentioned in the appointment letter. 3. Trunk calls /STD call [where the bill is produced] made directly on companys business at actual, subject to the approval of the respective Head of the Department Personnel provided with company telephone will be paid expenses as reimbursement against the telephones bills from the date of installation. 4. For claiming the reimbursement of telephone expenses, the claim will be restricted to the amount of entitlement. 5. Any unclaimed amount, will lapse at the end of the financial year. 6. Employee shall produce the bills in original upon demand by the accounts department. 7. In case the telephone is not owned by the employee, he /she should get an authorization letter from the registered owner stating that the telephone is being used for exclusive use of the employee. 8. The tax liabilities will be considered in all the above cases as per tax laws prevailing from time to time and the company policy from time to time. 3.8 VEHICLE CONVEYANCE ALLOWANCE POLICY 1. Employees are entitled for vehicle/conveyance reimbursement for attending official duty only from office to customers or to OEMs, on production of details, subject to the maximum limit laid down as per their grade. 2. Monthly claim should be submitted to the Finance & Accounts Department in the prescribed format. 3. All the vehicles/conveyance reimbursement should be claimed during current fiscal year and routed through their respective supervising authority to the Finance & Accounting Depts.

4. The vehicle in which the employee would travel and its insurance shall not be the liability of the company, but the responsibility rests with the owner of the vehicle. 5. Employees joining in the fiscal year may claim on pro-rata basis from his/her date of joining. 6. For DGMs & above, car travel is reimbursable @ Rs.6 per km and for others two wheeler conveyance @ Rs. 3 per km.. 7. However, if a company vehicle is available then an employee should use it after due permission from the manager of department but it will be subject to amount limit. Administration would arrange for the same. 8. In the event of local travel using hired transport arises, Director/ Vice President and above use a car /taxi. Others can use auto and engineers will use Bus also. 3.9 BUSINESS PROMOTION AND PR 1. The company recognizes the need of employees to incur expenses towards entertainment of clients, business associates, potential clients and employee for business promotion. 2. Expenses incurred on business meetings by employee[s] as per entitlement, can be claimed on monthly basis. 3. In case of outstation meetings reimbursement towards food and non-alcoholic beverages will be entertained under this expense. Expenses towards alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. 4. All require prior approval of Sr. Manager & CEO. 3.10 LEAVE TRAVEL ALLOWANCE 1. The purpose of LTA is to offer assistance to employee[s] and family to visit their home towns and other places of interest as part of welfare measure. The assistance is restricted to journey within India as per the Income Tax rules. 2. Family for the purpose of LTA means self, spouse, children. 3. All employees in the Companys employment will be eligible to avail the Leave Travel Allowance as per their entitlement. 4. During the fiscal year, LTA can be claimed after completion of at least nine months of service or the first day of the fiscal years ex-gratia. 5. The incidence of Income Tax, if any, will be borne by the employee concerned. 6. Application in the prescribed form for LTA claim should be submitted to the HR Department for preliminary verification of leave availed and entitlement of amount claimed 7. After verification and approval of the amount, by the HR Dept. the claim should be submitted to Accounts for verification of leave availed and entitlement of amount claimed. 8. After verification and approval of the amount, from HR Department the claim should be submitted to Accounts Department for payment supported with proof of travel [Ticket in case of air travel]

3.11 MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT /ALLOWANCE 1. Medical Re-imbursement can be claimed for self, spouse, dependent children, in the prescribed format available with HRD/ Finance. 2. A year, for medical reimbursement is from date of aaplication. 3. Amount will be payable yearly after completion of 1 year in service along with the salary. 4. In case, the medical limit is exhausted, an individual cannot claim the expenses incurred in the current year, from the next years entitlement. 5. Bills have to be submitted with the attached format and have to be given to the Finance. 6. All reimbursement towards medical expenses will be governed by the Income Tax rules. In case the reimbursement results in additional tax burden, the same shall be deducted from the salary of the employee. 3.12 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE Coverage: Directors and above, for business use.

Entitlement: Actual expenses, subject to entitlement/ limit mentioned in the appointment letter/Increment letter. 1. Expenses towards maintenance of the vehicle(s) repairs and servicing may be reimbursed on actual basis. 2. All claims against maintenance must be made during the current fiscal year, with original bills and vouchers. 3. The tax liability will be considered in all above cases as per Income Tax laws prevailing from time to time.

3.14 Driver wages Entitlement: Directors and above, if specifically mentioned in the appointment letter, sanction letter or increment letter 1. Employee(s) not employing driver may claim it as a taxable amount along with salary. 2. Driver allowance shall be claimed as reimbursement in prescribed format when driver is engaged. This has been modified subject to change, as per the latest income tax act to the extent that the driver has to be a contract/direct employee of the company. 3. The claim must be supported by the drivers receipt 4. It could be maximum of Rs. 5000/-


WELFARE POLICY a) LUNCH & REFRESHMENT As an additional welfare benefit the company will provide tea to all its employees. Timings are as follows Morning Tea : 11:00 am 11:15 pm Evening Tea : 4.00 pm - 4.15 pm The work culture expects that you to do self-service and food is supposed to be fetched in cafeteria so no food or refreshment are allowed to be taken into the work area.

b) TRANSPORTATION (TO AND FROM OFFICE) No transportation would be provided to any employee as additional benefit. For all official visits to customer, the company would provide reimbursement as per conveyance rules.

c) TRANSPORTATION IN AN EMERGENCY d) In case of any sudden emergency due to sickness, the employee concerned needs to inform his or her manager/supervisor immediately. Appropriate first aid shall be provided immediately and in case of need for immediate Doctors attention, administration shall arrange for a taxi/cab to the clinic/hospital or drop at the residence. It will be the responsibility of the immediate supervisor/manager/director to ensure that the parent/local guardian of the employee is informed about the sickness at the earliest. The first aid box will be the responsibility of administration. All medicines and other medical requirements shall be replenished from time to time and will be maintained by administration. LATE STAY FACILITY Employees working late on any working day or working over the weekend will be provided snacks and it will be arranged from the company. Prior approval from the immediate superior/manager or HOD must be taken and administration department be informed accordingly, well in advance to make the necessary arrangements. MARRIAGE OF A STAFF MEMBER


A gift cheque of Rs.1001.00 will be gifted to the employee on behalf of the company. f) Birthday Policy

Birthday wishes will be sent through card and mail. g) TEAM BUILDING IUTL believes in the philosophy of UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. We encourage team building and togetherness in the organization. As for us the word team itself stands for T Together E Empowering each other to A Achieve M More We target it by using the way of :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Building Trust Goal/Role Clarification but by the way of sharing the common goal Communication of Perception Communication of Social Norms, ideas Conduction of Team building exercises Encourage discussion, participation and the sharing of ideas.

Main objectives for having the culture of Team Building Manage resources an build rapport Describe successful teams Identify personal preference and resolve conflict Clarify team roles Identify competition and collaboration on teams Establish common ground and make team decisions Communicate effectively Identify sources of conflict Help in creating the harmonious environment amongst the organization. People start valuing other people performance and values Create a spirit of healthy competition. Help in building strong inter department relationships.

We promote the culture of team management where people perceive every other member as a part of their own family where they share themselves without hesitation and exhibit a sense of belongingness towards other person. This culture will help IUTL in retaining employee as well it will provide them the atmosphere where they will feel exactly what they are.

h) RETENTION STRATERGIES Retention is the most important work any organization does. In IUTL we deploy the tools for retention which are as under Offer fair and competitive salaries. Fair compensation alone does not guarantee employee loyalty, but offering below-market wages makes it much more likely that employees will look for work elsewhere. In fact, research shows that if incomes lag behind comparable jobs at a company across town by more than 10 percent, workers are likely to bolt. To retain workers, conduct regular reviews of the salaries you offer for all job titles entry-level, experienced staff and supervisory-level. In IUTL we always perform the comparative analysis of salaries amongst the team and then decide the package so that it should not create any dissatisfaction in b/w the organization members. We remember that benefits are important too. Although benefits are not a key reason why employees stick with a company, the benefits you offer can't be markedly worse than those offered by your competitors Imparting Trainings. It can't be said often enough: People stay or leave because of their bosses, not their companies. A good employee/manager relationship is critical to employee satisfaction and retention. We impart the training to develop good supervisory and people-management skills. Clearly define roles and responsibilities. We develop a formal job description for each title or position in your department. We make sure that our employees know what is expected of them every day, what types of decisions they are allowed to make on their own, and to whom they are supposed to report. Provide adequate advancement opportunities. We foster employee loyalty, implement a career ladder and make sure employees know what they must do to earn a promotion. We conduct regular performance reviews to identify employees' strengths and weaknesses, and help them improve in areas that will lead to job advancement. A clear professional development plan gives employees an incentive to stick around.

Conduct employee satisfaction surveys. You won't know what's wrong ... or what's right unless you ask. To check the pulse of our workplace, we conduct anonymous employee satisfaction surveys on a regular basis. One idea: Ask employees what they want more of and what they want less of. Foster an environment of teamwork. It takes effort to build an effective team, but the result is greater productivity, better use of resources, improved customer service and increased morale. Here are a few ideas to foster a team environment in your department: Make sure everyone understands the department's purpose, mission or goal. Encourage discussion, participation and the sharing of ideas. Rotate leadership responsibilities depending on your employees' abilities and the needs of the team. Involve employees in decisions; ask them to help make decisions through consensus and collaboration. Encourage team members to show appreciation to their colleagues for superior performance or achievement. Make room for fun. In IUTL we celebrate successes and recognize when milestones are reached. Lunches, birthday parties, employee picnics and creative contests will help remind people why your company is a great place to work. Write a mission statement for your department. Everyone wants to feel that they are working toward a meaningful, worthwhile goal. We work with staff to develop a departmental mission statement, and then publicly post it for everyone to see. Make sure employees understand how their contribution is important. Provide a variety of assignments. We identify the talents of our employees' and then encourage them to stretch their abilities into new areas. Like We have someone who likes planning and coordinating events? Ask him to organize a departmental open house. Know a good critical-thinker? Ask him/ her to work with a vendor to customize applications training on a new piece of equipment. A variety of challenging assignments helps keep the workplace stimulating. Communicate openly. Employees are more loyal to a company when they believe managers keep them informed about key issues. Is a corporate merger in the works? Is a major expansion on the horizon? We communicate with our employees openly which prevent us as well as anyone else in creating or listening humors. Encourage learning. We create opportunities for our employees to grow and learn. Reimburse them for CE courses, seminars and professional meetings; discuss recent journal articles with them; ask them to research a new scheduling method for the department. Encourage every employee to learn at least one new thing every week, and you'll create a work force that is excited, motivated and committed.

