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1. She ensures proper transmission of message and appropriate reception of

visitors to the office and takes care of clerical tasks.
A. Guidance Director C. Psychometrician
B. Secretary D. Guidance Counselor
2. Who is in charge of the guidance testing activities of the school?
A. Principal C. Psychometricians
B. Guidance Counselor D. Secretary
3. Which is known as prescriptive counselling?
A. Directive Counselling Approach C. Nondirective Counselling Approach
B. Eclectic Counselling Approach D. All of the above
4. First step in the organizational of an effective guidance program.
A. evaluation of the guidance program
B. allocation of duties and responsibilities
C. structuring of the organizational plan
D. formulation of the goals and objectives of the program

5. Which types of guidance services is given to students who are having

undesirable practices. It has to be provided to keep them in track and lead a
noble life.
A. Moral Guidance C. Avocational Guidance
B. Educational Guidance D. Social Guidance
6. The following are auxiliary personnel in the guidance office EXCEPT?
A. Prefect of Discipline
B. Psychologist
C. Secretary
D. Psychometrician
7. Which of the following stages of change including when a student verbalizes
there is a problem and wishes to take action?
A. Preparation B. Contemplation C. Action D. Maintenance
8. It is a method of recording and providing meaningful, significant and
comprehensive information about an individual over a year.
A. Stoichiometry C. Cumulative record
B. Anecdotal record D. Interview
9. It is mainly oriented towards helping students to improve their study habits,
improve their adjustments in school, reducing stress, etc.
A. The counselling service C. The placement service
B. The remedial service D. The follow-up service
10.Which document states that “ Guidance and Counselling is a profession that
involves the use of an integrated approach to the development of a well –
functioning individual primarily by helping him/her to utilize his/her
potentials to the fullest and plan his/her future in accordance with his/her
abilities, interest and need?”
A. Republic Act 9258
B. Professional Regulatory Board of Guidance and Counselling Board Resolution
No. 5 series of 2008
C. Republic Act 11036
D. Civil Service Commission Memorandum Circular No. 02, series 2017
11. Which of the following qualities is a characteristic of a qualified school
A. Listener Advisory
B. Role model of a positive human relations
C. Planner of the different services
D. Personality development officer
12. The term Emotional Intelligence is given by…
A. Daniel Goleman C. Piaget
B. AJ Jones D. Carl Rogers
13. It is for people who are not presently afflicted by the disorder.
A. Primary prevention C. Secondary prevention
B. Tertiary prevention D. Prevention and Wellness
14. It is a system technique for management of guidance services, which tests a
model or processes data through the model to see if it produces predictable
A. Synthesis B. Simulation C. Analysis D. Modeling

