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 On 4 October 2006, the global whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks was

 WikiLeaks is a non-profit organisation that runs a whistleblowing website
by the same name.
 The website has generated a huge storm in government and diplomatic
circles with its release of classified information and government documents
that many governments and agencies wouldn’t want the public to know of.
 The organisation claims it has 10 million documents in its database.
 WikiLeaks was founded by Julian Assange, an Australian Internet activist
who is also the website’s editor-in-chief and director.
 Its stated purpose is “to bring important news and information to the
public.” It claims to publish only authentic material.
 The organisation gets its news and information from individuals and
journalists who wish to whistleblow any important information. WikiLeaks
also tries to ensure security for such informants who can directly supply
information to WikiLeaks’ journalists.
 It publishes only political, historical and financial news.
 Its first document was posted in December 2006. This document contained a
decision to assassinate government officials signed by Sheikh Hassan Dahir
Aweys, a political figure in Somalia.
 In November 2007, it released a copy of Standard Operating Procedures for
Camp Delta, an official document that detailed a US army protocol
regarding prisoners in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. This document
showed that certain detainees were barred from being shown to the
International Committee of the Red Cross. This was in contrast to US
military claims.
 It also released some information about the 2008 US Presidential Election
campaign that particularly affected Hillary Clinton and according to some,
led to her loss.
 Many such documents and emails were published that led to criticism from
some quarters and approval from others. Governments were particularly
concerned about the repercussions of classified information being thrown
out in the public domain. However, a lot of people expressed their support
for WikiLeaks as people’s resort against secretive governments.
 In 2010, the website released documents pertaining to the US war in Iraq
and Afghanistan. Videos were released which showed the US military
responsible for the killing of journalists and unarmed people in Iraq.
 WikiLeaks created some noise in India when it released a list of account
holders with a Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca. This firm provides
offshore financial services. The list included 500 Indian names including
some celebrities. It was alleged that they had hoarded their black money
outside through this firm. It was, however, not proved.
 WikiLeaks also assisted Edward Snowden, a former US government
contractor who leaked information about global surveillance programmes
run by the National Security Agency in collaboration with various
 Ever since its launch, WikiLeaks has been a major headline grabber. It has
received both censure and appreciation for its work. It has also won many
awards such as Amnesty International’s UK Media Award (2009) and The
Economist’s New Media Award (2008).
 While it is regarded as a phenomenon to empower citizens, governments
have accused it of compromising international diplomacy.
 Its founder Julian Assange has also received numerous awards.
 WikiLeaks has opened up the debate on press freedom versus individual
freedom as well as government control over people’s lives.

How many volunteers does WikiLeaks have?

Original volunteers and founders were once described as a mixture of Asian
dissidents, journalists, mathematicians, and start-up company technologists from
the United States, Taiwan, Europe, Australia, and South Africa. As of June 2009,
the website had more than 1,200 registered volunteers.
What is the Legal Status of WikiLeaks?
The legal status of WikiLeaks is complex. Assange considers WikiLeaks a
protection intermediary. Rather than leaking directly to the press, and fearing
exposure and retribution, whistleblowers can leak to WikiLeaks, which then leaks
to the press for them.
What are the criticisms against WikiLeaks?
WikiLeaks has drawn criticism for its absence of whistleblowing on or criticism of
Russia, and for criticising the Panama Papers’ exposé of businesses and individuals
with offshore bank accounts. The organisation has additionally been criticised for
inadequately curating its content and violating the personal privacy of individuals.

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