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 Write a paragraph of about 150 words about the negative points of using

eletronic devices in learning<tam>

 Have a bad effect on their health - make eyes tired
- Distract students from studies (Distract students from studying)
- Access to inappropriate information, videos or pictures
With the advent of technology, using electronic devices in education has become
common sense. but using electronic devices bring both advantages and
disadvantages. In terms of disadvantages,firstly, electronic devices can distract
student from studying.As they may use them to play games,surf the web or chat
with friends while they are learning.secondly,spending too much time looking at
the screen will make their eyes exhausted or dry,also make their health worse

 With the advent of the internet human life has been improved a great
deal,however many people claim that the intternet has several negative
impacts on family life ,do you agree or disagree with this idea?<lanh>
In the era of technological development, with the advent of the internet
human life has been improved a great deal. However, many people claim
that the Internet has several negative impacts on family life. In my opinion,
it is right and I agree with this idea because of the following reason. firstly,
when all family members use the Internet, family relationships will be
reduced. they just focus on the Internet and don’t pay attention to everyone.
It can result in many problems such as lack of communication, disagreement
among members,…Secondly, family members lack quality time spending
together. Try imagining, when a family has breakfast or dinner time,
everyone only focuses on things on the Internet, and no one talks to anyone.
It can severely affect children who are brought up in an environment like
that. Thirdly, children or teenagers tend to hide what they do on the Internet
from their parents. It leads to difficulty for parents to monitor their children.
when asked about the problem, the children are upset and avoid answering.
this result in conflict between parents and children. it can be seen that
although the advent of the Internet brings many benefits, it causes many
problems for family life
 Write a paragraph about your attitude in dealing with school vioence(tam)
School violence is a problem that students are very concerned about.School
violence can happen from many different causes
Violence is an issue that many students care deeply about. They care about
reducing violence at schools, in neighborhoods, in relationships, and in families.
Many have personal stories about how violence has touched their own lives.

Some schools have programs that bring students together to share their experiences
— and to talk about solutions.

If you see signs like these, tell a teacher, parent, or school counselor. A student
who is showing signs like these may need help and support. And safety at school is
up to everyone.

If you have concerns about safety at school, reach out to an adult who will listen
and help. Many schools have set up ways to report bullying or signs of violence
anonymously. Students can share concerns without giving their name. Find out if
your school has something like this. If they don't, ask if they can set it up.

 “watching tv is a waste of time for children” do you agree or disagree with

the statement(lanh)
In the times with the development of technology, a lot of modern electrical
devices are invented to serve people of all ages,especially children.One of
the indispensable devices in every household is the television.Although TV
is beneficial,in my opinion, watching TV is a waste of time for children,
teenager, and adults.there are some drawback of watching TV that we don't
know.firstly,if children spend too much time watching TV,their eyes will be
exhausted and dry.After such a long time going on,of course,they will be
short-sighted.this can make children have difficulty in
seeing.secondly,children who watch a lot of TV are less active than those
who don't.because they only stay inside to watch TV and don't go out to play
outdoor games or exercise.moreover,at night,they also watch TV over
night.therefore,children have a tendency towards fatness,sleep
problems,back pain,...thirdly,too much time watching,learning will be
significantly reduced.since watching cartoons, gameshows or films on
television makes children addicted to these programs and study
less.besides,children can have some mental
conclusion,Everyone, not just children, should limit the time they spend
watching TV and use that time to do other social activities.
How do movies and television influence people’s behavior?use reasons
and specific examples to support your answer

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