Develop an effective orientation program. We implement a formal orientation program that's at least two days long and includes a thorough overview of every area of our department and an introduction to other departments. We assign a HR person to act as a mentor to the new employee throughout the orientation period. We develop a checklist of topics that need to be covered and check in with the new employee at the end of the orientation period to ensure that all topics were adequately addressed. Give people the best equipment and supplies possible. No one wants to work with equipment that's old or constantly breaking down. We ensure that our equipment is properly maintained, and regularly upgrade machinery, computers and software. In addition, provide employees with the highest quality supplies you can afford. Cheap, leaky pens may seem like a small thing, but they can add to employees' overall stress level. We show our employees that we value them. Recognize outstanding achievements promptly and publicly, but also take time to comment on the many small contributions our staff makes every day to the organization's mission. We never forget these are the people who make us look good!




Decisions concerning career development, promotion, succession planning and compensation depend on information provided through effective performance management. IUTL ensure that all new employees understand the requirements of their jobs as well as the expected results. The actual assessment of how well they have done will be undertaken at the end of each year through a comprehensive appraisal of their performance in relation to these expectations. IUTL appraisal system involves analysis, review or evaluation of performance and behavior analysis of employee. Therefore, a formal process is being followed to evaluate the performance of the employees in terms of achieving organizational objectives. 3.2 Objectives

Staff appraisal is often viewed as a punitive measure where most junior staff looks it as a time when their seniors would get even with them for whatever reason. IUTL will therefore seek first to promote a healthy understanding of this process in terms of being an avenue to promote dialogue between staff and management as well as a system through which specific needs of staff are identified and brought into the limelight. Specifically, the appraisal process at IUTL will be undertaken to: a) b) c) Review performance of the employees against Key result areas (KRA) or Key performance areas (KPS) which is being set in the beginning of the year. KRAs are designed in such a manner which helps in measuring and comparing the performance in quantitative and qualitative manner. To facilitate the process of executive development through performance planning, self review, performance analysis and two-way communication between appraisee and appraiser. Identify the areas of strength in manpower. Identify the areas of weaknesses and provide positive feedback to the staff on their individual and team performance; Identify staff that can be developed to take up increased responsibilities and can be recommended for promotion and succession schemes. Helps in developing and justifying a reward system, relating rewards to employee performance. To develop suitable training and development programs for enriching performance of employees.

d) e) f)



i) j) k) 3.3

Deciding organizational development programs. To identify motivational reinforcers, to develop communication systems and also to strengthen superior-subordinate relationships. Plan the KRAs for the following year or upcoming year.

Responsibilities of Managers/Supervisors

Managers/Supervisors are responsible for conducting substantive discussions and taking conclusive performance-related actions. These actions include selecting or a) b) c) d) e) f) developing performance plans, communicating outcomes and expectations to employees, establishing employees' development plans, providing performance-related feedback to employees at prescribed intervals, preparing end-of-cycle summaries, And discussing the summaries with employees.

Rules of Appraisal Appraisers should carefully review what the appraisee has achieved and what comments should be made under each section of evaluation form. Appraisees should be given a minimum of two weeks notice to prepare the appraisal meeting. Before the meeting, both the appraiser and appraisee should have a good idea of what they are going to say. The appraisal shall be done on a yearly basis or as deemed fit by management. The immediate manager of the appraisee will do the appraisal, or as decided by Sr. Management.


The Performance Management Process:

3.4.1 Planning 3.4.2 Appraisal Meeting & Performance Summary 3.4.3 Recognition


Appraisal Meeting (Discussion on six conversations Model)


3.4.1 Before Appraisal Meeting (Planning of Appraisal) 1) Approximately three weeks before the Performance Appraisal Meeting, HR should provide the employee to be appraised with: a) A blank copy of the Performance Appraisal Form. b) A copy of agreed Key Result Areas and Personal Development Targets (PDTs) agreed at the last review or at the time of joining, including any changes made at any interim review. c) Any other additional information relevant to the appraisal. 2) Be prepared with each and every employees a) Job description b) Performance standards c) Planned performance goals d) Performance measures collected throughout the time period e) The critical incidents details f) Past appraisals of the employees.

3) The employee should carefully plan for the one to one meeting with manager and get prepared for the Six Conversation Model. (described below) 4) Employee, himself/herself should carefully review his success in achieving goals and PDTs in the period under review. Competencies and abilities should be evaluated to determine how they have altered work performance. 5) The employee shall also assess the type of developmental and training support required to enhance future performance. STEPS OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL 1. ESTABLISHING PERFORMANCE STANDARDS

The first step in the process of performance appraisal is the setting up of the standards which will be used to as the base to compare the actual performance of the employees. This step requires setting the criteria to judge the performance of the employees as successful or unsuccessful and the degrees of their contribution to the organizational goals and objectives. The standards set should be clear, easily understandable and in measurable terms. In case the performance of the employee cannot be measured, great care should be taken to describe the standards. 2. COMMUNICATING THE STANDARDS

Once set, it is the responsibility of the management to communicate the standards to all the employees of the organization. The employees should be informed and the standards should be clearly explained to the. This will help them to understand their roles and to know what exactly is expected from them. The standards should also be communicated to the appraisers or the evaluators and if required, the standards can also be modified at this stage itself according to the relevant feedback from the employees or the evaluators. 3. APPRAISAL MEETING

Appraisal meeting will be one to one discussion meeting in between Appraiser and Appraisee. The discussion will be based on Six Conversations. Everyone attending the meeting is supposed to get prepared with the plan of discussion. This meeting consist of three steps of appraisal process i.e Measure the performance, Comparing with standards and Discussing Result. Six Conversation Model is as under:-

What is expected out of me? How am I doing? What Should I develop? How can I improve? How will I be rewarded? What is next for me?

What is expected out of me: This first conversation is based on standards and Key Result Areas which has been set in the beginning of the year. KRA is being considered as the standard for the qualitative and quantitative performance review. In this conversation, Appraiser and Appraisee discuss about the standards.. This conversation is based on the most important technique of performance appraisal which is known as MBO (Management by Objectives). Its primary focus is on developing objective criteria for evaluating the performance of the individuals. Identification of common goals is jointly done by the superior and sub-ordinate managers, after such identification, each individuals major KRAs are defined. How am I doing: comparison of actual performance with the standards is the major focus of this conversation. Appraisar discuss about the sub-ordinate previous year performance and provide their feedback over achievement as well improvisation areas. What Should I Develop: Superior provides their feedback on the improvement area of appraise and endeavor to fill the gap of standards and performance. Manager suggest some trainings and material for the improvement. How can I Improve: Sub-ordinate (Appraisee) talk about the ways of improving. In this section, proper plan of commencement is provided by the manager which transparent the ways of improving. How will I be rewarded: Rewards and Recognition attached to the work performed is the main area of discussion. This is the section when manager rate the employee as per the expected outcome. What is next for me: KRAs and Standards for the upcoming or next year are being set in the appraisal meeting itself. This predefined KRA helps the sub-ordinate in planning, understanding and managing their task accordingly. 4 DECISION MAKING TAKING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS (RECOGNITION)

The last step of the process is to take decisions which can be taken either to improve the performance of the employees, take the required corrective actions, or the related HR decisions like rewards, promotions, demotions, transfers etc.)

RECOGNITION: A means of acknowledging employees for sustained outstanding performance/service and providing incentives to continue provide outstanding performance/service. Recognition should be linked to performance outcomes. For example, employees should be recognized/rewarded for being results-oriented and customer-focused. Other contributing factors could be increased morale, contribution to team cohesiveness, contribution to the success of the performance management process, etc. Recognition does not necessarily have to be linked to a bonus system, but can be for e.g.; time off, chance to attend conferences of choice etc. PARAMETERS USED FOR APPRAISING EMPLOYEES 1. Work and performance related parameters will be defined by the respective departments or and manager in the form of standard which will accompany the rating. 2. Manager will appraise sub-ordinate on the basis of Domain knowledge, Work Performance, accomplishment of targets, Team work and Co-operation, Learning, Feedback of Customer (If dealing with customer), Adaptability, Flexibility, Quantity and Quality of Work, Training & Certifications done, initiative taken for the achievement of organizational objectives. 3. Head of Human Resource Department will assess the employees on the basis of Inter and Intra Departmental Relationship, Disciplinary aspects, Code of Conduct followed, Communication, Team work and Co-operation, flexibility, Presentation Skills, Problem Solving and Creativity. 4. Managers & Above: In congregation to above mentioned parameters they will also be assessed on the basis of Team Management, Leadership Skills, Nurturing of Talent and Creation & Implementation of Systems.

4. 4.1


IUTL strongly believes that a well-trained and efficient workforce is crucial for the development of any institution. As such, IUTL will always strive to attract and retain employees of the highest caliber. To achieve this, IUTL will recruit all levels of staff strictly on merit. After their engagement, the organization, further provide them with opportunities to advance skills and professional expertise as well as give them adequate exposure. Training is a systematized tailor made programme to suit the needs of a particular organization for developing certain attitudes, actions, skills and abilities in employees irrespective of their functional levels. 4.2 Objectives The objectives of the Training and Development Policy are to: a) b) c) To increase the performance level of an employee and to develop him/her in such a manner that he/she can rise to the position of higher responsibility. To constantly develop manpower to meet the current as well as future needs of the organization. Explicitly communicate the commitment of IUTLs Board Members, Chief Executive Officer, and Management to the training and development of all employees, primarily customized to suit the business philosophy, mission, vision, and Business Plan; Recognize the fact that training and development can only take place when matching resources are properly planned and budgeted for and be utilized exclusively for training; Ensuring equal opportunity in training and development within all Department of IUTL. Develop and maintain a pool of suitably qualified staff (technical, administrative and professional) at IUTL; Create an environment that is conducive to self-development and career advancement of staff members; Training also helps in updating knowledge, avoiding obsolescence, improving performance and stabilizing the workforce. .


e) f)

g) i)


Process and Criteria

IUTL will as much as is possible handle staff training as an integral part of its institutional development. It will endeavor to train its staff continuously and impart them with new skills, through some of the following ways: IUTL shall from time to time identify training courses, seek funding, and identify staff to attend such courses, which shall include exchange visits to relevant successful SME organizations. IUTL will also encourage staff to pursue further training on their own, which it could also support whenever there are funds available; Professional staff such as certified accountants, economists, bankers, etc, shall be encouraged to attend functions organized by their respective professional bodies.