15. Which is equated with innovation, consists of identifying parts which are
essentially unrelated, relating these parts, combining them to form new
wholes, and limiting this process when the combination is either not possible
or not needed.
A. Modeling B. Analysis C. Simulation D. Synthesis
16. They are also called “ Guidance Program Supporters “ because they are the
first line of contact between the student and the school guidance program?
A. School Head C. Department Chair
B. Guidance Counselor D. Classroom Teacher
17. Bernardo has a problem of frequent absences and tardiness in submitting
class requirements. This could be a result of?
A. poor study habits C. lack of motivation
B. low level of aspiration D. low intelligence
18.It is the explanation of guidance roles and functions, programs and services,
and benefits to insiders and outsiders.
A. Program development C. Public relations
B. Counseling D. Consultation
19. A specialized service whose primary concern is with the individual and to
help them to solve their problems.
A. Teaching B. Learning C. Guidance D. None of the above
20. Carlo continuously creates trouble in and out of the classroom. You have
received complaints about him being a bully, but he is one of the poorest
students in your class. What seems to be his problem?
A. He is lazy, good for nothing boy although he can beat his records if he tries
B. He is one of the students whose parents don’t care
C. Carlo is an attention – getter. If even the chance, he can beat his own record
D. If found to be wanting in attention, Carlo should be helped by recognizing
his potentials. be it in academics or sports or service.
21. It is the dynamic personal interaction between a counselor and counselee
where the counselor employ methods, approaches or technique's to enhance
the counselee's intrapersonal and interpersonal development and
A. Counseling B. Information C. Placement D. Research
22.Which the following the best definition of Guidance?
A. Guidance as the promotion of the growth of the individual in self-
B. Guidance is a specialized service of guidance, and it is an enabling process
designed to help through learning to take responsibility and to make decisions
for himself / herself.
C. Guidance is a method that helps the client to use a problem- solving process
to recognize and manage stress and that facilitates interpersonal relationships
among client, family and health care team.
D. It is to assist clients in reaching their optimal level of psychosocial functioning
through resolving negative patterns, prevention, rehabilitation, and improving
quality of life.
23. Who proposed the client centered approach?
A. Freud B. Rogers C. Adler D. Piaget
24.It is the collection of extensive information about the individual for proper
understanding, decision-making and placement.
A. Counseling C. Research
B. Individual inventory D. Information
25. Who said that, men operate on logic principle while women operate on eros
A. Carl Jung B. Eric Berne C. Alfred Adler D. Sigmund Freud
26. What is the first steps of self-discovery?
A. Asking people about yourself
B. Self-assessment
C. Thinking about past
D. Making conscious plans for future
27. A student was diagnosed to have a high IQ is failing in his academic subjects.
What should be the first action a teacher will do to help him/her?
A. talk to his/her parents
B. examine his study habits
C. talk to the student and find out his problem
28. It has to be given to students to face the situations boldly and confidently, to
enable them to adjust to the situations they cannot change.
A. Moral Guidance C. Personal Guidance
B. Social Guidance D. Avocational Guidance
29.It is the determination of whether the services offered have attained their
objectives and are meeting the needs of the clientele; the personnel have
satisfactorily performed their functions; and facilities have been adequate.
A. Public relations B. Evaluation C. Research D. Referral
30.A child develops self – confidence if?
A. He is praised and acknowledge of his good deed
B. He is treated justly and fairly
C. He is ignored when he commits mistakes
D. He is allowed to do whatever he wants
31. Psychoanalysis approach of counselling was originated by;
A. Joseph Wolpe C. Carl Rogers
B. Sigmund Freud D. None of the above
32. Guidance as a basic and integral part of the educational system should
A. Holistic development of the students
B. Services for special population
C. Evaluation of the student’s needs
D. Trial-and-error programs
33. The following are the Guidance Program Structural Components, except:
A. Definition B. Meaning C. Rationale D. Assumption
34. Name a test which does not require reading or writing skills;
A. Aptitude test C. Intelligence test
B. Performance test D. None of the above
35. The Guidance director ensures the provision and proper functioning of all the
Guidance personnel, activities, budget, and facilities. Which of the following
roles does the Guidance Director play in this task?
A. Leader B. Developer C. Manager D. Player
36.Guidance is an integral part of school curriculum, as:
A. The functioning center in both fields is a student.
B. The physical, emotional, social and mental needs of a student are met
C. The content of the guidance program can serve as a curricular experience for
students as well.
D. All of the above
37. He was named as the “ Father of Guidance. “
A. Sinforoso Padilla B. Frank Parsons
C. Sigmund Freud D. John B. Watson
38. The following are the Systems techniques for Management of Guidance
(Ryan), except:
A. Modeling B. Analysis C. Synthesis D. Provision model
39.It is the facilitation of the clientele’s movement to the appropriate
educational or occupational level or program; entry into the appropriate co-
curricular and extra-curricular activities; pursuit of further education or other
employment upon leaving the institution.
A. Referral B. Counseling C. Placement D. Evaluation

40. For the counselling service to be effective, the school administrator should
A. Check the facilities of the guidance office.
B. Familiarize themselves with the nature, goals, and principles of guidance.
C. Hire a complete counselor.
D. Participate in all guidance activities
41.The Guidance counselor acts as an objective party, looking at a situation and
suggesting other helpful interventions without necessarily having with a
direct contact with the identified client whose needs are being addressed. He
assists others to assess problems, finds alternatives for dealing with them, a
d develops skills for effective work with the parties involved. What role does
the guidance counselor play here?
A. Coordinator B. Consultant C. Conductor D. Change agent
42.When do tests, inventories and career information become effective for
counseling services?
A. when the data generated are interpreted on time by a professionally
competent person
B. when the psychological test results are still valid and reliable
C. when the records are updated and stored in a locked room
D. when the records are kept for ready references when needed
43. It is the appraisal of how clients, who have been counseled, placed, or
referred or have graduated, are doing to determine whether further
assistance is necessary.
A. Research B. Consultation C. Follow – up D. Placement
44. It is a system technique for management of guidance services, which is the
process of producing highly simplified but controllable versions of real-life
situations in which parts, functions, and processes are organized and
combined into new meaningful wholes.
A. Analysis B. Simulation C. Modeling D. Synthesis

45.Counselors are responsible for…

A. Keeping your information private. C. Listening to you.
B. Reserving judgment. D. All of the above.
46.Which of the following is not a setting for counselling?
A. school B. work C. community D. market
47.This approach utilizes professionally prepared counselors, test
administrators, social workers, and other highly qualified personnel in
specific, defined, coordinated positions to help solve pupil problems.
A. Decentralized Generalism C. Human relations and group work
B. Centralize specialization D. Curricular Counseling and Guidance
48.This involves establishing rapport, gaining an understanding of the consultee
and the problem-situation, and setting the direction of the session.
A. Establish a consulting relationship C. Clarify the problem situation
B. Determine desired outcomes D. Specify the plan
49.Education guidance is given to:
A. Students B. Teachers C. Employers D. Common Person
50.It is the mutual sharing and analysis of information with the
administration/management, faculty and parents to facilitate decision-
making and learning about strategies for helping the counselee.
A. Consultation B. Evaluation C. Referral D. Follow-up

Prepared by:
Cabigas, Samantha B.
Pagaura, Veronica D.
Ortega, Jane Mary F.

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