1. Training need analysis: Training or development program shall only be offered after a through needs assessment by the Human Resources Officer in consultation with the Department Managers. Training Analysis will be done on three basis:1. Organizational analysis. 2. Job analysis. 3. Individual analysis. Organizational analysis: Organization analyses comprise of defining the short and long term objective of organization, conducting the HR analysis of organization and assess the climate and culture of organization. This analysis helps the individual in identifying the gap area of employees in terms of organization standard and will accordingly tailor the training program on the basis of requirement. Job analysis: The specific content of present or anticipated job is examined through job analysis. For existing jobs, information on task to be performed (contained in job description or KRA), the skill required to perform the task (drawn from job qualification) and the minimum acceptable standards are gathered. After doing the comparison, this information will ensure that training programs are job specific and useful. Individual or Person need analysis: - This can either broad or narrow in the scope. The broader approach compares current performance with the predefined standards (KRA) of performance. The narrower approach compares the each and every dimension of skill with the proficiency level required for each skill. The first method is based on actual, current job performance of employee; therefore it can be used to determine the training needs for the current job. The second method on the other hand, can be used to identify development needs for the future.

Attitudinal analysis, output measure will also be done to identify such needs in the individual. Once HRD or Department manager identify the need, they need to submit one form to HRD which carries the information pertaining to the conduction of training.

2. Develop training objectives and review available training methods: After receiving the request of training HRD will understand the objectives of training and on the basis of objectives method review would be done which will help in imparting the right training to every individual. Some popular training methods are as follows:-

On Site Training
1. 2. 3. On-the-Job Training Coaching/Mentoring Job Rotation

Off Site Training

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Job Rotation Lecture Method Simulation Behavior Model Presentations Computer Assisted Programs

3. Selection and Development of Training Methods: - Selection of training methods would be done on the several factors i.e Purpose (based on need analysis), principle of learning, Trainers qualification, Individual difference (Readiness to learn, motivation, preferred learning style) and cost. 4. Training Evaluation Approach: Effectiveness of training programs could be done through getting the feedback, reaction of employees and improvement in the performance. At the time of training only, HR person will provide feedback forms to employees who consist of information like effectiveness of training, trainer, training content and the usefulness of training. 5. Measure Results:Effectiveness of training is measured and output is being measured with standard and objective defined for the training program. IUTL places a high premium on human resources training and development. Hence, nominees are obliged to attend courses nominated for and agreed upon. Failure by a nominee

to attend a course amounts to misconduct and will be dealt with in accordance with the Disciplinary Code. In the event where a nominee cannot attend a particular course for one or the other reason, such nominee should inform the Human Resources Officer in writing at least five working days before the commencement of the course through his/her supervisor. Shorter notice through the same procedure shall only apply in the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as illness, death, unplanned leave, and the like. Trainees shall be nominated by their respective immediate supervisors with relevance to their Performance Plan, whereupon the Human Resources Officer will consider such nominations for confirmation, or otherwise. Any training identified by individuals shall also be considered. Where these activities are deemed important by IUTL, an equitable selection process of who shall attend the course shall be made and IUTL shall subject to the following conditions: The employee must submit a formal application to his supervisor; The application shall be forwarded by the supervisor, with his/her recommendations and comments to the Head of Department; Approval will thereafter have to be obtained from the Human Resources Officer

Trainings would be arranged by the HRD. HR will co-ordinate with the trainers and get it scheduled and will inform to all concerned about it. Effectiveness will also be measured by HRD and they will endeavor to schedule different types of trainings on different intervals. Training and Certification IUTL shall offer training and certification course to the employees. The details about the policies are as follows:Policy Details 1. Eligibility: a) Must have completed one year on rolls of the organization. b) Must have been rated outstanding or good in the previous assessment or appraisal. c) Final approval at the discretion of the Managing Director depending on the budget availability. 2. Selection Procedure:

a) Department Head will recommend the names of the employees for the employees for the quarter. Any exception on the basis of process specific requirements has to be approved by the MD. b) Prior approval of MD is required before enrolling in the course. 3. Courses covered: Sales & Marketing, Technical certification from existing OEM 4. Administrative Guidelines: a) Depending on the amount payable by the company for the specified course, the employee would need to sign a service agreement prior to the enrollment into the course. b) All payments by the company would be made after the employee is able to furnish the proof of payment. c) The Service Agreement will also have a Surety Agreement, that would be required to signed by the employee with IUTL. 5. Payment Details: a) Up to Rs. 10,000/- will be paid after 6 months of completion. b) Rs. 10,000/- to 25,000 and Maximum would also be 25,000/- will be paid in lump sum or in installment after 1 year of completion. For employees who have already completed one year in the organization and who would be completing any of the technical courses specified after 1st July, 09, the amount will be re-imbursed on the completion of course (As per new guidelines).

6. Payment Schedule: a) Employee enrolling for any course needs to declare the total course fee along with the fee structure at the beginning of the course. b) Amount of disbursement would be proportion of the companys contribution to the total cost. c) For any course fee more than Rs. 25000/- would be reimbursed in the same proportion as the companys contribution and employees contribution of the total cost. Note: The Company would bear certification course fee only & no travel/ boarding/ lodging expenses.

DICIPLINARY CODE 6.1 Introduction a) b) c) d) This document is an expression of IUTLs policy on discipline and a guide to all company employees. Discipline is a system designed to promote orderly conduct. Formal disciplinary action should be the final course of action in rectifying employee behavior. Disciplinary action should be supported through investigation, reasonable evidence of guilt and careful consideration of the circumstances of each case before formal action is taken. Disciplinary action should always be prompt, fair and firm. While every attempt has been made to ensure that this Disciplinary Code is applicable to general disciplinary instances in IUTL, the requirement for use of discretion within the framework of and in accordance with the spirit of the code may be required. A successful disciplinary system and climate is dependant on the good judgement, understanding and consistent treatment of the parties involved in disciplinary action. Procedure and Documentation

e) f)


1.1.1 6.2

6.2.1 Action of Manager when an alleged offence has been committed or is reported to have been committed When an offence is alleged to have been committed, the Manager concerned will investigate or have the matter investigated, and take any form of the following actions: a) b) c) d) e) Dismiss the case; Counsel the employee; Give a verbal warning; Give a recorded warning; Initiate a formal disciplinary enquiry;

6.2.2 Informal disciplinary action It is desirable for sound interpersonal relations within IUTL that immediate manager along with HR Manager, where possible resolves disciplinary matters by means of informal disciplinary action. Informal disciplinary action can take the form of either a verbal warning or counseling.

An employee found to have committed an offence of a minor nature should be counseled by the Manager, without an entry being made on the employees personal record. The Manager may however, make a record of the counseling session to allow for an assessment of the employees performance record, should this be necessary at the time, and with the employees knowledge and understanding thereof, formulate a plan of corrective action. During the counseling, the Manager should ensure that the employee is made aware of the nature of the offence and the standard of the conduct or performance that will be expected in the future. 6.2.3 Procedure for formal complaints a) A Manager handling a formal complaint must investigate the case with the assistance of the Human Resources Officer, where possible, and ensure that the relevant sections of the complaint form (Appendix 7) are correctly completed within 48 hours of the offence having been committed or the Manager having been made aware of the fact that an offence has been committed. A copy of the complaint form should be passed without delay to the Human Resources Officer who will advise whether: The accused should be suspended pending full investigation (if this has not already been done); Advise the Manager on whether to continue with a formal complaint The Complainant and the accused must provide names of all persons who should be regarded as witnesses as their statements will assist in ensuring a fair hearing of a case. Where possible, should there be witnesses who are nonemployees, formal statements should be recorded from them as they may be invited to attend the disciplinary hearing.

b) c) d) e)

6.2.4 Disciplinary Inquiries The Human Resources Officer will be responsible for the overall application of the code and should where possible: a) b) c) Advise and guide all participant on the Disciplinary Code; Ensure that the code is applied fairly and consistently in all cases (procedurally and substantively); When all documentation pertinent to the matter has been collected, the Human Resources Officer shall serve the papers on the accused and/or his/her representative to allow the employee to fully prepare himself prior to the hearing;


The Hearing Chairperson will hear the case within four full working days of the complaint being lodged only when further investigate is required shall this period be extended; The Human Resources Officer will be responsible for arranging a suitable venue and date for the inquiry, informing all the relevant parties; informing the accused of his/her rights to representation; informing the accused of his/her right to appeal against the decision and arranging for all relevant statements to be taken. The complainant shall be responsible to complete the Complaint form.



Attendance at the Inquiry The following persons must be in attendance at any hearing inquiry: a) b) c) d) e) f) Hearing Chairperson Complainant Alleged Offender (accused) Representative of alleged offender (if requested by alleged offender) Witness (as) (as and only when required for the duration of the testimony) Human Resources Officer.

The Hearing/Inquiry a) The accused should be given at least 48 hours notice in advance of the disciplinary hearing (Notice for Disciplinary hearing see Appendix 8), indicating the date, time and venue of the hearing. In addition, the responsible person convening the hearing should advise the accused of his/her right of representation. In the event that the accused alleges that the Hearing Chairperson is implicated in the case and therefore will not be unbiased, the accused may request the appointment of an alternative Hearing Chairperson, giving a full motivation for such a request. The decision whether to appoint another Hearing Chairperson or not rests with the Human Resources Officer. Such requests shall however not be unreasonable withheld.


Duties and Responsibilities of the Hearing Chairperson The Hearing Chairperson shall be any employee on the same level as the direct Manager of the Complainant. The Hearing Chairperson should not have been privileged to any information pertaining to the inquiry prior to the inquiry.

Ideally the Chairperson of a disciplinary inquiry will be required to follow the guidelines below when performing duties of a presiding official: a) b) Introduce and identify all present, stipulate the purpose and format of proceedings; Ensure that the alleged offender has been given sufficient notification of the inquiry, and that he/she has signed and acknowledged acceptance thereof. Ensure that the alleged offender has understood his/her employee rights in this regard; Establish if witnesses are present and if so inform the hearing that they will be excluded from proceedings once they have led evidence and have been cross questioned; Should it be established that the accused was not informed of his right to representation or that the witnesses are not present, the Hearing Chairperson will adjourn and reschedule the hearing for a later date; Should the accused fail to attend the hearing, the Hearing Chairperson will establish whether the accused was notified of the date, time and venue of the hearing. It will be advisable to re-notify all parties to attend the disciplinary hearing at a later date if notification was not given; If the accused fails to attend a disciplinary hearing, the Hearing Chairperson should in writing advise the accused of the date, time and venue of the hearing and advise him that should he fail to attend, the hearing will proceed in his absence; Should the accused fail yet again to attend and if no prior notification for his absence was given, he may be deemed to have waived his right to attend the hearing. The Hearing Chairperson will then decide the case in absentia on the facts available and the accused will be informed, in writing, of the outcome; Having ascertained that the particulars on the complaint form are correct, the Chairperson will inform the accused of the charge(s) against him/her, ascertain his/her understanding thereof and the accused will be asked to plead on the charges; The accused should be permitted to make any further pertinent comments should he/she wish to do so (whether or not he/she has already made a written statement); According to the plea entered by the accused, the Hearing Chairperson must verify all facts and allegations by questioning the accused, Complainant and any other parties in order to arrive at a decision. Only information provided in the









case documentation pertaining the charge in question and statements raised during the inquiry will be used as facts pertaining to the disciplinary inquiry; k) l) The Hearing Chairperson will allow the accused, with his/her representative, the opportunity to express opinions on the case; All witnesses should be called to give evidence and to have such evidence examined by the hearing Chairperson, the Complainant and the accused and/or the accusers representative; If during the course of the hearing, the Hearing Chairperson finds it necessary to obtain further information, the case should be adjourned to allow for further investigation; If the accused wishes further evidence to be submitted, this should be allowed, provided that the Hearing Chairperson is of the opinion that such further evidence could be of relevance; Once the Hearing Chairperson is of the opinion that he/she has gathered sufficient evidence surrounding the case, he/she should request any witness (as) to leave the room; At this stage the Hearing Chairperson may call for a recess during which he/she may liase with the Human Resources Officer in order to obtain further advice and information; The Hearing Chairperson may call a recess at any stage of the proceedings and may consider any call for a recess by any other party of the inquiry; Once the Hearing Chairperson is satisfied that he/she is in a position to make a decision on the guilt or innocence of the accused, he/she will reconvene the inquiry and inform the accused and his/her representative of his/her findings. The Complainant and Human Resources Official (where possible) should be present when the decision of guilt or innocence is informed. If it is the opinion of the Hearing Chairperson that the accused is not guilty, he will inform him accordingly and the finding case dismissed will be entered on the Complainant form and the employees disciplinary record will be cleared of any reference to the case; Where an employee is found guilty, the Hearing Chairperson will then take note of the offenders record of service, disciplinary record, mitigating and aggravating circumstances, seriousness of the offence, consistency of application and any other circumstances he/she may deem necessary to consider; In all cases, current un-expired disciplinary warnings will be taken into account when deciding on the appropriate action;





q) r)




v) w)

Depending on the nature and seriousness of the offence, the whole of the employees disciplinary record may be considered; The Hearing Chairperson will then record the penalty on the complaint form and inform the offender of the penalty awarded in terms of Section 6.5 and the reasons for arriving at the decision. The Hearing Chairperson will inform the offender of the period for which the warning will remain on his/her record as a valid entry. The Hearing Chairperson will also inform the offender of his/her right to appeal in terms of Section 6.6 of this code; With regard to corrective action, the Hearing Chairperson will, in liaison with the immediate Manager, the employee and/or representative, and the Human Resources Officer; formulate an action plan to address the required change in behaviour. The employee will be required to assist in this process and make proposals in this regard. The aim is to ensure that the process of correcting unacceptable behaviour is addressed objectively and amicably; Request the employee to acknowledge the disciplinary action proposed. Should the employee opt not to sign, a witness should be requested to acknowledge that the details of the inquiry have been communicated to the accused.



Recording of Proceedings a) b) It is in the interest of IUTL and the individual that all proven offences and subsequent disciplinary action be accurately recorded. The Chairperson will ensure that all other required administrative details on the complaint form are completed before forwarding the document to the Human Resources Officer for overall review and control. Statements, Complainant forms and other disciplinary records will be retained by the Human Resources Officer as these may be required even after an employee has left IUTLs services. The Human Resources Officer will be responsible for the input of disciplinary penalties on employees personal files.


d) 6.3

Special Cases Suspension a) An employee may be suspended from work immediately if he/she has allegedly committed or is allegedly involved in any one of the following offences: Assault/attempted assault Desertion

Sleeping on duty Negligent loss, driving, damage or misuse of company property Abuse of electronic/data facilities Sexual Harassment Fighting Riotous Behaviour Alcohol and drug offences Wilful loss, damage or misuse of company property Theft/Unauthorised possession of company property Breach of Trust Offences related to dishonesty Offences related to Industrial Action Any act or omission which intentionally endangers the health or safety of others, or is likely to cause damage to Company property Interference with disciplinary and/or grievance investigations Abusive or provocative language (when it is likely to cause a disturbance) Insubordination (if the situation shows signs of getting out of control) Persistent refusal to obey instructions. In certain instances the Manager will recommend that the offender be removed from the work place pending investigation of the case. He/she will take immediate steps to report the matter to his/her immediate Manager, who will raise the matter with the MANAGING DIRECTOR. Irrespective of the outcome, the employee will be paid for days he/she was suspended; It is mandatory to liase with the Human Resources Officer prior to suspending an employee in order to endure that the suspension is procedurally and substantively fair.

Poor Work Performance Cases involving substandard or deteriorating work performance are to treat differently from those regarded as transgressions of misconduct. The following guidelines should be considered when dealing with such cases. An attempt should be made to resolve alleged poor work performance by means of counseling the individual involved. Where Manager identifies poor work performance, the following procedural action should be considered: a) b) Investigate and identify the problem area(s) Communicate this to the individual concerned, and jointly agree on the appropriate plan of action in order to resolve the matter. If deemed necessary and relevant, norms should be established by arranging appropriate task lists and the time duration allowed for the completion of each task;

c) d) e) f)

Consideration should be given to the appointment of a coach or mentor to assist the employee to improve performance; Accurately minute the agreed contents of any agreement put in place and provide the Human Resources Officer with a copy for record keeping purposes; Regular evaluation and follow up on the agreed plan of action should be made; Should counseling fail to produce the desired improvement, alternative action should be considered in liaison with the Human Resources Officer. Alternative action could include, but is not limited to, termination of the employment contract on the grounds of incapacity, demotion or a transfer to an alternative position. The employee, throughout this process, will be entitled to representation.


Offences outside normal working hours

IUTL reserves the right to take any action it may deem appropriate against employees who are, in the opinion of IUTL, guilty of gross misconduct not merely in their working situations. This is particularly so where the nature of the misconduct may affect the employment relationship with any other party. Actions that directly relate to the nature of the business are also liable for disciplinary action. Court Actions Where an employee has been criminally charged or legal action has been instituted for an employment related breach, IUTL reserves the right to take disciplinary action against the employee for the alleged offence, in terms of this Code. 6.4 Classification of Offences:

Offences are classified into five major categories. 6.4.1 Absenteeism 6.4.2Offences related to Control at Work 6.4.3Offences relating to indiscipline or disorderly behavior 6.4.4Offences related to dishonesty 6.4.5Industrial Action 6.4.1 Absenteesim Absenteeism in the disciplinary context means being absent from work for an entire working shift, or part thereof, without the expressed permission from a direct Manager. A sanction of dismissal can apply for the first offence of being absent without permission provided that the employee was absent for three continuous working days without a valid reason.

a) b)

Absent without leave; Desertion: Leave the work place without intending ever to return; leave without help or support; abandon; leave without authority or permission.

6.4.2 Offences related to Control at Work a) Poor Time Keeping and related offences a) b) c) d) b) Reporting late for work Leaving work early Extended or unauthorized breaks during working hours Persistently committing all or any of the above.

Sleeping on duty

Any employee who is found asleep on duty, whether or not such an action constitutes a hazard to the safety and health of the offender or others or leads to damage to Company property, shall be deemed guilty of an offence. c) Negligent Loss, Driving, Damage or Misuse of Company property a) Negligent loss of Company property: any act whereby an employee, through carelessness or negligence, loses Company property or is unable to account for it satisfactorily. Negligent driving; driving a company owned or rented vehicle without due care, whether such an act results in an accident or not. Negligent damage to Company property: any act whereby an employee through carelessness or negligence causes or allows Company property to become damaged. Misuse of Company property: using Company property for a purpose other than that for which it was intended.

b) c)

d) d)

Unsatisfactory Work Performance a) b) Carelessness: Performance of a task or duty without the exercise of due care an attention. Negligence: failure to exercise proper care and regard to the manner of discharging duty to the extent that tasks have to be repeated or equipment or persons are at risk of damage or injury. Inefficiency: failure to carry out work at the required standard or failure to complete tasks within the given reasonable time limits, without reasonable cause. This includes poor supervision.



Loafing: passing time idly or failing without reasonable cause to complete tasks set.

6.4.3 Offences Related to Indiscipline or disorderly behavior. a) Disobedience and related offences a) Refusing to obey an instruction: deliberate refusal to carry out a lawful and/or reasonable instruction given by a person in authority and within the area of his jurisdiction. b) Failing to obey an instruction: failure to obey a lawful instruction given by a person in authority and within the framework of his/her jurisdiction. c) None-compliance with established procedure / standing instructions: failure to follow establishes procedures. d) Abuse of electronic / Data facilities: excessive use / abuse of e-mail and communication facilities; storage and/or transmission of material of discriminatory nature; storage and/or transmission of pornographic material; unauthorized monitoring and interception of electronic documentation. Abuse and related offences a) Abusive Language: The uttering of any words or the publication of any writing expressing, or showing hatred, ridicule, or contempt, for any person or group of people. The offence becomes more serious when it is wholly or mainly because of his/her/their nationality, race, colour, ethnic origin, sex, marital status, religion, creed, political opinion, social or economic status, degree of physical or mental ability, sexual orientation or culture. b) Insubordination: Insolence towards a superior shown by action or words. Disorderly behavior and related offences


Disorderly behavior: Indulging in rough unruly behavior or practical jokes which endangers the safety or health of others or the smooth running of the work place. Threatening violence:


Threatening to any person i.e physical injury Fighting: Physical contact between two or more persons, engaging in or inciting a group of persons who are indulge in disorderly behavior or willfully to damage Company property. Riotous behavior: Unruly behaviour between two or more persons, engaging in or inciting a group of persons to indulge in disorderly behaviour or wilfully to damage Company property. e) Sexual Harassment:



Any unwanted or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individuals employment, causes unreasonable interference with an individuals work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment. f) Discrimination:

Any act whereby an employee discriminates against any other employee or group of employees on the grounds of nationality, race, colour, ethnic origin, sex, marital status, religion, creed, political opinion, social or economic status, degree of physical or mental ability, sexual orientation or culture. Willful loss, damage or misuse of Company property Willful loss: any act whereby an employee willfully or deliberately loses or causes Company property to be lost. Willful damage: any act whereby an employee willfully or deliberately damages, or allows or causes damage to Company property. Willful misuse: any act whereby an employee willfully or deliberately misuses Company property. 6.4.5 Offences Related to Dishonesty Disciplinary cases involving the following offences must be reported to the Human Resources Officer. Bribery or Corruption

Giving or receiving or attempting to give or receive any bribe or inducing or attempting to induce any person to perform any corrupt act. False Evidence Deliberately giving untrue, erroneous or misleading information or testimony whether verbally or in writing. Forgery and uttering Falsifying or changing any documentation with fraudulent intent or attempting to do so. Uttering or attempting to utter fraudulent or false statements or documents. Misappropriation Applying or attempting to apply to a wrong use or for any unauthorized purpose, any funds, assets or property belonging to IUTL.

Theft of or unauthorized possession of Company property Stealing or attempting to deprive IUTL permanently of its rightful ownership. Being in possession or disposing of Company property without due authorisation. Fraud The unlawful making of a misrepresentation with intent to defraud, which causes actual or potential prejudice to another party. Breach of Trust Actions or conduct of an employee that cause a reasonable suspicion of dishonesty or mistrust and for which there exist extraneous evidence to prove a breakdown in the relationship of trust between the concerned employee and IUTL. This will include a situation where the conduct of the employee has created mistrust, which is counterproductive to IUTLs commercial activities or to the public interest, thereby making the continued employment relationship an intolerable one. 6.4.5 Industrial Action Intimidation Any act by an employee, whether by himself or in concert with other persons (whether or not such other persons are employees of IUTL), to intimidate any employee with the object of compelling him to take part in any disruption or other action which interferes with the

normal operations of IUTL. Intimidation is an offence even if all the procedures for the settlement of the industrial disputes and grievances and the Law have been exhausted. Sabotage Any deliberate action by an employee that results in the interference with the normal operations of IUTL by damaging any machinery, or equipment or by interrupting any supplies of power, or services necessary to the operations. Illegal Strike/Lockouts Any disciplinary matter referred to in this subsection will not preclude IUTL from exercising its common law rights to terminate the employment contract in the case of illegal industrial action. 1.1.2 6.5 Penalties

Classification of Penalties: 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 6.5.5 6.5.6 6.5.7 6.5.8 Verbal Warning Recorded Warning Severe Warning Final Warning Dismissal Demotion Transfer Alternative Penalty to Dismissal

6.5.1 Verbal Warning Any Manager may, at any time and at his discretion, reprimand an employee without completing a complaint form, in which case there will be no entry made on the employees disciplinary record. When a verbal warning if given, the Manager must ensure that the employee being reprimanded is made aware of the existence and function of the Disciplinary Code. A verbal warning is usually issued where the offence is of a minor nature. 6.5.2 Recorded Warning Application: This may be given for a repetition of an offence for which an unrecorded warning has been given, or it may be given for a first offence. Validity Period: The employee must be informed that the warning will remain in force for a period of six months. 6.5.3 Severe Warning

Application: Given for a repetition of the same offence or similar offence during a period when a recorded warning is still in effect, or for a first offence of a more serious nature. Validity Period: The employee must be informed that the warning will remain in force for a period of nine months. 6.5.4 Final Warning Application: Given for a repetition of the same offence or a similar offence during a period when a severe warning is still in effect or depending on the nature thereof, for a first offence of a serious nature. In the case of an employee being found guilty of an offence of a dissimilar nature within the prescribed period, the hearing official may, at his discretion, issue a comprehensive final warning on the understanding that if any offence is committed within the next 12 months, it will render him liable for dismissal. Validity Period: A final warning is effective for a period of twelve months. The employee is advised in writing by the official hearing the case of the period applicable and reminded that a repetition of the offence or the committing of any similar serous offence within the prescribed period will render him liable for dismissal. A copy of the notice shall be forwarded to the Human Resources Department. 6.5.5 Dismissal Application: Dismissal is the final sanction and should be used: when other forms of disciplinary action have failed; when an employee on a final warning commits a serous offence; when the offence committed is of such a serious nature that it amounts to a serous breach or repudiation of the employees contractual obligations; in cases relating to dishonesty e.g. theft, fraud or corruption; In the case of any employee who is absent from work without permission for a period of three continuous working days or more. In this case the employee will be dismissed in absentia after the third day if no reason for such absence is receive. Should the employee return to work after he has already been dismissed, he may request that the case be re-opened?

Once an employee has been dismissed in accordance with the procedure contained in this Code, under no circumstances will he be considered for re-employment should he re-apply at a later stage. If it is discovered that a dismissed employee has obtained reemployment with IUTL either inadvertently or through deception, his services will be terminated immediately. 6.5.6 Demotion Demotion is not an acceptable corrective action and is therefore, not used as a punishment for a specific offence. It is used only where the employee is unable to

meet the requirements of his present job but is suitable for continued employment in a lower capacity. 6.5.7 Transfer Transfer is not permitted as a tool for disciplining employees. A transfer shall only be effective in terms of IUTLs Conditions of Employment and Service. Transfer, as the result of the outcome of a disciplinary action, will be considered in special circumstances. 6.5.8 Alternative Penalty to Dismissal A comprehensive final warning may be considered at the discretion of the Hearing Chairperson as an alternative penalty to dismissal in instances where an employee is found guilty of an offence of a dissimilar nature to a valid final warning on his personal record. The sanctioning of a comprehensive final warning will only be considered in circumstances warranting corrective action and liaison between the Hearing Chairperson and the Human Resources Officer is encouraged before such a penalty is imposed. A comprehensive final warning will be valid for twelve months from the date of the imposed penalty. 1.1.3 The Role of the HR Officer Human Resources Officer should be available to assist management and people where required discipline issue is to be addressed. As far as possible, the Human Resources Officer should, in consultation with the official chairing hearing, ensure that disciplinary action taken is procedurally and substantively fair. The Human Resources Officer should be available to advise and assist all employees on all disciplinary matters. The Human Resources Officer must not impose penalties, nor hear appeals in respect of own subordinates or immediate Managers. The Human Resources Officer is responsible for: Ensuring that the complaint form properly identifies the offence and is otherwise correctly completed Ensuring that the alleged offender is aware of the charges against him/her Interviewing and taking statements from the Complainant, accused and any witness Investigating the domestic circumstances of the alleged offender, when necessary Ensuring that all facts are collated marshalled and presented without bias.

Advising the Complainant, accused, witness (as) and representative of their roles and rights Ensuring that documentation pertaining to the hearing is forwarded to the appropriate officials Advising the accused and his representatives of progress made for cases that are pending or in recess.

The Human Resources Officer may at his/her discretion recommend that a concluded disciplinary case be reopened in instances where gross non-compliance to the Disciplinary Code is evident. 1.1.4 The Role of the Representative Any employee, against whom formal disciplinary proceedings are held may at his request, be accompanied at the initial and any subsequent hearing by a colleague from the same working section, or in the case of an employee who is represented by a properly constituted consultative committee, by a member of such a committee. The representative has no right to insist on the employee being accompanied if he does not wish it; that is, a representative will attend a disciplinary hearing only at the request of the employee. He will be invited to comment on the evidence. The representative may ask question and cross-question during the disciplinary hearing, but may not give evidence during such hearings. The representative may make submissions to the hearing official on the guilt or otherwise of the accused prior to the hearing official making his finding. He may also make submissions to the hearing officials on the mitigating factors to be considered and on the penalty to be imposed. Should the representatives comments at the hearing be of such a nature as to warrant reconsideration of certain matters or further investigations, time should be allowed for this and, if necessary, the enquiry recessed. 1.1.5 6.5.9 Dismissal Procedure a) b) A Department Manager may recommend that an employee be dismissed. Following a disciplinary hearing outcome being advised to the employee who results in the recommendation for a dismissal and the employee accepts the recommendation; the Hearing Official will refer the case documentation for review to the relevant Manager for the department concerned. The relevant Manager will endeavor to review the case within forty-eight hours/two working days and endorse or reject the recommendation.



If the recommendation for dismissal is endorsed, the hearing official shall refer the recommendation to the Human Resources Officer who will review the case with the relevant Head of Department. If the recommendation for dismissal is rejected, the case shall be referred to the Human Resources Officer and the original hearing official. The relevant Manager may sanction the recommendation in writing, thereby effecting dismissal, or reject it. If the recommendation is rejected, action 8.6 above shall be applied. The employee shall be notified of the decision verbally by the Hearing Official. If the employee is dismissed, the employee will be notified in writing. This notification shall be signed by the relevant Executive Committee Member. Every employee has the right to appeal against a decision to dismiss him/her. The appeal procedure will apply as outlined in Section 9. Disciplinary Appeal Procedure

e) f)



1.1.6 6.6

6.6.1 Every employee has the right of appeal against any decision which involves any entry on his/her disciplinary record and which may thus affect his future employment prospects. 6.6.2 Any employee who wished to appeal against the outcome of any disciplinary hearing against him/he must notify the Human Resources Officer in writing within two days of being notified of the outcome of the disciplinary hearing. The right of appeal must be based on one or more of the following appeal grounds. Dispute of Guilt Severity of Penalty/Mitigating Factors Procedural Inconsistencies New Evidence 6.6.3 Appeals against Verbal, Recorded and Severe Warnings in terms of 7.6.2 (i) and (ii) may be referred to the official at the level above the official who originally heard the case. The decision of the Appeal Hearing Official shall be final and no further appeal level shall be available. 6.6.4 Appeals against recommendations for Final Warnings and Dismissals shall be heard by the relevant Executive Committee member. If the sanction was originally imposed by a Manager, the accused may request the Disciplinary Review Committee to review the case. 6.6.5 Appeals in terms of 7.6.2 (iii) shall be reviewed by the Human Resources Officer may refer the case back to the original Hearing Official for further investigation and/or rehearing, where after the procedure as per 7.6.3 and 7.6.4 above shall apply.

6.6.6 Appeals in terms of 7.6.2 (iv) shall be heard by the original hearing Officer and thereafter in terms of 7.6.3 and 7.6.4. The decision as to whether the grounds of appeal constitute new evidence shall rest with the Human Resources Officer with the employee representative. 6.6.7 The employee shall be present at the appeal hearing and shall be entitled to a representative in terms of Section 6 of the Disciplinary Code, except at the Disciplinary Review Committee level, where the procedure as outlined under 7.6.9 and 7.6.10 shall apply. 6.6.8 The Disciplinary Review Committee shall be chaired by the Operations manager and shall comprise the Human Resources Officer and Senior representatives of other Department. . 6.6.9 When an employee requests that his case be referred to the Disciplinary Review Committee for a review, he may at the same time request that he or his representative be invited to make representation or motivate his grounds of appeal in person. The Disciplinary Review Committee shall however review each case on its own merits and take decisions independently. 6.6.10 The Disciplinary Review Committee shall have the authority to uphold or reduce a penalty imposed by the Head of Department. It will also have the authority to impose a more severe disciplinary action should it be found that the offence committed warranted a more severe penalty. The Disciplinary Review Committee may refer a case back to the Head of Department or the Human Resources Officer for re-hearing or for further investigation. 6.6.11 The decision of the Disciplinary Review Committee will be final and should also be read in conjunction with 7.6.13. The Human Resources Officer shall inform the employee of the decision of the Disciplinary Review Committee. In addition, the Chairperson of the Disciplinary Review Committee will notify the employee of the decision, in writing. 6.6.12 Should an appeal against dismissal be successful, the employee will be reinstated retrospectively to the date on which his services were terminated and he will be advised in writing to return to work. This also applies where an appeal against a dismissal is reduced to a warning in terms of 7.6.3 (i). 6.6.13 In the event of the dismissal being upheld by the Disciplinary Review Committee, the dismissal shall be effective from the date of the employees services were terminated by the Head of Department. The Chairman of the Disciplinary Review Committee shall inform the employee in writing of the outcome of the Committees Review. 6.6.14 It should be noted that the Disciplinary Review Committee, referred to above, should only have the authority to review disciplinary cases that have been dealt with by Manager.

Classification of Offences Guide to Disciplinary Action (VW: Verbal Warning, RW: Recorded Warning, SW: Severe Warning, FW: Final Warning, DC: Dismissal Case)

Nature of Offence Absenteeism Absenteeism Desertion Offences related to control at work Poor time keeping

1st Offenc e SW DC

2nd Offenc e FW SW FW SW SW SW SW

3rd Offenc e DC FW DC FW FW FW

4th Offenc e

VW/R W Sleeping of duty SW Sleeping on duty RW Negligent loss, driving, damage or misuse of Company RW property Unsatisfactory work performance RW Offences related to Indiscipline or Disorderly behaviour Disobedience & related offences (general) RW Abuse and related offences Abusive language Insubordination Disorderly behaviour and related offences Disorderly Behaviour Threatening violence Assault/attempted assault Fighting Riotous behaviour Sexual Harassment Discrimination Alcohol and drug offences Intoxication while on duty Wilful lose, damage or misuse of Company property Offences related to dishonesty Bribery or corruption False evidence Forgery and uttering Misappropriation Fraud Theft of / unauthorised possession of Company property Breach of Trust





Industrial Action Intimidation Sabotage Illegal strike/lockout



The schedule of sanctions merely provides a guideline and the following factors shall be considered when arriving at a decision: Disciplinary record, length of service, position of employee, any other mitigating or aggravating circumstances raised at the hearing.

7. 7.1


Grievances may be real or imagined, but in either case, it is essential that the grievance is brought to light, discussed and the matter resolved to the satisfaction of all concerned. Failure to do so will only result in the grievance becoming a worsening source of conflict and eventually ending in a far more serious problem. IUTL regards it important that all its employees will have sufficient knowledge of such procedure and easy access to it. To this effect IUTL has formulated a grievance procedure, which has as its main objective the speedy resolution of grievances and thereby eliminating possible and unnecessary causes of conflict. 7.2 Objectives a) The Grievance Procedure is aimed at resolving work related grievances within IUTL as fairly and as swiftly as possible. Grievances are feelings of injustice or dissatisfaction affecting an employee. This Procedure is not used for appeals against disciplinary action. Such are to be carried out in accordance with Disciplinary and Appeal Procedure and Code. This Procedure is neither used for the resolution of collective grievances related to wages or salaries as these form part of the collective bargaining system. Employees may lodge grievances without fear of victimisation. Grievances should be resolved at the lowest possible level within IUTL. Employees lodging grievances have the right to be represented by fellow employee of his/her choice. Records will be kept of all statements and decisions. Any member acting as a witness has the right to be accompanied by a representative of his/her choice.

b) c) d) e) f) g) h)


Procedure and Guideline

The Grievance Procedure will be implemented as follows: Step 1 - Immediate Superior 1. 2. 3. In step 1 the employee must discuss his grievance with his immediate superior or the latters superior in the event of a grievance against an immediate superior. The manager must endeavour to solve the problem within two (2) working days and inform the employee. Should the employee not be satisfied with the outcome, he may proceed to Step 2.

1.1.7 Step 2 - Department Manager 1. The employee completes a grievance form with all relevant details. He may be assisted by the Human Resources Officer in completing the form. The form is handed to the Department Manager. The Department Manager shall endeavour to solve the problem within two (2) working days and inform the employee. Should the employee not be satisfied with the outcome, he may proceed to step 3.

2. 3.

1.1.8 Step 3 - Grievance Hearing 1. 2. The matter is referred to the Chief Executive Officer by handing him the grievance form together with any other further relevant written information. The MANAGING DIRECTOR shall convene a grievance hearing and attempt to resolve the matter within a period of ten (10) working days. His decision shall be final.

Procedure to be followed by a Group of Employees If a grievance to be raised affects not one employee, but a group then a spokesman for the Group, accompanied (if he so wishes) by a delegation of not more than ten (10) of the employees concerned, should proceed with Step 2 as for an individual grievance.

8. 8.1


Subject to the Provisions of the Employment Act, the services of an employee may be terminated as hereunder and reason for such is also mentioned. Termination can be of two type: - Voluntary termination and Involuntary termination. Voluntary Termination:- The employee resign from the organization based on his or her own decision. Even when employee resigns through his or her own choice, this termination also allows to follow the procedure of termination. Involuntary Termination:- This is not the intentional termination of employee. This termination is based on some causes: Poor Performance Theft Dishonesty Insubordination Discriminatory conduct towards others Harassment

Notice of Termination In the case of permanent employee, either party may terminate the employment by giving 30 days notice in writing. Employees under probationary period are expected to provide 15 days of notice period. Procedure of Resignation 1. Employee or either party may terminate the employment by providing 30 days notice in writing, which should clearly state the reason of resignation. Letter of resignation should first be submitted to immediate manager and one copy should be routed to HR department. (as per the appointment letter).

2. Employees who are under probationary period or who have not yet completed the tenure of six months with the organization are supposed to serve the company with the notice period of 15 days. 3. HR department will start their exit procedure only after getting the resignation. Manager and Department Head will conduct the exit interview in co-ordination with HR Manager.

4. Exit interview should happen at least one week before the last day of working in the organization. 5. Exit interview meeting will happen with the purpose of gather the information about the persons perception of organization, to discuss the exact reason of resignation and to retain the employee in the organization.

6. Exit interview should be properly planned by the HR by gathering the relevant information about the employee through personnel file, survey amongst the team and people of organization. 7. After discussing every thing exit interview form will be filled up by interviewer. 8. At last, HR person will ask him or her to submit the company property and will provide them with the clearance form which should carry the clearance from every department. 9. Lastly, how the final paycheck will be calculated. Final clearance: - Calculation of amount will be done on the basis of notice period provided. IUTL reserves a right to pay or recover from salary in lieu of the whole or part of the period. Amount of clearance along with the relieving documents will be provided in b/w 30 45 days of leaving the company. 8.3 Retirement

Age: The normal retirement age shall be 60 years. An extension of appointment beyond this age requires authority form the Board of Trustees. Medical grounds: IUTL may, on the basis of a medical opinion form a qualified medical practitioner, call upon an employee to retire on medical grounds. 8.4 Certificate of Service

Certificate of Service shall be issued to each staff member every five years of successful service or upon resignation on request. This certificate is neither a reference nor a statement of the staff performance. In addition to the Certificate of Service the Managing Director may therefore authorize the issuance of any other testimonials.


IUTL may terminate a staff members appointment after giving a two months notice, if there are insufficient funds to carry forward the program or when the program comes to an end or no other assignment is available. The employee shall be entitled to her/his terminal benefits plus any other compensation provided for by the Labour Act section on Retrenchment Sec...IUTL strives to provide guidelines for handling all retrenchments sensitively, understanding the psychological and social effects, as well as the industrial relations implications. It intends to ensure that a uniform procedure is utilised throughout IUTL. Termination of employment due to retrenchment must be handled strictly according to the Stipulations contained in Part VI of eh Labour Ac, 1992 (Act 6 of 1992) 9.2 Objectives

IUTL is committed to full employment for all its employees at all times. However, in the event of unforeseen economic and changes to IUTL, certain employees may become redundant and need to be retrenched. In the unlikely event of this occurring, the following will apply: a. b. c. All possible cost-saving measures to avoid the retrenchment will be considered. Retrenched employees will be paid out according to salary and length of service, subject to the Labour Act of 1992. With the aim of maintaining the principles of equity and fairness within the boundaries of reasonability and legal constrains, the following alternatives to retrenchments are to be explored: Introduction of an embargo on recruitment. The cessation of overtime.

The re-deployment of staff (with training, if relevant and practical) upwards, sideways and downwards. The option of voluntary early retirement.

"Laying-off" of employees, where such employees' services are suspended for

a specified time, during which their fringe benefits continue, and their service is regarded as continuous, but they do not receive any remuneration. This step will obviously only be taken if IUTL can guarantee their jobs after the specified period has expired. 9.3 The implementation of retrenchment on a LIFO (last in, first out) basis, except where there is a need to retain specialist skills. A possible reduction in remuneration.

Consultation a) Although retrenchment and redundancy falls largely within the scope of managerial prerogative, there is a requirement that full and formal consultations with affected employees be held prior to the decision to retrench being taken. Action to this extent is set out in the following paragraphs. Should IUTL believe that a reduction in the number of its staff members may be necessary, it shall give all staff members who may be affected, one month's written notice to the effect that retrenchment is a possibility as well as inform them that alternatives will be considered. The notice will explain: c) The reasons for the proposed reduction in staff. The timing. The method of selection of employees for retrenchment. The alternatives that have been, or are being considered; and the reasons if these alternatives are regarded as impractical. Both the categories and number of staff members who may be affected.


IUTL and affected staff members, and/or their internal representatives, will hold a meeting within one week to endeavour to discuss suitable alternatives to retrenchment e.g. other cost-saving mechanisms, transfers to other divisions/ offices, early retirement. In addition, the selection criteria will usually focus on the retention of necessary skills and attributes. However, other principles, such as LIFO (last in, first out) may also be applied. If necessary, follow-up meetings to discuss suitable alternatives/ selection criteria will be held before IUTL makes its final decision. Once the redundancies have been finalised, the management of IUTL must ensure that unaffected employees are informed of decisions/consultations through a uniform brief, which will be issued by the Human Resources Department.


Assistance from IUTL

IUTL will endeavor to assist employees who are retrenched as far as possible, including the following:

a) b) c) d)

Where applicable, IUTL uses job placement firms to assist individuals in finding a new job. Where non-applicable, individuals will receive orientation in job search, in resume writing, interviewing and telephone skills. Providing a Certificate of Service. If an employee is able to find alternative employment before the date of retrenchment, IUTL may be prepared to release the employee earlier to take up such employment should the employee so desire, with no loss of benefits. The Department Manager will allow time off to attend interviews for prospective employment opportunities, provided permission shall not be unreasonably withheld.


In determining who will be affected by the reduction in force, management must satisfy itself that its actions are consistent with all applicable laws, particularly those prohibiting discrimination. An employee's eligibility for future employment will be considered as openings arise. 9.5 Retrenchment Procedures a) b) Identify which positions are to be eliminated; dont target individuals, as it would constitute an unfair labour practice. After making the decision about the extent of the reduction in workforce, consult all key members of management, the consultative committee or any other representative structures of the employees. Provide proof for the necessity of retrenchment and show that all other alternatives have been considered. Agree on retrenchment packages with the concerned stakeholders. Apply the criteria to select retrenches. Let Managers evaluate the people in targeted positions against set criteria. If there are multiple incumbents for the position/s that is/are to be eliminated or consolidated, all employees within the same job classification or sphere of work must be compared with each other based on the applicable criteria. Upper management will review the selection of people to guard against individual biases. Conduct statistical analysis to determine whether the retrenchments will have a negative impact on equity targets.

c) d) e)

f) g)

h) i) j) k) l)

Brief Management and employee representatives of proposed list. Decide on the final list. Notify the concerned employees and managers Prepare forms and pay. Provide the necessary assistance to those retrenched.

m) An employee's service will only be terminated if found guilty of an offence, confirmed by a disciplinary hearing and when becoming redundant consequential to reorganisation and not being absorbable in another department of IUTL.

11. 11.1


Temporary staffs are various persons who fill one-time positions established to undertake a particular piece of work or assist with a particular administrative matter, whose skills will not be needed by IUTL on a continuing basis This category includes part-time, casual workers and short-term consultants. 11.2 Appointment

Appointment of temporary staff shall be effected by signing of a contract specifying terms and condition of the employment, the duration and the remuneration thereof. The MANAGING DIRECTOR on the recommendation of the department managers shall hire temporary employees. Temporary staff shall not be entitled to any other benefits or overtime. 11.3 Terms of Service

Temporary employees shall enter into a contract with IUTL, which shall specify the terms of reference, duration of the assignment and fee. The contract shall also have disclaimers from IUTL regarding insurance, medical and other benefits. It shall place the onus of reporting income to the tax authorities on the temporary staff. The contract will not be valid unless signed by both the MANAGING DIRECTOR and the contracted temporary employee. 11.4 Short-term consultants

Consultants to undertake and provide services to IUTL shall be hired by the MANAGING DIRECTOR, and approved by the Board of Trustees The Consultants shall enter into a contract with IUTL for the services to be provided as stated in the Terms of Reference.


IUTL shall take all such steps in order to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all the employees in the employment of IUTL. 12.2 Objectives a) To prevent all downgrading incidents, which could result in personal injuries, fire, property damage and waste, and to create and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees; To promote and maintain the highest possible degree of mental and social well being of all our employees; To promote and maintain good working conditions so as to safeguard our employees against injuries and occupational health and safety hazards, and to conduct our operations with due consideration to the protection of the environment; To train employees at the workplace so that they are well equipped to participate fully in the identification, reporting and management of unsafe acts and conditions; To strive for maximum employee participation in creating a healthy and safe working environment at all hierarchical levels through effective communication.

b) c)



Management shall: a) b) c) d) At all times provide the correct attitude for safety consciousness and leadership; IUTL will provide accidental insurance policy to every employee. Supply materials, tools and all requirements for safe practices and operations, within reasonable limits; Encourage all employees at all levels within IUTL to make suggestions for the improvement of health and safety, through the appropriate managers, and supervisors. Publicise, praise and criticise safety practices and initiatives wherever warranted.


12.3 Security A number of measures are in place to ensure adequate security around the office. The entrance to the premises is guarded round the clock. The doors to the building as well as those of individual offices are locked after working hours. Staff members expecting to work late or over the weekend should obtain a key and an authority to operate the security locking system from the Finance and Administration Manager Staff members working after hours should ensure that all the windows are closed and the lights turned off before leaving. No money or valuables should be left unattended. The insurance for the building does not cover personal property. 12.4 First Aid IUTL will provide a facility of first aid kit which is available on reception to handle the unwanted injuries or illness occurs in the office. 12.5 Visitors All visitors should report to the reception 12.6 Smoking Smoking shall not be allowed inside the building. All employees are urged to make sure that their visitors adhere to this. 12.7 Emergencies

In the event of an emergency, e.g. fire: raise the alarm inform the relevant authority e.g. in the case of fire, inform the Fire Brigade or the Police explaining what kind of fire it is; disconnect all machinery and close all the windows; evacuate the building. DO NOT LEAP OUT OF THE WINDOWS; AND

If the situation is life threatening; Raise the alarm; Evacuate the building immediately. DO NOT STOP TO CLEAR YOUR DESK OR COLLECT PERSONAL EFFECTS.

12.8 Office Services Equipment Computers All computers should be strictly used for official purposes. Only authorized persons may access the computers. GAMES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Private diskettes are not allowed to be used on IUTL computes except with granted permission and upon scanning for viruses. Permission must be sought from the Finance Manager for borrowing of portable computers equipment or accessories Telephone All trunk and international telephone calls should be made through the receptionist. It is important that the receptionist is notified of all calls so that they are charged appropriately. Fax All faxes must be made by the receptionist and recorded appropriately. E-mail and Internet Facilities An E-Mail service is available for official use but staff is allowed to use it for personal mail, strictly during the work breaks-lunch break or at end of the day. Mail Currently, the administrative assistant handles mail. All incoming mail and hand deliveries are received and stamped the date of receipt before being filed on the running file and distributed to the respective persons.

BUSINESS TRAVEL POLICY 7.1 INLAND TRAVEL POLICY This policy statement is intended to establish standard travel practices and reimbursement procedures for Iris Unified Technology Ltd employees who travel and /or incur expenses while conducting required business activities on behalf of the company. ENTITLEMENT For the purpose of inter city and intra city travel on official business, the entitlement of travel would be as per their eligibility. APPLICABILITY This policy / procedures are applicable to all IUTL employees (s). It is intended to cover all travel and entertainment related expenses which are reimbursable by Iris Unified Learning Ltd SANCTIONING AUTHORITY All inter city travel will be made in accordance with the tour program duly sanctioned in advance by the sanctioning authority .The sanctioning authority will be as under: COO Director / HOD In absence of COO DIR / HOD DOMESTIC TRAVEL - For Director - For respective Departments - Director / HOD in consultation with Director HRD - COO and / or Director HRD Directors & VP's Manager above & Executive Associates& below manager II AC /IIIAC III tier/Bus Train/AC (Non -AC) Coach/ Bus

INTERCITY Time Taken is 6 Air TRAVEL Hours or less by Economy road /rail. Time taken is more than 6 Hours by road.

Intra City Travel


Company Transportation/ Auto

A Class Actuals or City:


Board And Reimbursement A City: Lodging


A Class City: Actuals or Upto Rs. 1,000 Per Day B Class City: Actuals or Rs 750 per day C Class City: Actuals or Rs 500/- per day

Actuals or Upto Rs. 2,000 Per Day B Class City: Actuals or Rs 1,500 per day C Class City: Actuals or Rs 1000/per day Single /Double

Upto Rs. 2,000 Per Day B Class City: Actuals or Rs 1,500 per day C Class City: Actuals or Rs 1000/- per day

Single /Double

Single /Double

Occupancy Per Diem The entitlement allowance will cover expenses on food (Intra city travel & telephone calls can be extra) will be reimbursed

-Executives: - Rs.

Per Diem allowance may be drawn for the journey period, all halts, on duty would refer to a completed period of 24 hrs. from the actual time of going on tour. Any incomplete days would be considered for the eligibility of per diem allowance on following basis: Period up to 6 hrs. NIL Period above 6 to 12 hrs- Half day Periods above 12 to 24 hrs. -Full day

On actual on production of bills subject to the maximum limit laid down.

-Sr.Executive/ Asst .Managers: Rs. 200/-

Manager/ Manager: 300/-

Sr. -Rs.

Director/ Rs. 400/-


7.1.1TRAVEL PROCEDURE Train Reservation charges, travel agents charges and cancellation charges due to reason are payable by the company. It is advisable to plan journey well in advance, so that the last minute cancellation are minimized. All expenses must be supported by air tickets or photocopy of train/bus, as the case may be. Local conveyance expense to be charged in the expense statement should give details of areas covered. No travel shall be undertaken unless authorized by the department head. Tickets cancelled due to negligence will be bone by employee. Employee will take care of cancellation responsibility. 7.1.2TRAVEL ADVANCE A travel advance will be given as per the sanction of the departmental head. Requisition for travel advance duly approved by the department head must reach at least 48 hrs before the travel date to the accounts department. Tour expenses statement must be submitted and any balance returned in a week of returning from the tour to the point of origin. Management approval is required for travel and entertainment expenditure. If there is any outstanding expense against an employee he/ she will not be entitled to obtain a fresh advance for his/ her next tour. Any overdue outstanding balance against the travel advance could be adjusted against the next salary amount due to the employee. 7.1.3TEAM TRAVEL At times, employees belonging to different categories may travel together in a common tour it is advisable for them to stay together. In such instances, the junior employees may be upgraded to the next higher category only with prior authorization for the following:HOD/Director : Other employees:7.1.4 JOURNEY LODGING POLICY MD MD/Director/HOD

All lodging preferably must be booked through Administration otherwise through own contact. A standard, single room is considered acceptable lodging accommodation. A double room is acceptable if two employees share accommodation. Employee should inform Administration immediately of any changes in lodging plan to cancel the bookings. The applicable room rent should not exceed the entitlement. In case of an exception, prior approval of the sanctioning authority will be required to be obtained. The traveling employee should settle the bill directly through personal credit card with the hotel or settle through the advance taken. If two employees are accompanying, then they should share the room except for Director and Vice President. 7.1.4(A) USE OF OWN VEHICLE FOR INLAND TRAVEL If an employee uses his own vehicle for outstation travel, then in view of Air/ Train/Bus fare, he would be reimbursed actual petrol/maintenance expenses subject to cost not exceeding the mode of travel allowed to the said category of employee. 7.2 OTHER EXPENSES Official postage/telegram/telex/trunk calls will be paid on production of official receipts. Official postage/ excess baggage charges incurred on account of companys record/ samples etc. will be paid on production of receipt, provided sanction only. While traveling, any expense incurred on business entertainment is to be shown separately. Expense on telephone calls informing the family about arrival details, change in program etc. will re-imbursed on production of actual bills [maximum one call per day not exceeding three minutes]. Amount determined to be excessive will not be reimbursed. IUTL is not liable to any injury or incident due to or caused by alcohol consumption.

The following expenses are not allowable and will not be reimbursed:

- Expenses without receipts - Non-business related - Third party reimbursed - Not showing hotel bills - Personal services like haircuts, massages, manicures, etc. - Personal entertainment, e.g., amusement parks, tours, concerts, bowling, sports events, movies at a theater, etc. - Trip or Airline insurance - Personal reading material Purchase of clothing or accessories except in unusual circumstances Home expenses due to travel, e.g., child care, security services, house sitter, etc. Business meals are meals where business is conducted with the client, vendor or outside associate, regardless if travel is involved. Expenses are authorized and reimbursable only when they are directly related to or associated with the active conduct of a trade or business with a client or vendor. Such expenses will be reimbursed only with prior approval of the management. All business entertainment expenses over Rs 500 must have written approval by the managing Director and a hard copy of that approval must be submitted with the expenses report. Details of all business meals /entertainment must be documented and attached with the claim along with the following: *Date of expenditure *Place where business was conducted (name of restaurant, bar, etc.) *Name, title and company of client, vendor, prospect. *Business purpose *Amount of expense including tax and tips.

7.2.6 BASIC GUIDELINES All company personnel will observe the following general guidelines while on tour. 1. Employee [s] will be reimbursed for all ordinary, necessary and approved expenses incurred in the normal conduct of travel on behalf of the company. 2. It is the responsibility of every employee to be personally committed to minimizing travel and entertainment expenditure & to properly and correctly report such expenses. 3. Managers are accountable for implementing and communicating the travel policy to their department employees 4. All personnel will stay at places suitable/consistent with their status /company interest /daily allowance 5. Arrival /departure at designated station should be so arranged that weekly off/ public holidays are avoided as far as possible. 6. Their family members will not accompany employee while on tour. However, in the event of a spouse/ companion is traveling with the employee no additional expenses will be reimbursed for lodging /auto rental, and meals, etc. 7. If an employee extend his / her business trip for personal reasons any additional charges for stay beyond business days is the responsibility of the employee. 8. Unless otherwise stated approval for deviations from this policy is the responsibility of the management Unauthorised deviations from policy will not be reimbursed and will become the responsibility of the employee incurring the expense. All disputed items will be decided by the management. 9. Travel to destination will normally be by the most economical mode of transport consistent with status/ work exigencies. 10. All official mode of travel booked are directly billed to the company with the exception of any incremental upgrades chosen by the employee is an employee expenses. 11. Permission to travel beyond entitlement specified in individual order is the maximum of that category and travel by other modes of transport may be under taken provided the fare does not exceed the fare applicable as per the rules 12. All TA rules /class of travel etc. will be subjected to any specific restriction/modification that be informed from time to time .

7.3 OVERSEAS TRAVEL 1. IUTLsends employees to work overseas on short / long term assignments. 2. Visa fee and visa duration differs from country to country. 3. Employees who are suppose to visit on Business visa, require an invitation letter from the sponsoring company and a covering letter stating company profile and requesting for visa approval, assuring that he / she will return to India after the completion of the business / training.

7.3.1 VISA PROCESSING At the time of joining, the employee must submit a duplicate copy of the following: Updated resume showing IUTL employment, degree certificates, grade sheets of all semesters, Passport, driving license [if any]. The employee must write for approval of overseas travel to Managing Director. The employee should get the visa within ten days of having received the approval on papers. Accounts department needs to be intimated 48 hours prior to the visit to the consulate to arrange for demand draft and cash required for the visa stamping. HR shall provide necessary counseling to the employee going for the visa stamping to the consulate, at least two days ahead of the day and assist how to fill visa application form, and review the dress code, purpose of visit, original document to be carried etc. An employee, who is sent on training or self-development, will have to execute a service agreement of eighteen months after the return to India. This is because of the fact that an employee must deliver value for the expenses incurred on him/her by the company. For employees from Executivet to Manager Per Diem of $ 100 would be payable for the duration of the overseas trip (Subject to change and the FEMA). Inclusive of boarding lodging normal local travel etc. For Managers and Sr. Manager Per Diem of $ 150 would be payable for the duration of the overseas trip (Subject to change and the FEMA). Inclusive of boarding lodging normal local travel etc. For HODs and Above

Per Diem of $ 250 would be payable for the duration of the overseas trip (Subject to change and the FEMA). Inclusive of boarding lodging normal local travel etc.

SCHEDULE OF ALLOWANCES With immediate effect the following shall be the schedule of Per Diem allowance for overseas travel involving night halts & hotel/guest house stay. No Accommodation. Provided HODs & above a) UK, USA & Europe (Incl. East Europe Capitals) b) Japan/ Saudi/Kuwait c) Mid-east/Asia/others d) Eastern Europe (excl.capitals) Managers& Asst. Managers a) Above b) Above c) Above d) Above USD 100 USD 100 USD 100 USD 100 USD 80 USD 80 USD 70 USD 40 USD 200 USD 175 USD 170 USD 150 USD100 USD 100 USD 80 USD 40 Guest House Provided

The above allowances are meant to cover all expenses related to hotel stay, breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as incidental expenses including transportation and cost conveyance. The sanctioning authority must expressly approve any official entertainment expenses and wherever possible ,before the commencement of the journey and only in cases which warrant such expenses as a business necessity. Official telephone calls will be paid for separately. It is advisable to restrict calls made from the hotels as the charges are exorbitant. General All travel to abroad must be pre-approved in writing by the CEO/Director. No air travel, lodging or transportation arrangements should be made until written approval is received.

Any travel that is undertaken without prior written approval will not be reimbursable by the company.

7.3.2 DEALING WITH STATUTORY AUTHORITIES [Overseas Location] Any request for information / undertakings received from any statutory authorities should be promptly intimated to IUTL for advice and guidance. 7.3.3CALCULATION OF NUMBER OF DAYS The number of days shall include the date of departure but for calculating the amount of foreign exchange, the date of return will normally be excluded. Whenever the employee has left the last country visited after 12 noon and arrived in India the same day, the date of return shall also be included. 7.3.4 REFUND OF EXCESS FOREIGN EXCHANGE In case the foreign exchange made available exceeds the allowance amount as per the rules, the excess will have to be refunded in foreign currency and necessary endorsement obtained in the passport. Such refund report along with copy of passport (carry original passport for any entries to be made) shall be made within five days of arrival in India to the Finance& Accounts. While approving the refund statement, the approving authority shall state that he has verified that the refund of exchange has been endorsed on the passport of the employee. 7.4LOCAL CONVEYANCE 1. Expenses incurred by the employee on his/ her own vehicle on account of official travel locally including Delhi, Faridabad, Gurgaon, and Ghaziabad or nearby places on : Declared holidays or Sunday Odd hours on any working day During working day [excluding home to office and back] Shall be reimbursed as under: LEVEL/ GRADE Up to Managers Sr. Managers & Above MODE OF TRAVEL Two wheelers Four wheelers (Car) MAXIMUM LIMIT Rs2.25per kilometer Rs5.00 per kilometer

2. Employees using their personal motorcycle / car must give details [copy of registration Certificate, transfer certificate, license] of their vehicle to the accounts department in order to avail of this facility.

3. Expense statements duly approved by HODs/Managers and above with details of official visit to be forwarded to Accounts for reimbursement. 4. Every employee is expected to use the company provided vehicle .If the company vehicle is not available then the employee should use either own conveyance or Auto 5. Up to Executives the usage of Auto and Exe. Associates & above taxi is suggested. 7.4PER DIEM ALLOWANCE The entitlement will cover expenses on food and will be reimbursed on actual on production of bills subject to the maximum limit laid down. Per Diem allowance may be drawn for the journey period, all halts on duty and holidays occurring during the period of halt also. Day would refer to a completed period of 24 hours from the actual time of going on tour. Any incomplete days would be considered for eligibility of per diem allowance on the following basis: Period up 6 hours Nil Periods above 6 to 10 hours Half day Periods above 10 to 24 hours Full day PerDiemAllowance Executive: Rs150 Manager: HOD and above: Rs.250 Rs.400

14. 1.1.

HIV/AIDS POLICY Introduction

IUTL strives to ensure a working environment where: HIV positive employees are protected from unfair discrimination and stigmatization; and All employees have access to training, information and counseling services relating to HIV/Aids. 14.2 Objectives: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Prevent unfair discrimination and prejudice against HIV positive employees. Minimize fear and panic among employees. Ensuring stability and productivity in the workplace. Encourage disclosure by HIV positive employees without fear of victimization or prejudice. Enable line management to respond appropriately in the event of: An employee reporting that he/she is HIV positive; Rumors that an employee is HIV positive; Employees refusing to work with an HIV positive colleague. Minimize IUTLs liability for wrongful conduct by its employees in relation to HIV and Aids. Prevent the spread of HIV and Aids by educating and training of employees.

14.3 An HIV positive employee has the same rights as all other employees and therefore will be: a) Protected against unfair discrimination. b) Treated with dignity, compassion and respect. c) Managed in the same way as employees with other disabling conditions, diseases or terminal illnesses. d) Entitled to employee benefits as determined by the rules of such schemes. e) Allowed to continue his/her normal work as long as he/she is able to maintain the required performance standards of the job. f) Expected to meet the same performance requirements that apply to other employees. g) When necessary, provided with reasonable accommodation to enable him/her to meet established performance standards. h) Transferred to another department only if his/her doctor requests this in writing for medical reasons. i) Encouraged to inform the medical aid fund of his/her condition.


Employees refusing to work with HIV-positive colleagues could face disciplinary action in line with IUTLs disciplinary process.

IUTL grievance procedure will apply to HIV- or Aids- related grievances.

15. 15.1


The staff compliment of IUTL is very limited and thus the need to have succession planning in place. If an employee is not available one should always have someone skilled and ready to act as a replacement. 15.2 Objectives To identify replacement needs To provide opportunities for high potential employees/staff (retention) To increase pool of promotable employees To support implementation of business plan To guide individuals in their career paths To encourage the advancement of diverse groups To improve ability to respond to changing environmental demands To improve employee morale To cope with the effects of downsizing, attrition, retirements

15.3 Procedure Assess the potential vacancies in leadership and other key positions (who are of retirement age? Which positions/departments/divisions are most affected? Assess the readiness of current staff to assume the positions (competencies, IDPs discussed under Training and Development) Develop strategies to address these needs based on the skill gaps.

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